John P Bridger & Julia Ann Langstron

Sally’s family ties – great -great-grandparents of R A Holloman III

John P Bridger 1820 – 1856 | his parents
& Julia Ann [JuAnn] Langstron 1823 – | her parents
of Hertford County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John P Bridger was born ca 1820, the son of Josiah Bridger and his wife Charlotte.

John P Bridger in Nov 1848 succeeded Abner J Perry as Sheriff of Hertford County.
He was still the sheriff when he died in April 1856.

“John P Bridger was at this time the sheriff of Hertford. Though a democrat he had succeeded in defeating Albert Moore, nurse a whig for that office.” Moore’s HSCHC chap LI

“John P Bridger, the sheriff of Hertford County, died at his home near Mt. Tabor in the month of April [1856]. He was an amiable man unfitted by nature for the work he had undertaken and gave his friends much distress over the unsettled condition of his affairs.”Moore’s HSHC chapter LXII

Children of John P Bridger and wife Julia A:
1. Joseph Bridger ca 1840 –
2. Sarah Elizabeth [Bettie] Bridger 29 June 1842 – 23 March 1907
married 3 Sept 1867 Jesse Holloman 23 Dec 1848 – 2 April 1898
3. Margaret C Bridger ca 1844 –
4. J C Calhoon Bridger ca 1847 –
5. Mary C Bridger 1850 –
6. William T Bridger 1852 –
7. Martha E Bridger 1856 –

1850 Census Hertford County NC
64 64 John P Bridger 30 m Sheriff 1800 NC
Julia ” 27 f
Charlotta ” 70 f
Joseph ” 10 m
J C Calhoon ” 3 m
Sarah ” 8 f
Margaret ” 6 f
Mary ” 4/12 f
Sarah Curle 17 f
277 277 Charlotta Bridger 17 f [William Jones’s res]

1860 Census Hertford County NC
140 154 Charlotta Bridgers 87 f farmer 1188 8005
155 J A Bridgers 37 f
S E Bridgers 18 f
M C Bridgers 16 f
M C Bridgers 10 f
W T Bridgers 8 m
M E Bridgers 4 f

1870 Census Hertford County NC
9-339 Holloman, Jesse 22 m w farmer 2000 500
Bettie 25 f w housekeeper
Nannie 2 f w
Bridger, William 18 m w farm labourer
20-220 Britton, J J 48 m w farmer 400 300
Julia A 46 f w keeping house
Marie Q 22 f w at home
Bridgers, E J 13 f w at home
Marie C 22 f w teacher

1880 Census Hertford County
008-008 Britton, Julia A w f 56 house keeping
Bridger, Martha E w f 23 dau s without occupation
Lewter w m 6/12 [Dec] son

Josiah Bridger bef 1774 – ca 1820 | his parents
& Charlotte Carter? ca 1773 – 1860/70 | her parents
of Hertford County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

The family home was a land mark on one of the County Roads “to Wit from Hills Bridge to Mrs. Charlotte Bridgers and from thence to Cool Spring.”

Josiah Bridger left a will written 15th Aug 1820 and died soon after in Hertford County. In it he named his wife and children. The household is recorded in the 1820 census under Charlotte’s name.
He named as his executors his oldest son Joseph Bridger and John Vann.

Children of Josiah Bridger and Charlotte:
1. Joseph Bridger May 1798 NC – 1856 Haywood Co TN
Capt. Joseph Bridger [bef 1755 – 1800/10] received payment vouchers for Rev War service in 1783 & 1784, and received a land warrant in 1785 for land (now) in Crockett Co., TN. He never took up the warrant, but his grandson, Joseph Bridger, who was Alma King’s gr,gr,gr, grandfather) did take the warrant land that was in Tennessee.
married in NC 1823 Nancy Porter
2. William Bridger 1800/04 – 1837 Hertford Co, NC
On the 21st of Jan 1837 William Bridgers rented for the balance of the year the plantation where Bridges lived to Jas Jenkins for $16.00. On 10 March 1837, John Baker administrator of William Bridgers sold William’s property at a Public Sale–Inventories of Estates, Hertford Co, NC by Fouts
married Polly Jones
a. Charlotte Bridger ca 1837
b. Rebecca Bridger
c. Rosbin D Bridger
3. James Bridger Aug 1806 NC – March 1865, Panola Co, MS
4. Carter Bridger 1810/15
5. Priscilla Bridger 1810/15 –
6. John P Bridger ca 1819/20 – 1856
married Julia Ann [JuAnn] Langston ca 1823 –

Will of Hertford County Book A page 16 — [Will was re-recorded in May 1831 after the court house was burned the first time.]
Josiah Bridger 15 Aug 1820 –
In the name of God Amen, I Josiah Bridger of Hertford County and State of North Carolina being weak in body but of sound & disposing mind & memory thanks to Almighty God for the same as it is appointed for all men once to die th[us] proper & highly necessary to make & Constitute & ordain this writing my last will & [testament] in manner & form herein after directed Viz
Item 1st — I lend to me beloved wife Ch[arlotte] the use of the plantation whereon I now live & the land thereto belonging during her life or widowhood And if she should marry she then shall take only one third of said —– I also lend my wife during her life the following Negroes Lucy, Abram and Ab[erdem]], & Silvy & Venus. I also lend my wife the use of my Brandy Still during her life or widowhood if she should marry I wish her only to take such part of the —– Negroes & still as be her Lawful Share I also lend my wife two horses say my —- gray horse named Jack and little bay horse Bradock and ten head of Cattle and one work Steer and the use of such part of my crop and stock of hogs and sheep household furniture &c as may not herein after be provided for & my riding Chair & harness I wish my wife to keep my young children and school them & — them on the above named property during her life I also lend my wife two feather beds & furniture at my wife Death or marriage I wish said property to — divided among all my children with the Exception of my plantation, That — shall herein after provide for
Item 2nd — I give and Bequeath to my son Joseph Bridger two negroes say Isaac & Martha, And one Colt called Plenix & — cows & calves & one sow & pigs & two Ewes & one saddle & bridle and the use of my gray mare called Pleasant untill Christmas come 12 months or as long —- he may stay with his Mother after that time I wish said Mare to use of my plantation to raise stock thereon and he and her increase to be disposed of with the rest of the Estate loaned to my wife I also give and bequeath unto my [son] Joseph one feather Bed & furniture
Item 3rd — I give and bequeath to my [beloved] daughter Priscilla one negro girl named Edith and one cow & calf & one [feather] bed & Furniture
Item 4th — I give and bequeath to my son William one negro girl named Mary & one heifer and one feather bed & furniture the bed that is already called [his]
Item 5th — I give & bequeath to my son Carter one feather bed & furniture and one hundred acres Land more or less known by the name of the old place adjoining John Jones, & Col Wm Wynns.
Item 6th — I give and bequeath to my son John P Bridger after the death of my wife the Land & plantation whereon I now live.
Item 7th — I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Bridger my Brandy Still after the death of my wife
Item 8th — A negro Girl Anne & feather bed my possession given to my son James by his Aunt Elizabeth Bridger I wish said negro to remain in my family until my said son James comes — Lawful age.
Item 9th — If my son John P Bridger should die without — heir lawfully begotten of his body the Land whereon I now live given to my said son John P. shall then descend to my son Joseph and his heirs forever.
Item 10th — If my son Carter in like manner should die without heir lawfully begotten of his body then & in that case I wish the land before given to my said son Carter to descend to my two sons William and James shear & shear alike.
Item 11th — I lend to my wife two negro Boys Harry & Bryant to help to —- and school my four youngest Children during her life or widowhood then [equally] divided among all my five sons.
Item 12th — Now I wish to be understood —- property loaned to my wife in the first Item of my will to be divided at my [wife’s] death among all my Children I now wish to divise other ways that is to [say] all the Estate loaned to my wife say Negroes Abram, Aberdem, Sylvia, Venus, Harry, & Bryant and the rest of my Estate not before given Away after paying [all] my just debts to be at my death divided Amongst my five sons Joseph, William, James, Carter, and John P my daughter Priscilla is not to have any part of said Estate or any other Estate only such as is bequeathed to her in the [3rd] Item of my will
Item 14th — I wish my son Joseph to stay on my plantation with his negroes and tend together with his mother for which the —- year Service I wish him to have one fourth part of the crop of all kinds — they may make provided he pay one fourth part of the amt for the Cool [Spr]ing Land one year
Item 15th — I give to my son William after the death of my wife or as such time as she may be willing to give Him up my hunting gun.
I do hereby denominate and appoint my son Joseph Bridger and my friend John Vann Executors to this my last will & testament revoking all former wills by me made heretofore In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixt my seal this the fifteenth day of August A D 1820. Signed & delivered in the presence of
John Wiggins, Michael Deans, Jethro [his x mark] Curl
enterlined before assigned
Josiah Bridger [seal]

Note: Almasy read the date on this will as 1830, but Mitchell lists the will as being proved ca 1820. Josiah’s estate is not included in Hertford County Estate records that began with Jan 1830.

US Census 1830 Hertford County, NC
Charlotte Bridger 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Joseph Bridger 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
William Bridger 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

US Census 1820 Hertford County, NC
Charlotte Bridger 2 <10, 1 10/16, 1 16/18, 2 16/25, 1 over 45,
females: 1 <10, 1 16/25, 1 over 45 9 slaves

US Census 1810 Hertford County, NC
Josiah Bridger 3 under 10, 1 10/16, 1 26/45, 1 female under 10, 2 26/45

US Census 1800 Hertford County, NC
Joseph Bridger 1 male over 45, 1 female over 45
Josiah Bridger 1 male under 10, 1 male 26/45, females 1 under 10, 1 16/25, 1 26/45

US census 1790 Hertford County, NC
Joseph Bridger 3 males over 16, 1 male under 16, 4 females, 5 slaves

1784 Hertford County Tax List
Joseph Bridgers 200 acres Land, 2 horses, 1 negroe 10/40, 12 head cattle, bonds & money

1779 Hertford County Tax List [Capt Joseph Bridger’s Company]
Joseph Bridgers 200 acres Land, 1 free poll, 2 black polls

1768 Murfree’s tax receipt book, Hertford County NC
Robert Bridgers 1768 to 2 Taxes + to cost Warant pd Vann 1 pound 2 sh 4

e-mail from Alma King Sept 2005: Sally,

Like everyone else, I have no specific dates on Capt. Joseph Bridger, but his birth date was before 1755.

Capt. Joseph Bridger’s son, Josiah, & his wife Charlotte had these children:

1.Joseph b. May,1798, NC d. 1856 Haywood Co, TN Married Nancy

Porter in 1823 in NC

  1. William m. Polly Jones
  2. James b. Aug 1806 NC, d. March 1865, Panola Co, MS
  3. Carter no further info
  4. Priscilla no further info
  5. John P. m. (JuAnn) Julia Ann Langston

Both Joseph and James are my direct ancestors, as Joseph’s granddaughter married James’ son. That makes for a little less work on the family tree!

Do you know any more on Carter or Priscilla Bridger. Carter inherited 100 acres from his father’s Will. If he held the land long enough, there might be land records somewhere (except for burned courthouses).


Rev. War Vet

Capt. Joseph Bridger bef 1755 – 1800/10 | his parents
& Anne ? | her parents
of Hertford County NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Capt. Joseph Bridger bef 1755 – 1800/10 Hertford Co NC married Anne.
He received payment vouchers for Rev War service in 1783 & 1784, and received a land warrant in 1785 for land (now) in Crockett Co., TN. He never took up the warrant, but his grandson, Joseph Bridger, who was Alma King’s gr,gr,gr, grandfather) did take the warrant land that was in Tennessee.

Children of Capt. Joseph Bridger and wife Anne:
a. Josiah Bridger bef 1774 – ca 1820 Hertford Co NC
married Charlotte Carter? ca 1773 – 1860/70 Hertford Co NC
b. Priscilla Bridger
maybe others

Joseph Bridgers est 1723 – ca 1790 | his parents
& ? | her parents
of Hertford County NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

This Joseph was the son of William Bridger and Sarah Dew. William left a will in Bertie County in 1729.
Joseph Bridger est 1723 – ca 1790 “plantation of Fishing Creek” in his mother’s Sarah Dew Bridger Cotten’s will
Joseph died in Hertford Co ca 1790

Known Child of Joseph Bridgers est 1723 – ca 1790:
1. Capt Joseph Bridger bef 1755 – 1800/10 Hertford Co NC
married Anne

William Bridgers ca 1703 – 1729 | his parents
& ca 1721 Sarah Dew ca 1705 – 1753 | her parents
& ca 1730 William Cotten ca 1705 – bef 1753 | his parents
of Bertie/Hertford Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Sarah Dew was the daughter of Susannah Shearer & John Dew born 1675 son of John Dew of Isle of Wight VA and grandson of Colonel Thomas Dew of Nansemond Co; Speaker of the House of Burgess 1652.

She married first William Bridger who made his will in 1729 in Bertie Co NC.
Will of William Bridger 11 Mar 1728/29 – proved Nov Ct 1729 Bertie Prec.
– son William Bridgers to have “plantation whereon I live” when he is sixteen
– daughter Sarah Bridgers – basin, blanket, etc
– son Josef Bridgers “plantation on Fishing Creek”
– son John Bridgers to have 100 acres belonging to my plantation of the courthouse road adj William Bryant and a small pond.
– when my brother Benjamin Bridgers “time is out” I leave all the stock on my Fishing Creek plantation to be divided between my children.
– my Negro Jack is to be sold for money to school my children.
– son John – Negro girl when he is sixteen
– brother William Bryant (married to Patience Dew) – my great cote.
– father John Dew – riding jacket and britches.
– wife Sarah Bridgers – remaining estate
EX: William Bryant, John Dew
witnesses John Dawson, William Bryant, Richard Hais, Mary [x] Haise.
from abstract by David B Gammon

On 11 August 1730 Sarah (S) Bridgers, executor of William Bridgers dec. sold to Abraham Bagget for 10, cur VA money 150 acres north of Meherrian River; Wit Willim Bryant & Francis Brown.

Children of William Bridger & Sarah Dew:
1. Sarah Bridgers ca 1721 –
married ca 1737 James Cotten ca 1718 – 1758
son of John d. 1728
a. James Cotten 1738 – bef 1815
b. Henry Cotten 1740 -1785 Halifax Co
c. Solomon Cotten 1743-bef 1771
d. Christen Cotten 1746 -dec
e. Theophilos Cotten 1749 – 1794 Halifax Co
married 2nd ca 1760 James Jones of Pitch Landing
f. Sarah Jones 1763 Hertford Co NC – 1816 Carthage TN
married Dec 1783 Hertford Co NC Capt. William Walton 1760 NC – 1816 TN
g. Mary Jones 1 Jan 1764 – 4 July 1825 head stone
married ca 1780 Robert Montgomery 23 Feb 1758 – 31 Oct 1808

2. Joseph Bridger est 1723 – ca 1790 “plantation of Fishing Creek”
witnessed a deed in NH Co 1756 died in Hertford Co ca 1790
a. Capt Joseph Bridger bef 1755 – 1800/10 Hertford Co NC
married Anne
3. John Bridgers est 1725 – 100 acres
witnessed a Will in NH Co 1751
married Faith Ruffin

a. Edwin Bridgers
b. Briton Bridgers
c. Sarah Bridgers
d. Purity Bridgers
4. William Bridgers est 1727 – by May 1763 NH Co NC “plantation whereon I live”
both died with wills in Northampton Co, NC

married Rachel ? d by Aug 1764 NH Co NC
a. William Bridger ca 1752 –
b. John Bridger ca 1754 –
c. Patience Bridger ca 1756 –
d. Willis Bridger ca 1758 –
e. Elizabeth Bridger ca 1760 –
f. Temperance Bridger ca 1762 –
married 1783/86 Samuel Parker d 1791 NH Co NC Rev War soldier
married ca 1798 Bryant
5. Patience Bridgers ca 1729 – bef Aug 1767
(She evidently was born after her father wrote his will on March 11 1728/9)
married Thomas Cotten c 1720 – 1787
[son of John d. 1728]

Children of Sarah Dew and William Cotten:
1. Charles Cotten ca 1732 – by Nov 1763 NH Co NC dsp
2. Priscilla Cotten ca 1734 – 1791
married Richard Wills
3. William Cotten ca 1736 – 1797
married 1st Elizabeth Wills
married 2nd Mary Pass
4. Martha Cotten
married John Scott
5. Robert Cotten
probably married 1st a daughter of Alexander Cotten
married 2nd 1763 Absilah Cotten dau of Joseph Cotten
6. Mary Cotton

William Bridgers 1680 – 1730 | his parents
& ca 1699 Elizabeth Godwin | her parents
of VA and Bertie Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Elizabeth Godwin, the daughter of William Godwin and his wife Elizabeth Wright,
married ca 1699 William Bridger 1658 – 1730
1716 – rem. to Bertie County by 1716

1718 – name is spelled Bridgers in a deed – William continued the practice of adding s to his name. . . no one is certain if this was intentional or a mistake.

1729 – William Bridgers’ will dated 2 Nov 1729, proved May 1730
(wife was not mentioned in husband’s 1729 will) abstract by David Gammon
“…very sick and weak….” son Joseph Bridgers – pewter basin.
son Benjamin Bridgers – my plantation and land belonging to it which is in Virginia that Joshua Turner? lives upon. Daughters Mary and Elizabeth – pewter basin each.
EX: son Samuel Bridgers
Wit: John [x] Wevrill, John Bardin, Edward Chitty

Children of William Bridger and Elizabeth Godwin:
1. Joseph Bridgers ca 1700 – ?ca 1758 Edgecombe Co NC
wit brother Sam’s will in 1745/46
married Mary Braswell

a. Braswell Bridgers ca 1720 –
i. William Bridgers ca 1740 Halifax Co – ca 1790 Tyancoca Swamp, NC
married Jemina Hobby
1. Drury Bridges 30 Aug 1765 Edgecombe Co NC – 15 June 1840 Trigg Co KY 7 children
married Charity Calhoun 18 Sept 1771 Edgecombe Co NC – 16 Oct 1852 Trigg Co KY
2. Samuel Bridgers ca 1701 – bef Feb 1756 Northampton Co NC
will dated 1748, probated Feb 1756
married Mary Johnson dau of John Johnson
a. Patience Bridger
b. Mary Bridger
3. William Bridgers ca 1703 – 1729 Bertie Co, NC
will written 11 March 1728/29 probated Nov 1729
married Sarah Dew d. ca 1754
150 acres north of Meherrian River

daughter of John Dew and granddaughter of Col. Thomas Dew, Speaker of the House of Burgesses 1652
Sarah married 2nd William Cotten ca 1705 – bef 1753 [son of John d. 1728]
4. Benjamin Bridgers ca 1705 –
married 1724 Mrs. Sarah Bryant [Drake] ca 1708 –
dau of James Bryant
a. Samuel Bridgers ca 1725 – 1800
Sheriff of Roberson County, NC 1790
married ca 1742 Elizabeth ? – 1813
i. Sampson Bridgers – 1824
married Sarah Drake
ancestors of John D Bridgers, MD
ii. Samuel Bridgers
b. William Bridger
married Miss Bass E. Rogers Pleasants, Jr
5. Elizabeth Bridgers nfi
6. Mary Bridgers
married William Bryant

Joseph Bridger Jr est 1655 – 1713 | his parents
& ca 1679 Elizabeth Norsworthy ca 1660 – 1727 | her parents
Isle of Wight Co VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Joseph Bridger Jr married Elizabeth Norsworthy, the daughter of John Norsworthy, and granddaughter of Tristam Norsworthy, Burgess of Upper Norfolk Co in 1641.
1702 Joseph Bridger Jr was captain of Militia in Isle of Wight Co VA
Joseph Bridger, the disinherited son [1686], engaged in a lengthy lawsuit with his brothers.
1707 William Bridger and his brother Samuel deeded 2000 acres of 7500 acres at Currawaugh to their brother Joseph Bridger.
Joseph wrote his will 14 March 1712, which was probated on 25 Jan 1713. Isle of Wight Co VA
– to son Joseph my Silver Bowl, with a foot to it, marked NSBS, and my coulors, Banner, staff, and appurtenances and allso my trumpett Strings; one loop ring marked in memory R.P. IB;
– to sons Robt, William, John and James each of them a Ring worth 20 shillings; various legacies of horses;
– to daus. Hester and Elizabeth; wife Elizabeth;
– my children Robert, William, John, James, Hester and Elizabeth.
EXS: bros. Samuel Bridger and William Bridger
Elizabeth Bridger wrote her will 14 Dec 1727
– son Joseph “a dish with coat of arms on it”
– sons – Robert, John
– daus – Hester and Elizabeth Bridger
signed with her mark EB

Children of Joseph Bridger Jr & Elizabeth Norsworthy:
1. Joseph Bridger III d 1751
married Sarah Davis dau of John
a. Mary Bridger
2. Robert Bridger d 1764
3. William Bridgers ca 1680 – 1730 Bertie Co NC
married Elizabeth Godwin

4. John Bridger ca 1675 – 1751
a. John Davis Bridger ca 1701 –
b. Martha Bridger ca 1703 –
c. Margaret Bridger ca 1705 –
d. Mary Bridger ca 1707 –
e. Agatha Bridger ca 1709 –
f. Katherine Bridger ca 1711 –
g. William Bridger ca 1713 –
h. James Bridger ca 1715 –
5. James Bridger d 1782
6. Hester Bridger 1739 – 1811
married Robert Pitt
7. Elizabeth Bridger
married Thomas Lear

emigrated ca 1650

Col. Joseph Bridger 1628 – 1686 | his parents
& ca 1648 Hester Pitt 1631 – 1711 | her parents
of Woodmancote Manor, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
and “Whitemarsh” Isle of Wight Co VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

1628 – Joseph Bridger was born in the manor of “Woodmancote” in the Parish of Dursley, Gloucestershire, England, the son of Samuel Bridger, sub-dean and auditor of the College of Gloucester. Joseph probably was educated there.
ca 1655 – Joseph Bridger, a Royalist, emigrated to Virginia fleeing the Cromwellian persecution.
He settled below Jamestown and south of the James River and patented much land in Isle of Wight Co. — probably more than anybody else during the 17th century.
1658 – represented Isle of Wight Co in the House of Burgesses.
1661-1672 represented Isle of Wight Co in the House of Burgesses. [Burgesses received 250 pounds of tobacco for each day the assembly was in session in Jamestown.]
1664 – Captain Bridger and two other Commissioners with Commissioners from Maryland went up the Chesapeake Bay to settle a dispute of a claim by the State of Maryland over a boundary.
He “was often named to deal with intercolonial problems, sat on important committees in the House of Burgess appointed to consider economic matters. He was also influential in subjects pertaining to Military defense.”
1672 – Joseph Bridger attained the rank of Colonel.
1673- became member of the Council of State and General Court [12 members] of governor Sir William Berkeley. Each of the advisors was allowed to hire 10 servants each at public expense. They were paid a salary out of the taxes collected.
1675 – people on the frontier were being slaughtered by the Indians. Berkeley authorized a 500-man army to fight the Indians appointing Joseph Bridger as a colonel to organize it. Well, the governor was dealing with the Indians for their valuable furs so the army never marched against them.
“In view of their lack of protection, the farmers became rebellious and obtained the help of Nathaniel Bacon. In time the governor was forced to flee Jamestown and Bacon’s army burned the town.
Joseph Bridger witnessed the governor’s will while they were in exile, and was appointed by the King to continue as a member of the Council. The new governor of Virginia, Lord Culpepper, was instructed to rebuild Jamestown and suggested that each Council member should build a home there.
1681 – Lord Culpepper commissioned Col Joseph Bridger sole commander against the Indians.
1682 – Joseph Bridger’s home completed in Jamestown and the Council met there on the afternoon of the 25th of November.
1683 – 29 May – the governor appointed Bridger deputy vice-admiral, with jurisdiction over all Virginia’s maritime matters.
“Colonel Joseph Bridger was a man of strong emotions, given at times to angry outbursts, He did not hesitate to engage in a lengthy litigation over land titles with his own father-in-law — and won.
He was a great land baron with extensive holdings in Virginia and Maryland. He lived in manorial splendor in a seventeen-room, brick mansion. His plantation was called “Whitemarsh” and was located not far from the James River. There Otta, an old Negro man and Isee, an old Negro woman were in charge of operating his handsomely furnished house, while nine other slaves and four indentured servants farmed the soil or otherwise helped to maintain the estate.

3 Aug 1683 Col. Joseph Bridger wrote his will. He mentioned his mother Mrs. Mary Bridger.
18 Oct 1683, In a codicil dated he disowned his son Joseph Bridger Jr for he had “grown very disobedient to me.”
9 April 1685 In a codicil dated he disowned all of Joseph’s descendents.
1685 – June – the governor left for London, never returning. He turned the government over to Bridger and his eleven fellow Councilors.
Joseph Bridger died 15 April 1686 in Isle of Wight Co VA and was buried at his home “Whitemarsh.”
His will was probated on 8 May 1686 in Isle of Wight Co VA.
The inscription on his tombstone reads:
“Sacred To The Memory of
The Honorable Joseph Bridger, Esq.,
Councilor of State in Virginia to King Charles ye 2nd
Dying April ye 15; A. D. 1686; Aged 58 years
Mournfully leaving his wife, three sons and four daughters
Years later his tombstone was moved to the chanel of “The Old Brick Church.”

Hester Pitt was born in 1631 in the Parish of Dursley, Gloucestershire, England, the daughter of Col. Robert Pitt later of Isle of Wight Co VA. Hester died in 1711 in Isle of Wight County Virginia.

Children of Col. Joseph Bridger & Hester Pitt:
1. Joseph Bridger Jr ca 1655 – 14 Mar 1712/25 Jan 1713
married ca 1679 Elizabeth Norsworthy ca 1663 – 1727
dau of John Norsworthy and granddaughter of Tristam Norsworthy, Burgess of Upper Norfolk
2. Martha Bridger ca 1663 –
married 1679 Thomas Godwin Nansemond Co VA
3. Samuel Bridger ca 1669 – 1713 [will 22 April 1704 – 25 May 1713] no issue
Justice of the Peace 1695; Col. of the Isle of Wight County Militia
married 1692 as her 3rd husband Elizabeth Godwin [will dated 5 April 1717]
she was daughter of Col. Thomas Godwin of Nansemond County VA
Elizabeth married 1st James Webb d. 1675 – 4 children
a. James Webb
b. Martha Webb
married Norsworthy
i. Elizabeth Norsworthy
c. Patience Webb
married Milner
i. Patience Milner
d. Elizabeth Webb
married Wilkinson
Elizabeth married 2nd 1676 Joseph Woory d. 1692 no issue

4. Mary Bridger
married Richard Tibboth
5. Elizabeth Bridger
married Thomas Lear of Nansemond Co VA
6. William Bridger 1678 – 1730 [will 27 Sept 1730 – 23 Nov 1730]
vestryman of the old brick church of Smithfield 1724-1730; Col of the Isle of Wight Co Militia;
member of the House of Burgesses 1718; sworn Justice of the Peace 1710 age 32.

married Elizabeth Allen as her 2nd husband she was sister of Arthur Allen of Surry
Elizabeth married 1st Caufield of Surry Co VA
a. William Bridger will 1732
married Martha Smith dau of Col. Arthur Smith
i. Col Joseph Bridger d 1769
married Mary Peirce dau of Thomas
1. Judith Bridger
married Richard Baker
2. Katherine Bridger
married Blake Baker
Mary married 2nd 17 June 1773 Col. Josiah Parker 1751 – 1810
b. Joseph John Bridger will 20 Jan 1727/28
c. James Bridger under age 1730 – living 1754
7. Hester Bridger 1683 –
married John Williamson of Isle of Wight Co VA
John Bennett Boddie in 17th Century Isle of Wight Co VA says his name was George
son of Dr. Robert Williamson and grandson of Arthur Allen of Surry Co VA

ref: John Bennett Boddie in 17th Century Isle of Wight Co VA
info came from “Virginia Cavalcade” magazine, summer 1957.

Will of Coll. Joseph Bridger 3 Aug 1683 – prob 9 June 1686 Isle of Wight Co VA
Personal estate to be equally divided between his wife and sons: Joseph, Samuel, and William, and daus. Martha [Godwin], Mary and Elizabeth, share and share alike; except Martha Godwin is to have one hundred pds less than the rest in respect of what I have already given her husband; and alsoe there mother and my dear wife shall have in the first place and before it be delivered, over and above her proportion at her choice, one Bed, covering and furniture to it, halfe dozen chaires, a chest of drawers, table and carpet and looking glasses and Andirons to furnish the chamber and one horse as she shall choose, and one man, and one woman servant white or black to waite upon her, besides her aparell, Rings, jewels, and appurtenances for life, and at her decease to go to his heirs;
to Samuel Bridger the plantation bought by me of John Gatlin and William Gatlin wherein John Cooke now lives, also one half of my plantation of Curawaock 7800 acres etc.
to Son William Bridger 850 acres granted to me by an escheat formerly belonging to Nathaniel Floyd etc, and another tract part of which is leased to Christopher Wade; his wife to have the tract of land on which he lives, 850 acres formerly belonging to Capt. Vpton, and 300 acres formerly belonging to Mr. Seward, and she keeping the brick housing and orchard in repaire; after her death they are to go to his son Joseph, as well as half the land at Curawock for his natural life, and remainder to the heirs male of his body; also tract at Manokin: to my mother Mrs. Mary Bridger 5 pounds yearly during her life. Lt. Coll. Jno. Pitt, Mr. Tho. Pitt and Coll. Arthur Smith to assist my wife, to whom I give 20 shillings apiece to buy Rings. Wife Hester Bridger EXz.
18 Oct 1683 – Codicil – he disinherits his son Joseph “who I finde fly out with divers dissolute courses of life and is grown very disobedient to me.” Entails the land that went to him on his other sons and divides the personal estate between his children Samuel, William, Martha, Mary, Elizabeth and Hester.
Receipt of Mr. Tho. Godwin for share of his wife Martha’s legacy directed by Coll. Bridger’s will: 203 pds 8sh and 5 pence, one cover of a silver tobacco box and two silver candlesticks, containing 70 ounces; 5836 pds tobacco and caske in blls, 14 cattle, 7 hogs, 3 horses, it being her proportion, except of a sloop not yet appraised and of ninety-two hhds tob. shipped to London and consigned to Mr. Perry and Lane. Dated 16 July 1686.
Similar receipt by Capt. Rich’d Tibboth for his wife Mary, the money being 303 pds 8 sh and 5 pence, one silver punch Bowl, one small dish and spoon, containing 70 oz.
Similar receipt by Mr. Tho. Lear in behalf of his wife Elizabeth.
Appraisement of Coll. Bridger’s estate. Mentions chamber over the store, the store goods, upper chamber of the oulde bricke house. In the next chamber, in the first chamber of the first story, in the next chamber, dining room, children’s chamber; uppermost chamber of the new house, middle uppermost chamber, 3rd chamber over the dining room, the gallery, parlor, hall, lower chamber, kitchen chamber, outer chamber, landing, kitchen, cellar, 13 Negroes, 4 White servants; total value of goods including a sloop that will carry about 28 hhds., 816 pds 17 sh 4 pence. not counting 105 cows, 46 hogs, 7 sheep, 490 oz plate, 60 pds in Spanish money, 42 pds in English money, 14 horses and mares. [One parcell of Virginia made clothes] Money due by bills: 155 pds 13 sh 1 pence. Tobacco debts 22,216 lbs and 20, 455. Bills of exchange 296 lbs 15 sh 5 pence. Several bills of exchange sent to Mr. Perry and sonn as by Journal of April 1686, appears 502 lbs 7 sh 2 pence.
Due in porke 1304 lbs, wheate 3 bu; Beefe, 527 lbs.
Above from “Virginia Will Records” 167-9 which includes reprint of “Will Abstracts from Isle of Wight County, excerpted from “Isle of Wight County Records,” W&MCQ, 1st Series VII [1899] 205-316.

Samuel Bridger 1584 – 1650 | his parents
& Mary | her parents
of Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, England

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of Samuel Bridger & Mary:
1. John Bridger
2. Samuel Bridger
3. Joseph Bridger emig. to Virginia
4. James Bridger emig. to Virginia
5. George Bridger
6. Jonathan Bridger
7. Martha Bridger
8. Mary Bridger

Lawrence Bridger ca 1550 – 1630 | his parents
of Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, England

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of Lawrence Bridger:
1. Samuel Bridger
married Mary
2. Lawrence Bridger
3. Joseph Bridger
4. Benjamin Bridger
5. Arthur Bridger
married Sarah
a. Lawrence Bridger d 2 Apr 1672
b. Samuel Bridger
c. Sarah Bridger
married Benedict Hicks
d. Paul Bridger
e. Edith Bridger
f. Richard Bridger
g. Anne Bridger
6. Richard Bridger
married Sarah
7. Elizabeth Bridger ca 1602 – 28 Jan 1650
married John Driver

One thought on “John P Bridger & Julia Ann Langstron”

  1. Looking for ancestors of Tyre Ciden Bridges 1790-1864. b. Wayne CO, NC; d. Williamson CO. NC.
    M. Rachel Mairs 1808 (1790-1838).
    M. Minerva Arnold, 1839 (1811-1880).

    I thought he was of Captain Joseph Bridger line via son, Col William Bridger, Sr; Son Benjamine Bridger Sr; son Samual Bridger; son John Bridger, then finally Tyre Ciden Bridges. Bridger name changes to Bridges.

    I have worked on this for months and I still am not sure I am in the correct family line. Can you help. Thanks.

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