Col. Benjamin Wynns 1710 – aft 1764 | his parents
& ca 1735 Margaret/Peggy unknown
of Winton, Hertford Co NC
This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
1710/6 Benjamin Wynns born son of George Wynns and Rose Bush
Bertie Deed Book I page 274: Deposition of Benjamin Wynns, age 43, of Bertie Co.
[ I suspect the 43 is a miss reading of 48 – we need to have the original checked]
He stated that Robert Warrin late of sd county is heir to William Warrin dec’d of sd county & in possession of land on Wiccacon Creek joining Horse Swamp, James Harris, James Sparkman, John Early; that sd. William Warrin possessed the land 20 years before he died. Aprl. Ct. 1759. Ordered to be registered. cc: Benjn. Wynns.
ca 1735 evidently married Peggy and had three recorded sons Ben Jr, George, and William
lived where the town of Winton is now (named for the Wynns)
1744 Deputy Surveyor under the Surveyor-General of the Crown
1744 April – first served as Deputy Clerk Bertie Co
1747 May Court Peggy Wynns and Benjamin Wynns wit. to deed.
1751 father George Wynns died
1751/3 brother John Wynns died
1754 May is now the Clerk of the Ct – Bertie Co
1758 brother William Wynns died
[naming his nephew George son of brother Benjamin in his will]
1759 made desposition re land of Robert Warrin heir of William Warrin
1760 first clerk of the Court of Hertford County 1760-1764
?1764 -65 Colonial rep with Robert Sumner I think these may refer to the son.
?1766 -68 Colonial rep with Matthias Brickle
?1771 -72 Colonial rep with Edward Hare
in 1773 -74 both Benj. Wynns Sr and Benj. Wynns Jr. were representatives to the Colonial Assembly
?1776 “Col. of regiment in 1776 that marched to Great Bridge and Norfolk
to help expel Lord Dunmore” Winborne’s Hertford Co
Children of Benjamin Wynns and unknown:
1. Col Benjamin Wynns II ca 1735 –
& aft 1753 Margaret Pugh ca 1727 – 1759
& 1760 Catherine Baker ca 1741 –
of Cofield, Hertford Co NC
he was The Public Register 1760 – 1764
the second Clerk of the Hertford Co Court 1764 – 1772 per Winborne
in 1773 -74 both Benj. Wynns Sr and Benj. Wynns Jr. were representatives to the Colonial Assembly
again Clerk of the Court 1778 – 1780
2. Maj. George Wynns ca 1738 bef 1743 – (named in uncle William’s will 1757) dec 1792
first made Major in 1764 in the Colonial Militia
Clerk of Ct 1772 – 1778
member of the State Convention of 1788
lived on the farm where Will, Ruth & Mary Thomas lived
a. Margaret/Peggy Wynns ca 1769 Hertford Co NC – 23 Mar 1796 Murfreesboro NC
married 1791 William Johnston Rea 1 July 1769 Boston MA – 26 Mar 1843 Astoria, Queens, NY
i. William Rea 23 July 1792 Murfreesboro NC – bef 1799
ii. Margaret Ann Rea 23 Mar 1796 Murfreesboro NC – 28 May 1869 Astoria, NY
married Samuel Blackwell 31 Mar 1791 Astoria NY – 16 Dec 1857 Astoria, Queens, NY
1. William Rea Blackwell 1814 – 1904
2. Margaret Ann Blackwell 1816 – 1892
3. Joseph Gardner Rea Blackwell 1819 – 1964
4. Charles A Blackwell 1822 – 1902
5. Mary Eliza Blackwell 1827 – ??
6. Emily R Blackwell 1830 – 1919
b. Mary Wynns ca 1776 Hertford Co NC -16 Dec 1814 Murfreesboro NC
married 1797 William Johnston Rea 1 July 1769 Boston MA – 26 Mar 1843 Astoria, Queens, NY
i. Sampson Rea 2 Apr 1798 – 9 Aug 1823 Murfreesboro
married 1818 Nancy Browne
dau of Albridgeton Browne and Margaret Ridley
ii. William Rea 1 Aug 1799 – 15 Oct 1821 Murfreesboro
married Nancy Cross
iii. Mary Ann Rea 2 Sept 1804 – 19 Jan 1838 aged 34 years
married 13 Feb 1822 Murfreesboro NC Benjamin Benoni Camp died 9 Oct 1833 aged 39 years
1. Juliet E Camp died 22 Jan 1834 age 12
2. Leonidas Camp died 25 Dec 1833
3. Joseph B [or R] died 2 Oct 1833 age 5
4. William Camp who went West and became a Methodist preacher [per Winborne p. 100]
married 2nd Joseph T Liles
William Johnston Rea
married 3rd 6 May 1815 Mary/Polly Peck 13 Feb 1779 Greenwich CT 21 Mar 1818 NY
? i. Hannah Peck Rea 7 Oct 1816 – [raised by uncle James Rea and wife Mourning Northfleet]
married 4th 24 Dec 1818 Blackwell Island NY Julia Blackwell 22 Jan 1795 – 13 Dec 1886
i. Frances Sackett Ogden Rea 20 Oct 1819 – 21 Feb 1849
married Walter King Parker
ii. William Rea 1822 – nfi
above research by Christine Kent descendant of Margaret Wynns and William Rea [with a long list of sources]
3. William Wynns ca 1741 –
“member of the provincial House of Burgesses in 1768”
ca 1751 Benjamin Wynnns member of the provisional Congress 1773 -74 I cannot make the numbers work.
? a. Benjamin J Wynns of Union 1789 – 1857
1830 census Hertford Co Benjamin Wynns: 1m 0-5, 1m5-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 40-50, 1f 0-5, 1f 5-10, 1f 30-40, 1f slave 10-24,
married ca 1818 (Polly) Mary A Carter ca 1795 – aft 1860
i. George Washington Wynns Mar 1818 – 1903
dry goods merchant Winton King Street 1880
Tom Parramore reports in”Murfreesboro, North Carolina and the Founding of the American Republic 1608 – 1781″ this account: “In the summer of 1780, for example, builders at Hare’s Mill launched a 180-ton brig, owned in part by brothers George and William Wynns of Wiccacon. The eighteen-gunFair American took on its cargo of tobacco and other goods at Edenton and sailed for Bordeaux in early September. On board was young Thomas Wynns, a nephew of the co-owners[actually half-brother], “on his pleasure to see France.” On October 7, however, the ship was run down and captured in the Atlantic by a British frigate, the only shot fired being over theFair American’s bow. The Wynns were major victims of the loss, but Thomas himself, a twenty-year-old civilian soon released in London by his captors, elected to resume the trip he had planned and found passage across the channel. Not long afterward, some of the crew of theFair American joined a mass-breakout from an English prison and, in time, made their own way home.”
Left to right: Uncle Henry Wynns, Mr. Riddick – Coke Hayes grandfather, Grandpa George Washington Wynns, Grandpa’s wife – Miss Mitt?, Estelle Celestrial Wynns [Dunn], Mr. Pruden, Aunt Dell Pruden [Big Mama’s sister], Baby is Lolla Pruden, Aunt Nina Wynns [Dukes], Mr. Joe Dukes.
photo compliments of Billy and Paula Rogerson.
married ca 1841 Mary S ca 1818 – ca 1859
1. Mary A Wynns 1842 –
2. Georgianna A Wynns 1845 –
3. Sarah W Wynns 1847 –
4. Thomas T Wynns June 1851 –
a. Eva Wynns Nov 1881 –
b. Bettie Wynns Sept 1882 –
married 1886 Armitta Oct 1851 –
c. Mary Wynns Mar 1889 –
d. Lucie Wynns June 1894 –
5. James B Wynns 1853 – lived Powellsville
1930 census give middle initial as C – occupation Builder
married ca 1905 May ca 1881 –
a. Clara E Wynns ca 1906 –
b. Bonnie B Wynns ca 1908 –
c. Frannie C Wynns ca 1910 –
d. Susie M Wynns ca 1913 –
e. June Wynns ca 1917 –
f. Bryan Wynns ca 1922 –
6. B W Wynns [m] 1859 –
a. Ola Wynns ca 1887 – Oct 1895
UNION: We feel sad to have to chronicle the death of Miss Ola Wynns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Wynns, which occurred very suddenly last Friday evening. Ola was a bright little girl about 8 years old, the pride of both mother and father . . . X. L.October 14, 1895. “The Patron and Gleaner”, Andrew J. Conner, ed., Lasker, Northampton County, N.C. Thursday, October 17, 1895 [Vol. 4, No. 42][excerpt from “From Time into Eternity” CD-ROM by David Powell, Winton NC: Liberty Shield Press ¬©2004] |
married ca 1861 Ilavenia Haroiva? 1814 – 1867
7. Ugene S Wynns ca 1863 m –
8. Robert A Wynns ca 1865 m-
9. Ile H Wynns [f] ca 1867 f –
married ca 1867 Marie E ? ca 1825 – ca 1877
10. George W Wynns 2 April 1868
11. Lycugus Wynns 27 Jan 1869 –
12. Martha I [Mattie]Wynns ca 1872 f – no issue
married 1893 John H Knight ca 1856 – bef 1920
13. Blanche Fentress Wynns 17 Nov 1875 –
14. Irma Delta [Dell] Wynns 17 February 1876 –
married Joseph Pruden Oct 1862 – bef 1910
a. Laura R [Lolla] Pruden Sept 1896 –
b. Mary C Pruden Aug 1898 –
c. [Beavis] Jenny R Pruden April 1900 –
married ca 1877 Mary Elizabeth Brett 1844 – 4 June 1898 age 53
15. Virginia W Wynns 28 February 1878 –
16. Henry C Wynns 6 Jan 1880 –
married ca 1905 Elvelyn [Elva] Parker ca 1882 – aft 1910
a. Ruby Wynns ca 1906 –
married Foy Lassiter
i. Delores Lassiter
ii. Al Lassiter
iii. Elva Lou Lassiter
iv. F M Lassiter
17. Estelle Celester [Cellie] [Big Mama] Wynns 22 July 1882 – dec
married Zebulon Vance Dunn 10 Dec 1879 –
son of Frank Dunn and wife Sarah Jane Parker
a. Sarah [Sallie] Wynns Dunn 2 Aug 1906 – 14 Nov 2004 Greenville Hosp.
married Bruce Johnson Dukes 3 Dec 1897 – 4 Jan 1974 Ahoskie Hosp.
son of Hugh Fonda [Fond] Dukes and wife Fedrica Snowfeather Porter
i. Katherine Louise Dukes 1929 – 5 May 2010
married ca 1956 Vernon Lee Shackelford dec.
1. Lee Shackelford
2. Bruce Shackelford
Hugh Fonda Dukes of Hertford Co NC married 23 Nov 1881 Fedrica Snowfeather Porter 18 Jan 1860 – 9 Aug 1950 of Hertford Co NC the 23rd day Nov 1881 at the residence of her father by Geo A Brown JP – Wit: Geo Dunn, NE Jouner Children of HF & FSP Dukes Nora Dukes 3 Oct 1883 [a daughter] married Curtis Mary E Dukes 24 Oct 1884 – married Clements Addis Dukes 23 Oct 1887 – 3 April 1888 Hugh F Dukes 5 Nov 1889 – 24 Dec 1964 Paul E Dukes 18 May 1894 – Bruce Johnson Dukes 3 Dec 1897 – 4 Jan 1974 Claude Dukes 18 Aug 1899 – Hilda Dukes 30 June 1904 – |
b. Katherine Elizabeth Dunn 18 April 1908 –
married Chester Wilton Rogerson
c. Harry Frank Dunn 28 July 1911 –
d. Edna Earle Dunn 22 Oct 1913 –
married Coates Hayes
e. David George Dunn 3 July 1916 –
f. Florence James Dunn 23 December 1918 –
g. Jack Standfast Dunn 25 April 1921 –
h. Buck Dean Dunn 12 June 1923 –
18. Nina Lloyd Wynns 27 February 1884 – 1974
married Brode Dukes 1882 -1948
a. Grace Spencer Duke 1912 – 1971
married John Wilmer Parker 1907 – 1954
19. Ruth Wynns 17 April 1887 –
ii. James Thomas Wynns June 1823 – aft 1900
married Mary Dunn
1. Annie Wynns
married Dr Sears
Col Benjamin Wynns II ca 1735 – | his parents
& aft 1753 Margaret Pugh ca 1727 – 1759 | her parents
& 1760 Catherine Baker ca 1741 – | her parents
of Cofield, Hertford Co NC
was this father or son?
?1764 -65 Colonial rep with Robert Sumner
?1766 -68 Colonial rep with Matthias Brickle
?1771 -72 Colonial rep with Edward Hare
in 1773 -74 both Benj. Wynns Sr and Benj. Wynns Jr. were representatives to the Colonial Assembly
?1776 “Col. of regiment in 1776 that marched to Great Bridge and Norfolk
to help expel Lord Dunmore” Winborne’s Hertford Co
ca 1735 –Benjamin Wynns was born
he was The Public Register 1760 – 1764
the second Clerk of the Hertford Co Court 1764 – 1772 per Winborne
in 1773 -74 both Benj. Wynns Sr and Benj. Wynns Jr. were representatives to the Colonial Assembly
again Clerk of the Court 1778 – 1780
Children of Benjamin Wynns and Margaret Pugh:
1. Mary Wynns ca 1754 –
married James Gregory 10 March 1752 – 1802 Gates Co
a. Ann Gregory 1782 –
married Dr. Charles Worth Harvey
b. Margaret Gregory 1785 –
married Gen Joseph F Dickinson ca 1775 – 1822 [47th yr]
married 2nd Dr Isaac Pipkin 20 Nov 1797 – 21 Jan 1850 Murfreesboro
i. Anne Marie Pipkin 8 Oct 1831 – 7 July 1848
ii. Mary Eleanor Pipkin 21 Aug 1827 – 23 May 1855 Baltimore, MD
married Capt William B Muse US Navy
c. Mary Wynne Gregory 1787 –
married Dr John Burgess Baker of Gates Co aft 1780 – 1837
d. Thomas Wynns Gregory 1796 – 1869
married Mary Tillery 1799 – 1836
i. Caspar Wistar Gregory 1836 –
2. Margaret Wynns ca 1756 – bef 1797
married General Isaac Pipkins 1759 – 1838 Gates Co
from Vol II HSF by Boddie with ref given to Winslow’s Hist. of Perqui. Co p360
[ he married 2 Aug 1797 Mary Goodman]
3. Gen. (of the militia) Thomas Wynns ca 1758/9 – 3 June 1825 age 66 yrs
“born, lived, and died in Hertford. He was a planter by profession, of active energetic mind, unspotted integrity and great personal worth. He lived near Winton, at the ferry called Barfield’s. As early as 1787, he was member of the House of Commons, and for many years after a member of the Senate. He was elected in 1802 a member of Congress from the Edenton District, in which capacity he served until 1807. He left no children.” J H Wheeler
married 21 Oct 1784 Susanna Manney 1766 – 5 Jan 1822 first cousin
no issue
date from Minister returns Southampton Co page 635
dau. of James Manney and Elizabeth Baker first cousin
poem re their romance by J W Moore
Child of Benjamin Wynns 1735 – 17?? and Catherine Baker:
1. Capt William Baker Wynns 1761 – dec by Apr ct 1797
he is buried at Bethlehem twsp at the W P Britton place
also known as the Pritchard Farm
home is filed under Deans at NRHP

“Originally, the east room of the house rested on a basement or root cellar of English bond brickwork with a large vents with wooden slats, while the rest of the house was supported by brick piers…” There’s “a sawn-out figure of a seahorse beneath the middle ramp of the stairway.”
married ca 1788 Jenny Deane 1770 – 8 Mar 1803
dau of James Deane Esq of the Island of Bermuda and wife Mary
Jenny Deane Wynns married 2nd 6 July 1799 Dr. John S. Hill
they has two children
tomb stone per BB Winborne: “In memory of William Wynns”
near his grave is found “In memory of James Dean, Jr, son of James Deane and wife Mary of Bermudos. He departed his life September 17, 1798 aged 21 years.”
a. Capt. Benjamin Wynns 1790 Bermuda – bef 1880 FL
raised in Bermuda by the Deans eldest
“long a sailor and resided in Murfreesboro” moved 1834 to Fl
descendants in FL 1906
married in Gates Co 1817 Margaret M Baker 21 Mar 1784 – 11 Aug 1827 Hertford Co
dau of William Baker and Judith Norfleet
in 1824 bought the home of Howell Jones in Murfreesboro and on 12 Feb 1824 settled in that town.
i. Thomas Wynns 5 Nov 1822 – 6 Sept 1823 ts
ii. Margaretta J Wynns ca 1818 – 30 March 1837 dy in her 19th year
at the residence of her aunt Mrs. Ann Harvey of Gates Co
iii. William Baker Wynn 1818/27 – 1864 Elmira NY
married 1st unknown
married 2nd Susan Clarke of Huntsville Ala
“who was in his day one of the most prominent men of his State, filling many places of public trust. Mr. W. B. Wynns Jr was married twice. He had no issue by his first marriage. He had the letter s eliminated from his surname by an act of the Florida Legislature. His second wife was Susan Clarke of Huntsville Ala the daughter of William Clarke and wife Susan of Virginia descent. He was a brave Confederate soldier and died in prison in Elmira NY in 1864. He left two sons, Judge Calvert Wynn of Florida and Wm. B. Wynn of Marianna in the same State.” BB Winborne “The Colonial and State History of Hertford County, NC”
1. Judge Calvert Wynn of Florida
2. William B Wynn of Marianna
married ca 1841 2nd Caroline Baker 1809 GA –
apparently she was first married to a Watron as Rebecca Watron 14 born FL is listed on the 1850 census after her mother
i. Colbert Baker Wynns 1842 FL – 1899 Jackson Co, FL
married 25 April 1866 Arabella Bush
( Jackson Co., Florida Marriages 1848 – 1900, Jackson Co. web site.
“Wynn Colbert B. 4/25/1866 Bush Arabilla B 179.”)
1. Colbert Wynns 1867 –
2. James D Wynns 1869 –
3. Clara Rebecca Wynns 27 July 1871 – 31 Mar 1905
married 31 Jan 1894 Chambers Alexander 6 June 1861 – 5 Mar 1949
a. Elizabeth Lane Alexander 1894 –
married Eugene Henderson 4 children
? b. Mary Ward Alexander 7 Mar 1895 – 21 July 1895
c. William Chester Alexander 29 Apr 1895 FL – 22 July 1981 TN
married 18 Aug 1927 Mary Elma Goza 2 Nov 1904 -15 Mar 1995 AL
grandparents of Alex
who supplied this info. on Benj Wynns desc in Florida
d. Arabella Wynns Alexander 19 Jan 1901 – 28 Aug 1953 AL
e. Colbert Wynns Alexander 7 Nov 1902 – 14 Oct 1903
f. Clara Alexander 24 April 1904 – TN
married 1st George Lowe
married 1934 Francis Dunbar Willis 1894 – 21 Nov 1959
married 13 Dec 1876 Mary Ward Barnes 1844 NC – 1938 FL
(Jackson Co., Florida Marriages 1848 – 1900, Jackson Co. web site.
“Wynns Colbert B 12/13/1876 Barnes Mary W D 572.”)
Mary is listed as Colberts wife in the pension application
(Colbert B. Wynns, FL. Confederate Pension # A00776).
4. Sally D Wynns 1878 –
5. Chris Baker Wynns 1884 – 1966
ii. Arabella Wynns 1846 –
iii. Caroline Wynns 1846 – [could she be identical with Arabella] ]
b. Thomas T Wynns ca 1792 NC – 22 Feb 1851 Brooklyn NY
2nd eldest raised in Bermuda by the Deans
long time consul at Turk’s Island [consul of Turks and Caicos]
lived Bermuda, Jamaica, and died in Brooklyn, NY
with unknown woman
i. Rosina Wynns
named in codicil added to Thomas Wynns’ will one day before he died
he left $5,000 to his daughter Rosina, who resided in Turks.
married ca 1845 Charlotte Arthur
daughter of John Arthur who became the Cousul of Turks and Caicos after Thomas Wynns
[Thomas Wynns . . . was the father of my great grandmother, Charlotte Arthur Wynn Wynns,
who became on marriage Charlotte Arthur Wynn-Mackenzie.
Charlotte was married in 1869, by which time her father was dead.
Her marriage certificate simply calls him “Thomas Wynns, gentleman”.
Charlotte was 35 years old at the 1881 census, which gives her place of birth as “Turk Islands”. e-mail from Ann Harrison]
i. Charlotte Arthur Wynn Wynns ca 1845/1846 Turk Islands –
married 1869 in London Stanley John Mackenzie
ii. Thomas Wynns ca June 1849 – 14 Aug 1850 14 mos
buried Greenwood Cemetery Brooklyn NY with his father
by 1854 Charlotte Arthur Wynns married William Anderson
Note: Thomas Wynns named the Smithsonian Institution as a provisional legatee in his will. the Smithonian spent a lot of effort tracking their protential windfall.
c. William B. Wynns 1796 – 1840 Marianna, FL [will Hertford Co]
married 21 Jan 1830 Mary A Pipkin ca 1811 – 22 March 1900
Edenton Gazette, 30 Jan 1830 – – -“Married- – On the 21st inst in Murfreesboro, N. C. by the Rev. Mr. Niell,
William B Wynne, Esq. of Hertford County, to Miss Mary Pittkin, of the former place.” NCGSJ Nov 1996 p 387.
i. Col. James Madison Wynn(s) 12 Oct 1831 – aft 1906
born in Barfields on the Chowan later lived in Murfreesboro
married 21 Feb 1865 Jennie Brown ca 1847 –
dau of S J S Brown of King George Co, VA
James & Jennie Wynns
Winborne’s Hertford Co
1. Mary W Wynns ca 1866 –
2. Jennie B Wynns ca 1867 –
3. Thomas B Wynns ca 1868 –
4.Lucy D Wynns ca 1871 –
5. John S Wynns ca 1874 –
6. William D Wynns ca 1875 –
7. Maud L Wynns ca 1877 –
ii. Thomas P Wynns ca 1832 – bef 1894 Harrellsville twsp
married Sallie A Cowper ca 1835 – 21 Sept 1894
dau of R. G. Cowper
1. James Wynns ca 1860 [pilot on boat 1880]
2. William B Wynns ca 1867 –
3. Richard C Wynns ca 1870 –
4. Mary Wynns ca 1878 –
MORPHINE FOR QUININE. — It is with much regret we learn the sad death of a child of Thomas Wynns, Esq., of Harrellsville, which was caused by a dose of Morphine being administered by mistake for Quinine.
d. James Dean Wynns ca 1799 – 1866 [will Chowan Co]
(raised by Uncle Tom Wynns)
youngest died during the Civil War lived in Edenton
“member of House of Commons Hertford 1821” Hertford County Justice 1833
1830 census Hertford Co: James D Wynns: 1m 15-20, 1m 30-40, 27 slaves, 10 free col.
married Sallie Ann Johnston 9 Sept 1808 – 6 Nov 1848
dau of John S. Johnston & Elizabeth Cotten
“The Murfreesboro Enquirer”, E. L. C. Ward, ed., Murfreesboro, [Hertford County], N.C.
Thursday, January 25, 1877 [Vol. II, No. 13]
Mrs. Sallie A. Wynns, wife of the late Thomas Wynns, died last Friday at the residence of her brother, Mr. George Cowper, at Winton. She leaves several children. She was a member of the Episcopal church. The burial took place at the Southall burying ground here on Saturday afternoon, and the services were conducted by Dr. S. S. Daniel.
“Murfreesboro Index”, John W. Hicks, ed., Murfreesboro, [Hertford County], N.C.
Friday, September 28, 1894 [Vol. X, No. 4] [excerpt from “From Time into Eternity” CD-ROM by David Powell, Winton NC: Liberty Shield Press ¬©2004]
Mary A Pipkin Wynns married 2nd 4 March 1842
John Wesley Southall 28 July 1797 – July 1873
of Murfreesboro, NC as his second wife
i. Susan E Southall
married Capt. Lewis C Lawrence
ii. Mary Williams Southall dy
James Dean Wynns
Winborne’s Hertford Co
“In 1768 an act was passed by the General Assembly at New Berne which established the town of Winton upon the lands of Benjamin Wynns, on the Chowan River. It is beyond question that it was named in honor of the Wynns family. They had been long seated in our limits and prominent for wealth and influence. As early as 1723 George Wynns was citizen of that portion of Bertie afterwards erected into the county of Hertford.
Col. Ben Wynns was one of four brothers all of whom bore their full share of the honors then within the gift of our people. His brother William was a member of the provincial House of Burgesses, the year Winton was ordered to be laid out. In 1776 the Congress at Halifax made him the colonel of a regiment. With his command he marched to Great Bridge and Norfolk where he assisted in the expulsion of Lord Dunmore. He married a lady whose maiden name was Dean, whose family was resident of the West Indies.
For several generations, the Wynns family were much given to sea faring life; and as late as the emancipation of the slaves by Great Britain some of them generally resided at Bermuda and Turks Islands while others commanded vessels that sailed between Hertford County and these places. Col. Wynns left four sons. The eldest Capt. Ben Wynns was long a sailor and resided in Murfreesboro until his removal to Florida where he died. His second son Thomas Wynns never lived in Hertford County after manhood. William B Wynns was wealthy and influential and for years the sheriff of Hertford county. James Dean Wynns the youngest of Col. Benjamin Wynns [grand]sons was a member of the House of Commons from Hertford in 1821.” Moore, JW “Historical Sketches of Hertford County” p 14
Hello. I am the great grand daughter of Benjamin Wynns jr. He went to Dominican republic and married there having my grandfather Emilio Wynns. My grandfather married my grandmother Aida Vera and had five children with her. The youngest was my father William Fransisco Wynns. My brother is William Wynns, I am Jaziel Wynns.