Abraham Riddick & Ann Thach

Sally’s great-great-great-great Grandparents:

Abraham Riddick ca 1730 – | his parents
& 1758 Ann Thach ca 1740 – bef 1780 | her parents
of Gates County, North Carolina

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Abraham Riddick married Ann Thach 12 April 1758 in Perquimans Co, NC.
Ann was not mentioned in her father John Thach’s will in 1780.

?Child of Abraham Riddick and Ann Thach:
1. Ann (Nancy) Riddick ca 1770/74 – ca 1808 over 26 in 1800 census
married 1st 30 March 1793 John Simons
Bondsman Micajah Riddick
married 2nd 27 Feb, 1799 Abner Rountree
Bondsman Micajah Riddick, Jr.

Your Abraham Riddick (#114) and his wife (#115) may well be the Abraham Riddick that married one of my kin, Ann Thach. Ann Thach was one of eleven known children of John Thach who was b. ca1718 (unk) and died in Perquimans in 1779. . . .Nonetheless, John’s daughter Ann married Abraham Riddick in Perquimans on Apr 12, 1758 but was apparently dead before April 12, 1780 when her fathers Will was divided. The other 10 children were named in the division.
John Thach had two wives. Wife #1 produced Ann, a sister, and a brother (Green) who is my surname link to John. He remarried in Chowan in 1748 and by that wife, Sarah Standin, had at least 8 more children, six girls and two boys. I have traced descendants of John’s 3 sons over the last 15-years but only haphazardly the 8 girls. Phil Thatch

Ann Riddick 30 March 1793 married John Simons, Bondsman Micajah Riddick.

Abner Rountree 5 May 1793 married Sarah Spivey, daughter of Moses.

Abner Rountree 27 Feb, 1799 married Nancy Simons, Bondsman Micajah Riddick, Jr.

Abner Rountree 8 March 1809 married Catherine Piland.

22 Sept 1792 John Arnold to John Simons 70£ 100 acres

22 Sept 1794 Abraham Riddick to John Simons 100£ 200 acres

22 Dec 1794 John Simons to John Arnold 90¬£ for 100 acres James Parker’s corner. John Simons, Nancy (x) Simons Test. James Pruden, Jesse (x) Phelps
Feb Ct. 1795

10 Nov 1795 Abraham Riddick to John Simons $10 20 acres.

Jesse Phelps orphan of James Phelps dec. Feb Ct 1795 apprenticed to John Simons to learn the business of Wheel Wright.

1797 Ann Simons exec. of John Simons estate. Bondsmen Abraham Riddick and John Hunter.

Account of Sales of Estate of John Simons, dec’d,
exhibited into Court by Ann Simons and Abraham Riddick- 21 May 1798.

Charles Smith to Demsey Jones, Wit: Abraham Riddick and Joel Foster

William Boyce & wife Asle to Miles Boyce , William (+) Boyce, Alice (AB) Boyce Wit: Abner (R) Rountree, Abraham Riddick. May Ct. 1798

18 Aug 1794 Deed of Sale of Land Abner Rountree, Sarah Rountree, his wife, & Priscilla Spivey to …
Feb 1804 Ordered that Abner Rountree be appointed Guardian to his daughter Nancy Rountree- security 50£ Wm W Riddick and Jno Hunter offered themselves.

17 Feb 1816 – Robert Simons to James Smith – $275 – several tracts – between Abraham Riddick & James Hayes. Robert (x) Simons.

Div. of Abraham Riddick 18 Feb 1822 into two parts. 1 to Josiah Riddick and the other to Solomon Riddick. Josiah sold his share to Matthews.

26 Jan 1828 Abraham Riddick & now wife Elizabeth of Nancemond

Gates County, NC, Will Book 2-page 133
Abner Rountree, Oct 18, 1816 Probate-Nov Court 1816
In the name of God Amen. I Abner Rountree of Gates County, State of North Carolina being weak in body but of disposing mind & memory thank God for the same do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
Item I give to my daughter Nancy Rountree one negro woman by the name of Febey to her & her heirs also all the property now in her possession.
Item I give and bequeath to my youngest son Solomon Rountree one negro man by the name of Isaac to him and his heirs forever also $125 in cash Item I give to my son Solomon Rountree one negro boy by the name of Ruben to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Simons $15 in cash to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Simeon Rountree 1/2 the tract of laand whereon I now live to him and his heirs forever.
Item My will and desire is that my son in law Robert Rountree be paid out of my estate for his services in nursing me when sick & my burying expences also.
Item I give to Treasy Harrell daughter of Enos Harrell $8 to be paid out of my estate.
Item My will and desire is that all the remaining part of my property not before given away including my stock of all kind and my crop of all kinds and my horse to be sold and the money arising from such sale after paying my just debts be equally divided between my daughter Nancy Rountree and Simeon Rountree and Solomon Rountree share and share equally alike to them and their heirs forever.
Lastly I nominate and appoint my friend William Riddick Esqr and my son in law Robert Rountree my sole Executors to this my last will and Testament. In witness I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 18th day of October 1816. Abner (his X mark) Rountree (seal)
Signed in the presence of John Harrell John Harrell John Harrell (Jurat), Abraham (his X mark) Bains (Jurat), Terese (her X mark) Harrell


Grandchildren of these Riddicks:

Child of John Simons and Ann Riddick:
1. Robert Simons born ca 1795 married Phiny —

Children of Abner Rountree and Ann Riddick:
1. Simeon Rountree born ca 1800
married 23 Oct 1823 Elizabeth Parker
2. Solomon Rountree 1802 – 1870
married 15 Mar 1827 Amelia Hudgins

One thought on “Abraham Riddick & Ann Thach”

  1. Do you have an Abraham Riddick in your tree born ~1680 who married a Pleasant MNU ( Ancestry trees have that she is Elizabeth Pleasants, but I think this is an error they make from interpreting the Norfleet Bible index entry.) and had daughter Elizabeth Riddick, born ~ 1710, who married John Norfleet born ~ 1699 in Nansemond County? I have Abe’s father as Robert Riddick (1648-20 Aug 1695) married to Mary Rich of Va. Colony and his grandfather as James Riddick (1630-1693), the immigrant to America. Abe’s daughter Elizabeth m. John Norfleet (1699-1753), and their daughter, Pleasant Norfleet, named for her grandmother Pleasant Riddick, married John Twine.

    I’d appreciate your help. I’ve been using your site for YEARS! All my relatives seem to come from the Va. colony during the early 1600’s. I’ve got Williamses, Herring’s, Harrell’s, Taylor’s, but it’s real hard to find definitive proof without traveling to the site to research. I don’t trust most the trees from Ancestry.com because they make such glaring errors.

    Hope to hear from you soon, T.

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