Josiah Perry, Elizabeth Freeman, & Amilicent Freeman

Son of John Perry who died Bertie Co 1760

Josiah Perry 1741 – 1821 | his parents
& ca 1761 Elizabeth Freeman ca 1743 – ca 1779 | her parents
& ca 1782 Amilicent Freeman 1763 – 1823 | her parents
of “Pine Tree Store” community,
Bertie Co, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

1741 — This Josiah Perry, son of John Perry and his wife Sarah Walton, is said to have been born 19 Nov [I think most likely this was in Chowan County]

Shortly thereafter his family moves to Bertie County.

1742 — Bertie Ct. Records: 11 May 1742 John Perry prov’d his Rights on Oath Vizt.
John Perry, Sarah Perry, Nichs. Perry, Jacob Perry, Isaac Perry, Benja. Perry, Sarah Perry, Grace Perry, James Perry, Anne Perry, Josiah Perry, Saml. Thomas, whites.
Mingo, Cesar, Venus, Bridget, Hager, Phillis, blacks.

Prosessional Report [undated] of the Chinkapin-Barbeque Sw. area est 1757

Bertie Ct. Records (Haun) Oct Ct 1760 The last will and Testament of John Perry Deced. was Eshibited into Court by James Perry One of the Exors thereof and Proved by the oath of Nathaniel Holley one of the sub. wit. thereto, and at the same time the said Exor. was Quallified. The inventory of the Goods etc of the Estate of John Perry deced was exhibited into Court by Oath of James Perry etc.

filed under John Perry: Inventory Oct 13, 1760 by James Perry, exr. including 17 unnamed Negroes.

filed under Sarah Perry: Order for the division of the estate by Nicholas Perry, her admr. Oct 1761.

Estate Records: filed under Josiah Perry
Division of estate into equal shares Oct. 20, 1761 among (1) Nicholas Perry, (2) Isaac Perry, (3) Benjamin Perry, (4) James Perry, (5) Josiah Perry, (6) Michael Collins, (7) James Early, (8) William Rice, (9) Rachel Perry, (10) Ruth Perry, and (11) Frusanna Perry.

Dec 1761 Josiah Perry married Elizabeth Freeman, who was daughter of William Freeman of Chowan County and his wife Christain [thought to be an Outlaw].

18 Sept 1764 Deed Bk L-2 Bertie Co John Green of Bertie Co to James Boon Wynns of Hertford Co 100 pounds proc. 510 ac joining Barbeque Swamp, George Wynns, William Crawford, Bryery Branch: also [no acres] joining James Boons former corner, George Wynns former line, both tracts willed to me by my father Thomas Green decd. Wit: Thomas Bonnifant, James Jones. Sept Ct 1768

June 1768 Bertie Co -Josiah Perry’s name drawn for service on the next Grand Jury –

24 Nov 1768 Deed Bk L-2 Bertie Co Stephen [x] Bennett of Hertford Co to Daniel Van Pelt of Hartford Co. 20 pounds proclamation. 150 ac joining Cabin Branch, Cyshy Roady, John Mitchell, James Ward. Wit: W B Kippax, Jas. Boon Wynns, Josiah Perry Dec Ct 1768 CC John Johnston

March Ct 1770 Bertie Co – ordered that Josiah Perry be appointer overseer of the Road in the Room and District of James Boon Wynns.
A deed of sale from Josiah Perry to Isaac Carter was produced in open court and proved by the oath of Luke Hardy? one of the subscribing witnesses and ordered registered.
2 Feb 1770 Deed Bk L-2 Bertie Co Josiah Perry of Bertie Co to Isaac Carter of Hertford Co 5 pounds proclamation 50 ac joining John Freeman, Great Branch. Wit: Moses Freeman, Luke Hare

6 Mar 1771 Deed Bk L-2 Bertie Co James Boon Wyns planter of Bertie Co to Thomas Garrett Sr of Chowan Co 70 pounds proc. 700 ac in Bertie & Hertford counties joining Meadow Branch, Josiah Perry, James Jones, Rivats, Long Branch, Lewis Williams, Barbeque Swamp. Wit: W B Kippax, Rich’d Garret, James Garrett. Proved at Edenton 30 Apr 1771 before M Howard CJ

Nov Ct 1774 Bertie Co – Josiah Perry proved sale from James Jones to Samuel Rayner.

Feb Ct 1775 Bertie Co – Josiah Perry, with Watkin Williams Wynn, Thos Ward and James Holly Jur. are appointed to lay off one acre of Timothy Walton’s land opposite Benjamin Brown who has asked leave to build a Water Grist Mill on Barbaque Swamp.

also – the petition of Timothy Walton praying leave to build a publick Water Grist Mill on Barbaque Swamp and that Josiah Perry, Joshua Freeman, Nathaniel Holly and Jesse Garet to lay off one acre of the property of John Ramsay the proprietor of the land on the opposite side of the swamp. John Ramsay summoned to appear at the next court.

Aug Ct 1775 Bertie Co – Petition of James Holly have leave to build a Mill on Barbaque Swamp and have a jury lay off one acre of the property of Josiah Perry for that purpose. ordered. that Samuel Rayer, James Wynn, Timothy Walton & John Rayner be appointed a jury to lay off another acre on the Land of James Holly for the same purpose and that Josiah be summoned to appear at the next court.

Nov Ct 1775 Bertie Co – Josiah Perry proves a deed from Thomas Garrit to Timothy Walton.
11 Nov 1775 Deed Bk M Bertie Co Thomas Garratt of Chowan Co to Timothy Walton of Bertie Co 100 pounds 700 ac [part in Bertie Co, part in Hertford Co] joining Meadow Branch, Josiah Perry, James Jones, Rivats, Long Branch, Lewis Williams, the road, Barbique Swamp. Wit: Starkey Sharp, Josiah Perry.

Nov Ct 1778 Bertie Co – Josiah Perry selected to serve on Grand Jury.
Feb Ct 1779 Bertie Co – Josiah Perry selected as tax assessor.
ca 1779 Josiah Freeman’s wife Elizabeth died.

Will of William Freeman Dated – l7 April 1781; Proved-August court 1781 Chowan Co
Item I give and Bequeath to my well beloved grandsun WILLIAM PERRY one Negro Boy named Jacob.
Item I give and Bequeath to my well beloved Sun in law JOSIAH PERRY one good Feather bed and Furniture and two Cows and Calves.

ca 1782 Josiah Perry married Miss Amillicent Freeman, [Josiah’s first wife’s niece] daughter of John Freeman and his first wife Christain Rountree

home built 1785 for Jacob Battle and his bride Penelope Langley Edwards
located near Rocky Mt vic. in Edgecombe Co, NC
“A Guide to the Historic Architecture of Eastern North Carolina”

Josiah and Amillicent Perry’s home was of style similar to the above.
the house was bull dozed by the latest owner.

Nov Ct 1782 Bertie Co – Josiah Perry selected for Grand Jury Duty.
Aug Ct 1783 Bertie Co – Josiah Perry drawn for Jury Duty
Nov Ct 1783 – Josiah Perry and Lewis Outlaw prove the Will of Nathaniel Holley
Feb Ct 1784 – Josiah Perry to serve as Jury men at the Superior Ct at Edenton May next.

Nov 1793 Melicent Freeman Perry’s father John Freeman died in Bertie Co.

26 May 1797 Deed Bk R-441 Bertie Co John Campbell, Jr. sold his father’s seine fishery to Josiah Perry, Samuel Rayner, James Ward, Charles Freeman, Jeremiah Freeman and Joshua Freeman, Jr. It was located on the beach at Colerain.

“[Josiah Perry’s] land [was] in the Powellsville section of Bertie County . . . adjoining the lands of Timothy Walton. He also purchased from John Winborne the Liberty Hill Fishery on the Chowan River, which he devised in his will to his wife for life, and then to his son Freeman and daughter Amillicent.” B B Winborne
Note: Judge Winborne [and Major John W Moore] confused Josiah, the son of John Perry and Sarah Walton, with Josiah the son of Israel Perry who was a younger man and this Josiah’s first wife Elizabeth with Elizabeth Twine Perry daughter of John Twine who died in 1783 — at the time of Mr. Twine’s death his daughter Elizabeth was still living – this Josiash Perry’s wife Elizabeth had died about 1775/9. Josiah Perry, Esquire, was living in Paquotank County at the time of the 1790 Census.

US Census Bertie Co 1790
Josiah [Joshua] Perry 2 m 16+, 3 m 16-, 5 females and 16 sls
US Census Pasquotank Co 1790
Josiah Perry, Esquire 1 m 16+, 4 m 16-, 3 females and 5 sls
US Census Bertie Co 1800
Josiah [Joniah] Perry 1 m 10/16, 1m 16/26, 1 m 45+, 2 f 0/10, 2 10/16, 1 f 45+ and 20 blks
US Census Pasquotank 1800
Elizabeth Perry 2 m 16/26, 1 f 0/10, 1 f 10/16, 1 f 26/45, 2 sls
US Census Currituck 1800
Josiah Perry 1 m 0/10, 1m 26/45, 2 f 0/10, 1 f 26/45, 2 sls
US Census Bertie Co 1810
Josiah Perry 1 m 16/26, 1 m 45+, 1 f 10/16, 1 f 45+ and 20 blks
US Census Bertie Co 1820
Josiah Perry 1 m 10/16, 2 m 18/26, 1 m 45+, 1 f 16/26, 1 f 26/45, 1 45+
Freeman Perry 3 m 0/10, 1 m 26/45, 1 f 26/45

Will of Josiah Perry:
In the name of God Amen that I Josiah Perry of Bertie County and State of North Carolina being in good health & of a sound mind & disposing memmory and knowing how nessary it is for all men once to die and make such disposal of their worldly Estate as will leave no Room for contention hereafter do make and publish this my last will and testament in form and manner as follows. Viz
1st I give and bequeath unto my son William Perry One Negro man Jack now in his possession with what he has received already to him & his Heirs forever it being his full Share of my Estate.
2nd I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Salley Stephens One Negro woman Rachel now in her possession with what other she has already recd. to her and her Heirs forever it being her full portion of my Estate.
3rd I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Christian Walton One Negro woman Pat with what other she has already recd. to her and her Heirs forever it being her full portion of my Estate.
4th I give and bequeath unto my Son John Perry One Negro boy Nelson now in his possession with what other he has received it being his full portion of my Estate.
5th I give and bequeath unto my Son Josiah Perry One Negro names Eliza now in his possession with what he has received it being his full portion of my Estate.
6th I give and bequeath unto my grand son Samuel Jenkins one Negro man Buck to him and his Heirs forever ——-
7th I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Bershabe Garrett one half of the money that shall arise from the sale of a tract of land bought by me of Sollomon Saunders lying in Edgecombe County (which said tract of Land has already been sold) to her & her Heirs forever it being her full portion of my Estate.
8th I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Jinkins & Grand Daughter Salley Odom the Remaining half of the money arising from the said Sale of the aforesaid tract of land bought by me of Solloman Saunders to them and their Heirs forever to be Equally Divided between them the said Mary Jinkins & Salley Odom it being their full Share of my Estate. ——–
9th I give and bequeath unto my grand son Jeremiah Perry son of James Perry dec’d the following Negroes one boy (Dave, Esther & her child George. I also give and bequeath unto the said Jeremiah Perry one tract of land bought by me of Wm. Saunders lying in the County Edgecombe the above Negroes & land to him and his heirs forever provided however if he the said Jeremiah Perry should die without Lawful Issue then & in that case I give the said Negroes and Land to my grand childrenJosiah Balfour, Joseph J Mercer, Lanston P Sessoms & Joseph J Jinkins. the surviving or survivers of them & their Heirs forever.———
10th I give and bequeath to my daughter Celia Rayner one Negro boy Isau now in her possession and all other property such as she has already rec’d and also one Negro girl Rose for and During her natural life and after her Death to all the children she now has or may have hereafter to be equally Divided amongst them to them and their Heirs forever——
11th I give and bequeath to my son Freeman Perry a tract of land I bought of Isaac H. Ward & ninety five acres in Kiss ? Glade & also my part of the Colerain Fishery to him & his heirs forever—–
12th I give and bequeath to my grandchildren sons & Daughters of Freeman Perry which he now has or hereafter may have the following property to be Equally Divided Amongst them (Viz) one tract of land where on I now live (with the Exception of a home I shall hereafter make to my wife) and the tract of Land I bought of Jacob Perry also the following Negroes (viz) Ruffin, Lucy, Rosetty, Martiller & Ben Demcee Dinnah & Andrew. With the following condition That my son Freeman Perry do keep the above property During his life & the net proceeds arising there from for him to apply to the various clothing, schooling all his children and after his death to them & their Heirs forever ——-
13th I give and bequeath un to my Daughter Nancy Balfour the following Negroes named Tony & Bridget David & Seller Carter Rose V and all her children to her during her Natural life and then to her surviving children to them & their Heirs forever. ——–
14th I lend unto my Daughter Frusanna Mercer the following Negroes (viz) Anthony, Moses, Marty, Jenny, Rose V and all her children to her during her life & then to her children to be Equally Divided amongst them & their Heirs forever———
15th I give & bequeath unto my two daughters Nancy Balfour & Frusanna Mercer a certain track of Land lying in Edgecombe County which I bought of Phillip Cosway? lying over Jiny Creek in the piney woods to be sold and the money arrising there from to be Divided in the following manner (viz) Nancy Balfour to have One hundred dollars more out of the sale than Frusanna Mercer to them & their heirs forever.—
16th I give unto my Grand Children sons & Daughters of Penelope Sessoms which she now have or hereafter may have the following property to be equally Divided amongst them (viz) all the old plantation Land I bought of James Walten also Piney Redduck Winey Slah Judah & her children Cloe & her children with the following consideration that my Daughter Penelope Sessoms do keep the above property during her life & the net proceeds arising there from for to be applied in various clothing & schooling all her children & after her Death to them & their Heirs forever ——-
17th I lend unto my Daughter Amelicent Simmons one tract of land bought of Isac Perry containing one Hundred & thirty three acres also the following Negroes (viz) Ned, Annis, Eneriah, and Arthur with all the Property she has rec’d during her Natural life and after her death to be Equally divided between the children she now & may hereafter have to them and their Heirs forever——
18th I lend unto my Beloved wife Amelicent Perry all my Black smith tools, Cooper tools, & the following Negroes (viz) York, Bridget, Pat, Tamar, & children, Haywood Simon Dick & George my Brandy still also one third part of the land & plantation whereon I now live bounded as follows Beginning at Timothy Walton’s line at the part leading from my house to said Walton’s Avenue which leads to pine Tree Store formerly Belonging to James Jones running thence to a pond and through to a small Branch at the School House thence along the cart path which leads to where the old school house stood to the Near branch thence down said branch to barbecue Swamp thence down the said Swamp to Timothy Walton’s line thence along his line to the first station. I also lend my beloved wife as much land on the South Side of the Near branch as shall make pines enough to . . .. …….(line missing) .. . . of that purpose also the lightwood on the South side of the Road which is or may be on the Land which I exchanged with James Ward for the pines & lightwood thereon growing & standing there lands to be given up when Each of us are done making Tar & Turpentine on Each Track & Exchanged for the purpose aforesaid to have the said property during the period of her Natural life.
19th I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife the following Negroes (viz) Toby, Cynder & her children, Jack, Sabra, & Silva with all the remaining paart of my Estate not otherwise disposed of after all my Just Debts are paid and funeral Expenses Discharged by my Exet. to her & her heirs for Ever. I also lend my beloved wife during her Natural life that part of Liberty Hill Fishery that I bought of John Winbon & wife and after her death I bind unto my son Freeman Perry & Daughter Amilicient Simons the said land & fishery to them & their Heirs forever——-
20th I lend unto my son Freeman Perry the following Property after the Death of my wife and after his Death to his heirs forever namely one Brandy still & three Negroes to say York Bridget & Pat——–
21st It hereby is my Desire that the Court should appoint some proper person to be guardians to my grandchildren sons & daughters of Freeman Perry touching all the Legacy given them in this my last will & Testament—- & I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my wife Amilicent Perry & John Simons Executrix & Executor to this my last will & Testament ….(.line in fold)…… by me made & declaring this to be my last will & Testament In Witness I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this the 25th day of April Anno Domina 1820 Josiah Perry
Signed sealed & acknowledged in presents of us.
Jas. Ward & Benj. Hill

I hereby revoke so much of the 12th item as relate to a Negro boy Andrew (which was given to Freeman Perry Children) it is my desire that my Executer and Executrix sell the said boy Andrew & the money arising there from to be at my wife Amilicent Perry’s disposal this annexed to making a part of my Last will & Testament made the 20th day of April 1920. Witness I have hereunto set my hand & append my seal this the 3rd day of June 1820 Josiah Perry ( very shakey signature)
Witness: Jas Ward Benj Hill

North Carolina, I Josiah Perry of Bertie County. Low in Health tho of a sound mind & Disposing memory do hereby annex this my Last Will & Testament dated the 20 day of April 1820 and make part of my last Will.
Item 1st I lend to my four Daughters (Viz) Celia Rayner, Penelope Sessoms, Frusanna Mercer, Milicent Simons the followingNegroes (Viz) (Tamar, Haywood, Pomp, Dick, George & Simon) that frusanna Mercer have two fifths of the above property after my wife Death (& Celia Rayner, Penelope Sessoms, & Milicent Simons one fifth Each) During their lives & after their Death I give the said Negroes to their children & their Heirs forever.
Item 2 I hereby Revoke so much of .(15th)…… Sexton as relates to a Certain Tract of land lying in Edgecombe County which I bought of Phillip Cosway? lying over Jerry Creek in the piney woods, which I give the whole of said land to my Daughter frusanna Mercer to her her heirs & assigns forever.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affix my seal this the 19th day of June Anna Domni 1820.
Signed sealed & acknowledged Josiah Perry
in presents of Jas Ward Benj Hill

State of North Carolina Bertie County August Term 1820
Last will of Josiah Perry decd and also the codicils hereunto annexed was proven in open court by the oaths of Benj. Hill and James Ward the subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded at the same time Milicent Perry & John Simons the Executors therein named Qualified as such Test. E. A. Rhodes. Recorded Book G page 80 transcribed from microfilm of the original will by Sally Koestler.

– – – – –

Will of Milicent Pery: In the name of god Amen
I Millicant Pery being of sound and perfect mind & memory, do this 18 day of October 1822 make and publish this my last will & testament in manner & form following Viz.
1st I give & bequeath unto my grand children Emily Sessoms, Elanson Sessoms, Pininih Sessoms, Harrell Sessoms, Selah Sessoms & Laviney Sessoms and all the children that my daughter Penelope Sessoms may hereafter have, the following propertyViz. Negroes Silas & Ben, four beds & furniture, half dozen Windsor chairs, two horses, thirteen head of cattle, twenty head of hogs, all of which I purchased of Nathan Sessoms and have issue remained in the said Nathan Sessoms posession; also two beds & furniture, 1 large pine chest, 1 walnut table, 1 wagon with two bodies, together with its gear as also 2 mules, to be equally divided between them at the death of their mother; but it is my will & desire, that their mother should have the use of the foregoing property during her natural life.
2nd I give & bequeath to my daughter Fruzy Mercer Negroes Jack & Silvy, 1 large Linen Chest, to be hers & her heirs forever.
3rd I give & bequeath to Millisant Simons, Negroes Toby & Cindu, 1 Bed & furniture, 1 pine chest, 1 walnut Desk, 1 Mahogany table, 1 Mahogany stand, 1 yoke of Oxen, cart & wheels & my riding horse & gig, 1/2 of my bofat furniture, 1/2 of my kitchen furniture, 1/3 of my cattle & sheep, 1/2 of my hens, 1/2 of my spinning wheels, and 1/2 of the brandy that may be found at my death to be hers & her heirs forever.
4th I give and bequeath to my grandchildren Laviny Catharine Simons, Elizabeth Millisant Simons, Mary Louise Simons, and all the children that my daughter Millisant Simons may hereafter have the following negroes Viz – Sabra, Bryant, Nicy, Casar & Violet, 2 beds & furniture to be equally divided between them as they may sensally arrive at age, to be theirs & their heirs forever
5th I give & bequeath unto my son Freeman Pery 1 bed & furniture.
6th It is my desire that all the property that may be found at my death which is not above disposed of may be sold and after paying all my just debts, the balance be divided Jeremiah Pery, son of James Pery decd and the children of Miles Rayner, that may survive me, that is to say Jeremiah Pery to have one third thereof & Miles Rayner’s children to have the remaining two thirds, thereof.
6th It is my Will & Desire that all the notes, or bonds, that may be found at my death against Freeman Perry and Nathan Sessoms, may give up to them to the said Freeman & Nathan grattis.
7th ly & lastly I hereby appoint my beloved Son in law John Simons, Executor of this my last will & testament, in witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal, the day and year above written.
Signed sealed published & declared, in the Presence of,
Isaac Perry Milisent Pery seal
Jas Ward

State of N Carolina, Bertie County Court: Nov Term 1823.
The last will and testament of Milicent Pery decd was proved in open court by the oath of James Ward, one of the subscribing witnesses there to — ordered that the same be recorded at the same time James Ward qualifies as Adm. to the will annexed E A Rhodes CC
transcribed from microfilm of the original will by Sally Koestler.

Children of Josiah Perry and Elizabeth? Freeman dau of William:
following includes info from Robert Polk Thomson and his work “Perry family (Mansker Creek area)”
1. William Perry ca 1762 – ca 1831 Sumner Co TN
married bef 15 July 1792 Sarah Hunter d 1793/5
dau of Hardy Hunter and wife Rachel
a. Roundtree Perry est 1791 – moved to Williamson Co IL
b. Norfleet Perry 4 July 1793 – 27 July 1833 Ronnie
1830 Census Sumner Co 398 Norfleet Perry 120001001 110001
married Davidson Co TN 3 Dec. 1816 Rachel Perry [divorced 24 Nov 1819]
married Sumner Co TN 19 April 1820 Elizabeth [Betsey] Garrett
2 Dec 1800 – 9 Nov 1839 Sumner Co TN
both buried in the Patton cemetery near Goodlettsville, Sumner Co TN
1. Hardy Hunter Perry ca 1822 –
married Sarah S Grizzard
a. —-ndelia E Perry 2 Sept 1845 – 30 Nov 1850
b. Caldon A Perry — March1849 – 29 Nov 1850

e-mail from Brad Clark:Hardy was married to Sarah Grizzard prior to Francis Hitt.
From the Grizzard cemetery :

___ndelia E. PERRY Born Sept 2, 1845 Died Nov 30, 1850;

Caldon A PERRY Born March __ 1849 Died Nov 29, __?1850;
(Children of Sally S. GRIZZARD & Hunter PERRY – Grandchildren of Wm & Mary)

From William Grizzard will: By my daughter Celia Hunter Perry’s heirs, by my daughter
Sallie $1000.00,

I except the following named heirs who are indicated to my estate the amounts affixed to their names. Christopher Grizzard heirs $300.00. Mrs. Sallie Perry’s heirs $700.00 .

Hardy is my G.G.- grandfather and thank you for all the information. A side note my G- grandfather married a Cotton Brad Clark

2. Sarah Frances Perry deaf and dumb
married Sumner Co TN 8 May 1866 Edmon R. Carman
3. William M Perry deaf and dumb
married Sumner Co TN 7 October 1869 S. V. Angel
4. James G Perry d 1865
married Sumner Co TN 15 March 1857 Mary Sarbanes
a. Elizabeth A Perry
b. Martha Ann Perry
c. Eliza C Perry
d. Mariellia Perry
e. Margaret N Perry
5. Mary Jenkins Perry
6. Susan Jane Perry
7. Barshby C Perry 11 Jan 1833 – 1 Sept 1834
married 2nd Gates Co NC 28 Feb. 1796 Penina Taylor
dau of Robert will 1791 Gates Co

a. John Perry, Jr. d ca 1829?
married Sumner Co 11 August 1819 Sally Glasgow
b. Thomas Perry 1805 –
married 10 Feb 1838 Sallie Morrison
i. Rufus Perry ca 1839 –
ii. Johanna Perry ca 1841 –
married by 1860 Isaac W Bruce ca 1839 –
iii. Sarah Perry ca 1843 –
iv. Margaret Perry ca 1847 –
c. William Perry
d. Sarah [Sally] Perry d 27 April 1878
buried in the Kizer cemetery in Sumner County
married Sumner County 17 May 1830 Philip Kiser nine children
e. Mariah Perry
married Sumner Co 17 November 1821 Isaac Glasgow
f. Charity Perry ca 1800 – bef 1833
married Sumner Co TN 19 January 1826 John B Walton s of Isaac
i. William Walton
ii. Catherine Matilda Walton
iii. Elizabeth Malinda Walton
g. Elizabeth Perry 17 Feb 1798 NC – 18 Nov 1886
married 17 October 1823 Robert Patton 9 Nov 1773 – 9 Nov 1863
i. Julia Ann Patton 7 July 1824 – 6 Jan. 1865 10 children
married Sumner Co 14 May 1842 William Luton 30 Oct 1819 – 15 Oct 1898
ii. Mary Catherine Patton 16 Nov 1826 – Sept 1906 one adopted child
married 17 Oct. 1846 William H. Draper ca 1820 – April 1902
son of Samuel and Elizabeth Draper
iii. John Forest Patton 7 Jan. 1829 – 10 Feb. 1874 7 children
married Sumner Co 2 Jan. 1851 Mary Jane Kizer 28 Sept. 1826 – 28 July 1899
daughter of John Kizer and Frances Blair
iv. Margaret Penina Patton 22 Dec 1830 – 11 April 1914 7 children
married Sumner Co 3 July 1851 John Barnett Kizer 29 March 1829 – 26 Nov 1911
both buried in the Old Beech cemetery, Shackle Island, Sumner Co TN
v. Charity Elizabeth Patton 21 March 1833 – 7 children
married Sumner Co 30 May 1859 Timothy Combs 24 Aug. 1835-
vi. Sarah Jane Patton 25 June 1836 – 6 Sept 1836
vii. Susan Harriett Patton 30 July 1837 – at least one child
married Sumner Co 23 November 1859 William J. Lassiter 1838-
viii. Martha Matilda Patton 26 July 1840 – 19 Feb. 1883 4 children
buried in Old Beech cemetery, Shackle Island, Sumner Co., TN.
married Sumner Co 23 July 1866 L. P. Galbreath 16 March 1843 – 13 May 1900
2. Sally Perry ca 1763 – [went to TN
married Moore Stevenson/Stevens/Stephenson
a. Elizabeth Stevenson
b. Josiah Stevenson
c. Mary Stevenson
d. Christian Stevenson
e. John Stevenson
f. Sarah Stevenson
g. Benjamin F Stevenson
h. Isaac F [or T] Stevenson
3. Christian [Catherine] Perry 1765 – 1824 [moved to TN]
married 1783 Isaac Walton 1764 – 1840
4. John Perry est 1767 – 1844 Sumner Co TN
settled by 1793 on Madison Creek in the Mansker settlement of Sumner Co TN
married 7 Jan 1794 Charity Baker d late 1820’s
dau of Charles and Elizabeth Baker
“The John Perry family lived in the same farm until his death in 1844. Charity died during the late 1820 – the exact date unknown. For the latter five or six years of the 1820 – his son Josiah Perry, and his family, lived with him; during his final years his daughter, Olivia, and her husband, Martin Gardner, ran his household. He had been a very successful farmer and owned substantial property, but had serious health problems. He had what was apparently a cancer of the jaw that led to the surgical removal of part of his face. For twenty years he was at least a semi-invalid.”
a. Charles B Perry 1795 – 1812 war vet moved to Johnson Co AR
married 4 Nov 1818 Mary Lassiter 1803 – dau of Frederick Lassiter of Sumner Co
i. Oliver Perry
ii. Elizabeth Perry
iii. Charles B Perry
iv. John F Perry
b. Josiah Perry est 1797 – 1837 Johnson Co Arkansas 7 children
married 25 Jan 1820 Sally Jarritt [may have been Garrett]
i. John G Perry 1824 Sumner Co TN –
married Johnson Co AR Mary Madden dau of James Madden
ii. Thomas J Perry 1827 Sumner Co TN –
married Johnson Co AR Isobella May 1831 –
iii. Mary Elizabeth Perry 1829 Sumner Co TN – 1893
married Johnson Co AR Dr. Isaac Alexander Walton 1822 – 1899 son of Josiah
iv. Malinda Alzeria Perry AR
v. Anabella Perry AR
vi. Martha J Perry AR d bef 1847
vii. name not known
c. Isaac Perry 1799 –
married Sumner Co TN 12 May 1823 Elizabeth Gardner
dau of Cullen Bryant Gardner
i. Nancy Ann Perry
married 18 Dec 1844 Thomas P Horn
married Sumner Co TN 8 Sept 1830 Elizabeth [Bessie] Franklin
dau of Isaac
ii. James F Perry 1831 –
married Bebria
d. Olivia Wheeler Perry 1806 – 1880
buried on the John Gardner farm, near Millersville, in Sumner County.

married Martin Gardner 1793 – 18 July 1850
i. John A. Gardner 1823 Sumner Co NC –
ii. William B. Gardner 1824 – lived Montgomery Co
iii. Charity E. Gardner 1826 –
married William A. Moody lived Dickson Co
iv. Sarah Catherine Gardner 1829 – 22 July 1884
buried Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Nashville TN
married 11 Jan. 1847 Oscar F. Noel 11 April 1821 – 11 June 1914
e. Zachariah Perry 1810 – 1899 lived in the Goodlettsville area
married Jane Cunningham d 1885
dau of Enoch Cunningham
i. Mary C. Perry
married 1865 Dr. James Hargrove Joyner and had two children;
ii. Martha Washington Perry 1842 – 1896
married 1873 Samuel E. Patton 1830 – 1910 a son of John E. Patton;
iii. Nancy A. Perry
married Thomas A. Kizer
iv. Bettie J. Perry
married Physic Mathes
v. Callie Perry
married Physic Mathes
vi. Lucy Perry
vii. Elizabeth Perry
viii. John Perry died in the Civil War
f. Leonard W Perry 1813 – 1881 TN
lived in the Shackle Island area of Sumner County.
married 5 November 1844 Minerva Martin 1820 – 1906
daughter of George Martin and Margaret Montgomery Martin
granddaughter of William Montgomery, a large landowner Drakes Creek, Sumner County.
i. Margaret M. Perry 1847 – 1938
married Samuel Marston Taylor
ii. Charity Catherine Perry 1849 – 1878
married J. F. Dixon
iii. Georgia Ann Perry 1852-
married R. M. Pybus
iv. Josiah Perry 1854-
v. William M.Perry 1857-
vi. Zachariah T Perry 1859 – 1929
vii. John Leonard Perry 1862 – 1891
viii. Mary P Perry 1865 –
g. Christian/Catherine Perry 1815 –
married 11 Oct 1830 Absolom Joyner 1806 – moved to Johnson Co AR
by 1841 business partner of Elijah B Alston
i. Thomas L Joyner 1834 –
ii. John P Joyner 1837 –
iii. Josiah Joyner 1840 –
iv. Mildred Ann Joyner 1843 –
v. Nancy C Joyner 1845 –
vi. Alzira C Joyner 1848 –
5. Josiah Perry ca 1769 –
[went 1791 to TN and then 1820 to Green Co AL]
married Mary Whitsett d bef 1836 Green Co Al
daughter of John Whitsett Jr and wife Sarah Thompson
a. Josiah Perry Jr
b. John Perry
c. James Perry
d. Orville Perry lived outside AL in 1836 – d. by Nov 1844
e. Lawrence Perry lived outside AL in Sept 1836
f. William Perry
6. Mary Perry ca 1771 –
married 15 Dec 1788 Samuel Jenkins
son of Andrew [Dew] Jenkins d. 1801 NH Co and wife Mildred d 1824 Edgecombe Co
a. Samuel Jenkins
b. James Jenkins
7. Elizabeth Perry ca 1775
married ? Odom
a. Sally Odom
8. Bersheba Perry ca 1776 – 1850/1860 moved to TN bef 1820
age given as 74 in 1850 census Sumner Co TN
married 21 May 1799 Jesse Garrett ca 1780 – ca 1845 Sumner Co TN
son of Jesse Garrett d 1797 Bertie Co and Rachel Walton
US CENSUS BERTIE COUNTY, NC1800 Jesse Garrett 2m 0-10, 2 16-25, 1 f 10-15, 2 16-25, 1 26-45, 1 45+ 15 sl
1810 Jesse Garrett 1 male 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45, 3 females 0-10, 1 26-45, 11 slaves
US CENSUS SUMNER CO TN 1830 393 Jesse Garrett 00102011 11210001
387 David Garrett 100001 00001
James Garrett 37, Barshiba 74, Catherine 23, John 23 T NC
a. Elizabeth Garrett 2 Dec 1800 – 9 Nov 1839 Sumner Co, TN
both buried in the Patton cemetery near Goodlettsville, Sumner Co TN
married her 1st cousin 1820 Sumner Co, TN Norfleet Perry 4 July 1793 – 27 July 1833 Ronnie
son of William Perry and wife Sarah Hunter of Bertie and Sumner Co ca 1790
Sarah Hunter was daughter of Hardy Hunter and wife Rachel

b. Mary Garrett 13 Feb 1805 – 7 Oct 1884
both buried Old Beech cemetery
married Sumner Co 14 Sept 1829 James B Elizer 8 April 1798 – 6 Feb 1875
c. James P [Jimmy] Garrett 1808 – ca 1908 dsp
d. John W Garrett 2 Feb 1812 – 10 Mar 1894
both buried Old Beech cemetery
married 19 Jan 1857 Emily Kizer 12 Oct 1830 – 3 Jan 1872
e. Mildred Garrett 1816 –
married Sumner Co TN 23 Sept 1838 James Taylor Kirkpatrick
f. Celia Garrett 1820 -1864
may be buried in Dyer Co TN
married Sumner Co TN 12 May 1836 James B Duke 11 April 1812 – 15 June 1882
buried in Hall Cemetery in Grayson Co TX
g. Susan Garrett 27 Jan 1822 – ca 1897 Nashville TN
married Sumner Co TN 12 June 1843 Thomas P Ackerman d. 19 Dec 1887 Nashville
h. Catherine Garrett ca 1825 – dsp
above from the research of Peggy Ackerman & Linda Carpenter

Children of Josiah Perry and Amilicent Freeman dau of John:
1. James Perry 1783 – 1 Dec 1811 family Bible posted in rootsweb Bertie Co archives
married 8 June 1809 Sarah (Charity) Parker ca 1790 – 21 Jan 1831
she married 2nd 22 Aug 1815 Thos. B Horn
they moved ca 1818 to Sumner co, TN
a. Jeremiah F. Perry 1 Apr 1811 Bertie Co NC – 30 Nov 1863 AR
had moved by 1840 to Yell co, AR.
married 31 Oct 1834 Mary S. Parker 21 June 1808 – 19 Dec 1861

2. Celia Perry 1784 – 1845
married Miles Rayner 1782 – 1819
3. Freeman Perry 26 May 1786 –
lived in the Pine Tree Store Community
married Martha (Patty) Simons dau of Joshua
a. James S. Perry 8 July 1814- 1867 mechanic
married Susannah Phelps Jenkins died 1901 dau of Benj. Jr.
b. Joseph J. Perry 25 Dec 1817 – 9 May 1882 buried there farmer
resided next-door to Maple Lawn where Dell Holloman lived when I was young
married 1843 Mary E. Sessoms 23 April 1825 – 15 April 1879
dau. of William Wynns Sessoms & Sallie Askew
i. Joseph William Perry 3 March 1845 – 19 July 1913 Norfolk VA
rem. to Norfolk, VA 1877 – operated a cotton commission business
married 21 April 1872 Mary Harrell Jernigan
ii. Henry T Perry 18 May 1847 – rem. to Indiana
iii. Laura E. Perry 20 June 1849 –
married J. Washington Mitchell of Bertie Co
iv. Martha S. Perry 17 July 1851
married Daniel VanPelt Sessoms 4 Mar 1844 – 20 June 1915
neighbor and cousin
1. William Perry Sessoms 1 Dec 1874 – 26 Aug 1893
2. WSC Sessoms 28 May 1884 – 6 Sept 1918
v. Ernest Perry 5 Sept 1867 – 16 June 1916 dsp
married 2nd 10 Dec 1879 Emma D. Lewis
vi. Josie Perry 10 May 1882 – 1 May 1905
c. William N. Perry
d. Joshua S. Perry died 6 Aug 1825
4. Nancy Perry 1788 –
married William Balfour of Edgecombe Co.
a. Josiah Balfour
5. Penelope Perry ca 1790 – of Edgecombe Co.
married 12 Aug 1806 Nathan Sessoms ca 1779 – 22 March 1836 age 57
a. Emily Sessoms6 ca 1810 –
married 4 April 1825 Joseph Morgan
married 24 Nov 1825 Bryan B Gatlin
b. Nathan Harrell Sessoms6 ca 1813 –
married 12 Feb 1835 Eliza Killebrew
married 12 June 1857 Martha Harris
c. Elanson (Alanson D.) Sessoms6 ca 1815 –
married 12 July 1837 Talitha Canady
d. Selah (Celia) Sessoms6 ca 1917 – 27 Dec 1826 aged nine years
e. Pininah (Penelope) Sessoms6 ca 1820 –
? married 27 Jan 1830 Zachariah Sasnett
married 14 March 1831 John Skinner
f. Laviny Sessoms6 ca 1822 – died bef 20 Dec 1836
g. William W. Sessoms6 aft 1823 –
married 11 Jan 1852 Priscilla Alsobrook
6. Frusanna [Fruzy] Perry 1793 –
married Joseph Mercer of Edgecombe Co.
a. Joseph J. Mercer
7. Amilicent Perry 13 Oct 1795 –
married John Simons son of Joshua
a. Elizabeth Millicent Simons 8 Feb 1819 – 1881
married Jacob Sharp of Hertford Co.
b. Lavinia Catherine Simons 1816 – 1872
married J. Benbury Sharp of Hertford Co.
c. Mary Louisa (Nancy) Simons 1821 – 1866
married John Winborne
d. William John Simons 1824 – aft 1880 Magnolia Grove
married 19 Sept 1848 Celia Ann Sessoms 27 Feb 1831 – 1892
e. Edward P. Simons 1827 – 1890
married a Miss Wilson


Notice for male NC Perry surname descendants: Please consider having your DNA tested.
Three samples from family subgroup 03 at Perry FTDNA website can document their ancestry to John Perry b. 1680/90 of Nansemond Co, VA d. 1760 Bertie Co, NC. A fourth sample from the same subgroup 03 can prove his ancestry to Currituck Co, NC. He does not appear to be a descendant of John Perry d. 1760 in Bertie. It is anticipated that the presently unknown common ancestor of these two lines lived in 17C Virginia. DNA may help tie together the several NC lines out of VA, so please consider joining the Perry surname project. Tests can be ordered at a discount through either the Perry FTDNA website above, or Other companies (Ancestry, etc) also do DNA testing, and your result can be uploaded to the Perry surname project.

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