Thomas Parker est 1705 – 1762 | his parents
& Hannah Holland ca 1712 – | her parents
of Bertie County NC
This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
This Thomas Parker was the son of Peter Parker who wrote his will in Chowan Co 5 Sept 1716 which was probated at April Ct 1720 Chowan county. DNA evidence indicates these Parkers belongs to another Virginia Parker family. . . not of the Wm. Parker of Dumpling Cr. line.
Hannah Holland was born about 1712 the daughter of John Holland ca 1674 and his wife Prudence Parker ca 1670 of Nansemond Co VA.
John Holland operated a grist mill on Somerton Creek in Nansemond County. That site can be reached from Holy Neck Christian Church by traveling south and west on Pine View until one comes to the narrow bridge which crosses Somerton Creek. The Mill sat on the left side. Just beyond is a three story frame house constructed ca. 1800. Behind the house there is an enclosed cemetery containing the remains of a number of Afro-Americans named Parker. These are recent internments dating to the late nineteenth century. It is said that when John Holland married Prudence Parker the grist mill was part of her dowry. as this site is quite near Pittmantown Rd and the Gates Co., NC line one might speculate upon the genesis of that particular Parker line… e-mail from Gabe Holland
27 Feb 2004 – As you no doubt are aware, Nansemond Co., VA (now City of Suffolk) suffered three catastrophic fires which resulted in the loss of almost all of the official records. This John Holland (my 4th great-granduncle) was first found in Bodie, then in Kirk Davis Holland’s book “Holland’s: To Those Who Care, published in 1961, also mentioned in Cavaliers & Pioneers. In 1964 a rather large accumulation of original documents came into my possession from the estate of my maternal grandfather John Goodman Holland (2 Jul 1845 – 9 Mar 1922) of the Holy Neck Dist. of Nansemond Co., Va. Among those papers were 5 which dealt with, and were originated by John Holland who operated a grist mill on Somerton Creek between 1700 and 1712 (1712 being the last recorded date on an account sheet from the mill). John’s wife Prudence was named and the Mill was referenced as “Parker’s Mill.” That mill site was located in 1966 and a bit of rather un-professional digging took place which unearthed a number of coins which dated to the period mentioned above. Kirk Davis Holland, prior to his death, in correspondence with my father “felt” that Hannah, the only known offspring of John & Prudence became the wife of Thomas Parker of Bertie. NO documentation has been found, to date, which would “prove” this marriage, and thus, in the several publications which have appeared above my name in the intervening years, no mention of this “possible” link has been mentioned. The Holland family of Nansemond and the Parkers of Nansemond and Gates Co., NC have maintained links up to the present day. Unfortunately, no record (within either family) has been discovered which would shed more light on this couple and their daughter Hannah. I decided to transmit this data to you in hopes that it might lead to work I am no longer able to carry out. Col. John Gabriel Holland, USA, ret |
Children of Thomas Parker and wife Hannah Holland:
1. Isaac Parker ca 1725 – 1779 NH Co NC
owned land in Northampton before 1757
married Susannah ? ca 1720 – 1800 NH Co NC
2. Mary Parker
3. Abraham Parker ca 1730 –
214 acres of woodland in Bertie Co on west side of Cypress Swamp
- Jacob Parker
- Elizabeth Parker
- Peter Parker1740 – bef 1810
the home and 220 acres where Thomas was living in 1761
1782 tax list Hertford County Peter Parker 559 acres 2 horses, 15 cattle
married c 1757 Joanne Parker ca 1740 – bef 1854
a. Betsy Ann Parker 28 Nov 1765 – 11 Mar 1855
married Christopher Cooke 10 Feb 1756 – 31 Aug 1842
b. Nancy Parker ca 1767 – bef 1860
c. Silas J Parker 5 Feb 1769 – 3 Jun 1849
married 1st Delilah Hasty ca 1769 –
married 2nd Nancy Wynne
married 3rd Elizabeth Harrell 1798 – 15 Jul 1896
d. Patty Parker ca 1771 – bef 1871
e. Jane Parker ca 1773 – bef 1873
f. Peter Parker 1774 – 9 April 1860
married Jemina Hasty ca 1772 –
g. Joseph Parker ca 1777 – ca 1836
married Mary [Polly] Morris
h. Benjamin Parker ca 1779 – bef 1879
i. Elijah Parker 1782 – 10 April 1856
married Margaret Ann [Peggy] Jenkins 1787 – ca 1835
j. Elisha Parker 12 Oct 1784 –
married 1st unknown
i. Elisha Parker 1803
married Matilda Vinson 31 Aug 1821-
married Matilda or Rochel unknown
married 2nd Mildred ?
l. Joanna Parker ca 1785 –
Bertie Co Deed Bk L-2 p183 Jacob Parker planter of Bertie Co to John Freeman mill right of same. 21 April 1769. 50 pounds proclamation. 237 acres on east side of Cypress Swamp, joining Tumbling Branch. Wit: Sol. Freeman, Elisha Freeman, John Freeman. June Ct 1769
CC John JohnstonWill of Thomas Parker, Bertie Co NC 27 Dec 1761 prob Apr Ct. 1762
“..being weak in body….”
— beloved wife Hannah -cows, calves – case of bottles
— beloved son Abraham Parker – 214 ac on wood land w side of Cypress Sw.
— well beloved son Peter Parker – plantation where I now live, cont. 220 ac being ¬Ω the land belonging to the plantation
— well beloved son Jacob Parker 220 ac being ¬Ω the plantation where Thomas Parker lived.
— son Isaac Parker – 10 ¬£ to be paid by his brothers Peter, Abraham and Jacob
— daughter Elizabeth Parker – large puter basin
— to sons Peter, Abraham and Jacob – puter basin each
— sons Abraham, Jacob and Peter – bed each.
— daughters Elizabeth and Mary Parker – bed each.
— sons Peter, Abraham, and Jacob – my shop tools.
— residue of cattle to my daughter Elizabeth
— remaining property to be divide among my three said sons
Ex: friends John Freeman, Jacob Lassiter, John Measells
Wit: J. Hansford, Simon VanPelt, James Freeman
from abstract by David B Gammon of Bertie Co will book A – 16 complete will
Inventory of Thomas Parker estate undated by Jacob Lassiter [abstract by David B Gammon]
Account of sale – 13 Aug 1761 – Buyers:
John Freeman David Valentine William Tyner Adam Harrell James Holley Jr John Meizel Nathaniel Holley |
John Cake Jr Simon Pelt Demsey Nowell William Evans Isaac Parker John Green Robert Drawhon |
Simon Vanpelt Jacob Lassiter James Freeman James Burros William Harrell John Drawhon Humphrey Nicholls |
George Hughs Richard Ranor David Freeman Benet Baker Joseph Green Solomon Freeman |
abstracts by Mary Best Bell “Colonial Bertie County NC Deed Books A-H 1720-1757”
F-14 Henry Roads & wife Mary of “Onsloe” Precinct on New River to Thomas Parker of Chowan Precinct. 9 March 1731. 130¬£ for 400 A. Land on Cypress Swamp at Tumbling Branch adj. John Bryan. Wit: John Parker, Joseph Parker, James Parker. NC Court 28 March 1740. W. Smith CJ
F-178 William Bayle, carpenter, to William Hurst of Edgecombe Co Oct 15 1740. 10¬£ for 100 A Land on Roanoke adj Coll Maul’s upper line, Mackinne’s head line to Deep Bottom. Part of a tract sold to Bayle for 739 A by Coll. Barnaby Mackinne dated 1739. Wit: John Dawson, Thomas Parker.
NC Court Feb 11 1740. W Smith CJ
F-314 John Gray to Thomas Parker 10 Feb 1741/42 110£ for 640 A on WS Chowan River in St. Johns Neck adj John Bryan on Cypress Swamp at Tumbling Branch and Femur Branch at Chinkapen Creek. Wit: John Freeman, jurat. Feb Court 1741
F-353 Thomas Parker, “Turner” to John Freeman, 7 April 1742 60¬£ for 290 A in St John’s Neck at Cypress Swamp near Tumbling Branch at Chinkapen Swamp on Femur Branch.
Wit: John Wells, Bennet Baker, John Sowell. May Court 1742
F-423 Thomas Parker, “Turner” to James Freeman 7 April 1742 33¬£ for 166 A in St John’s Neck on Cypress Swamp “near the mouth of Tumbling at Gumbling Branch. . . ” As measured by John Wynns Deputy Surveyor. Wit: James Averill, John Sowell May Ct 1743
G-119 Thomas Parker, wheelwright to John Freeman, wheelwright – 24 Feb 1747/48 25¬£ for 150 A on NS Barbaque Swamp adj Thomas McClensons former line. Also a Grist Water Mill on Barbeque Swamp. Also an acre on SS Brbeque Swamp “which said mill Thos. Parker & John Freeman bought of Elias Stallins. . .” Wit: Benjamin Wynns, Richard Brown. May Ct 1748. John Lovick CC
G-399 John Smith, yeoman, to Bennett Baker, miller 22 May 1751 – 30¬£ for 200 A ES Chinkapin Sw adj. land of James Holley bequeathed to Jane his wife by the last Will and Testament of our father, John Smith dec. ” adj. James Williams. Wit: John Wynns, John Freeman, Thomas Parker. Nov Ct 1751 Samuel Ormes CC
G-496 Robert Warrin of Duplin County to Thomas Parker 7 Aug 1752 – 40 sh for 213 A. Land between John Davis & Henry Roads Wit: John Freeman, Richard Ranor, Lazarus Garret – May Ct 1753
Deeds of Bertie Co – from abstracts by Dr. Stephen E Bradley Jr.
I-62 John Percy cooper of Bertie Co to Thomas Parker of same. 15 Mar 1758. 20£ 100 ac where Samuel Osteen lived on east side of Chinkopen Swamp, joining Edward Bryant. Wit: Richd. Lakey, Jno. Mizell. Apr Ct 1958 CC: Benja Wynns
I-217 John Freeman blacksmith of Bertie Co to Bennet Baker, yeoman of same. 24 Apr 1759. 10£ VA 200 ac joining Tumbling Branch, Thomas Parker, Jacob Lassiter. Wit: John Davison, Abial Perry. Apr Ct 1759 CC: Benja Wynns
I-264 William Bird of Bertie Co to Joseph Farmer of same. 30 Mar 1759. 10£ VA 100 ac [messuage] joining Sequea Swamp, William Bird, Joesph Farmer, where Thomas Parker lived. Wit: Arther Moore, William Williford, Moses Moore. Apr Ct 1759. CC Benja Wynns
K-82 Thomas Parker blacksmith of Bertie County to Hardy Hunter wheelright of same.
10 Jan 1761. 21¬£ NC – 100 ac on east side of Ch…?. SW where Samuel ….? did live, joining Bryant
Wit: William Rice, Job Hunter. Jul Ct 1761. CC Benja. Wynns.
K-134 John Perry planter of Bertie Co to John Hill Jr cooper of same 15 Jul 1761. 50£ VA 320 ac on south side of Cashy River, joining Great Branch, sd. Perry, Enoch Flood, Joseph Thomas, Winnefred Blount, Middle Branch, Cashy Swamp. Wit: Thomas Perry, Thomas Parker, John Davison. Apr Ct 1762. CC John Johnston
K-384 Edward Rasor merchant of Northampton Co to John Campbell merchant of same 9 Nov 1763. 26£-4sh proclamation 320 ac which was ½ of a patent to David Henderson 20 Jul 1717 whe then assigned it to Samuel Onwell 6 Sep 1723 & by several conveyances to sd Rasor. Wit: Isaac Parker, Alex. Ford.
Proved in Edenton 11 Jul 1764 bef Fras. Corbin A J
L-2 -183 Jacob Parker planter of Bertie Co to John Freeman mill right of same. 21 Apr 1769. 50£ proclamation 237 ac on east side of Cypress Swamp joining Tumbling Branch. Wit: Solomon Freeman, Elisha Freeman, John Freeman. Jun Ct 1769. CC John Johnston.
L-2-187 Simon Vanpelt to his son Peter Vanpelt 14 Sep 1769. Deed of gift. Whatever I have, excepting what sd Simon & his wife need for their lifetime. Wit: Elisha Freeman, Jacob Parker, Sept Ct 1769. CC: John Johnston
L-306 George [x] Demcy planter of Bertie co to Melvin Demcy. 16 Mar 1772. 10£ proclamation. 100 ac [messuage] joining Thomas Parker, Gum Branch, Horse Spring Branch, Sams Pocoson, Mary Whites Hole, Sams Branch, also 75 ac joining George Demcy, Thomas Parker, Thomas Rasor, Duckingfield, Williams, Salmon Creek Road, Sams Pocoson, Sams Branch, Wit: John Nicholls, Sarah [x] Demcy. Mar ct 1771 CC: John Johnston
M- 220 Isaac Parker son & heir of Thomas Parker dec’d of Bertie Co to William Brown planter of same 13 Aug 1774. 40¬£ proclamation. 213 ac which was left to me as eldest son & heir of my late father Thomas Parker who had puchased it from Robert Warren then of Duplin Co 7 Aug 1752. joining Cypress Swamp, John Davis, Henry Roads. Wit: John Campbell, James Campbell Sr. Nov Ct 1774. John Johnston CJC
O-68 Abraham [x] Parker of Hertford to George Williams of same 16 Oct 1786 40£ species 200 acres [messuage] on east side of Sypress Swamp joining Moses Freeman, Luke White, James Fleetwood. Wit: Samuel Harrell, Abram Rhoads. May Ct 1787 Stevens Gray CC
O-344 David [x] Jones of Bertie Co to Isack Parker of Hertford Co 20 Nov 1788. 110£ specie 117 ac joining White Oak Branch, Greens Branch, Wottom Swamp. Also signed by Edah [x] Jones
Wit: James Wood, Joseph Eaton. Feb Ct 1789 Stevens Gray CC
P-273 John Jones of Pits County to Isaac Parker of Bertie 10 Aug 1791 10£ VA 100 acres joining Wattom Swamp, Isaac Parker, Hair Branch, James Wood, Moses Purvis. Wit: William Williby, Isaac Williby. Feb Ct 1792. Stevens Gray CC
1779 Tax list of Herford County NC
District #4 [south-east part]
Peter Parker
75 acres Land 800£
237 ac in Bertie
1 mare 60
4 cattle 40
money 3 4sh total val: 903£ 4sh
District #3 [south-west part]
Isaac Parker
200 ac Land 600£
2 horses 150
5 cattle 50
money 1 total val: 801£
Samuel Parker Senr
80 ac Land 200£
Samuel Parker Junr
2 horses 300£
8 cattle 80
money 3
District #1 [Murfreesboro etc]
William Parker
426 acs Land 1600£
5 horses 865
14 head cattle 140
1 negro 10/40 700
money 28 total val: 3333£
Peter Parker
519 acres Land 1300£
3 horses 650
15 head cattle 150
money 26
John Parker
270 ac Land 1000£
3 horses 162
13 head cattle 130
money 20
1 negroe 10/40 700 total val: 2012£
Silas Parker
170 ac Land 680£
2 horses 340
1 negroe 10/40 700
4 head cattle 40 total val: 1760£
Isaac Parker ca 1725 – 1779 | his parents
& Susannah ?ca 1720 – 1800 | her parents
of Northampton Co NC
This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
Isaac Parker was the son of Thomas Parker and Hannah Holland.
He begins to appear as a witness to deeds in Bertie Co in 1739.
He owned land in Northampton before 1757.
This Charity is either sister of Susannah or her husband, Isaac Parker. since she was living when Thomas Parker wrote his will in 1761 and he does not mention a daughter Charity – she must be the sister of Susannah. Charity ? d. bef Sept 1788 married Rice Edwards d bef Feb 1767 a. John Edwards b. Isaac EdwardsWill of Rice Edwards 11 June 1766 Northampton Co NC – prob Feb Ct 1767 names sons John and Isaac Edwards and wife Charity EXS: my friend Isaac Parker and my wife Charity |
Will of Charity Edwards 14 May 1788 Northampton Co NC – prob Sept Ct 1788
to my cousin Samuel Parker, son of Isaac Parker, 290 acres whereon I now live.
to Baldy Parker, son of Samuel Parker, 1 negro, etc.
to Charity Chestnut, 1 Chintz gound, 1 cambrick Handerchief, apron and cap
to Lemuel Parker 10 pounds VA money
remaining part of my estate to be sold to pay debts and the money remaining to go to my cousin sd Samuel. EX: my sd cousin Samuel.
Hmm… had both of her son died???
Will of Isaac Parker 11 February 1779 Northampton Co NC – prob March Ct 1779
– loan wife Susannah Parker plantation whereon I now live and after her decease to my son Joseph?[James] Parker with the land to the Bluewater Branch
– to son Lamuel Parker the land on the west sd of the sd branch
-lend wife one negro and at wife death sd negro to fall to my son John, should sd son die without Heirs sd negro to go to my children Lamuel and Susanna Parker
– to sons Jonathan and Samuel 20 shillings each
– to daughters Sarah Sumner and Charity Chestnut and son Jonas Parker 1 cow and calf each.
residue to wife and at her decease to my four children to wit: Mary Parker, Susanna Parker, John Parker, and Nancy Pastur.
EXS: wife Susanna and my son James? Parker
Wits: Benjamin Brown, Benjamin Brown Jr.
Gammon’s first volume of Estates Northampton County North Carolina Accounts, Sales and Divisions 1781- 1801 is
this on page 5 #47 page 41 guardian accounts Isaac Parker
Account of legacies paid out of the estate by James Parker, executor:
1. paid to John Chesnut Feb 1780
2. paid to Richard Sumner Oct 1781
3. paid to Jonathan Parker Dec 1782
4. paid to Jonas Parker Aug 1783
and 5. Paid to Samuel Parker Dec 1786
this is on page 116 #837 page 281 Isaac Parker
Account current Sept Ct., 1800 by Lemuel Parker and Samuel Parker admrs. ??
Money was paid to James Crowhis?
Estate divided according to Isaac Parker’s will – June Ct 1800 as follows:
1) one share to Mary Murfree
2) one share to Susanna Murfree
3) one share to Nanny Smelly
4) 1/10 share to the next of kin of John Parker, dec’d
5) one Negro to be divided between Lamuel Parker and his sister Susanna Murfree
Children of Isaac Parker and wife Susannah:
1. Samuel Parker Samuel Parker d 1791 NH Co NC Rev War soldier
married 1783/86 Temperance Bridger ca 1762 –
dau of William Bridger d 1763 NH Co NC and wife Rachel d 1764
Temperance married 2nd ca 1798 Bryant
a. Patience Parker ca 1787 –
married Jacobs Williams
b. Job Parker ca 1788 –
married 5 April 1813 Nancy Blanchard d bef 1816
married 1816 Celia Smith
c. Samuel Parker ca 1789 –
d. Elizabeth [Betsy] Parker ca 1790 –
married Matthew Lassiter
e. Saul Parker ca 1791 – 1935
married 22 April 1816 Miriam Milly Hicks 2 May 1798 NC – 28 Aug 1879 AR
1. Tabitha T Parker 8 Feb 1825 Northampton NC – 1897 AR
married Jesse J Lassiter 1829 Rich Square NC – 1897 Little Rock AR
2. Jacob Joseph Parker 25 Nov 1828 Northampton NC – 1894 AR
married TN Sept 1850 Elizabeth Hawkins Glover 1831 NH Co NC – 1887 AR
a. Samuel Houston Parker 1851 –
2. Joseph/James Parker
- Jonathan Parker bef. Dec 1755 – 1806
received his inheritance Dec 1782
will prob 12 May 1806 Sampson Co NC
married Ann
i. William Parker 1781 – 1872
ii. Richard Parker
iii. Tabithia Tucker
iv. Bathsheba Parker
v. Jemima Parker
vi. Elizabeth Chestnut
vii. Susannah Matthias
viii. Peyton Parker
[grandson Nicholas Parker rec. a equal portion in the will but William was not mentioned]
4. Charity Parker
married bef Feb 1779 John Chestnut5. Sarah Parker
married bef Feb 1779 Richard Sumner bef Sept 1785 NH Co NC
i. Richard Sumner
ii. Dempsey Sumner
iii. Isaac Sumner
iv. James Sumner
v. dau Bryant m Combs
vi. Sarah Tadlock
1. Sumner Tadlock bef April 1784 –
vii. Elizabeth Sumner
viii. Jinna Sumner
ix. Marcella Sumner
x. Mary [Polly] Sumner
xi. Nancy Sumner
- Jonas Parker ca Aug 1762 –
- John Parker died before 1800
- Susanna Parker
married bef Div Sept 1800 Murfree - Mary Parker
married bef Div Sept 1800 Murfree - Nancy Parker
married 1st Pastur
married 2nd Smelly - Lemuel Parker d 1799 NH Co NC
the land on the west sd of the Bluewater branch
will 22 May 1796 – proved Dec Ct 1799 mentions granddaughter Bathsheba Parker
i. Francis Parker
ii. John Parker
iii. Isaac Parker
iv. Lamuel Parker d bef 22 May 1796
v. Ann Rose
vi. Sarah Tyner
vii. Elizabeth Parker
viii. Rachel Parker
married Oliver Woodard
another John Parker 21 Feb 1754 – 1808 Lasker, NH Co NC will dated 11 Jan 1808 prob June Ct 1808 NH Co NC married bef 1770 Sarah married bef May 1792 Lucy Tadlock i. Aaron Parker ca 1776 – married ca 1793 Mary Martha Edwards ii. Britton [Brittian] Parker 1770/80 – married 21 Feb 1814 Sarah Smith 1. Marium Parker 1834 2. Bob Parker 1838 3. Cornelius Parker 10 Nov 1838 – 1910 Seaboard NH Co NC see web site of John Burgess iii. Lucy Parker Vaughan iv. Elia Parker Winbourn v. Unity Parker vi. Sally Parker Dolba |
I believe that Samuel Parker was the father of Racheal (married to Oliver Woodard) …and also the father of the other children mentioned (Francis, John, Isaac, Lamuel, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Ann). The will that names these children is “Samuel Parker-1799”.
By the way. The Thomas Parker I am referring to was (according to the site I referenced in my last comment) married to Alice Elsie Brawley and was born in 1747 on May 19 in Chowan. He died in Iredell, NC on Feb 5 1796. If this is to be believed, did he have two marriages? I’m very confused and would love to know how to accurately trace the Parker name.
Hi, Thomas Peter Parker is my 6th great grandfather, and I am trying to find out where my ancestry goes beyond that. On another genealogy site it had listed that Capt. John Parker (mentioned above, of the Lexington Minute Men) was his father, but it was removed by another person. So, I can now only trace my name back to Thomas. I wish to confirm his parents and add them to the other site so that I can continue my search. Any help would be great! Thanks!
I have not worked on our two Parker lines. About 2011
I married a Parker, Peele, Teas and I’m a Parker, Peele, Grandberry plus three others.
These lines were Friends (Quakers) at the time.
Hello, Elizabeth Parker Shoemaker is my fourth great. I really dont understand who Lemuel’s father is. Do you know if any of these folks are related to Capt. John Parker, Rev. war hero in Lexington? I doubt it, but have been told that forever. Thanks, Geno