Deed from John Perrey to Isaac Hunter

June 13, 1737 Deed Book E page 334 – 336 Bertie Prect.
John Perrey to Isaac Hunter
This Indenture made the thirteenth day of June in the eleventh year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord, George the second, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc., Anno. Dom. 1737, between John Perrey, of the County of Albermarle [sic] and Precinct of Chowan in North Carolina, and Sarah, his wife, of the one part, and Isaac Hunter, of the County and Precinct aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said John Perrey, for the valuable consideration of fifty five pounds current silver money of Virginia, to him, in hand paid by the aforesaid Isaac Hunter, the receipt whereof the said John Perrey doth, by these presents, acknowledge & for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, doth hereby likewise acquit, exonerate, and discharge the aforesaid Isaac Hunter, his heirs and assigns forever, have given, granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents, doth fully, clearly, and absolutely give, grant, bargain, alien, sell, and forever make over, and confirm, unto the said Isaac Hunter, his heirs and assigns, a tract or percel [sic] of land containing six hundred and forty acres, scituate, lying and being in Bertie Precinct, the County and Province aforesaid, called the Rich Squares, begining [sic] at a Pine; then So 80 Wt 320 pole to the center of three Red Oaks; thence No 10 Wt 320 pole to the center of three White Oaks and a Red Oak; then No 80 Et 320 pole to the center of two Red Oaks and a Hickory; then So 10 E 320 pole to the first station, which makes good the aforesaid quantity of six hundred and forty acres, which said land was formerly granted by Patent to Timothy Cunningham, bearing date the ninth day of March, which was in the year of our Lord Christ seventeen hundred and seventeen afterwards became due to Edward Howcott by virtue of an order of Council, bearing date the 11th day of November 1724 by which order, the said Edward Howcott obtained a Patent for the aforesaid land and for the aforesaid quantity of six hundred and forty acres the said Patent bearing date in the Secretary’s Office the thirtieth day of July which was in the year of our Lord Christ, seventeen hundred and twenty four, and by the said Edward Howcott sold and conveyed to John Perrey, party to these presents, as by a Deed of Sale, under the hand and seal of the said Howcott, show upon Record, the said Deed of Sale bearing date the tenth day of November, whc. was in the year of our Lord Christ, seventeen hundred and twenty five, as doth and may appear. To have and to hold unto the said Isaac Hunter, his heirs and assigns, with all houses, orchards, clear grounds, woodland grounds, with all woods, waters, trees, and timber trees, meadows, and meadow grounds, low grounds, swamps, marshes, springs and fountains, and all other liberties and priviledges therein and thereon contained; and the said John Perrey and Sarah, his wife, for them and each of them, their and each of their heirs, execrs and administrators, do, by these presents, promise and warrant at the ensealing and delivery hereof that they have a good right, title and estate in the premises in fee simple, and hath full right and lawfull authority to bargain and sell the aforesaid land and premises, with all and singular the appurtenances, unto the aforesaid Isaac Hunter, his heirs and assigns forever and that the said land and premises, with all and singular it’s appurces [sic], now are and so shall and may forever hereafter remain, continue and be unto the said Isaac Hunter, his heirs and assigns, free and freely, clear and clearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged of and from all and all manner of former or other gifts, grants, leases, seals, mortgages, deeds, bonds, judgements, wills, entails, forfeitures, rents and arrearages of rents and all other incumbrances of what nature or kind soever, but that the said Isaac Hunter, his heirs & assigns shall and lawfully may, from time to time and at all times hereafter, peacably and quietly have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the aforesaid land and premises with all and singular it’s appurtenances, without any of the lawfull lett, suit, trouble, denial, disturbance, mollestation, interruption, eviction of him, the said John Perrey, his heirs, or assigns, or any other person or persons, claiming, from by or under him or them or any of them, or any other person or persons whatsoever, that shall or may lay any manner of lawfull claim thereunto or any part or percel [sic] thereof and the said John Perrey and Sarah, his wife, for them and each of them, their and each of their heirs, executors and administrators, do by these presents, covenant and assign to and with the said Isaac Hunter, his heirs and assigns to make and further or other lawfull act, conveyance, or devise at the reasonable request of him, the said Isaac Hunter, his heirs or assigns at any time or time within seven years next ensueing the date hereof, as their or either of their learned council in the Law shall devise or advise for the further and better assureing and suremaking the aforesaid land & premises, with all and singular it’s appurtenances unto the said Isaac Hunter, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof they the sd. John Perrey and Sarah, his wife, hath hereunto set their hands and fixed their seals, the day and year first above written.
John Perry & a seal
Sarah SP Perrey & a seal
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us:
Henry Hunter, Richd. Bond, Elisha Hunter
Bertie Precinct, Ye August Court, 1738
The above Deed of Sale was acknowledged in open Court in due form of Law, wch. on mocon is ordered to be registered.

transcribed by Zane D Perry

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