Farm Map of Maple Lawn
The house at the Jones Hole was similar style to this house in Edgecombe Co

home built 1785 for Jacob Battle and his bride Penelope Langley Edwards
located near Rocky Mt in Edgecombe Co, NC
“A Guide to the Historic Architecture of Eastern North Carolina”
JAMES JONES I of Pitch Landing, Hertford County, North Carolina and his wife AMILESANT made their home here building c1758. His son JAMES JONES II 1765-1816 and his wife ANNE WALTON 1766-1842 reared their large family here also.
Various grandchildren lived in the house.
About 1905 my grandfather used its timbers to construct the barn and the sheds to the smokehouse at Maple Lawn
The Cemetery was in the Garden of the Old House. A second cemetery for the blacks is 100 feet away also in the garden.
James Jones had a trotting track that encircled this graveyard my Daddy said.

Spring 2000 Turkeys between the graveyards
The woods photos by Cathy L. Spruill

Jones Hole Ghost! Jan 2001
Cathy captured this one on film
the holly tree in the cemetery

The cemetery April 2015 photo by Cathy Spruill

Moore Obelisk April 2015 by Cathy

Sassafras by Cathy

Mrs Anne Walton Jones ca 1841
Anne lived in her home at the Jones’ Hole
1788 – about 1825
I grew up and my family owned land on the other side of “the Jones Hole” in the Hickory Chapel community. I am a Sumner and a descendant of Lawrence Askew. Do you have any information or photos of my family or the old home place? I enjoy looking on your site about Maple Lawn and the surrounding area as it is “home” to me!