John Sanderlin & Sarah Barecock

Sally’s 5-great Grandparents:

John Sanderlin ca 1685 – 1747 | his parents
& Sarah Barecock ca 1690 – ?ca 1752 | her parents
of Pasquotank County, North Carolina

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John Sanderlin may be the son of James Sanderlin whose son James was accidently killed at a muster in Oct 1694 in North Carolina.

Sarah Barecock was the daughter of Thomas Barecock [who wrote his will 1 Jan 1721/22] and his wife who was a daughter of William Jennings.

Children of John Sanderlin & Sarah Barecock:
[from div. of John Sanderlin’s estate Oct 1747]
1. Robert Sanderlin ca 1720 – [eldest son according to Ct. records]
married 1st Mary Garrett
married ca 1780 2nd Elizabeth Ferebee
2. John Sanderlin ca 1722 – 1751?
married Dianne Alladay
3. Joseph Sanderlin ca 1724 – 1751?
4. Collinsworth Sanderlin ca 1725 – 1758 Pasq.
? married ca 1743 Mary ca 1727 – 1764
5. Priscilla Sanderlin
6. Mary Sanderlin

Pasquotank County, North Carolina Deeds 1700-1751 comp. Bjorkman

26 Jan. 1713/14 Sollo. Davies do assign …within mentioned plat & land … to John Sanderlin. Signed Sollo. Davies, Sarah Davies Wit: W. Norris. Reg. 5 Feb 1713/14.

4 April 1714 Patent Book 8 Joseph Sparnon 169 acres in Pasquotank precinct on ye N side of ye river joining Henry Creeche ye gum pond swamp, ye Indian line and John Sanderlin. Wit: Thos. Pollock; Thos. Boyd; N. Chevin; Wm. Reed; T. Knight [Hofmann]

30 March 1721 Patent Book 3 William Stevens 50 acres in Pasquotank precinct called Sandy Hook, joining John Sanderlin, long point swamp and Scrubby point Swamp Wit: Cha. Eden; Wm. Reed; Fra. Forster; Richd. Sanderson; John Lovick. [Hofmann]

21 Jul. 1724 A:316 No. Carolina, John Sanderlin of the Precinct of Pasquotank & Province of North Carolina … for ¬£10 … paid by Edward James sold 50 acres [extending] to Wm. Beckett’s being part of a 214 acre patent granted to me the said John Sanderlin bearing the date 26 Oct 1723. Signed John [I] Sanderlin his mark.

6 Feb. 1724/25 Henry Hayman do assign all my right of the within mentioned patent unto John Sanderlin and Edward James. signed Henry {H} Hayman his mark.

A:368 Macrora Scarbrough & Henry Hayman of the Precinct of Pasquotank & Province of North Carolina sold unto John Sanderlin and Edward James of the province and precinct afsd. tract of land called Hayman’s Island lying on the North River containing 100 acres. signed by Macrora Scarbrough & Henry Hayman Wit: John Scarborough & James Hayman. Reg: 5 May 1726.

8 Apr. 1735 C:378 [the above tract called Hayman’s Island ] assigned to William Creech by John Sanderlin and Edward James. Wit: Robert Sawyer and Will. Simpson. Reg 27 May 1735.

7 Jan 1739/40 John Sanderlin Senr. of the North East Parish of the County of Pasquotank turner for and in consideration of the love and Good Will towards my loving son John Sanderlin turner of the same parish and county planter give 100 acres of land being my manor plantation after my Life and the death of my wife’s Life. signed John Sanderlin senr Wit: John Hourm and Robert Sanderlin. Reg 10 Jan 1739.

12 July 1747 B:22 John Sanderlin senr. and John Sanderlin junr. both of the County of Pasquotank and in the Province of North Carolina planter for ¬£50 lawful money paid by Robert Sanderlin of the same county planter sold 55 acres …a corner tree between the afsd Robert Sanderlin and the afsd John Sanderlin senr and John Sanderlin junr ….Edward James lines. Wit: Edward James and John Lurry. Ref. 21 July 1747.

Pasquotank County Court Records: Book II 1747-1753

Dec. 1745 Joseph Sanderlin recorded his mark as three slits in the right ear.

6 March 1746/47 B:40 Joseph Parisho to Joseph Sanderlin – manor.

Jul 1747: A deed of sale for Land from John Sanderlin Senr. and Junr. to Robert Sanderlin was proved in Open Ct by the oath of Edward James, a subscribing Evidence & was ordered to be recorded. paid. Certified.

1748 John Davis to Joseph Sanderlin – 100 acres.

Oct 1747: Letters of Admon. is granted to Robert Sanderlin on the Estate of John Sanderlin Senr. being the Eldest son the same is granted he giving Security in the sum of £1000 proclamation money, Sarah Sanderlin, the Widow, having relinqished her right of admon. to the said Robert as appears to the court, which security is given by the said Robert, John White, and James Forbush.

Estate Packet for John Sanderlin died 1747 exists at the Archives in Raleigh:

It is also ordered that Major Jos. Godfrey, William Bell, & Charles Sawyer devide the Estate of the said John Sanderlin between the widow, Robert Sanderlin, John Sanderlin, Joseph Sanderlin, Collinsworth do, Priscilla Sanderlin, & Mary Sanderlin, they being first Qualified &ca and to make a report to the next Court.

July 1751: Mr. Samll. Heighe delivered up on Joseph Sanderlin a Prisoner and is ordered to be Committed to Goal.

July 1751 – It is ordered that David Sanderlin be bound to Capn. Jarvis Jones till he arrive to the age of 21, he be now about fourteen years of age and to Learn him the art of a Shoe maker etc

July 1751 – James Sanderlin, orphan, is bound to Samll. Lowman till he arive to the age of 21 he being now 12 years old And the Clerk to Draw the Indentures and to learn him the Art and Mistery of a blacksmith.

July 1751 – Elizabeth Sanderlin, orphan, is bound to Isaac Stockley till she arive to the age of 21 she being now about 8 years old the Clerk to Draw the Indentures according to Law.

Apr 1752: on list of Exers. & admrs. summoned to April Ct 1752
Robert Sanderlin, Admr. on John Sanderlin.

1754 Pasquotank County [Sanderlin]
James, John, Robert, Collingsworth

1755 Militia Capt. Griffan Jones Company; Col Robert Mundern Reg. Pasq.
Robert Sanderlin, John Sanderlin, Callensworth Sanderlin, John Sanderlin Jr.

1767 Pasquotank County [Sanderlin}
Devotion, Ezekiel, James, Maxey, John, Jr.

1769 Pasquotank County
Devotion, Ezekiel, James, Maxey, John, Jr.

1782 Camden County [Sanderlin]
Devotion, Ezekiel, Jacob, James [3x’s], John, Joseph, Levi, Robert, Thomas.

Grandchildren of John Sanderlin and Sarah Barecock:

Children of Collingsworth? Sanderlin and Mary died 1764:
1. Maximillian Sanderlin ca 1744 -died 1780 [on 1767 tax list Pasq]
married Dorcas Pritchard
2. James Sanderlin ca 1746- [division 1794] [on 1767 tax list Pasq]
married Nancy
3. Ezekial Sanderlin ca 1749 – [on 1767 tax list Pasq] died 1812 Pasq.
[listed Camden Co 1782] [1790 4 -2 under 16 -2 females -6 slaves]
4. Devotion Sanderlin ca 1751 – bef 1819 [on 1767 tax list Pasq]
[listed Camden Co 1782] [1790 – 2 -2 under 16 -2 females and 8 slaves]
married Sarah Staples {she had first married Williams}
5. Mary Sanderlin ca 1753
6. Joseph Sanderlin ca 1757 – bef 1790?
[not on 1767 tax list Pasq] [on 1782 tax list-Camden]

Children of John Sanderlin Jr
1. John Sanderlin III
one John Jr has wife May in 1777 A 013-14

Dick Oril thinks his line belongs here as 2nd son of John Jr. and Diane
2. Isaac Sanderlin 1731-
said to have removed to New Jersey
a. Isaac B Sanderlin 1765 – line of Dick Oril
married Ellen Spears
i. Thomas Jefferson Sanderlin 1812 –
1. Isaac Spears Sanderlin
2. Enoch Wilson Sanderlin

Children of Joseph? Sanderlin
1. David Sanderlin ca 1737- 1769 Pasq.
2. James Sanderlin ca 1739-
3. Elizabeth Sanderlin ca 1743-

Children of Robert Sanderlin and first wife:
1. John Sanderlin
2. Robert Sanderlin ca 1743 – 1778/ aft Apr 1783
married 3 May 1764 Chowan Co Mary Waff ca 1744 –
3. James Sanderlin [A-098 1778]
4. Caleb Sanderlin ca 1764 – 1821 Camden Co
married 1794

Child of Robert Sanderlin and Elizabeth Ferebee?:
married by 1781 [B-181 Camden co]

5. Ferebee/Fereby Sanderlin ca 1785 – 1822
[L-052 1806 – mentioned as son to Robert and Elizabeth]

1767 Pasquotank Tax List
John Sanderline Jr
Ezekiel Sanderline
Devotion Sanderline
James Sanderline
Maxey Sanderline

1782 Camden
Devotion Sanderlin
Ezekiel Sanderlin
Jacob Sanderlin
James Sanderlin
James Sanderlin
James Sanderlin
John Sanderlin
Joseph Sanderlin
Levi Sanderlin
Robert Sanderlin
Thomas Sanderlin

1790 Census – Camden Co, Sanderlin
Head of household over 16 under 16 females slaves
1 Elizabeth 1 — 4
1 Levi 1 1 4
1 Jacob 1 2 2
1 Joseph 1
3 Eli 1 1
4 James 3 1 2
4 Robert 2 4 4
5 Griffith 1 — 1 1
5x Devotion 2 2 2 8
7 Ezekiel 4 2 2 6
7 Nancy — 2 6 7
7x Isaac 1 — 2
7x Benjamin 1 1 2
7x Thomas 1 1 3

2 thoughts on “John Sanderlin & Sarah Barecock”

  1. Hello Sally’s Place,
    Robert Sandilands/Sanderlin/Sandlin born about 1790, died 1864 is my fourth great grandfather. He married Elizabeth Hicks in 1822. The marriage was in Camden County, Georgia. They promptly moved to Spanish territory in what was the Benton area of the Saint Mary’s River, Suwannee River, and Alapaha Rivers. They established a substantial plantation there. This plantation adjoined the Turner family plantation. Robert Sanderlin fought the Seminole Indians.

    It seems that Robert had a sister named Tabitha. She married a Roberts.

    I’ve much of the same information that you have and more. I cannot satisfy myself as to who Robert’s father was. Can you help?

    I do have a lot more information on other Sandilands/Sanderlins/Sandlins that I can help others with.

    Thank You,

    1. Robert Sanderlin Jr. and Mary Waff had sons Benjamin and Joseph.
      Benjamin died early leaving three children: a boy, a girl and a third child born after the 1790 census. I strongly suggest that Benjamin is the father of your Robert and Tabitha.

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