Joshua Freeman & Mary Outlaw

Sally’s 5-great-Grandparents:

Joshua Freeman 1735 – 1794 | his parents
& ca 1759 Mary Outlaw ca 1743 – 1796 | her parents
of Bertie County, North Carolina

my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Joshua Freeman married ca 1759 Mary Outlaw, probably daughter of William Outlaw and Mary Wood. [from the Campbell family]

Joshua Freeman, son of William Freeman and Christian Outlaw?, was born in Chowan Co NC 4 Dec 1735. He died in Bertie Co 10 November 1794.
Mary Outlaw Freeman died in 1796.
Her inventory was handed in by William Freeman Sept 30, 1796 in Bertie County.
(This statement in her estate record mystifies me: “Money was received from Elizabeth Watford and as her part of the estate of Joshua Freeman, dec’d” [Money owed by Watford to Joshua Freeman?])

Children of Joshua Freeman and Mary Outlaw:
1. Christian (Kitty) Freeman 11 Nov 1760 – 1816
married 1st ca 1776 James Wood 1750 – 1797 Northampton Co, NC
married 2nd William Moring
2. Mary (Polly) Freeman ca 1762 – aft 1824
married 1st ca 1778 Samuel Harrell 1756 – 1790 Hertford Co
married 2nd bef. Aug 1794 William Copeland died TN 1803/09
married 3rd in Grainger Co TN 1809 Etheldred Williams, a native of Hertford Co NC
3. William Freeman 1 April 1767 – 18 August 1830 Bertie Co
married Celia Sessoms 16 December 1776 – 4 January 1838 Bertie Co
[from the Bible of William Sessoms d.1844 brother of Celia]
4. Joshua Freeman ca 1769 -1840
married 11 Feb 1793 Mary Ann Pipken d of Isaac & Charity Pipken
5. Jacob Freeman ca 1771 –
married 30 June 1798 Sarah Pipken sister of Mary
6. Sally Freeman ca 1774 – ? ca 1816
married 12 Aug 1791 1st Cullen Wood ca 1770- 1792
married bef 24 Aug 1794 2nd Thomas Sutton
dec by 1816 son of Thomas dec 1777
7. Celia Freeman ca 1777 – aft 1837 Weldon, NC
married 23 Mar 1793 Rev. John Campbell 14 Dec 1770 – 19 May 1828
son of James Campbell and Mary Kinchen
8. James Freeman ca 1780 – bef. 1805
married 19 Oct 1798 Mary Norfleet

Bio Sketch included in Burkitt’s History of the Kehukee Baptist Assoc: Brother Joshua Freeman was the son of William Freeman, of Chowan county, NC. His parents were both strict Episcopalians.
He was converted under the ministry of Elder Dargan, about the year of 1777, and was received and baptized a member of his church near Wiccacon, now under the care of Elder Hendry. He was one of the Deacons of that church. He was so remarkably zealous and tender under preaching, that he hardly ever heard a sermon zealously delivered but what he would break out in raptures, praising and glorifying God.
He very frequently attended our Associations and he was so loving that he gained the general esteem of all the brethern with whom he was acquainted; and we felt happy when he was present, and when he was absent something seemed wanting.
He was a man of considerable fortune, and some years past was captain of a company of militia in Bertie; but had long since resigned that office, for it was evident that he sought not the honor that comes from man, but that which comes from God only.
Although he had many slaves, his lenity towards them was very remarkable. If any of them transgressed, his general method to chastise them was to expose their faults before the rest of his servants and the whole family, when they came in to family worship in the morning; who, when assembled at morning prayer, would talk to them, exhort and rebuke them so sharply for their faults, that made others fear.
Elder Burkitt had often been at his house the time of public prayer, and he was so very much affected for the spiritual welfare of his family that often he seemed almost convulsed. And this extraordinary zeal was not the impulse of a moment, but his constant practice for seventeen years, and continued to his dying moment, and instead of declining rather increased.
On Saturday night before he died he went to prayer with his family, and was immediately afterwards seized with a paralytic fit (for he had been under that complaint for about twelve months), the operation of which continued till Monday evening, the 10th of November, 1794, when he died. And we hope he is now where his longing soul is satisfied with beholding his Saviour’s face without a glass between.
His death was sincerely lamented by all his friends and acquaintance; and every person who was acquainted with his merit, on hearing the melancholy news of his death can but drop a tear.
His funeral sermon was preached by Elder Burkitt, from Phil. 1: 21 For to me to live in Christ and to die is gain.

Will of JOSHUA FREEMAN (252,253,254,255,256) Bertie Co, NC, 24 Aug 1794, proved Nov Ct 1794

Secondly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter CHRISTAIN WOOD the following negroes HARRY and WILL two Beds and furniture and one Mare all which said negroes and other articles have already been delivered to my said Daughter I also Give unto my said Daughter one Negro Man named GABRICE I say to her her Heirs and assigns forever

Thirdly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter MARY COPELAND two negroes PHILLIS and JACK two Beds and furniture and one horse which has been delivered unto SAMUEL HARRELL late Husband of the said MARY and it is to be understood and it is my express will that the said negroes Beds and Horse aforesaid shall go and decend to my said Daughter MARY and the Children of the said MARY by the said SAMUEL HARRELL Agreeable to the Division of the Estate of the said SAMUEL HARRELL now on Record in the County Court of Hertford I also lend unto my said Daughter MARY One negro Woman named ALICE with one ninth part of the Residue of my estate after Debts and Legaseys paid for and during her natural life and after her Death to be equally divided between all her Children to them their heirs and assigns forever

Fourthly I give and Devise unto my son WILLIAM FREEMAN part of the tract of Land whereon my (son) JOSHUA FREEMAN now lives to Contain three hundred Acres to be laid of so as to Include the tracts of Land I Purchased of FRANCIS BROWN & ISAAC PERRY also one half of the apple Orchard now growing on the said Plantation also all that part of Land which I purchased of TIMOTHY WALTON lying adjoining the lands of SAMUEL HARRELL Decd and the following negroes JACK PEG BEN and PAT two Beds and furniture one Horse Called Tom three Cows and Calves ten head of Hogs two ewes and Lambs and the sum of one hundred and Eighty pounds Lawful money of the State of North Carolina I say to him the said WILLIAM FREEMAN his Heirs and assigns forever

Fifthly I Give and Devise unto my Son JOSHUA FREEMAN the remaining part of the Tract of Land whereon he now Lives not before Given to my son WILLIAM FREEMAN also the following negroes FORTUNE and LEAH two Beds and furniture One Horse three Cows and Calves one yoke of Stears all which he has received also one negroe Called CHERRY I say to him the said JOSHUA FREEMAN his Heirs and assigns forever

Sixthly I give and Devise unto my son JACOB FREEMAN a tract of Land Bounded as follows Begining at Quiorson Bridge thence up the Windsor Road to Cabbin Branch then up the Branch to the Mill Race then along a line so as to strike the road where it crosses the Rooty Branch then up the Rooty Branch to CALEs line then on CALEs line so as to Include the whole of the land Called CALEs Land with all the Land lying on the West side of the Windsor road Joining the aforesaid Land also all that part of Land Lying on Licking Branch Pocoson which I purchased of LUKE WHITE and the following negroes named ARTHUR JUDE ANICE and GUY two Beds and furniture one Horse Called Price three cows and Calves ten head of Hogs two ewes and lambs and the sum of one hundred and Eighty pounds lawful Money of the State of North Carolina I say to him the said JACOB FREEMAN his Heirs and assigns forever

Seventhly I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter SALLY SUTTON two negroes named EDITH and SIMEON two Beds and furniture one Horse Called Dragon which has been already delivered to her I also give unto my said Daughter one negro man Named LIMAS(?] I say to her the said SALLY SUTTON her Heirs and assigns forever

Ninthly I give and Devise unto my son JAMES FREEMAN the Land and Plantation whereon I now Live except the Land Given to my Son JACOB FREEMAN after the term of time is expired to which the same is lent unto my wife MARY FREEMAN with Six negroes named NED HESTER TOM RACHAEL VENUS & PETER Two Beds and furniture one Horse Called Jolly three Cows and Calves two ewes and lambs it is my Will and desire that my Wife MARY FREEMAN have the use & Labour of my said negro NED during the time she shall Continue my Widdow I say to him the said JAMES FREEMAN his Heirs and assigns forever

Tenthly it is my will that all the Residue & Remainder of my Estate after Debts and Legaceys paid shall be equally devided Between my wife MARY FREEMAN and all my Children namely CHRISTIAN WOOD MARY COPELAND WILLIAM FREEMAN JOSHUA FREEMAN JACOB FREEMAN SALLY SUTTON CELIA CAMPBELL and JAMES FREEMAN to be Devided Share and Share alike I say to them the said MARY FREEMAN CHRISTIAN WOOD WILLIAM FREEMAN JOSHUA FREEMAN MARY COPELAND JACOB FREEMAN SALLY SUTTON CELIA CAMPBELL and JAMES FREEMAN their Heirs and I lend the aforesaid Equal share (or and during her natural life and then after her death to be equally divided between all her Children Share and Share alike

Lastly I Constitute and appoint my friend THOMAS SUTTON and my sons WILLIAM FREEMAN and my Son JACOB FREEMAN my whole and Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby Revoking all other Wills heretofore by me made declaring this and no other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 24 day of August in the year of our Lord 1794 Joshua Freeman

Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Joshua Freeman to be his Last Will and Testament in presence of Jas. Jones, Hardy Freeman, Timothy Walton

Bertie County November 1794: proved by Hardy Freeman & Timothy Walton Stevens Gray CC

Grandchildren of Joshua Freeman and Mary ?:

Christian Freeman and James Wood had:
1. Mary Wood ca 1778-1841
married William Mebane (Orange Co)
a. John Howe Mebane removed to Fayette Co TN
married 9 Feb 1837 Ann Graves dau. of Capt William
item from Hillsborough Recorder 10 March 1837
i. John Wood Mebane 1840 – 1864 killed at Kennesaw Mtn in GA
b. Dr. Alexander Wood Mebane 1800-5 Feb 1847
married 27 Jan 1824 Mary E Collins Howe 1805-29 Oct 1855
He was the owner of The Hermitage House, Bertie Co.
from tombstones at the Hermitage.
i. Will. A Mebane bef 1831-
married 1852 Mary Ashburn
married 2. 1866 Margaret M. Bond
ii. John T Mebane 1838 – 1867
married Julia Wheeler dau of S J
iii. Mary E Mebane
married 1857 John Pool
iv. Alexander Wood Mebane 1841 – 30 Nov 1871
c. William Grandison Mebane removed to Fayette Co, TN
d. Mary Frances Mebane
married John W Bond removed to Ark.
e. Elizabeth Mebane
married Green D. Jordan removed to Fayette Co, TN
list of siblings from Wheeler’s Reminicences and 1866 Power of Attorney
2. Elizabeth Wood ca 1780-bef 1834
married 27 Sept 1804 Thomas Howe 1775 – died bef 1813
a. Mary Elizabeth Collins How(e) 10 Dec 1805-29 Oct 1855
married 27 Jan 1824 Dr. Alexander Wood Mebane 1800-1847
married 2nd April 2, 1850 James Rascoe Rayner 1807-1852
Neal, Vol 2. Mebane: married lately at Dr. J. E Wood’s in Bertie County,
Dr. Alexander W. Mebane to Miss Mary E. C. Howe, dau of Thomas Howe, dec.
of said county, appeared Fri 5 Mar 1824 RRsw

married 2nd bef 1813 William Sutton
b. John A Sutton
3. Freeman Wood ca 1782- bef 1834
4. Dr. John Edwards Wood ca 1785 – 1834
married 1816 Mary Sutton (his Cousin)
5. Sarah Ford Wood 4 Oct 1788 – 19 Oct 1814
married 11 Apr 1811 John Wheeler
a. Julia Munro Wheeler
married 1832 Dr Godwin Cotton Moore
6. Celia Wood ca 1789 – died bef 1834 without issue living 1834
married NH 19 Nov 1812 Baldy Ashburn John E Wood Bdm.
a. Adeline Ashborn 1813/24 – bef 1834
7. Cullen Wood ca 1797- died bef 1834 without issue
listed in 1811 div. of James Wood estate NH-(Gammon)
Christian Freeman and William Moring had:
1. William Moring ca 1800-1856
married Christian Freeman (dau of William Freeman and Fruzy Leary)

Mary (Polly) Freeman and Samuel Harrell 1756 – 1790 had:

Mary (Polly) Freeman and William Copeland had:
(I know of none)

Mary (Polly) Freeman and Etheldred Williams had:
(I know of none)

William Freeman 1767-1830 and Celia Sessoms 1776 -1838 had no issue
[left all their property to nieces and nephews]

Joshua Freeman ca 1769 – 1840 and Mary Ann Pipken had:

Jacob Freeman ca 1771 and Sarah Pipken had:
1. Isaac Pipkin Freeman 1799-1885
married Mary Warford 1807 – 1885
home – Quixocoson Bridge and Cabbin Branch, Powellsville, NC

Sally Freeman c1774 and Cullen Wood (c1770- 1792) had no issue:
Sally Freeman and Thomas Sutton son of Thomas had: [see also]
1. Mary Sutton ca 1795 – bef 1834 no issue
married 1816 Dr John Edwards Wood (1st cousin) ca 1785 – 1834
2. Celia Freeman Sutton 6 Oct 1803 NC – 25 Sept 1870
married 23 Dec 1819 Dr. John Alexander Mebane 6 Dec 1790 – 11 July 1861
born Orange County NC–brother of William M. who married Mary Wood,
res. Greensboro, NC –
burial First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro NC
a. Sarah Ann Lucia Mebane 14 July 1821 – 18 Jan 1822
b. Mary Eliza Mebane 15 April 1822 – 1894
married 14 Oct 1846 Charles C Graham
c. William T Mebane 27 May 1825 NC – 15 Sept 1891 Ark
Class of 1845 UNC
d. Celia Henrietta Mebane 19 Mar 1828 NC – 21 Mar 1905 TN
married 16 Sept 1856 John Abijah Allen
e. John A Mebane 4 Feb 1830 NC – 28 Sept 1854 Baton Rouge LA
f. James Sutton Mebane 12 May 1832 NC – 26 June 1880
married 13 Oct 1857 Henrietta Elizabeth Campbell 4 Feb 1834 – 1876 Ark
i. John Alexander Mebane 27 Aug 1858 – 29 Jan 1859
ii. James Campbell Mebane 4 Feb 1860 – 11 Nov 1923 Farmer St. Francis Co Ark
married 29 April 1900 Jennie Eugenia France
iii. Kate Reynolds Mebane 20 May 1862 –
married 1882 O. B. Dunlap Farmer Rockbridge Co VA
son of Madison Dunlap
iv. Robert Sterling Mebane 7 May 1864 – ca 1880 16 years old
v. Allen Sutton Mebane10 Nov 1868 – In business, Cleveland, Ohio
married 7 Oct 1891 Rose Evelyn Strong 25 Oct 1864 –
vi. Donald Moore Mebane 18 July 1870 – Living, 1942 Unmarried Wynne Ark
Lived with his uncle, R. Granville Campbell, on Buffalo Creek, Va., after his mother’s death.
g. Carey Osceola Mebane 12 Sept 1836 NC – 4 Jan 1904 Norfolk VA
married 1858 William Davis Reynolds
3. William Thomas Sutton 3 Mar 1810 – 10 Mar 1897 Class of 1832 UNC
married Mary Carey Armistead ca 1817 –
living in Kitrells, Granville Co at time of 1880 census
a. Stark Armistead Sutton 1837 – 1864 CSA Class of 1855 UNC
died of wounds in battle at Spotsylvania Court House VA June 1864
married Henrietta Moore 1838 – 1861
b. William Thomas Sutton 1839 – 6 Feb 1899 Norfolk VA
Class of 1858 Brigade Surgeon in the war
married 1860 Annie Peyton Outlaw of Bertie Co ca 1841 – 1922
i. Stark Armistead Sutton 30 June 1872 – 1 April 1938
married 27 Feb 1900 Lucille DeMontalont Hudgins, Matthews co, VA
1. William Thomas Sutton 27 July 1909 –
[six daughters and one boy who died young]
a. Anne Sutton [Rowe]
2. Stark Armistead Sutton [two sons]
a. William Thomas Sutton
b. Stark Armistead Sutton III
ii. Emily Turner Sutton 18 Aug 1861 –
married 18 Nov 1891 Allen J Cameron
1. Wm. Cameron 4 Feb 1893 – 3 Feb 1910
2. Annie [Nancy] Sutton Cameron. 26 Sept 1896 – dsp
school teacher in Hillsbouough
put markers on unmarked family graves – Ann Rowe

iii. Annie Peyton Sutton 1877 –
iv. Mary Armistead Sutton 1877 –
married White
c. John Mebane Sutton 1842 – 1866 CSA
Class of 1862 – did not graduate – died of consumption contacted in the service
d. Plummer Sutton 1846 – aft 1880

The following is from Battle’s History of UNC:
Stark Armistead Sutton – From Bertie County, Class of 1855. Held the rank of captain in the war. Killed in service.
William T. Sutton of Bertie, class of 1832 but did not graduate. Was an influential planter and owner of a Fishery. Major says in his sketches “Capt. William T. Sutton at Walnut Point in Bertie County, in 1848 took thirty thousand (herring) at a single haul, many of which weighed sixty pounds apiece.”

William T. Sutton, Jr. of Bertie. Class of 1858. Brigade surgeon in the war.

John M. Sutton. Class of 1862 but did not graduate. Died of consumption contracted in service. There was a Capt. John M. Sutton who played a significant role in the final battle at Fort Fisher. I don’t know if this is the same person or not.
Also, don’t know if he is part of the Bertie family. Major Moore says in his Sketches that Sutton’s company was composed largely of Hertford men.

Back to Stark A. Sutton: The history of St. Thomas Church in Windsor lists him as a communicant and says he is buried there.

Celia Freeman ca 1777 and John Campbell son of James had:
1. William Kinchen Campbell 1795 – moved to Indiana
2. John Campbell III 15 Nov 1804 Orange Co NC – 23 Feb 1866 Weldon NC
married Halifax 28 Jun 1826 Emily M. Pope 4 Jan 1804 – bef 1851
a. Anna Louisa Campbell 29 Mar 1828 –
married Dr. John Doggett
b. John Henry Campbell 8 Oct 1829 –
c. Benjamin Pope Campbell 17 Oct 1831 –
d. Martha Celia Campbell 11 Mar 1833 –
e. Mary Emily Campbell 13 Sep 1835 –
“As for who raised my grandfather when his parents died in 1866 (he was 7 years old), my Aunt Rebecca (Caroline Rebecca) told me that two of his older half sisters from his father’s first marriage were spinsters who ran a school for girls in Weldon, and they raised him and educated him and I presume the other siblings of the second marriage. Martha and Mary were born in 1833 and 1835, respectively, so they would have been 33 and 31 at the time of their father’s death. ” ~ e-mail from Carolyn Clark Campbell
f. Evelina Frances Campbell 10 Apr 1836 –
married Dr. Thaddeus Davis

John Campbell III 1804 – 1866
married 2nd Halifax 16 Jun 1851 Caroline Rebecca Gary 11 May 1828 -19 Feb 1866
a. Caroline Rebecca Campbell 11 Sep 1852 – 12 Jan 1929
married 21 Nov 1871 Robert Octavius Edwards
b. John Kerr Campbell 21 Oct 1854 Weldon NC – 23 Jan 1918 Tarboro NC
c. Thomas William Campbell 3 Jan 1858 –
d. Andrew Joyner Campbell 24 July 1859 Weldon NC – 27 Apr 1924 Wash. DC
married Lucy Hilliard Clark 2 Mar 1870 – 24 Mar 1941
i. John Gary Campbell 16 Feb 1902 Wash. DC – 19 Oct 1978 Pompano Bch FL
married Jewell Rochelle Hill
1. Carolyn Clark Campbell
e. Sarah Elizabeth [“Aunt Lizzie”] Campbell 18 Oct 1862 – 1951 NYC
married 6 Jan 1885 Philip St John Moore 1864 – 1928 OH
f. Lucy Gary Campbell 8 Sep 1865 –

3. Celia Ann Campbell

James Freeman c1780-bef1805 and Mary Norfleet had
1. James T Freeman died 1840
married 1819 Margaret Hinton

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