Maximillian Minshew & Mary Bond

Sally’s 4-great Grandparents:

Maximillian Minshew ca 1726 – 1789 | his parents
& ca 1759 Mary Bond ca 1734 – ca 1792 | her parents
of Gates County, North Carolina

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Maximillian Minshew and Mary Bond were married ca 1759.

Maxey was the son of Richard Minshew ca 1702 – 1778 and his wife Hannah Blanchard?.
Mary was the daughter of Richard Bond Sr. who died in Gates County in 1793.

Children of Maximillian Minshew and first wife[Elizabeth?]:
1. Zachariah (Zachary) Minshew
(deeded his land to his brother Bond Nov 12, 1792)

somewhere years back I came across something that put in my mind that Maxey Minshew had by a first wife ?Elizabeth twins Zach and Zanra; and the mother died soon after. Maxey then married Mary Bond daughter of the Richard who died in 1793 in Gates County. Also this Zanra grew up and married Abselom Blanshard and after her death Abselom married her half sister Mary Minshew.
Since this is questionable in my mind at present I will place it here in a box since I can find no support for it at present.
?2. Zanra Minshew died before 1785
married Absolom Blanshard died by Feb 1785
son of Benjamin Blanchard and wife Sarah Hinton

Children of Maximillian Minshew and Mary Bond:
3. Mary Minshew ca 1760 –
married 1776/84 Absolom Blanshard died by Feb 1785
son of Benjamin Will Blanchard and wife Sarah Hinton
married by Nov 1785 Jesse Spivey
4. Sarah Minshew
married Mr. Horton
5. Judah Minshew ca 1765 – [1845 Capps Creek, Berwick Twp, Newton Co, Missouri]
married Nathan Williams
[ married ca 1790 Sanford Hutchison ca 1765 – 1839/40 Newton Co, Missouri]
6. Theresa Minshew
7. Chloe (Clowey) Minshew 1769 Chowan Co – ca 1825 Gates Co [?1865]
married 24 [14] Nov 1789 William Hayes Jr
8. Bond Minshew ca 1771 –
married Elizabeth ?

Gates Co Wills -Maxey Minshew: 17 March 1788; Proved Aug Ct. 1789 In the name of God Amen. I Maxey Minshew of Gates County and State of North Carolina being very sick and weak in Body but of sound mind and memory do constitute and ordain this to be my last will and Testament in manner and form following viz.
First I give and bequeath to my loving wife Mary Minshew the use of the Plantation whereon I now live as long as she continues my widow and after that I give the said Plantation to my Son Zacera Minshew and his Heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my Son Bond Minshew all my Land between the Redey Branch and Hollison Branch that I bought of James Brown and Jeremiah Lassiter I give to my son Bond my Horse Derick and my Still one Bead and Furniture to my son Bond.
I give to my Son Zacery my Horse Liberty and one Feather Bead and Furniture.
I give and bequeath to my Daughter Teresa one little negro Dick to her and her heirs forever after her Mothers Death or marriage I give my Negro man Hary to my wife during her widowhood I give her also my mare Bridle and Saddle forever. I also give her one Bead and furniture her lifetime.
I give and bequeath to my wife the residue of my Estate of every kind for her use as long as she remains my widow and after that to be sold and divided amongst my children namely Bond, Zacera, Judah, Clowey, Treasie, and Absolom Blanchards children to be divided equally amongst them and their Heirs forever. Blanshards children to have one equal part with the rest and that one part to be divided amongst them the said children.
I give to my Daughter Sarah Horton Four French Crowns to be paid to her by my executors.
I nominate and appoint my wife Mary Minshew, my Sons Bond and Zacera Minshew to be my Executors to this my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale this Seventeenth day of March 1788.
MAXEY (his X mark) MINSHEW (seal)
Teste: Christopher Riddick; Seth Riddick

Estate of Maxey Minchew –
one half of a whip and 1 cross cut saws
– – 4 axes, 6 working Hoes –
Bond Minchew and Zacheriah Minchew
Exhibited Aug Ct 1789 by Bond and Zach Minchew, Executors

May ct 1782 — Absolum Blanchard presents Sarah Blanchard’s will and is made executor, Benj Blanchard’s estate ordered divided per will
Feb Ct 1785 — the last will and testament was exhibited into court by Mary Blanchard Executrix therein appointed.
Will of Abselam Blanshard 6 Dec 1784 – prob Feb Ct 1785 Gates Co NC
– Son Fedrick Blanshard -Plantation and all the Lan this side of the Rode and all the Land this side of the Pond Brance
– Son William Blanshard his Heirs and assignes for ever all the Land on the other side of the Rode and all the Land other side of the Pond brance
– my beloving wife Mary Blanshard Two Negro men Gem and Chance and all my House hold funerture and all my Stock Hoses Cattels Hogs and Sheapes Likewise as long as She live a widow and if She mearrias or at her Death then all my movelble Estate shall be Equeal Deviding Between my fore Children
– Fedrick
– William
– Sarah
– and Mary
– and my Deare Wife Equeal Child sheare with them all and giving her my Horse Bridel and Sadel if she mearreas
Ex: appoint my wife Mary Blanshard and Moses Hill
Test: Kadah Hill Amariah Blanshard Bond Minshew

Nov Ct 1785 — ordered that Jesse Spivey be appointed guardian to Frederick Blanchard, Sarah Blanchard, William Blanchard, & Polly Blanchard orphans of Absolum Blanchard dec/d
May Ct 1786 — on the petition of Jesse Spivey and Mary Spivey his wife late widow of Absolom Blanchard dec/d it is ordered that the sheriff summons a jury to lay out the thirds of the land agreeable to law etc
17 Mar 1788 —
Maxey Minchew makes this provision in his will: I give and bequeath to my wife the residue of my Estate of every kind for her use as long as she remains my widow and after that to be sold and divided amongst my children namely Bond, Zacera, Judah, Clowey, Treasie, and Absolom Blanchards children to be divided equally amongst them and their Heirs forever. Blanshards children to have one equal part with the rest and that one part to be divided amongst them the said children.
12 Feb 1793 — Richard Bond makes this provision in his will: Item I give to my Grand Children, namely, Bond Minshew, Sarah Horton, Mary Spivey, Judah Williams, Cloe Haise, & Theresia Minshew, One Negroe Man by Name of Peter, to be equally divided among them.

Grandchildren of Maximillian Minshew and Mary Bond:

Children of Absolom Blanchard and Mary Minchew:
his Executrix was his wife – Mary Blanshard
Nov 1785 Jesse Spivey appt. Guard. to his orphans
1. Frederick Blanshard 1776/84 –
2. Sarah Blanshard 1776/84 –
3. William Blanshard 1776/84 –
4. Polly Blanshard 1776/84 –

Children of Chloe Minshew and William Hayse, Jr.:
1. Timothy Hayse 1800 – ca 1847
married 21 Dec 1821 Elizabeth Hayse
2. Richard Hayse ca 1803 – 1837
married 1 Dec 1829 Levina Williams ca 1803
she married 2nd John W. Beaman ca 1817 –
3. Thomas Wright Hayse born 8 Oct 1809 died 17 Aug 1876
married 13 Dec 1831 Nancy Jernigan died 1870
widow of David Newsome
married 2nd Nancy Livermore
4. Julia Hayse
married _______ Ellenor
5. Christian Hayse
married _______ Hare

Child of Bond Minchew & Elizabeth:
1. Elizabeth Minchew 1 Feb 1796 – 15 Nov 1870
married 1831 Benjamin Hayes 1788 – 1833
a. Carolyn Hayes 1832 – 1893
married 23 Dec 1847 Hance Hofler Jr. 1820 – 1883
married 2nd Hance Hofler Sr. ca 1785 – 1847

Child of Judah Mincy of Person Co, NC will 1806 [Judith Minchew (mark)]
1. Thomas Minchew
married 1795 Mary Cates
a. Susannah Minchew
b. Phillip Mincy 1796 Williamson Co, TN –
2. Amy [or Imy] Minchew

Children of Judah Minchew and Sanford Hutchison of Missouri:
this list received by Arminta Hewitt from V Vann Hutchison of Bartlesville, OK 1980
I have some question that this Judah is Maxey’s daughter as she doesn’t name a son Maxey. — but perhaps there was a Maxey Williams. smk

1. Mary [Mollie] Hutchison 17 Sept 1792 –
2. Nancy Hutchison 12 Feb 1794 –
married Mr. King removed to Missouri
3. John Hutchison 11 Dec 1796 –
4. James Hutchison 6 Jun 1798 –
5. Elizabeth Hutchison 26 Feb 1800
married Ross —– removed to Missouri
6. Sarah [Sallie] Hutchison 5 Oct 1802 – dsp
raised her brother Daniel’s child Elvira Hutchison
7. Anna Hutchison 25 Sep 1804 Oglethorpe, GA – died Newton Co, MO
both buried at Pybern Cemetery
married ca 1822 Berry Reynolds 21 May 1797 TN – 30 Dec 1887, Newton Co, MO
son of Samuel Reynolds (RevWar) and Mary Jane Gray
8. Daniel Hutchison 3 Jun 1806 GA or TN – 1855 Newton Co, MO
went to California at the time of the Gold Rush, he prospered
a. Elvira Hutchison
9. William Hutchison 14 Jun 1808 TN – 1885 Newton Co, MO
married Nancy Wright ca 1816 NC – MO
10. Jemima Hutchison 4 May 1810 TN –
married Jessie Sims 1797 NC –
11. Malinda Hutchison 25 Oct 1812 –
married Elisha Strother removed to Missouri

e-mail from Tara Calhoun 11-2-14
Anna Hutchison is my 3rd great grandmother. Her husband was Berry Reynolds,
b. 21 May 1797 in Robertson or Coffee County, TN. d. 30 Dec 1887, Newton Co., MO. He lived to 90 years of age. He was the son of Samuel Reynolds and Mary Jane Gray. Samuel was a Revolutionary Ward soldier. I entered DAR under Samuel Reynolds in about 1977.
Many years ago, I saw the graves of Anna and Berry Reynolds at Pybern Cemetery, in rural Newton County. They are buried on a little knoll that at the time had an iron fence around it (on a farm). There were maybe 8 to 10 graves there. It is on private property. The owner showed me Capps Creek and the location of earlier graves bordering the creek. There were only rocks that marked each burial space in a field by the creek. He also showed me the location of Berry and Anna’s pioneer cabin, also near Capps Creek. This was in December 1975. It was a moving moment in my family research.

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