Michael Hill & Elinor Bush

Sally’s great-great-great-great-great Grandparents:

Michael Hill ca 1688 – ca 1712 | parents
& Elinor Bush | parents
& ca 1713 Francis McClendon | parents
of Bethlehem X-roads area
of Hertford County, North Carolina

Michael Hill, eldest son of Isaac Hill who left a will signed 3rd March 1710 in Bertie County appears to have been married to Elinor (Eleanor) Bush who had married secondly by 8 Feb 1714/15 to Francis McClendon.
Eleanor was a daughter of William Bush and wife Martha of Isle of Wight Co, VA and Chowan Co, NC

Child of Michael Hill and wife Elinor Bush:
1. Isaac Hill ca 1712 – 1772 died Hertford Co, NC
married Mary? Stallings daughter of Lot Stallings died 1749 Bertie Co

Children of Elinor Bush and Francis McClendon:
1. Thomas McClendon
married Louisa F
2. Isaac McClendon

1711 3rd Tues. in Apr. Chowan Prect. Court Michael Hill proves a Letter of Attorney of Mary the wife of John Early to acknowledge a Deed.

NC Pat. Book One page 180 Michall Hill 5 March 1711/12 400 acres in Chowan precinct on Wicacoen Creek joining th mouth of the Holly branch, the sd. branch, Stoney Hill, and the meanders of the Swamp
/s/ Edward Hyde, Nathaniel Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Thos. Peterson

Deed Book W #1 pg 168 Ffrancis Mclendon and Elliner his wife to Thomas Rogers 10£ 10 shillings lawful money of this Province 150 acres on ye west side of Chowan river joining Charles Gavin and ye mouth of ye Bear branch part of a grant to Dennis Mclendon 28 Feb 1704/5. . . . .Reg 8 Feb 1714/15.

Records of the Executive Council: March 29th 1716 at a Council held at the house of Capt Richd Sanderson at Little River. Upon petition of Francis MacClendon Shewing thaat a Tract of Land Conteyning Four hundred Acres was Granted to Michael Hill by Pattent dated the 5th day of March 1711/12 Is now laps’d for want of being Seated in due time pursuant to the said Pattent and prayes that the same may be granted to him. Ordered that the same be granted as pray’d for.

Deed Book B #1 page 476 William Bush of Chowan Prect. and Mary his wife to John Davis of the sd. Prect. 26 Dec. 1715 15¬£ current money 500 acres, joining Francis Mclendon, holly Branch, the meadow of the sd branch, Michael Hill’s former corner and Myrie Branch all Houses, Orchards, Gardains etc. Wit: William Crawford, John Bush (his mark) Reg. 19 Aug. 1717.

Deed Book F, page 1РFrancis McClenden and wife Elinor and Isaac Hill to Joseph Perry of Chowan Precinct, 2 Jan. 1738/39. 60£ for 150 A. in Chinkapin Neck at the mouth of the Holly Swamp. At Bare(Bear) Swamp. Wit: John Thomas, jurat, John Willis. May Court 1739.

Deed Book F page 157 Isaac Hill to James Constant of Chowan County. 28 Jan 1739. 200¬£ for 640 A. on west side Chowan River “…which land was surveyed for Isaac Hill, Grandfather of Isaac Hill….by a draught of patent bearing Date the twenty first day of March (or May) which was in the year of Our Lord Christ Sixteen Hundred and Ninety nine……(which) Descending to him the said Isaac Hill from his Grandfather…” Wit: William Wesson, jurat, William Wesson, Jun. Nov Ct 1740.

Crown (Gabriel Johnston, Royal Governor) to Isaac Hill 7 May 1742– 569 acres in Bertie County in Chinquapin neck, joining John VanPelt, Dennis McClendon, holly branch, Thomas McClendon, Scott and McHenry’s bounds, Nicholas Sessusms, and Williams line.

Deed Book F page 515 Dennis McClendon, yeoman of Craven Co. To Richard Brown 4 Feb 1742/43. 30£ for 440 A. on S side Wiccacon Creek in Chinkopen Neck adj. John Early, Isaac Hill, William Lewis, Capt. VanPelt, Thomas Banks, John Wynns, Richard Brown. Wit: John Thomas, Benjamin Wynns. Aug Court 1743.

Deed Book I page 26 Joseph Perry, gentleman of Bertie Co to James Jones gentleman of same. 11 Nov 1757. 180¬£ proclamation. 150 A. (messuage) which had been a deed to sd Perry from Francis McClendon & his wife Elanor & Isaac Hill 22 Jan 1738 joining Holly Swamp, Deertree Branch, Bear Swamp. Also 500 A. (messuage) which sd Perry obtained from James Castellow public treasurer 13 Nov 1745 joining Francis McClendon’s former corner, Holly Swamp, Michael Hill’s former corner, Miery Branch. Also 200 A. which was part of a Granville Grant to Jesse Wood who conveyed it to William Sisson who conveyed it to sd Perry. Wit: Benjamin Wynns, Thos. Smith. Jan Ct 1758. CC Benjn Wynns.

Grandchildren of Michael Hill and wife Elinor:

Children of Isaac Hill died 1772 Hertford Co, NC:
1. Isaac Hill
2. Pheraby Hill cr 1740 – 1813
married Thomas Ward – will Bertie Co 1796
3. Sarah Hill
4. Michael Hill

Dennis McClendon ca 1660 – 1706 | parents
& ca 1685 Elizabeth ? | parents
& 1702 Mrs. Deborah Whedbee | parents
of Barbados and Virginia and of Perquimans Co NC

Dennis McClendon married 1st Elizabeth died after Oct 1700/bef 1702.
She may be the Elizabeth on the the land rights petition.

Dennis McClendon married 2nd 1702 Mrs. Deborah Whedbee, a widow.

At the Court of July 1702 “Denis Macklenden and Debro His Wife” appear.
Deborah has been twice widowed. She is on record as a widow on 17 July 1701. She first married Nathaniel Sutton in 1668 in Nansemond, Virginia and had at least four children by him before his death after 1681.
She married second, John Whedby in 1685 and had at least four more children by him.
John Whedby is on record as having performed several marriages which would indicate that he was a Mini [from Janet Bryan McLendon’s web-site McLGenie]

Dennis Macklendon was born on the Island of Barbados, probably in the 1660s.
He was the son of Bryan Maclandins, of Barbados, Planter, and his wife Margery Hunt, daughter of Henry Hunt, of Barbados.
Economic opportunity was poor on the island and Dennis left sometime prior to 29 December 1687, going to the Colony of Virginia, where he probably married and started a family.
Bryan Maclandins died in February 1688 and was buried in St. Philip Parish, Barbados.
In 1690, Dennis returned to Barbados and disposed of his inheritance.
“In a land transaction in Nansemond County, dated 29 October 1696, one of the boundary properties was identified as “Maccladland’s”. (1)
By January 1696/7, Dennis moved his family and a small group of friends into Perquimans Precinct, Albermarle County, North Carolina.
In The Colonial Records of North Carolina (volume 1, page 479) in Perquimans Precinct is the following document:
“At a Court holden for this precinct at ye hous of Thomas Nichols the secont Monday in Janeruary 1696, Dennis Meclenden proved aleven Rits Whoes Names are under Written viz himselfe Charles Cafen Mary his wife Margaret Dun Dennes Dun Rebecka Carpender Elizabeth Macklenden Brient Macklenden Dennes Mackelenden ffrancis Mackelenden Thomas Macklenden.”(2)

At the same Court of January 1696, it was “ordered that Dennis Mackelanden be overseer of ye High Wayes from Suttens Crick to deepe Crick.”

? – Dennis returned to Perquimans Court 30 October 1700, and proved thirteen rights, again naming his family as above but identifing the two Dennises as “junior” and “senior”. (3) ”

Dennis is found several times in the records serving on the Grand Jury, and as an appraiser of Estates.

Beginning in April 1704, the quarterly sessions of the Perquimans Court were held at the house of Dennis Macklendon.
On 10 April 1705, Dennis Macklendon became one of the Justices of the Court.
The 6 January 1705/6 session was the last when Dennis Macklendon served as a Justice.
There was no court session in April 1706.
The 9 July 1706 session was held at the house of Mrs. Deborah Macklendon.
Dennis Macklendon appeared in the record as deceased.(8)

On 28 August 1706, at General Court, the will of Dennis Macklendon was presented by John Bird, one of the Executors. Appraisers were appointed to inventory the estates in Chowan and Perquimans Precincts. The contents of the will were not recorded and there was no evidence of a return. (9)

Children of Dennis McClendon and Elizabeth:
1. Francis McClendon ca 1687 –
married ca 1714 Elinor Bush
a. Thomas McClendon
married Louisa F
i. Joseph McClendon
married Olive Blake
1. Addison Tully McClendon
married Isabella Huggins
a. Joseph McClendon
married Georgia Aline Venable
i. Addie Aldora McClendon
married Thomas Bratcher – line of Steve Dumont
b. Isaac McClendon
2. Dennis McClendon ca 1690 – ca/aft 19 Jan 1725/26
married Margaret Early daughter of John
a. Dennis McClendon
b. John McClendon
c. Mary McClendon
d. Elizabeth McClendon
3. Thomas McClendon ca 1693 [bef 1696] –
died in St. Patrick’s Parrish, New Bern, Cumberland, North Carolina.
married [ca1714] by Nov 1724 Elizabeth Bush

Thomas and Elizabeth Mclendon sold some land
a. Joel McClendon 1716 Cumberland Co NC – 1780
married Tamer Beverly
b. Thomas McClendon Jr 1717 Cumberland Co NC
married Elizabeth
c. Dennis D McClendon Sr. 1718 Perquimans NC – 1792 Anston NC
married 1740 Montgomery NC Mary Ingram line of LP who sent info on siblings
d. John McClendon 1722 NC – ca 1784
married 1742 Ann
married aft 1745 Lucy Dunn
e. Isaac McClendon 1724 Cumberland NC – ca 1756
married 28 Jan 1744 Elizabeth
f. Jacob McClendon 1725 Perquimans – 12 Jan 1793 Wilkes Co GA
married Wilkes Co 1748 Martha Travis
g. Jemima McClendon 1727 NC –
married Benjamin Dumas
4. Bryan McClendon bef 1696 –

DB #1 p524 Chowan Precinct – Francis Mclendon of Chowan Prect, eldest son of Dennis Mclendon late of Albemarle Co., decd. and Dennis Mclendon of Chowan Prect. planter, second son of the afrsd Dennis decd. to William Sharp of Weccanuse in Chowan Prect -for the sd Sharp’s indemnifying the sd Francis and Dennis for bonds, contracts, etc made by them unto William Downing brother-in-law of the sd. Sharp. . . .380 acres . ..

Will of Dennis [x] MacClendon 19 Jan 1725/26 – Bertie Prect.
“….being sick and weak of body…”
— son Dennis MacClendon – my manner plantation where I now live containing 420 acres.
— son John MacClendon – plantation, part of Nicholas Session’s survery containing 150 acres
— daughter Mary MacClendon – 640 acres on the Half Moon.
— daughter Elizabeth MacClendon – 640 acres lying between the fork of Quicoson and Loosing Swamp and Phillips MacGuire may have 200 acres of said tract and I give my brother Thomas MacClendon my power of attorney to acknowledge same, provided the said Phillip pay fifteen barrels of pitch.
— wife Margaret MacClendon – horse and cart.
— my two young breeding mares are to be divided among my children from the eldest to the youngest.
— to my four said children – cows and calves each and four pewter basins which they may have as they come to the age of sixteen.
— I have 104 barrels of pitch due me, which I desire my father John Early and my brothers Francis MacClendon and Thomas MacClendon to look after and freight it away to New England. My Negroes shall work each summer at making a crop of pitch to be sent to New England.
— wife – 320 acres on the Long Branch. Remaining estate to my wife.
EX: father, John Earlory, brothers Francis MacClendon and Thomas MacClendon
Wit: James Page, Nicholas Fairless

message from Susan Murray According to my family sources, Thomas and Isaac were both the sons of Francis and Elinor. Jacob, Thomas and Isaac were awarded land in the Georgia Land Lottery for their service in the Revolutionary War.

Roderick A McLendon, a descendant researcher offers this more probable version of the origin of the McLendons/McClendons: found on the web-site of Richard R Dietz


Janet Bryan McLendon’s web-site McLGenie

Bryan Maclandins est 1640 – 1688 | parents
& Margery Hunt | parents
of Scotland and the Island of Barbados

Roderick A McLendon, a descendant researcher offers this more probable version of the origin of the McLendons/McClendons:found on the web-site of Richard R Dietz

Dennis Macklendon was born on the Island of Barbados, probably in the 1660s.
He was the son of Bryan Maclandins, of Barbados, Planter, and his wife Margery Hunt, daughter of Henry Hunt, of Barbados.(c,d,& e)
Bryan Maclandins probably arrived in Barbados as an indentured servant sometime prior to 1660.
Economic opportunity was poor on the island and Dennis left sometime prior to 29 December 1687, going to the Colony of Virginia, where he probably married and started a family.
Bryan Maclandins died in February 1688 and was buried in St. Philip Parish, Barbados.
In 1690, Dennis returned to Barbados and disposed of his inheritance.
By January 1696/7, Dennis moved his family and a small group of friends into Perquimans Precinct, Albermarle County, North Carolina.

Will of Bryan Maclandins 29 Dec 1687 – prob 20 Feb 1688 Barbados
– – in the Parish of St Philip and island of Barbados, Planter being very sick and weak
– – to my loving son Dennis Mclandens and his heirs all my Estate both Real and Personall provided he make demands of the same within two years after my decease.
If not heard of within the time then that part of my Estate hereby given to him I give to my Executor hereafter named.
– – to my loving kinsman Mr. Dennis McMarro & his wife the just sum of 20 pounds to be paid to him at two equal payments within three years after my decease.
– – unto my friends Mr. Thomas Wakely my red young heifer which is now in my possession as a token of my love for him & his wife’s kindness to me.
– – I do hereby make & appoint my worthy & trusty good friend Mr. Thomas Dubois, Merchant, to be sole Executor of this my will not doubting but out of the Kindness he hath shown me that he will forebear for some time from [liquidating] my estate for what I am indebted to him for the benefit of my son’s Interest and the payment of my legacies. In witness hereof I have here unto set my hand & seal this twenty ninth day of December & in the fourth year of our Sovereigh Lord King James the second’s reign. [1687] Bryan [his mark] McLandins
Wit: Geo. Bushell; James Fauntleroy; Susanna Gillett St.Philip

Parish Burial Register, p.19:
[1st name not entered] MaceLandon; 11 Feb [1688]

Barbados, By the Rt Honable, the Lt. Governor
The Honorable Geo. Bushell, Esq., one of the witnesses to this will personally appeared before me & made oath on the Holy Evanglist of Almighty God that he did see Bryan McLandin herein mentioned & now deceased to seal, publish & declare the same to be his last will & testament & that he was at the doing thereof, of a sound & disposing mind & memory to the best of his knowledge. Given under my hand the 20th day of Feb. 1688. Edwyn Stede

Barbadian records, which support this version of the origin of Dennis McLendon, are located at the Department of Archives, Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados. There are ten references; five are cited. RB#/ refers to series and volume numbers of ledgers.

(a) RB6/41, p.118, Will of Bryan MacLandins.
(b) RB3/4, p.s 592-4, Deed of Sale, Dennis Maclandon to Thomas Duboys.
(c) RB3/7, P. 71, Deed of Sale, Nicholas Rice to Bryan [McLendon] & wife Margery.
(d) RB3/7, p. 79, Deed of Sale, Bryan [McLendon] & wife Margery to Nicholas Rice.
(e) RB6/13, p. 253, Will of Henry Hunt.

Virginia and North Carolina references:

(1) Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abs. of VA Land Patents & Grants, V.3, p.10.
(2) Colonial Records of N. Carolina, 1st Ser., V.1, p.479.
(3) Colonial Records of N. Carolina, 2nd Ser., V.3, p.405.
(4) Deed Book B#l, Chowan Co., N.C., #1058, p.524.
(5) Abs. of No. Carolina Wills, Grimes, Sec. of State, p.228.
(6) From loose papers among the Records of Albemarle Co., Edenton, N.C.
(7) Colonial Records of N. Carolina, 1st Ser., V.4.
(8) Colonial Records of N. Carolina, 1st Ser., V.1, p.652.
(9) Colonial Records of N. Carolina, 2nd Ser., V.4, p.242.
(10) The McLendons of America, p.2, Melba Goff Allen, Metairie, La., 1983.

(1994) PLEASE CREDIT RODERICK A. McLENDON, 27527 Cunningham Dr., Valencia, CA 91354-1912.


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