Reverend Robert Bracewell & Unknown

the emigrant

Rev. Robert Bracewell 1611 – 1668 | his parents
& unknown d bef 1668 | her parents
of London, England and Isle of Wight Co., VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
following an analysis by Dr. Barry Hayes

1611 – Robert Bracewell son of Richard Bracewell [1588 – 1641] of London, England, was christened 13 Oct 1611 at St. Andrews, Holborn, London, England [contributed by Nona Williams]
22 Feb 1627/28 he became a student at Hart Hall in Oxford University.
3 Nov 1631 – he graduated with B A degree
ca 1650 he removed to Virginia. He purchased 300 acres on Blackwater River in Isle of Wight County and assumed the Parish of Lawne’s Creek.
1652 – Lt John Upton and wife Margaret sold William Underwood 400 acres adjoining 300 acres already sold to Robert Braswell, Clerke: witnessed by Isaac Cavalier and Thomas Scott. On Jan 16 1651/52 Captain John Upton’s will mentioned the 300 acres sold to Mr. Robert Braswell.
1652 – Rev Robert Bracewell served as pastor to St. Luke’s located at Smithfield VA.

24 Sept. 1652 -Deposition by William Chapple, mariner, James Vawer, pilot, and John Fisher Carpenter, all of the ship Mary of Accomac in Virginia: They were at Accomac last July, bound for Bristol, when they met one John Jones. This Jones died of fever, after saying that he had 40 hhds of tobacco in the hands of Robert Braswell, a merchant living on Pagan Creek on James River in Virginia.. [p104]
6 Dec 1652 – another depo by William Chappell, master of the Mary of Accomac in Virginia.
1653 – He was elected to the House of Burgesses of Virginia, but since it was not considered proper that a minister hold a political office. “It is ordered by this present Grand Assembly, that Mr. Robert Bracewell, Clark, be suspended . . . since it is unpresidential and may produce bad consequences.”
10 June 1658 – Thomas Wilkinson made a large patent on Patomack Creek and used Robert Braswell as a headright.
20 Jan 1661/62 – Robert Braswell and Joseph Bridger owned land adjoining 300 acres patented by Richard Izard.
16 Feb 1662/63 – Thomas Poole secured a patent adjoining Mr. Robert Bracewell.
9 June 1664 – Robert Braswell appointed William Thompson his attorney in a suit with Thomas Hopkins: witnessed by Robert Tookes.
26 June 1664, William and Elizabeth Thompson sold Richard Izard some land adjoining Robert Dunster and Robert Braswell.
9 Dec 1665 — Richard Izard depo aged 54 – –
15 Feb 1667/68 Robert Braswell made his will; it was proved 1 May 1668 in Isle of Wight County VA.

Isle of Wight Co.VA Will of Robert Bracewell 15 Feb 1667 prob 1 May 1668
– to my daughter Jane Stokes her children three cowes
– to Rebecca West my daughter one cow and Calfe and one cowe and calfe to the next child she may have
– and the rest of all my estate unto my two sonnes Robert and Richard whome I make my full and sole executors of this my will, and the Mill I desire shall be finished with what speed my bee and to be lett out,only reserving corner for themselves, and the p.duce of the mill to be equally divided between them both, and reserved to build a new mill hereafter and when built to be left wholly to my sonne Richard likewise I give seven hundred acres of land where I now live and six hundered acres at the western Branch of Nancemond County to be equall divided between my two sonnes Robert and Richard likewise it is my desire that noe part of parcell of the estate shall be disposed of nor none of the land untill they both are of full age nor no wayes divided but if it shall please God that either of them shall depart this life before he comes of age that then the survivior shall enjoye the whole
– likewise I give unto my servant Elizabeth Hall when she shall be free one heiffer of two years of age
– and likewise it is my desire that my lvonign friends Mr Richard Izard and George Gwillim to be guardians unto my children in the time of their minoritie and to see this my will performed likewise I give unto the said Richard Izard and George Gwillim fortie shillings to each of them to buy them each one ring,
– likewise I give unto my daughter Ann Bagnall one cow and calf and one cow and calf to her first child,if it please God she have any
– and likewise it is my desire that my two sonnes Robert and Richard shal be put to scholle until they can both read and write.
And this being my will I testifie it with my hand this 15th of February 1667.
Rob Bracell
In Wittness of George Gwillim Richard Izard
This will was proved in open court helf for the Isle of Wight County this
first day of May 1668 and then recorded Teste John Jenings Clr: Recordes

On 1 May1668, Mr George Gwilliam and Mr Richard Izard qualified to act as overseers of Robert Braswell’s two sons until they might be of age to act as his executors; they were bonded by Mr. Thomas Green and Richard Penny.
The estate appraised on 11 May 1668 by Gyles Driver, Benjamin Beall, Robert Coleman and Francis Ayres included 63 head of livestock, a servant boy, a library valued at 500 pounds of tobacco, a sloop, silverware, and cattle at William West’s and Mr. Robert Stokes’s plantations.W&D B2-p55 IoW VA
Rebecca Izard signed an account of the estate of the late Mr. Robert Braswell in the hands of Richard Izard on 10 Jan 1669/70.
Izard by will 2 May 1669 gave this to his two daughters Mary and Martha. Mary dying before any division was made it therefore fell to Martha now wife of said Rutter. 30 Oct 1686. Walter Rutter now sells to Joseph Bridger. 8 Oct 1696. Walter Rutter and wife Martha sell to Joseph Bridger for 1200 lbs tbco. parcel of land in L P called Herrong’s plantation now occupied by Edward Browne — to James Benn’s line. 8 Feb 1696. Thos Godwin, Edward Streeter, Tristram Norsworthy, Thomas Owen.
6 Mar 1670 Thomas Taberer assigned a bill to John Gardner against Rebecca Izard, was left with John Burnell.
Sept 14 1670 Rebecca Izard pat 250 acres escheat land in behalf of her two daughters Mary and Martha Izard formerly granted to Richard Izard dec.
see info posted by Nona Williams on her Izard Blog

Children of Robert Bracewell and wife:

1. Jane Bracewell ca 1645 – 1713 IoW VA
will dated 26 June 1711 – proved 24 Aug 1713
married ca 1667 Robert Stokes was hung 1677 by Berkeley
involved with his brother-in-law William West in Bacon’s Rebellion
see Bacon’s Rebellion list of participants
a. Mary Stokes est 1669 –
b. Ann Stokes est 1672 –
c. Rebecca Stokes est 1675 –
married 2nd 1678 Robert Eley II
d. Robert Eley III ca 1679 – ca 1707
married Martha Daughtie dau of James
i. Robert Eley IV
v. Eli Edward Eley
married Annie Lawrence
ancestors of LyndonB Johnson
married 3rd 1680 John Roberts
e. John Roberts ca 1681 –
f. Thomas Roberts ca 1684 –
g. Jane Roberts ca 1687 –


  1. Rebecca Bracewell 1647 – 1700 IoW VA
    married bef 1667 William West 1643 – 1708
    son of Henry who was killed by the Indians
    William participated in Bacon’s Rebellion but was later pardoned.
    a. Rebecca West
    William West married 2nd Martha
    some say Martha is the mother of the rest of his children
    b. Mary West
    married William Green
    c. Richard West
    d. William West Jr.
    e. Robert West


  1. Anne Bracewell ca 1648 – 1734
    married bef 1667 James Bagnall ca 1645 – 9 April 1702
    a. Rebecca Bagnall
    b. Joseph Bagnall
    c. Robert Bagnall
    d. Mary Bagnall


  1. Robert Bracewell ca 1649 – 1697/1714
    received one-half of his father’s 1,300 acres on the border of Isle of Wight and Nansemond.
    on 27 March 1696/97 Robert Braswell appt his wife Susanna to act as his attorney in IoW Co VA
    married bef 18 April 1679 Suzanne Burgess ca 1655 – June 1732
    18 April 1679, Joyce Cripps in will named Susan Braswell “my sister’s daughter”
    Susannah made her will 22 Oct 1714 – prob 26 June 1732 IoW VA

    a. Ann Braswell 1675/78 – aft 1714
    married John Riggs
    i. John Riggs bef Oct 1714 –
    b. James Bracewell 1675/80 – aft 1729
    [mentioned in Suzanne Burgess Braswell’s will]
    c. Richard Braswell 1680/85 – bef Aug 26 1745 Isle of Wight
    made will 21 April 1744 – proved 26 Aug 1745
    i. William Braswell ca 1705 – ca 1751
    married Sarah Crocker?
    1. Samuel Braswell
    2. George Braswell
    ii. Joseph Braswell ca 1710 –
    a Joseph Braswell paid taxes and served on jury in the Orangeburg District of SC as late as 1778
    married Sarah Kindred?
    Dr Hayes suggests that these two may be their sons who moved from South Carolina to St George’s Parish, GA where they were granted patents in 1765/68.
    1. Kindred Braswell ca 1740 – 1821
    2. Robert Braswell
    iii. John Braswell ca 1710/15 –
    married ca 1740 Mrs. Jane Cooper Lewis
    the widow of Zebulon Lewis 1699- 1738 who left will in Isle of Wight Co VA
    iv. Elizabeth Braswell

    d. William Braswell 1680/85 – aft 1732
    Chowan Prec. – On 4 March 1714/15 this William Braswell witnessed a deed of sale for his cousin William Braswell and wife Mary in the Urahaw region of what was to become Hertford County NC.
  2. Elizabeth Braswell bef Nov 1692 – dy?
    Suzanne names a granddaughter Elizabeth in her will.
    Will of Roger Towle Nov 5 1692 – In the name of God Amen I Richard Towle of the Isle of Wight County being very sick & weak but thanks be to God of perfect memory do make & ordain this my last will and testament – first I give my soule to God my maker in whose grace and atonement of Jesus Christ my Redeemer . . . . and my body to the earth[ by my executor herein appointed.]
    As for my worldly estate I give and bequeath to my three youngest children of Susanna Braswell Richard Braswell, William Braswell and Elizabeth Braswell” all my worldly possessions to be equally divided between them and given to each of them as they shall attain to the age of seventeen years of age.
    Now I nominate and appoint my loving friend John Riggs my overseer in that the said estate so given by me to the said children be only and truly ? to them at the years above expressed. and to see that my debts and funeral charges paid. too revoking all former wills I have here unto set my hand and seal this 9th day of 9th 1692. signed by + Richard Towle.
    three people sign as witness

In the Court Orders of Isle of Wight County Virginia – Court of 9 October 1694 page 51 is found:”Octob.r 1694: Order is granted SUSANNAH BRASWELL JOHN COLLINS sen.r for foure hundred pounds of tobo: for looking after the sd COLLINS his wife in her late extremity when beaten by the sd COLLINS with costs ats EX.o. It appearing to this Courte that JOHN COLLINS SENr hath lately most depserately beat bruised & wounded MARY his wife, insomuch that it was expected she would have lost her life thereby (as alsoe between whom former strife & contention hath been) for prevention for the futur, & one thousand pounds of tobo: in October yearly for the tyme to co?? sd MARY her mainteynance (if she finde cause) To live separate & aparte from hus husband and Costs ats EX.o. Mr. THO: TABORER agnt. JNO COLLINS SENr Defendant appearing & standing mute at the bar, Order is granted plaintiff agst. the present sheriff for 3585 lbs. of tobacco d___by defendant & proved by oath of Mr. THO: MOOR.”

(Isle of Wight Deed Book 1, 1688-1704, p. 202)
“These prsents wittnis that I ROB:t BRASWELL of the Isle of Wight County in verginia Constitute & appointe my Loving wife SUSANA BRASWELL to be my lawfull attorney to m?? and in my name to procecute and sue all such persons as are in debt to me and to an??? suites which I have Depending in the Isle of Wight Courte in wittnis heare unto I Se? this 27 day of march 1696 Wittnes JHO: MOORE ROBERT BR_CELL EDW.d EC CHAMPION his mark.”

Will of SUSANNAH BRASWELL October: the 22: 1714 prob June 26:1732
the Upper Parish of the Isle of Wight County in Virginia
-unto my Son RICHARD BRASWELL and to his Heirs the plantation I now live upon with Sixty Acre of Land I say to him and to __ ever
– unto my Son WILLIAM BRASWELL my Old Plantation House with fforty Acres of Land joining to it out of the Hundred Acres in all I sa__ his Heirs for Ever & Ever.
– to ELIZABETH BRASWELL my Granddughter (sic) a Heifer of three Years Old, and one brass Kettle, one pewter Dish, one pewter __ four Spoons, one Box Iron and ffire Tongs.
– to my Son WILLIAM BRASWELL a Chest of ffeathers, a small Iron Pot one pewter Dish and one plate, and o__ Pot and a Cup and four Spoons
– to my Daughter ANN one Shilling
– to m__ Grandson JOHN RIGGS One Shilling
– rest of my worldy Goods within Doors and Without I Give and Bequeath unto my Son JAMES BRASWELL to him and his Heirs
– leaving my Son RICHARD BRASWELL and my Son WILLIAM BRASWELL my true and lawful Executors to pay my Debts and to receive what is oweing me
– I desire you my trust __ RICHARD JONES & RICHARD JORDAN to see this my last Will and Testament performed. SUSANNA B BRASWELL

Note: DNA analysis shows that NONE of the children of Robert Jr and Susannah are lineal descendants of the Rev. Robert Bracewell. a link to Carey Bracewell’s Braswell DNA web site

“The older children appear to be by a man named Clark and the youngest three by Towle” —
perhaps these were all Suzanne’s prior to her marriage with Robert Bracewell Jr which proved not to be fruitful so he adopted his wife’s children…”


  1. Richard Bracewell ca 1652 – 1725/32 Isle of Wight Co VA
    received one-half of his father’s 1,300 acres on the border of Isle of Wight and Nansemond.
    married by 1670 Sarah Sampson ca 1648 – 1735 Isle of Wight

Children of Rebecca & Richard Izard:
[ – perhaps Rebecca is a sister of the Rev. Robert Bracewell?? smk]
1. Mary Izard 1669 – dy
2. Martha Izard 1669 –
married by 30 Oct 1686 Walter Rutter
a. Martha Rutter bef 31 Mar 1694 –

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


Online resources

6 thoughts on “Reverend Robert Bracewell & Unknown”

  1. 1724 Richard Braswell Will

    Isle of Wight, Virginia, United States
    Book 2, page 174
    28 July 1724

    IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. This being the last Will & Testament of RICHARD BRASWELL being Sick & Weak but in perfect Mind & Memory thanks be to God for it. FIRST I Give and Bequeath my Soul to Almighty God hoping to find Mercy. I Give my Body to the Earth therein to be Buried after a decent Christian manner and all my Worldly Goods as followeth after my Debts being paid.
    1st. I Give unto my well beloved Son Richard Brasewell one shilling and no more.
    2dly I Give unto my Son Robert Brasewell Ten Shillings worth of my Estate and no more at present.
    3dly I give unto my Son Valentine Braswell Ten Shillings and no more at present.
    4thly I Give unto my Son Jacob Ten Shillinggs worth and no more at present.
    5thly I Give unto my Son John Braswell Ten Shillings worth and no more at present.
    6thly I Give unto my Daughter Martha Murfy Ten Shillings worth and no more at present. (note: She married first William Browne, who died in NC by 1720)
    7thly I Give unto my Daughter Ann Strickland Ten Shillings worth and no more at present. (note: wife of Matthew Strickland, Jr. of IOWC)
    8thly I Give to my Daughter Jane Williams Ten Shillings worth and no more at present. (wife of Samuel Williams, Jr., who died in Edgecombe Co, circa 1749)
    9thly I Give to my Grandaughter Susanah Braswell one Cow and Calf.
    10thly & LASTLY I Give unto my loving Wife Sarah Braswell all the rest of my Estate to her and to her disposing appointing her my whole & sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament whereof I do hereunto set my Hand & Seal this 28 day of July 1724. Richard (mark) Braswell (seal) SIGNED SEALED & DELIVERED in psence of us Edwd Powers senr Edw powers Examd & truly Recorded Teste. Jas. Ingles ClCur. Isle of Wight County Record #2, THE GREAT BOOK, PAGE 174

    Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850

    28 July 1724

    Name:Sarah Braswell
    Date:28 Jul 1724
    Location:Isle of Wight
    Notes:This probate record was extracted from microfilmed copies of the original Will Book.
    Remarks:Richard Braswell. Leg.-son Richard; son Robert; son Valentine; son Jacob; son John; daughter Martha Murfrey; daughter Ann Strickland; daughter Jane Williams; granddaughter Susannah Braswell. Exs., wife Sarah.

  2. You are right Rebecca (Izzard) Izard is Reverend Robert Bracewell wife. Hello my name is Sonja and I have been doing my genealogy since 1979. I have much information from documents, pictures and history of my ancestors. I am willing to share my information if you think i might be able to help. My ancestry does connect to what you have started but how much I don’t know but willing to share. If you are interested you can contact me by email and by phone if you wish. My number is 828.719.1919 my genealogy website is up but I am trying to update the site. My christmas website is one that I built for children and the young at heart and hope you will like it.

    1. Hello Sonja West,

      I was contacting you about your ancestors history because I’ve been working on my family tree to and we have the same ancestors and maybe we can share the information so we can see how much we have… if you are interested..

      You are right Rebecca (Izzard) Izard is Reverend Robert Bracewell wife. Hello my name is Sonja and I have been doing my genealogy since 1979. I have much information from documents, pictures and history of my ancestors. I am willing to share my information if you think i might be able to help. My ancestry does connect to what you have started but how much I don’t know but willing to share. If you are interested you can contact me by email and by phone if you wish. My number is 828.719.1919 my genealogy website is up but I am trying to update the site. My christmas website is one that I built for children and the young at heart and hope you will like it.

  3. Thanks for the info. It appears my granddad Rile Singleton Brasell has roots all the way back Rhichard the son of Rev Robert Braswell.

  4. Hello: I have been working on the Bracewell/Braswell family on and off for years now. It has only been recently that I have come to the conclusion that Robert Bracewell married Rebecca Izard,sister of Richard Izard. Then Richard Izard married Rebecca Bracewell, sister of Robert Bracewell. I have no proof of this, but it certainly looks like it. When Robert Bracewell died, he mentioned no wife, but left his property in the hands of his sister and her husband Richard Izard and Rebecca Bracewell Izard. What do you think?

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