William Moore & Sarah Lawrence

Sally’s 5-great Grandparents:

William Moore ca 1705 – 1771 | his parents
& Sarah Lawrence ca 1715 – aft Feb 1748 | her parents
of Nansemond County, Virginia

My working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

William Moore resided in Nansemond county, Va.
He was a member of the Vestry of the Upper Parish.
He had at least three sons. He was a Capt in the militia.
His wife was probably a Lawrence.

Known Children of William Moore & Sarah Lawrence:
1. William Edward Moore 6 May 1736 – ca 1780 Nansemond Co
married Pensie Wright ca 1755 – ca 1790

2. Lawrence Moore ca 1738 – bef 1779 Hertford Co (tax list)
signed 1758 petition for the formation of Hertford Co
1761. Bertie Deed Book K, Page 366-(122). Lawrence Moore is a witness to a transfer by John (X) Duning planter of Bertie County to Samuel Duning of same. October 28, 1761. 5 Pounds North Carolina. 350 Acres which was ¬Ω of a 700 Acre Survey, on northside of Connaritsit Pocoson, joining said John Duning, Horse Pen Branch. Witnesses are Arthur Cotton, Lawrence Moore, Jones Griffin. April Court 1762. CC: John Johnston.
married [Sarah] Cotten dau of Arthur
she married 2nd Samuel Bell of NH Co
3. James Moore ca 1740 – aft 1805 Hertford Co
lived in Hertford Co 1758
married ca 1757 Marina Cotten dau. of Arthur

?Children of William Moore & Miss Ratcliffe dau of Cornelius Ratcliffe d 1762
4. ? Cornelius Moore bef 1741 –
on 12 April 1762 Cornelius Moore of Perqu. Co deeded to Joseph Copeland 198 ac formerly belonging to Cornelius Ratcliffe on the Western Branch in Isle of Wight Co, VA – Barry
5. ? Gideon Moore died 1763 Perquimans Co, NC

Some tib-bits I have found:

1704 Rents List–Nansemond county VA:
Edw’d Moore 250
Rich’d 250
James 400
Tho 200
Jno 200
John 100

1732 John Moore sold his brother William Moore (current owner 1734) 110 acres in Fork of Southern Branch of Nansemond River in Upper Parish which John Moore father to John & Wm. willed to sd. John.
Southside Virginian Vol V page 11.

Southside Virginian Vol V #1 Jan 87 Nansemond county Records by L. H. Hart After the destruction of Nansemond County records by fire at the house of Christopher Jackson, Clerk of Court, in April 1734, a commission was appointed to include William Wright and 11 others. They were to examine old legal instruments brought in to be rerecorded and take any necessary depositions to prove the validity of these items. Two reports containing abstracts of the rerecorded items are among the Colonial Records at the Public Records Office.

Reel 86 (c.0. 412/24) 1729 or 30–Edward Moore bought of William Moore land whereon said Edward now lives.

Reel 87 C.O. 412/25 16 Dec 1738–1711–John Cotton sued out a patent on southside of Cedar Swamp and assigned it to David Lewis deceased and his son David Lewis now possesses it.

1732–John Moore sold his brother William Moore (current owner) 110 acres in Fork of Southern Branch of Nansemond River in Upper Parish which John Moore father to John & Wm. willed to sd. John.

1745 21 Nov. William Moore of the Upper Parish of Nansemond County conveyed 250 acres on the head of the Southern Branch of Nansemond River to John Hare of the Lower Parish of Isle of Wight. . .being part of a patent granted Thomas Mason on 29 March 1666 and part of a patent of John Bryant dated 20 April 1682. Wit: John Lawrence, William Lawrence.

1748 10 Feb William Moore and his wife Sarah of the Upper Parish of Nansemond County to John Butler of the Lower Parish of Isle of Wight 170 acres on the head of the Southern Branch of Nansemond River and the boarder of the two counties with part of the land in Nansemond County (being part of a patent granted Thomas Mason on 19 March 1666) Wit: Samuel Blow, James Bridger, John Darden.

Vestry Minutes of the Upper Parish:

Early in 1750–William Coupland one of the Vestry being dead William Moor is this day Chosen a Vestryman in the room of the said Coupland. Ordered the Churchwardens give notice to the sd Moor that he appear at the next Vestry in order to be Qualified as a Vestryman, William Webb.

At a Vestry held for the upper Parish of Nansemond County at Suffolk Town the 21st Day of May 1750. . .Daniel Pugh and William Moor are appointed and sworn Churchwardens until Easter next.

July 24th 1758 William Moore is Apointed Vestry man in the room of William Hunter who has Removed out of the county.

after 23 Dec 1771 . . . Mr. Thos Norfleet is chosen a Vestryman in the room of Capt William Moore deceased.

Bradley-Edenton District NC Loose Estate Papers (1756-1806) 391. William Moore–1772–Summons to Hertford Co to William Moore excr of William Moore the elder dec,d to answer in Edenton Dist Ct Ismay Rascow & his wife Sarah for debt. Note on back. Lives in Nansemond Co. VA.

In the procession of Dec 1771
a William Moore land shares boundary with David Meade, Thos Gwin, and Wm Copeland.
A William Moore’s land shares boundaries with Saml Cahoon, Peter Butler, John McCleaney, and James Pierce.


14 thoughts on “William Moore & Sarah Lawrence”

  1. A traditional naming pattern was often used by Irish parents until the later 19th century:

    First son usually named for the father’s father
    Second son usually named for the mother’s father
    Third son usually named for the father
    Fourth son usually named for the father’s eldest brother
    Fifth son usually named for the mother’s eldest brother
    First daughter usually named for the mother’s mother
    Second daughter usually named for the father’s mother
    Third daughter usually named for the mother
    Fourth daughter usually named for the mother’s eldest sister
    Fifth daughter usually named for the father’s eldest sister.

  2. The Scottish, for the most part, had a naming pattern which can be seen in many families. The pattern generally went as follows:

    The first son was named after the father’s father.
    The second son after the mother’s father.
    The third son after the father.
    The first daughter after the mother’s mother.
    The second daughter after the father’s mother.
    The third daughter after the mother.

    The usual British naming convention was as follows:
    • The first son was named after the paternal grandfather
    • The second son was named after the maternal grandfather
    • The third son was named after the father
    • The fourth son was named after the oldest paternal uncle
    • The fifth was named after the second oldest paternal uncle or the oldest maternal uncle
    • The first daughter was named after the maternal grandmother
    • The second daughter was named after the paternal grandmother
    • The third daughter was named after the mother
    • The fourth daughter was named after the oldest maternal aunt
    • The fifth was named after the second oldest maternal aunt or the oldest paternal aunt


    Patronymic surnames are based on the father’s given name. Generally, ap or ab was added between the child’s name and the father’s name. For example, David ab Owen is David “son of” Owen. For a woman’s name, the word ferch or verch (often abbreviated to vch), meaning “daughter of”, was used. There were many exceptions to this:

    The family could drop the ‘ab’ or ‘ap’. In this case, his name would have been simply David Owen.
    The family could drop the ‘a’ and attach the remaining ‘p’ or ‘b’ to the father’s name. For example, ‘David ab Owen’ could have been ‘David Bowen’.
    In dealing with patronymic names, remember:

    The absence of ‘ap’ or ‘ab’ does not mean the family adopted a permanent surname. In south Wales particularly, patronymic surnames appeared without the ‘ap’ or ‘ab’.
    Different naming patterns were often used in the same family. For example, Harry John’s six sons were named Griffith ap Harry, John Parry, Harry Griffith, Richard Parry, Miles ap Harry, and Thomas Parry. They might equally have used the surname John(s) or Jones.
    An illegitimate child may have used the given or surname of the reputed father, the surname of the mother, or the given or surname of the family who raised the child.
    Some families used patronymics after adopting a permanent surname. Never assume that a surname is a permanent surname.
    The father’s given name may be spelled differently as a surname even though it is pronounced the same (for example, Davies from David).
    The name may have been anglicized.
    Patronymic surnames changed with each generation.
    A widow may have reverted to using her maiden surname.

    Timothy Rhodes Adcock (MOORE)

  3. I am going to try and put this in some kind of order: (I have to go back and see about GEORGE & THOMAS MOORE) (anyway) LEONARD MOORE, bought land in Warwicksqueake (Isle of Wight) in 1633. – WILLIAM MOORE, on Nansemond River 1635 and 1638. – JOHN MOORE, comes from Scotland and marries JANE EDWARDS, in 1638. – JOHN MOORE, buys in Warwick… (IoW), 1645. – JOHN, buys in Upper Norfolk (Nanse…) 1646. – RICHARD, in U.N. (Nanse…) 1646, – (a) THOMAS, in upper & lower, in 1646 & 1651. – WILLIAM, Lower Norfolk (Nans..) 1648. – THOMAS, Nanse… 1655. – JNO, 1681. – JOHN, 1682. & THOMAS, in Nanse… 1150 acrs., 1687

  4. “Know all men by these prsents that wee William Wright & John Moore of Nansemd County are held & firmly Bound and Indebted unto the Honble Alexander Spotswood her Majties Lieut Governor & Comander in Cheif of this Colony and Dominion & his Successors in the Sum of ffifty pounds of Lawfull money to to ye paymt: whereof well & truly to be made and Done Wee Bind Our Selves & every of us Our & every of Our heirs Exrs & Admors jointly & Severally firmly by these prsents Witness Our hands & Seals this 25th Day of March Anno Dom 1714
    The Condition of this Obligation is such that If the Above bound William Wright shall Do Erect & Build at Horns Landing in the Southern Branch One house Sixty foot long and Twenty foot wide fram’d and well Cover’d and one other House Twenty foot Square framed and well Cover’d According to the Directions of the Comissionrs Appointed by the honble the Lieut Governor and Compleatly finish the said Buildings by the 10h Day of November next Comeing and likewise make a good & Substantial wharfe at the said Horns Landing then this Obligation to be Void & of none effect otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue
    Wm Wright
    John Moore
    Nansemd County Sct March the 25h: 1714
    Wm Wright and John Moor Acknowledged this Bond in Court
    Test Michl Archer ClCur”.

  5. In 1633, a LEONARD MOORE was in Warwicksqueake Co., which in 1637 became Isle of Wight. – – A WILLIAM MOORE, was in Upper Norfolk Co., in 1635, which in 1638 became Nansemond. WILLIAM, is also in 1638, Nasemond River.

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