Teunis, Jansen Lanen Van Pelt, Peterken Andriesse, Grietje Anthoinis, Greitje Jans, & Heertryd Jans

Great -Grandparents of Capt John Van Pelt of Bertie County, NC

Teunis Jansen Lanen Van Pelt 1622 – ca 1700 | his parents
& 1644 Peterken Andriesse ca 1625 – ca 1646 | parents
& 1647 Grietje Anthoinis ca 1630 – bef 1660 | parents
& ca 1660 Greitje Jans ca 1643 – bef 1696 | parents
& 1696 Geertryd Jans [Van Lent] ca 1645 – | parents
of Overpelt, Luik [Liege], Spanish Netherlands
Haaften [just west of Tuil], Gelderland, The Netherlands
& 1683 Staten Island, NY

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
incorporating facts from 1999 article by Dorothy A Koenig
and 2000 article by Gerald James Parsons

Teunis Jansen Lanen Van Pelt and his twin sister Elizabeth, children of Jan [Joannes] and Catharina Bakelmans, were Bapt. 5 May 1622 in St. Martin’s Roman Catholic Church in Overpelt, Province of Limburg, Belgium, which at that time was in the Principality of Liege. [His latin name was Anthonius]. His family name was actually Laenen, but he was recorded as ‘van Pelt’ meaning ‘from Pelt’ when he sailed from Amsterdam, The Netherlands to New York in 1663 in “the Rosetree [Roseboom]” Teunis was a fairly recent immigrant to Tuil, The Netherlands from his home of Pelt, Belgium that he had left in 1639″ to go north to seek his fortune about the time of his mother’s second marriage.
Peter Nouwt commented “During the period 1636-1647 the Company of Captain Peter De Swart was staying in the area of Tielerwaard, not far from the village of Tuil. At some time Mathijs Jansz. Lanen (prior to 1640) and Adriaen Lambertsz. Smeets (prior to 1647) must have joined this Company, but we do not know exactly when or where. Teunis Jansz. Lanen is mentioned as a peddler (1649-1652), but it is possible that he too was a soldier originally.”
Three children in 1648, 1651, 1652 are recorded in the Register of Baptisms of the Dutch Reformed Church of Tuil as being children of “Teunis, peddler by the dyke .”
Dorothy A Koenig wrote: “Finally, we can make an educated guess why the Smith and Lanen van Pelt families emigrated to New Netherland. On pages 80 and 83 of ‘A Van Tuyl Chronicle: 650 Years of a Dutch-American Family,’ by R L Van Tuyl and J N A Groenendijk [Los Altos, CA: Rory Van Tuyl, 1996] we learn that the River Waal had not flooded for years. Then came severe floods in 1651, 1658, and in December 1662. On page 30 of H. van Heiningen’s ‘Dijken en dijkdoorbraken in het Nederlandse rivierengebied [Den Haag: 1978] is the description of the lay of the land in the Tuil area that December, ‘The turmoil and the floods progressed until the land was completely covered, many feet deep, with the water as high as the dike on both sides. The loveliness of the fields was smothered beneath the waters.'”
Listed as passengers on the Rosetree that left The Netherland on 15 March 1663.
“Theunis Jansen, from the country of Liege, wife and six children, 18, 16, 14, 9, 7, and 2 years old.
Thys [Mattys] Jansen, from the country of Liege, and four children 17, 15, 13, and 11 years old”
Teunis died in “The Van Pelt Manor House” in New Utrecht, Long Island about 1700.

Van Pelt Manor House built 1664
in the New Utrecht section of Brooklyn on 18th Avenue and 82nd or 83rd Streets.
The land on which it was built is now a playground. There is an old church on the next block which has a Liberty Pole erected in front of it. It lists quite a few Van Pelts on it. The last I saw it was quite a few years ago, but I know it’s still there. It’s a landmark. e-mail from Karen April 2003 Members of the Van Pelt Family lived here for eight generations.

VanPeltmantle vanpeltmantle2

Van Pelt Manor Parlour Mantel, view from left side & detail
Historic Am Buildings Survey – E P MacFarland, Photographer June 1937
HABS, NY, 24-BROK. 37- 9, 10 [American Memory site]

First Marriage
Teunis Jansen Lanen Van Pelt
was married abt 1644 in Haaften, Gelderland, Netherlands to Peterken Andriesse
* 1. Jan [John] Teunisse Lanen VanPelt
chr. 14 Dec 1645 in Haaften, Gelderland, Netherlands – 1734 Staten Island
married ca 1668 Marytje “Maria/Mary” Pieterse
Jan “John” Teunisse Lanen VanPelt & Marytje “Maria/Mary” Pieterse were married
about 1668 Flatbush, Kings Co, NY

Teunis Jansen Lanen Van Pelt
married on 28 Feb 1647 in Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands to Grietje Anthoinis
“Antonis Jansen, widower of Peterken Andriesse, and Grietje Anthonis, young daughter of Asch.”
*1. Anthoine [Anthony] Teunisse Lanen Van Pelt
bap/chr Nov 1648 Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands – 2 Feb 1720/1 New Utrecht
married bef 1679 Magdalena Joosten
*2. Hendrick Teunisse Lanen Van Pelt [lived in New Utrecht and Staten Island]
b.ab 1650 Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands
married bef 1681 Annetje Meinders
3. Jacomyntje Teunisse Lanen Van Pelt
bap/chr 18 May 1651 Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands – dy bef ’63
4. Teunis Teunisse Lanen Van Pelt
bap/chr 15 Nov 1652 Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands – dy bef ’63
*5. Wouter Teunisse Lanen Van Pelt ca 1654 Feydersweeof, Netherlands – 1744
Wouter Teunisse Lanen Van Pelt wrote his will 10 May 1728 and his will was probated [in Kings County NY] 29 Sep 1744 They lived in New Ultrecht and Gowanus, Brooklyn
married at Flatbush 22 Mar 1686 Maria Janse Schaers

*6. Van Pelt ca 1656 Feydersweeof –
married ca 1676 Jochem Gulick d ca 1723 of Gravesend, Kings Co, NY
will was dated 20 Dec 1711 – prob: 26 Aug 1723
a. Pieter Gulick bapt. 22 Sept 1689 Flatbush, Kings Co NY –

Third Marriage [just when they married is not known so she may be mother of some listed above]
Grietje Jans was the third wife of Teunis Jansen Lanen VanPelt

*7. Elisabethan VanPelt ca 1661 Feydersweeof –
(she was one of the sponsors for bap/chr of Pieter Gulick on 22 Sep 1689
Flatbush, Kings Co, NY s/o Joachim Gulick & Jacomymtje VanPelt; the other
sponsor was her half-brother Jan)

8. Aeert [Adrien] Teunise Lanen Van Pelt ca 1663/1664 New Utrecht, Kings Co, NY – aft July 1735
he is listed in NY records as being native born
married Flatbush Reformed Dutch Ch 3 Oct 1686 Neeltje Janse Van Tuyl
daughter of Jan Otten VanTuil & Geertryd Janse VanLent

Fourth Marriage
Geertryd Janse VanLent, (widow of Jan Otten VanTuil) was 4th wife of
Teunis Jansen Lanen VanPelt. Teunis & Geertryd were married on 6 Aug 1696 in
Manhattan, New York Co, NY
she had 8 children by her first husband

* is who I think was on the Rosetree.

e-mail from Edward Fitsgerald 31 Mar 04- “My records show Aert’s full name as Aeert Teunise Lanen Van Pelt. He wouldn’t have Adriaen as a middle name, as at the time the Dutch used the father’s name, or patronymic, as the middle name.

On 25 July 1952 the Brooklyn Eagle reported: “The Van Pelt Manor House,
an historic land mark,is fast being ruined by vandals —

NY Times article of Monday Nov.17, 1952

Park Department’s Razing of 1686 Van Pelt Relic Mourned by Borough Antiquarians
Van Pelt Manor House, built by a Dutch farmer in 1686 at what is now Eighteenth Avenue and Eighty-second Street, Brooklyn, lay in ruins yesterday, its stone walls shattered and its oak floors smashed by the Park Department…
Henry Frank, acting assistant borough director of the Park Department for Brooklyn, said he had received orders to rip down the long-closed two-story structure “strictly as a safety measure.” The Department took over the half-acre property as Milestone Park in 1932… A milestone–pointing to “N.York Ferry” and “Denys Ferry” –awaits disposal.
… the house was built by Aert Teunis Van Pelt, a farmer who came to New Amsterdam in 1663, and bought the Brooklyn land in 1677…

[Note: like a lot of accounts of the early days of the family, this article is not completely accurate. It’s possible that the house was first built by Teunis, or by a landowner named Van Cleef, who owned the land on which this house sat.(according to R.F. Bailey’s book) Aert leased Van Cleef’s land, eventually buying it in about 1690. Teunis however first bought land in New Utrecht in 1670,(according to Teunis Bergen’s book) and made additional purchases in 1675, 1678 and was granted land by Governor Dongan in 1686. Dan Russell]

Ref and sources:
the 1939 WPA Guide to New York City
the first Van Pelts at Van Pelt Manor
the European Origins of Teunis van Pelt [NY]

Pre-Revolutionary Dutch Houses & Families, R.Bailey (1936)
Register of the Early Settlers of Kings County(NY), T.Bergen (1881)
“A Genealogy of the Van Pelt Family” compiled by Effie M Smith; The Rajput Press, Chicago 1913.
source for reprint
“the Pelt Family Branch of the Van Pelt Family Tree.” by Chester H Pelt, Sr

For further information on this family, please see: “European Origins of Adriaen Lamberts Smith and the Brothers Lanen Van Pelt”, pages 1-12 in “New Netherland Connections”, volume 4, number 1, Jan/Feb/Mar 1999), an article by Dorothy A Koenig (who also edits the newsletter).


Wouter Teunisse Lanen VanPelt ca 1654 – 1744
& 1686 Maria Janse Schaers
of Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY

Wouter Teunisse Lanen VanPelt & Maria Janse Schaers were married 22 Mar 1686 Flatbush, Kings Co, NY.
Maria was daughter of Johannes Christoffelse Schaers & Maria Willemse Bennet.
Wouter Teunisse Lanen Van Pelt was bapt 1654 in Feydersweeof, Netherlands. He was the son of Teunis Jansen Lanen Van Pelt and his 2nd wife Grietje Janse Anthoines born in Asch, Gelderland, Netherlands

e-mail from Edward Fitsgerald 1 Apr 04 -“Wouter purchased a 300 acre plantation in Monmouth Co., NJ on September 18, 1717, along with his brother in law, Christopher Schaers. Parts of this tract remained in the hands of his descendants well into the 20th century. The same year he purchased land at Harlingen, Somerset Co., NJ. If he lived on either of these farms, it was for a short time, as he was considered a Kings Co., personality.

Known Children of Wouter Teunisse Lanen VanPelt & Maria Janse Schaers:
1. Johannes Wouterse Van Pelt, Bap. May 8, 1687, New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY

2. Teunis Wouterse Van Pelt, Bap. March 16, 1689/90, New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY, d.y.
3. Teunis Van Pelt chr 30 Oct 1695 Flatbush – 1784 Gowanus, Kings Co, NY
Teunis Wouterse Van Pelt, Bap. Oct. 30, 1695, New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY; d.ca 1779
married 26 Apr 1718 Flatbush, Kings Co, NY Gtietje Bennet
a. Wouter Van Pelt, Bap. 12 April 1719 New Utrecht, Kings Co, NY – d.y.
b. Aaltje Van Pelt ca 1720, New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY – aft 1787 Monmouth Co NJ
married Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church 30 Nov 1739 Peter Heyer
c. Wouter Van Pelt, Bap. 24 May 1723 Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church
married Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church 29 August 1746 Maria Soper
d. Christopher Van Pelt ca 1726 Monmouth Co., NJ – bef 31 Oct 1808 Monmouth Co NJ
a blacksmith
married in NJ 7 Dec 1751 Aaltje Bennet

e. Alexander Van Pelt ca 1728 Monmouth Co NJ – ca 1792 Monmouth Co NJ a yeoman
married in NJ 28 May 1757 Catherine Warne
f. John Van Pelt ca 1730 Monmouth Co NJ – bef 7 May 1792 Monmouth Co NJ
married bef 1759 Jane Heyer
Jane Hyer Van Pelt survived her husband and moved to Genesee Co NY
g. Weynant Van Pelt ca 1732, Monmouth Co NJ, returned to New York

married New York 30 June 1763 Maria Heyer
h. Johannes Van Pelt ca 1735 Monmouth Co NJ – bef 22 Jan 1810 Monmouth Co NJ
married Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church 13 1755 Jan Anna Heyer
i. Peter Van Pelt Bap. 22 June 1735 Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church – bef 11 Jan 1790 Monmouth Co NJ
married Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church 21 April 1760 Eleanor Vanderbilt
1. Hendrick Van Pelt Bap.Aug. 30, 1761 Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church – 13 May 1822 Monmouth Co NJ
a. Peter I Van Pelt bapt 24 July 1791 – 15 Aug 1846
married bef 1810 Harriet ____
i. John P Van Pelt Jr. 1810 – 19 Sept 1877
1860 Census listed John as a Stage Driver
married bef 1836 Ellen Carman 1818 – 30 April 1879
1. Peter I. Van Pelt 4 March 1836 – 8 Dec 1923.
married (1) about 1859 Lucy A. Smith ca 1839 – 1/28/1880
married (2) after 1880 Mary Ellen Boyce 12/27/1847 – 12/1/1920
2. John P. Van Pelt 1840 – 24 Oct 1894
married Aug. 5, 1866 Caroline Hyer 3/26/1846 – 7/31/1916
3. Sarah A. Van Pelt 1841 – 8 June 1910
married (1) ___ Oliver
married (2) on 1/2/1872 George W. Hyer 1849 – ____
4. Armenia Van Pelt 1843 –
married in February 1871 William C. Havens
5. Aaron Van Pelt 1845 – 23 Dec 1918
married on 4/4/1869 Mary L. Francisco
6. Victorine N. Van Pelt 1846 -.
7. Albert W. Van Pelt 1848 –
married on 11/24/1870 Fannie L. Munn ca 1853 – 12/13/1901
8. Clarence Van Pelt 1852 –
married on 6/3/1876 Lydia A. Havens
married 15 Nov 1812 Deborah Carhart
b. Gitty Van Pelt bapt 24 Mar 1793 – 4 May 1848
married 24 Mar 1811 Tunis J Vanderveer
c. Edith M Van Pelt 3 Mar 1807 – 30 Dec 1847
married bef 1830 John Denise Schanck
5. Peter P. Van Pelt, 5 June 1772 – 8 Dec 1823 Monmouth Co NJ
married Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church 12 April 1792 Mary Hyer
6. Eleanor Van Pelt, Bap. 8 March 1778, Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church
There may or may not have been other children of Peter and Eleanor, owing to the gaps of time between John and Peter, and Peter and Eleanor. Possibly children who died young. A research problem for this time period is the fact that the Dutch of the area had begun to attend the Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, as well as the Dutch Church of Freehold-Middletown, now known as the Old Brick Church, Marlboro, NJ. While the Reformed Church records are complete and have been published, the Presbyterian Church records are not, the British having burned the church during the Revolution. If this family’s Bible still exists and turns up, it will answer many questions – e-mail fromEdward Fitsgerald
j. Maria Van Pelt Bap. 26 Aug 1737 Freehold-Middletown Dutch Church –

married William Holland
4. Lysbeth Van Pelt, Bap. March 10, 1715/16.
5. Alexander Wouterse Van Pelt
6. Grietje Van Pelt
married Jacob Begen
7. Jacomyntje Van Pelt
8. Maria Van Pelt
9. Pieter Wouterse Van Pelt

“In the name of God, Amen, May 21, 1728. I, Wouter Van Pelt, of Brookland, at a place called Gowanus, yeoman, being in good health. I leave all my estate, real and personal, to all my children, Teunis, Alexander, Peter, Johanes, Mary, Elizabeth and Jackomyntie, and to my grand-daughter, Margaret Bennett. I leave to my eldest son Teunis ≈ì10 for his birth-right, and I make him and my son Alexander executors, and guardians of my grand-daughter Margarett Bennett. Witnesses, Seyner De Hart, Joseph Hegeman, S. Gerritsen. Proved, September 29, 1744.”

(Wouter’s marriage record to Maria Janse Schaers on 22 Mar 1686 Flatbush,
Kings Co, NY states that he was born in Feydersweeof. I haven’t yet been able
to pinpoint exactly where Feydersweeof was/is).
e-mail from Alan Lerwick

NOTE: Geertryd Janse VanLent, (widow of Jan Otten VanTuil) was 3rd wife of
Teunis Janse Lanen VanPelt. Teunis & Geertryd were married on 6 Aug 1696 in
New York Co, NY

Teunis was married abt 1644 in Haaften, Gelderland, Netherlands to
Peterke Andriesse
only child was:
Jan “John” bap/chr 14 Dec 1645 in Haaften, Gelderland, Netherlands
(he married Marytje “Maria/Mary” Pieterse)

Teunis’s 2nd wife was Grietje Janse Anthoines born in Asch, Gelderland,
they married on 28 Feb 1647 in Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands
their children that came to America in 1663 were:
Anthoine “Anthony” bap/chr Nov 1748 Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands
(md Helena Joosten)
Hendrick b.abt 1649/1650 Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands
(md Anneke Meinderts)
Wouter b.abt 1654 Feydersweeof, Netherlands
(Wouter’s marriage record to Maria Janse Schaers on 22 Mar 1686 Flatbush,
Kings Co, NY states that he was born in Feydersweeof. I haven’t yet been able
to pinpoint exactly where Feydersweeof was/is).
Jacomyntje b.abt 1656 Feydersweeof
(married Joachim Gulick)
Elisabeth b.abt 1661 Feydersweeof
(she was one of the sponsors for bap/chr of Pieter Gulick on 22 Sep 1689
Flatbush, Kings Co, NY s/o Joachim Gulick & Jacomymtje VanPelt; the other
sponsor was her half-brother Jan)

the children of Teunis & Grietje’s that I have found that died before 1663
Jacomyntje bap/chr 18 May 1651 Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands
Teunis bap/chr 15 Nov 1652 Tuil, Gelderland, Netherlands

and the child that was born after the arrival in NY was:
Aert Adrien b.abt 1663/1664 New Utrecht, Kings Co, NY
(md Neeltje Janse VanTuil d/o Jan Otten VanTuil & Geertryd Janse VanLent)
(he is listed in NY records as being native born)

I don’t have exactly what is in Wouter’s Will but it was written
10 May 1728 and probated 29 Sep 1744 in Somerset Co, NJ

Wouter Teunisse Lanen VanPelt & Maria Janse Schaers were married
22 Mar 1686 Flatbush, Kings Co, NY
Maria was d/o Johannes Christoffelse Schaers & Maria Willemse Bennet

the only children I have for Wouter & Maria are:
(I know there were more but I haven’t identified them yet. Alan)
Teunis bap/chr 16 Mar 1690 Flatbush, Kings Co, NY (died before 1695)
Teunis bap/chr 30 Oct 1695 Flatbush (died 1784 Gowanus, Kings Co, NY)
(md 26 Apr 1718 Flatbush, Kings Co, NY to Geertryd Bennet)

info from Edward Fitzgerald 1 April 04:
the children of Wouter Van Pelt, this is what I have:
Johannes Wouterse Van Pelt, Bap. May 8, 1687, New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY;
Teunis Wouterse Van Pelt, Bap. March 16, 1689/90, New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY, d.y.
Teunis Wouterse Van Pelt, Bap. Oct. 30, 1695, New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY; d.About 1779
m. Geertruy Bennet April 26, 1718, Flatbush, Kings Co., NY
Lysbeth Van Pelt, Bap. March 10, 1715/16.
Alexander Wouterse Van Pelt
Grietje Van Pelt m. Jacob Bergen
Jacomyntje Van Pelt
Maria Van Pelt
Pieter Wouterse Van Pelt
I have many descendants of Teunis Wouterse Van Pelt, too.

3 thoughts on “Teunis, Jansen Lanen Van Pelt, Peterken Andriesse, Grietje Anthoinis, Greitje Jans, & Heertryd Jans”

  1. Slight correction and clarification: Samuel Van Pelt, 1717, was married to Maritje Van Valkenburg, and possibly her sister Cornelia, as well. Samuel was the Grandson of Jan Teunise Van Pelt, 1646.

  2. Interesting information. Teunis was my 8th great grandfather I believe. I am a direct male descendent of his.

  3. I am a direct dependent of the fourth marriage Van Tuyl. I have a copy of “A Van Tuyl chronical”, and have been researching through the Dutch national archives. I am willing to share what info I have with you.

    A distant cousin,

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