Tales of NC Roanoke-Chowan Area, Introduction to Sally’s Family Place

Have fun exploring!

Moving into the swamps of North Carolina from Virginia
Moving into the swamps of North Carolina from Virginia
drawing from the NC Archives
Indeed, some of my ancestors had made their way to North Carolina in the 1600s traveling in this fashion. SMK

This Website is an ongoing project
– my working hypothesis!
Additions and corrections are welcomed.

Sally’s Ancestors

A word or two about the organization of this website.
On this page of “Tales of NC Roanoke-Chowan Area, An Introduction to Sallys Family Place” find the “Family Ghost Tales,” and The Poems of John W Moore entitled “St John Legends.” Some items about our area during the War between the States.
I have listed some Content, Sources, Links, and What’s New?

Under Maple Lawn, my childhood home, I include the Colored Folks that lived there nearby my family: my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and then the ancestry and relatives of Ann Ward Moore, one of my great-grandmothers. MOORE,   WARD,    JONES,  HILLBUSH,  WALTON,  HUNTER, CARTER,    CORDING,  WHITMEL,

I grew up in the old Jones Place (or Moore Place) which my great-grandparents called Maple Lawn in southern Hertford County NC, Very near the Bertie County line. In my day it was one mile through the woods on a narrow dirt road (privately maintained by my father)  to our mailbox located on the Bethlehem – Powellsville Road, but in Colonial times the road from Pitch Landing to Stoney Creek went right by our “High Gate.”
We attended school in Powellsville situated in Bertie County. We attended church at Bethlehem in Hertford Co – where just about everyone was a cousin of some degree or a “connection.”

Many have shared their research with me – see sources.

Come on into the parlor!

Under Parker is found my mother, Gladiola Parker Moore’s childhood home and ancestors, and her kinfolks. PARKER,

Under Rayner is the childhood home and ancestry and siblings of my grandmother, Johnnie Rayner Moore. RAYNER,  OUTLAW,  RASCOE

Mulberry Grove is the home place of my great grandfather John Wheeler Moore and his siblings. his father’s ancestry is there. MOORE,   COTTEN,  BROWNE,  RUTLAND, BRITTLEGODWIN,  

Now under Wheeler is the ancestors and kinfolks of John W Moore’s mother, Julia Wheeler Moore, my 2-great, grandmother.  WHEELER,   WOODFREEMAN,  LONGWORTH,

Under the Neighbors are found connections and “neighbors” of the family.  Descriptions of Pine Tree Store and environs.

Missing the surnames of several grandmothers — I tried following immediate neighbors — the Sessom, Van Pelt, Perry, Wynns.
And my siblings’ in-laws the Holloman, Britton, Lawrence, and Harris families.

I have sections on schools and churches of the area or connected to the family.

There is a section on the family and ancestry of my husband, Robert Koestler.
My mother-in-law Elsa Koestler spent countless hours tracking her mother’s family of Mayers – Elsa’s research is here under Koestler.

Also included the history of the A&M Garden Club of which I served as president for several years as well as various other offices.

Some peculiar pronunciations of family names:
Parker — was pronounced Pack-er
Jordan — is Jur-dan
Esther Cotten Moore’s first name pronounced Easter
Sam Walkup’s ancestor spelled their surname many different ways but pronounced Wau-cup
I will add others when they come to mind. Sally
Powell – was pronounced Pou or Poor – hence Poor town. Named for the Powell family
P. x roads that became Powellsville

This website has evolved over the past thirty+ years. While searching for my family’s history, I looked at the siblings in each generation… which helps in tracking the correct family.

As I examined some of the original documents (that still exist despite all the fires)
– I am discovering many errors purported in the past as our family tree.

Have fun exploring.

I enjoy hearing from you.

Bob and Sally Koestler Oct 2015
Bob created many of the Photographs on-site including this “selfie.”

Sally Moore Koestler
College Station, TX

Please comment on the appropriate page,
or sign my GuestBook
or e-mail me at sally@sallysfamilyplace.com


35 thoughts on “Tales of NC Roanoke-Chowan Area, Introduction to Sally’s Family Place”

  1. Howdy Sally!
    I am also a Minchew/Minshew descendent (and a deep East Texan). I am working on piecing colonial generations together (I am also trying to sort out all the cousins in what I like to call the great Minshew GA/AL/TN/AR diaspora of the mid 19th century). Naming patterns are both a blessing and a curse! I have streamlined a direct paternal list and migratory states:
    Richard John Minchew and Mercy (theory)
    John Benjamin Minchew and Martha (theory)
    Jacob Minshew and Keziah (theory)
    Nathaniel Merrick Minshew and Elizabeth Bryan (Chowan Co. NC to Dobbs and Wayne Co. NC)
    Jacob Minshew and Sarah Holmes (NC to AL)
    John Merrick Minshew and Harriet (NC to GA to AL to AR to TX)
    Merrick Nichols Minshew and Elizabeth Ann Graves (AL to TX)
    John Wiley Minshew and Mary Edmonia Nance (AL to TX)
    Horace Heston Minchew and Caddie Elizabeth Pruitt (TX to OK)

    Horace Heston was my 2x great grandfather.

    I haven’t finished looking through everything on your site yet but am looking forward to it.

  2. Greetings, I have been searching for many years to find the parents of Samuel Hunter who lived in Chatham County NC 1840-1870 possibly earlier. He was born in 1812 in North Carolina. The mother of his first 2 children, Stanford Hunter and John Reaves Hunter was Audra Boling.
    I am descended from John Reaves Hunter. aka (Dee)
    I have not found a certificate of marriage for Samuel and Audra. He married 2nd Margaret Knight their children were Anna, Alsey, Emily, William, Sarah Sally, Mary and Rosella. They moved to Arkansas about 1875. They left behind his first two children, John Reaves (Dee) Hunter and Stanford Hunter. Anna of his 2nd marriage also stayed behind in Chatham County North Carolina. Many have tried, but no one can prove who Samuel’s parents were.
    Perhaps someone has a clue that can lead to his parents. My email is tlynlibrarian@yahoo.com and I welcome any hints someone may have about Samuel Hunter of Chatham County NC Born 1812
    Toni-Lynn Hunter

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