Thomas Parker of Macclesfield, Isle of Wight Co VA

Thomas Parker ca 1600 – 1663/4 | his parents
& wife 1603 -| her parents
of “Macclesfield” Isle of Wight Co, VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Thomas Parker, 300 acres in Isle of Wight County on a branch of Edward’s creek, 15 Nov 1647.
This Thomas Parker may have died intestate as his wife was granted administration on 29 Feb 1663/4. J B Boddie

Thomas Parker 386 acres in Isle of Wight County near Tapley’s Creek 18 march 1650. Thomas Parker, John Mason, Sarah, his wife, Joane, Elizabeth, Thomas, Francis, children Mary Goulding [It does not appear quite clear as to whether the wife and children of Parker or Mason are intended. I think they are Mason’s] Boddie was unable to verify that they were Parker’s.

“These Parkers were probably from Macclesfield Hundred in Cheshire, England where a family of that name was long seated.”J B Boddie

Richard Parker 400 acres on s branch of Nanzemond River, formerly granted to him 4 October 1654, re-granted 18 March 1662.

Known Child of Thomas Parker:
1. Thomas Parker ca 1630 – 1685/6 Isle of Wight Co VA

2nd generation

Thomas Parker ca 1629/32 – 1685/6 | his parents
& wife Sarah
of Macclesfield, Isle of Wight Co, VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

This would be the son of the emigrant who had died in 1663.

From: Cavaliers & Pioneers (Nugent)
Mr. Thomas Parker & Mr. James Bagnoll,
470 acs., Low. Par. of Is. of Wight Co., on W. side of Tapsters (alias The Long Ponds) Cr., 29 May 1683, p. 293.
50 acs. granted to Peter Mountague 25 Feb. 1638 & after severall assignments conveyed to Thomas Parker, whose Widdow the above Thomas interrmaryed;
380 acs. joyning, granted to Thomas Parker, dec’d, 18 Mr. 1650;
40 acs. within the bounds &c. Which parcells descended to Dorothy & Sarah, daughters of sd. Thomas Parker, the eldest whereof, being married & of full age, did together with her husband sell & convey their rights to their Father in Law Thomas Parker abovesaid; the younger being lately marryed to James Bagnoll abovesaid; the whole bounded, viz: Beg. at mouth of Tapsters Cr., a little above Garrett’s poynt &c; to a br of Ballasting Marsh Cr.;
to Win. Smith &c,
40 acs. for trans. of Francisco, a Negro.

“Thomas Parker’s will was admitted to record in the County Court of Isle of Wight, 9 Feb 1685/6. He left a wife and the following children: John, Thomas, Francis, George, Elizabeth, Mary and Ann. Somewhere in the proceedings his age is recorded died testate at the age of 56.

“Francis son of the said Thomas, left a will dated 1 Oct 1717 in which he mentions his wife Elizabeth and children Martha, Nicholas, and Nathaniel

“Nathaniel son of Francis, whose will was admitted to record 29 June 1730 left wife Ann and children: Nicholas, Nathaniel, Martha and Mary.

Children of Thomas Parker ca 1630 – 1685/6 of Isle of Wight Co VA:
THOMAS PARKER was born 1629, and died Abt. 1685. He married SARAH.
THOMAS PARKER, b. 1632, England; d. Abt. February 09, 1687/88, Isle of Wight Co., VA.
1. John Parker
2. Thomas Parker
3. Francis Parker will 1 Oct 1717 3rd gen
married Elizabeth
4. George Parker 1666 – 3rd gen
5. Elizabeth Parker
6. Mary Parker
7. Anne Parker

Children of another Thomas Parker, “the eldest,” and wife:
1. Dorothy Parker
2. Sarah Parker
married by 1683 James Bagnell

Ref: The Parkers of Macclesfield, Isle of Wight Co VA by James F Crocker VHM 6-420/4
Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County Virginia by John Bennett Boddie
Virginia Will Records

p s: I am a little confused by just who are the three Thomas Parkers mentioned here. SMK

note: e-mail from Rhoda
Hi Kathy Jo. Thanks for sending those pages. It makes for interesting reading but I’m sorry to tell you but that article is full of errors. Cecily, widow of Peter Montague, did not marry Thomas Parker. This was a mistake made by James F. Crocker in his interpretation of the Thomas Parker and James Bagnall Land Patent of May 29, 1683.
Then John B. Boddie picked up on it and it’s been circulated time and again through the years.
Below is a copy of the abstract from Cavaliers & Pioneers. If you will read it carefully you will see that it does not say that it was the widow of Peter Montague who married Thomas Parker. Peter Montague is only mentioned as the original grantee of the land which was assigned to others several times before being conveyed to Thomas Parker. It was Thomas Parker’s widow who married another Thomas Parker. I know this is very confusing. Arden Brame, a Montague descendant, and a professional genealogist, wrote and published a very good article on this Parker problem and sent me a copy quite a few years ago. I am attaching a copy to this email as I think it will show you just how wrong the article you sent is.

Peter Montague did have children but none of them were by his second wife Cecily. One example, people give my Peter Montague, Jr. as son of Cecily. But it’s very clear in the estate records of Peter, Sr. that he was her step-son.

(Lancaster Co., VA Ct. Orders 1656-1666, p. 12)
Lancaster Co. Court 12th of September 1660.
Cicely Montague, Widdow, & Peter Montague, her Sonne in Law, both Executors of the Last Will & Testamt. of Mr. Peter Montague, deced., peticoninge this Cort: that the Estate of the sd. Peter Montague may bee devided accordinge to the Will of the deced.
It is ordered that Mr. Henry Corbyn, Mr. Geo: Marsh & Mr. Richd: Perrott doe make the devision of the sd: Estate accordinge to the sd: Will & make report thereof to this Cort.

The use of the term Son-in-Law in those days most often meant step-son. In addition, Peter Montague, Sr. did not have a daughter Sarah.
The children named in his will and other records were:
1. Ann Montague, married John ‘Jadwin.’
A. Anne ‘Jadwin’
2. Ellen Montague, married William Thompson
3. Peter Montague, Jr., married Mary (Maria) Doodes (my line,Rhoda)
4. Elizabeth Montague, m. Doodes Minor
5. William Montague (wife unknown)
6. Margaret Montague, married William Cheyney.

One more thing. There is nothing to show that Cicely was a Reynolds nor that she was in any way related to Christopher Reynolds. And, although many show that Peter Montague’s 2nd wife was this famous much married Cicely, it has not really been proved.
I think that the attached article will sort all this out for you better than I can explain it. Arden does go into the Parker family a little.
Let me know what you think.
P.S. My line goes from Peter Montague, Sr., his son, Peter, Jr., Peter, Jr.’s daughter Catherine who married George Twyman, their daughter, Mary who married James Bristow.

will of Peter Montaque 27 March 1659
– to wife Ciscly 1/3 estate
– to my two sons Peter and Will Montaque
– my three daughters Ellen, Margaret, and Elizabeth, and Anne the child of Anne, the late wife of John Jadwyn.
– my four children Peter, Will, Margaret and Elizabeth
– to my dau Ellen the wife of Wm. Thompson
Wife and son Peter ex. Peter Mantaque
Proved 25 May 1659

3rd gen

George Parker 1666 –
of Isle of Wight Co VA


researched by Jimmie Rawls and Wanita Davis

Child of George Parker
1. James Parker
A. Matthew Parker
I. Luke Parker
a. John Parker
(1) William Henry Parker
(A) William Dorsey Parker line of Wanita Davis

3rd gen

Francis Parker d 1717 | his parents
& Elizabeth | her parents
of Isle of Wight Co VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Francis Parker will 1 Oct 1717 3rd gen
married Elizabeth

Children of Francis Parker and Elizabeth:
1. Martha Parker
2. Nicholas Parker
3. Nathaniel Parker died bef 29 June 1730 4th gen
married Ann


Nathaniel Parker d. 1730 | his parents
& Ann | her parents
of Isle of Wight Co VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of Nathaniel Parker and wife Ann:
1. Nicholas W Parker 31 Oct 1722 – 25 Nov 1789
married Ann Copeland 1723 – Nov 1776
2. Nathaniel Parker
3. Martha Parker
4. Mary Parker

5th gen

Nicholas W Parker 1722 – 1789 | his parents
& Ann Copeland 1723 – 1776 | her parents
of Macclesfield, Isle of Wight Co, VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

“Nicholas son of the said Nathaniel and Ann born 1722, married Ann Copeland and died 1789 leaving two children: Josiah and Copeland. His wife Ann was born 1723 and died 1776.

Marriage: Isle of Wight Co., Va.3

NICHOLAS W. PARKER (NATHANIEL3, FRANCIS2, THOMAS1)1 was born October 31, 1722 in Isle of Wight Co., VA, and died 1789. He married ANN COPELAND1 in Isle of Wight Co., Va.1, daughter of THOMAS COPELAND and HOLLAND APPLEWHAITE. She was born 1723 in Isle of Wight Co., VA, and died November 1786 in Isle of Wight Co., VA.

Served as a Vestryman at St. Lukes

Burial: Parker Fam. Cem., ” Macclesfield”, Carrollton, Isle of Wight Co., VA2
– – – – – — –
“Copeland, the brother of Col. Josiah was appointed Surveyor of Customs of the Port of Norfolk on 30 June 1792 and again 11 Jan 1800.

Children of Nicholas Parker and Ann Copeland:
1. Col. Josiah Parker 11 May 1751 Carrollton, Isle of Wight Co., VA – 18 Mar 1810 Isle of Wight Co., VA
married 6 May 1773 Mary Pierce
widow of Col. Joseph Bridger
a. Ann Pierce Parker died 21 Mar 1849 Macclesfield
married 1802 Capt William Cowper, USN
2. Copeland Parker ca 1746 Isle of Wight Co – 12 May 1836 Norfolk VA
appt Surveyor of Customs of the Port of Norfolk 30 June 1792 and 11 Jan 1800
married Elizabeth Sinclair died 28 Feb 1807 Norfolk VA
dau of Capt. John Sinclair
Burial: Sinclair Fam. Cem., located on Sykes Farm, Isle of Wight Co., VA
a. Nicholas Wilson Parker
married Elizabeth Bousch
married 2nd Diana Hall dau of Dr. Isaac Hall of Petersburg
b. Martha Parker
c. Isaac Hall Parker
d. Pamela Parker

Ref: The Parkers of Macclesfield, Isle of Wight Co VA by James F Crocker VHM 6-420/4

6th gen

Col. Josiah Parker 1751 – 1810 | his parents
& 1773 Mary Pierce [Bridger] 1749/50 – | her parents
& Col Joseph Bridger d 1769 | his parents
of Isle of Wight Co VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Col. Josiah Parker married MARY PIERCE [Bridger] May 06, 1773 in Isle of Wight Co., Va..

Col Josiah Parker was born 11 May 1751 Carrollton, Isle of Wight Co VA and he died 18 March 1810 in Isle of Wight Co., VA.
Military: Served as an Aide to Gen. George Washington during the Revolutionary War.8
Elected: 1788, Delegate to the Constitutional Convention
Burial: Parker Fam. Cem., ” Macclesfield”, Carrollton, Isle of Wight Co., VA7

Mary Pierce was born January 01, 1749/50

Land Grant: 1638, The original land upon which the Parker family established themselves.

“Col. Josiah Parker born 1751 married 1773 Mary Bridger, widow of Col. Joseph Bridger, a descendant of the Gen. Joseph Bridger, who was so eminently distinguished in the early colonial period of Virginia. Mary Bridger, widow of Col. Joseph Bridger was Mary Pierce, a sister of Thomas Pierce, who was a member of the Virginia Convention of 1788. Her daughter by Col. Bridger, Judith Bridger married Richard Baker who was clerk of the court of Isle of Wight from 1750 to 1770 and was the father of the late Judge Richard H Baker. ‘than whom no judge more beloved by the people or more honored for wisdom and purity.’
1. ANNE PIERCE PARKER ca 1775, Isle of Wight Co., VA – 21 March 1849 “Macclesfield” Isle of Wight Co., VA.

Children of Mary Pierce & Col. Joseph Bridger:
1. Judith Bridger
married Richard Baker
2. Katherine Bridger
married Blake Baker


ISLE OF WIGHT – On a cold, wet February morning two years ago, Nancy Guill was stepping lightly through puddles, well away from the path she’d been assigned.”I remember I was trying not to get my feet wet,” Guill said. “So I walked way around to get to where I was supposed to be.”Guill was one member of an Isle of Wight County Historical Society search team. On a mission to locate the county’s lost cemeteries, members of the society, spread about 10 feet apart, were jabbing long metal shafts into the organic floor of what had once been a hog pen. Despite her wayward route, Guill stuck to her task. Then her probe struck something solid.
After years of searching for the county’s most illustrious patriot, Guill had found the grave of Col. Josiah Parker. Now, a 26-acre lot on the shores of Ballard Creek, a tributary to the James River, is for sale for $108,300. The land comes complete with Parker and several members of his family resting peacefully in the center. It’s not the first time that real-estate agent Betty Jo Hendricks has sold land with a cemetery on it, but it is the first time she’s had such a well-known, established tenant.
“This was quite a man,” Hendricks said. “I’ve had several history buffs look at the property. If people are into history, it seems very important to them. If not, they don’t seem to care one way or the other.”Future owners would have a fine gentleman for a neighbor, Hendricks said. Last December, the land was designated a state historic landmark. An 1847 deed gives Parker’s descendants perpetual access rights. Parker was a hero of the American Revolution. He and his men held off the British troops while George Washington escaped from the British during the Battle of Princeton. If not for Parker, the course of the Revolutionary War might have changed.Parker was an extraordinary soldier, said Thomas Finderson, a society member who conducted a solitary search for years before he enlisted help.”I had walked over that site two, three, four times and missed it,” Finderson said. “I had just about given up. I thought it had been destroyed.” Finderson said he was standing several hundred feet away when he heard the whooping and hollering.
“Colonel Parker’s career was so extraordinary,” Finderson said. “He was a founder of the United States Navy. The Navy’s first ships were built under his direction.”

Parker also served in the Virginia House of Delegates. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1788, was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1789 and served until 1801. Parker, Finderson said, was the first congressman to vocally oppose slavery. He saw that a slave who served for him as a spy during the Revolution was given his freedom.

In the application filed by Isle of Wight County to have the cemetery designated as a landmark, Parker’s accomplishments go on and on. The historical society has been working to find a grant to buy the cemetery and restore it, or even to buy the entire lot, the last remaining property in an upscale subdivision east of Smithfield. Historically speaking, it’s sacred ground. “We would love to see this property preserved,” Guill said. “Maybe some benches where people could come back here and learn more about Colonel Parker, where schoolchildren could come and learn.” If that’s not possible, perhaps a real history buff will be pulled to the shores of the creek where the patriot once lived. He died in 1810 and was buried at his home, Macclesfield Farm. Either way, Parker’s cemetery, passed over for years, its headstones trampled into the ground, has finally been found and saved. “There was some guidance from above,” said Pat Clark, a member of the successful search party. “Had we not found it that day, bulldozers would have gone in there and destroyed Colonel Parker’s cemetery.”
Info supplied by John Gabriel Holland

7 the gen

Anne Pierce Parker ca 1775 -1849 | her parents
& 1802 Capt. William Cowper ca 1770 – | his parents
of Macclesfield, Isle of Wight Co VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

ANNE PIERCE6 PARKER (JOSIAH5, NICHOLAS W.4, NATHANIEL3, FRANCIS2, THOMAS1)8 was born Abt. 1775 in Isle of Wight Co., VA, and died March 21, 1849 in “Macclesfield” Isle of Wight Co., VA.
She married 1802 CAPT., USN WILLIAM COWPER8. He was born Abt. 1770 in Nansemond Co., VA. They divorced in 1817.

“Col. Parker died 1810 leaving an only child, Ann Pierce Parker who married 1802 Cap. William Cowper, USN, who was an officer on the Constitution under Capt. Thomas Truxton when on 9 Feb 1799 she captured the French frigate L’Insurgente. On account of his gallantry on this occasion, Cowper, who was second lieut. having been appointed 9 March 1798 was promoted and was appointed master-commander on 12 July 1799 and was made captain of the US frigate Baltimore, number 20. He was discharged under the Peace Establishment Act, 3 April 1801.
Col. Parker had educated his daughter as if she had been a son in the languages and in all manly arts. She was very gifted and accomplished and was a notable woman. She died at Macclesfield 1849. She had the following children: Josiah Cowper, who under the will of his grandfather and by an act of the Legislature took the name of Josiah Cowper Parker; William Cowper, who died without issue; Thomas Frederick Pierce Parker Cowper, and Leopold Copeland Parker Cowper, who under the Alexandria government during the Civil War, was elected Lieut. Gov of Virginia and died without isssue.

Children of Anne Pierce and Capt William Cowper:
1. JOSIAH COWPER PARKER ca 1803, Isle of Wight Co., VA –
born Cowper but took the name Parker
2. LEOPOLD COPELAND PARKER COWPER ca 1804, Isle of Wight Co., VA –
Elected: Lt. Gov. of Virginia during the War of Northern Agression died without issue
3. WILLIAM COWPER ca 1805 Isle of Wight Co., VA. – died without issue
1806 ‘MacClesfield’, Carrollton, Va – 22 Jan 1881
Burial: St. Luke’s Cem., Isle of Wight Co., Va.
married 1841 VIRGINIA SMITH 12 Dec 1808 – 1879

1. Bodie, John Bennett, Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight Co., Va., (Chicago Law Printing Co., Chicago 1938).

  1. Holland, John Gabriel, Burned County Cemeteries, Virginia, (Centaur Press, Mobile, AL 2003).

One thought on “Thomas Parker of Macclesfield, Isle of Wight Co VA”

  1. I read with interest about the confusion around the Thomas Parkers in Isle of Wight. Someone named Rhoda talked about an article that Arden Brame wrote. I would be interested in reading that article. I am untangling the Parkers and would love to see how my research compares. Thanks for your help.

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