Thomas Drew & Faith

Sally’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great Grandparents:

Thomas Drew ca1658 – 1734 | his parents
& Faith ? -1740 | her parents
of Surry Co, VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Thomas Drew was born by 1658 as he first appeared on the tithable list in 1674.
He was the son of Richard Drew and his wife Mabel ? of Surry Co, VA.
On 1 March 1677 Thos. Blunt deeded to Thos. Drew “son of Richard Drew” a tract of land in Surry; however he almost immediately sold this to his father.
In 1682 he was granted 390 acres in Surry GB 7-179.
He married prior to 1 March 1677 Faith, surname unknown.
His will was probated in Surry in 1734. mentioned sons John, Thos, and William and grandchildren William, Martha, and Elizabeth.

Children of Thomas Drew and wife Faith:
1. John Drew ca 1679 – of Isle of Wight
first appears on tithable list in 1695 with Tho Lane
2. William Drew ca 1680 – ca 1739
first appears on tithable list in 1696
married Judith Wood
dau of Thomas Wood of Isle of Wight
3. Thomas Drew ca 1685 – 1742 Surry Co will proved
first appears on tithable list in 1701

Tithables – Lawn Ck Parish:
1675 Ri Drew, Tho Drew
Surrey T 1678
Mr Ri Drew, Tho Drew, Wm Drew
1679 Mrs Drew 4,
Tho Drew
1683 Tho Drew
Edward Drew
1684 Jno Drew
1685 Jno Drew
1686 Jno Drew
Tho & Edw Drew
Tho & Joseph Lane & John Drew
1688 Tho, Edward & John Drew
1689 Tho Lane Sen & Jos Lane
Tho and John Drew
Edward Drew
1690 Edward Drew
Tho & John Drew
Tho Lane Sr & Jo Lane, Jno Lane
1691 Tho Drew, Ri Drew
Edward Drew
Tho Lane
John Drew
1692 Tho Drew
John Drew
Tho Lane, Rich Drew
1693 Edward Drew
John Drew
Tho Drew
1694 Jno Drew
1695 Mr Thos Lane
John Drew
Mr Thos Drew
Edward Drew
Jno Drew
1696 Edw Drew
John Drew
Thos Drew, Wm Drew
1697 Tho Drew, Wm Drew
Edward Drew
John Drew
1698 Edward Drew
1699 Edward Drew
John Drew
Mr Tho Drew, Wm Drew
1700 Edward Drew
John Drew
1701 Mr Thos Drew, Tho Drew Jr
Edward Drew
John Drew
1702 Mr Thos Drew, Wm Drew, Tho Drew Jr
John Drew, Benja Drew
1703 Edward Drew, Rich Lane
Mr Tho Drew, Wm Drew
Tho Drew Jr
Elizabeth Drew

1 March 1677 Thomas Blunt deeded to Thomas Drew son of Richard Drew land in Surry.
Also on 1 March 1677 Thomas Drew and wife Faith sold to Richard Drew a tract of land purchased from Thomas Blunt, nigh Capt. Baker. (O B 213)

1682, Thomas Drew was granted 390 acres in Surry Co. (G.B. 7-179)

Grandchildren of Thomas Drew and wife Faith:

John Drew of Isle of Wight

John Drew pat in I of W VA 1713 420 ad; 1722 270 ac; granted 530 acres on Lightwood Swamp in IofW VA 5 Sept 1723 GB II-258

Pat 1737 John Drew -270 a Isle of Wight s side of Main Black Water Swamp bounder by Cabbin Br c of William Bailey c of William Gray [p376] and John Drew’s other land 9 July 1737

[ one John appears to have moved to NC by 1752

March 1752 granted 520 acres in Edgecombe Co NC “in Scotland Neck”
1753 – 1512 acres in the same county
In Feb 1755 conveyed to Wm Batts of Surry Co VA 275 acres in Edgecombe lying on Fishing Creek
Judith Davis married a John Drew 13 July 1758 in SH Co VA

Children of William Drew and Judith Wood :
1. Priscilla Drew
married a Harrison
Priscilla Harrison the daughter of Wm. Drew mentioned in the will of Nathaniel Munger that was proved in Surry County 7-21-1731.
2. Dolphin Drew
married Mary ?
On Oct 2, 1752 Dolphin Drew and wife Mary of Southwark, Surry deeded to Robert Braswell of Isle of Wight, 640 acres on the south side of the Roanoke River “inherited from his father Wm. Drew.” Halifax DB 3-493. Burgess of Isle of Wight, VA 1766. Militia Colonel 1772, and vestryman of the Old Brick Church (17th Century)
3. William Drew bef 1734-
married ?
4. John Drew
married Patience Brewer
?5. Martha Drew
married Samuel Blow of Surry born 1701

Children of Thomas Drew will Surry 1742:
1. David Drew
2. Thomas Drew
3. John Drew will 1764 Surry Co
a. Faith Drew
b. Betty Drew
c. Martha Drew (all under age)

4. Mary Drew
5. Faith Drew

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