Capt. James Sidney Jones & Milesant Bond

Sally’s 4-great-Grandparents:

Capt James Sidney Jones ca 1720 – 1783 | parents
& (A)Milesant Bond ca 1740 -1803 | parents
of Jones Hole, Pitch Landing, Hertford Co, NC

James Sidney Jones and his wife Amilesant (perhaps Perry or Bond) made their home at the Jones’ Hole, Pitch Landing, Hertford County NC.
James Jones bought this property from Joseph Perry 1757

One Milecent Bond was daughter of Richard Bond who wrote his will in Gates County in 1793 and the will was proved Nov Ct. 1795. At that time she was Milecent Jones. From the Richard Bond (Jr) Bible: May the 6th in the year of our Lord 1803 then Milecent Riddick died the wife of Robert Riddick.

Abner Jones writing in 1886 to his nephew Napoleon Bonaparte Jones wrote this:
Dear Nephew:
Your letter of inquiry received some days since and in answer to the same, my recollection is that my Grandfather and his brother came to the US from England or Wales. My grandfather, James Jones, settled in Hertford County, North Carolina, and his brother, Thomas W. Jones, settled somewhere in Virginia.
My grandfather had four children: James, your grandfather and William, my father; and two daughters, Sally who married a man named Raby; and Mary, who married one Thomas Wiggins.
The families of Raby and Wiggins I know nothing of since I left North Carolina.
Your grandfather, James Jones, married a Miss Walton and had five or six children, among whom was your father, William Jones, James S and Thomas W Jones, and two or three daughters.
My father, William Jones, married a Miss Sarah Eason, by whom he had thirteen children, eight sons and five daughters.
After the death of my father, my mother and family moved from North Carolina to Tennessee, and settled in Haywood County, where all that are now living reside except myself.
Your mother was the second eldest child of the family, the balance of them all dead except Jacob, Eliza and Lavenia.
Your father’s branch of the family which was left in North Carolina, I know nothing about for a long series of years. ……… Abner Jones

Children of James S. Jones at the Jones’ Hole, Pitch Landing, NC:
1. Mary Winnifred Jones ca 1759 – ca 1796
married bef 1782 James Hayes
2. Sarah/Sally Jones ca 1762- aft 1830
married bef 1782 1st James Wiggins
married 2nd — Raby
3. James Sidney Jones II 1765 – 1816
married ca 1786 Ann Walton of Gates Co, NC 1766 – 1842
4. Col William Jones ca 1768 – ca 1828 Hertford Co, NC
married ca 1794 Sarah Eason ca 1777 – ca April 1852 Haywood Co, TN
Sarah’s will proved 3rd May 1852, Haywood Co, TN

Hertford Co Will signed Dec 24, 1782; proved Nov Ct 1783.
In the name of God Amen I James Jones of Hertford County in the State of North Carolina being sick and weak of body and considering the uncertainty of this Mortal life and being also of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as Follows to Wit:
– first I give unto my daughter Winnifred Hayes one hundred acres of land and three Negroes Hope Jupiter Opall which has been given her before in a deed of gift to her and her heirs forever.
– Secondly. I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Wiggins two hundred acres of land and four Negroes Amay Pender Bill & Jacob to her and her heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever.
– Thirdly I give and Bequeath to my son James Jones the plantation and land wherein I now live as far as the Merry branch and two hundred acres over the Holly Swamp adjoining Jeremiah Hargon’s line only beloved wife to have a third part of the said land during her natural life I say to him and his heirs forever.
– Fourthly. I give and bequeath to son William Jones the land and Plantation whereon Dempsey Peel now? lives. Known by the name of Sessoms place as far as the Merry Branch to him and his heirs forever.
– Fifthly. I will and desire that all my Just debts and funeral charges be paid and discharged and the remaining part of my estate both real and personal of what kind so ever. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mildred Jones until my son James Jones arrives to the age of Twenty one years and then to be equally divided between my Beloved Wife and my two sons James Jones and William Jones and then my Son James Jones to take his part into his own possession and the other two thirds to remain in the possession of my beloved wife until my son William Jones arrives to the age of twenty one years and then my son William Jones to take his part in possession and the other third part I give and bequeath to the sole use of my beloved wife Mildred Jones to dispose of as she thinks proper.
– Sixthly and Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my beloved wife Mildred Jones and my friend Jacob Perry Executor of this my last will & Testament hereby revoking and disallowing all former Wills & Testaments heretofore made by me.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 24th day of December in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two.
James ( J ) Jones
Signed Sealed and delivered by the above named James Jones to be his last will and Testament in Presence of us who hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator.
Test: Aaron (X) Sowell
John (X) Williams

North Carolina, Hertford County, November Court 1783
Above will exhibited by Mildred Jones and Jacob Perry
Proved by Aaron Sowell and John Williams
Executors qualified
Test: Sam Harrell Clerk
A copy from the Records of my office L. M Cowper 24 July 1828

From Historical Sketches of Hertford County, N. C. by John Wheeler Moore (Published in the Murfreesboro Inquirer in 1887) Governor Arthur Dobbs had been in office since 1754. It was during his rule that our county was erected in 1759, and it doubtless owes much to one of its own citizens for the fact of its corporate existence. The first James Jones of a long succession of that name in our midst, was a member of the governor’s council and was in such a position as to make his wishes felt in the legislature of that time. He was a man of large wealth and of habits that made him popular in his day and generation. His sons and grandsons bore many distinguished stations in this and other states. His farm is three miles above Pitch Landing, where on he lived and died, and is still in the possession of his descendants.
Fox-hunting and racing had their devotees at an early day. Colonel Jones had the wealth to indulge in the luxury of blooded horses and made his house the headquarters of these sporting men of his day. He had a well-kept private race course and many were the victories and defeats.

Bertie County Ct Proceedings
1741 James Jones overseer in ye room of Henry Van Pelt
1742 James Holley overseer in ye room of James Jones

Bertie County Deeds – p 178 F-417 Bly to John Perry slaves 23 Nov 1741
Wit: James Jones, Michall Ward, Nicholas Perry May Ct 1743
. p 180 Bly, yeoman to Michael Ward, yeoman adj. Outlaw; Perry
Wit: Nicholas Perry, Jacob Perry, James Jones, May Ct 1743.
p 197 G-150 John Baker to George Hughs cooper
Wit: John Wynns, James Jones Aug Ct 1748.

Lord Granville to: (Misc Papers) Hofmann: 470 James Jones warrant dated 19 January 1750 to Benjamin Wynns to survey the Vacant Land in Bertie County adjoining Michael Ward, Sr, John Keal and Thomas Jones/s/ Fras Corbin
Back of document reads “Grant 27 November 1760″

G-363 John Perry to Marthew Spivy May 11, 1751
Wit: William Rice, James Jones, May Ct 1751

G-361 John Campbell to Benjamin Hill 13 May 1751 Known as Cotton Patch Wit: Thomas Jones, James Jones, May Ct 1751.
G-384 Lenard Green of Edgecomb Co to Thomas Morriss 17 Oct 1750 Wit: Wm Wynns, Peter Evans, James Jones Aug Ct 1751.

Bertie County Tax Records
1751 Thomas, James, William, Joseph, Abraham, and Walter Jones
1753 Thomas, John, William, Thomas, Walter and Charles Jones
1754 Thomas, James, Joseph, Walter, and Charles Jones
later 1754 records – Joseph Jones & son Abraham, along with John & Perter (sic) Jones

1754 Cotton to Winborne – land next to Col James Jones May Ct 1754 Bertie #97 Lord Granville to: 530 Henry Winbourne warrant dated 8 February 1754 to Benjamin Wynns to survey all the Vacant Land in Bertie County, joining the Late Theophilus Pugh, Peter West, Benjamin Cotten and Wm Humphreys entered 20 July 1753 /s/ Fras Corbin back of document reads ” Deed 13 December 1755.”

H-264 John Perry Jun to Richard Lakey 27 April 1756
Wit: Thomas Whitmell, James Jones, Ephraim Weston Apr Ct 1756 Ben Wynn C/C.

Richard Lakey to John Perry Jun ditto
Wit: Thomas Whitmell, James Jones, Ephraim Weston.

H-309 Burrill Bell & wife Sarah to Daniel Vanpelt 18 Feb 1756 157 acres adj. James Jones & Thomas Sessoms, Peter Evans, John Davidson, John Smith on Chinkapen Swamp
Wit: John Van Pelt, Mary Ann Wynns July Ct 1756 Ben Wynns, C/C.

H-378 Edward Bryan to Adam Harrell 24 Jan 1757 Chinkapen Swamp Adj ———, Gilbird, John Howell
Wit: James Jones, William Colthred, John Hurst Jan Ct 1757.

H-432 Earl of Granville to George House 11 June 1753 500 acres adj. Needham Bryan, widow Bryan, —– Wimberley at Miery Branch (signed) James Jones, Francis Corbin
Wit: Benjamin Wynns,

James Campbell Apr Ct 1757. B Wynn C/C

H-452 John Baker, Thomas Pugh, James Jones to Sovereign George July 11, MDCCVII Performance Bond in amt of 11000 , that John Baker be Sheriff of Bertie County Wit: John Hill, J Pearson.

11 Nov 1757
BERTIE CO DEEDS I-26 Perry to Jones This Indenture made the Eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and fifty Seven Between Joseph Perry of Bertie County in the Province of North Carolina Gentleman of the one part and James Jones of the same County and Province Gentleman of the other part Witnesseth that the said Joseph Perry for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and Eighty Pounds Proclamation money to him in hand Paid by the said James Jones the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. He the said Joseph Perry Hath Granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth Grant Bargain and sett alien and Confirm unto the said James Jones his heirs and assigns forever One Messuage or Tenement Tract or Parcel of land and Plantation Situate Lying and being in Bertie County in the Province of North Carolina aforesaid Containing by Estimation one hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less Bounded as follows to Wit Beginning at the Mouth of the Holly Swamp and Running up the said Swamp to a White oak a Corner tree. Running thence along the Back line to a White oak a Corner tree Standing in Deer tree Branch then down the said Branch to the Water Course of Bear Swamp and down the said Swamp to the first Station. Which said one hundred and fifty acres of Land was Conveyed to the said Joseph Perry by Deed Pott from Francis McClendon and Elanor his wife and Isaac Hill bearing Date the Twenty Second day of January One Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Eight nine, Also one other Messuage or Tenement Tract or parcel of Land and Plantation Lying in the County and Province aforesaid Joining the above Contains by Estimation Five hundred Acres by the Same more or Less Bounded Beginning at the Center of three pines formerly Francis McClendon’s Corner, thence N 40 W 106 Pole to a Gum on the West side of the Holly Swamp, then down the said Swamp to White oak formerly Michael Hill’s Corner, then S 61 W 348 poles to a Pine on the Miery Branch, then up the said Branch to a Pine then N 15 E to the First station, Which said Five hundred acres of land was Conveyed to the said Joseph Perry from James Catellaw Public Treasurer by Deed having date the Thirteenth of November one Thousand Seven hundred and Forty four: And also one other Messuage or Tenement Tract or Parcel of Land and Plantation Containing by Estimation Two hundred acres be the same more or less and Bounded according to the Known and Reputed Bounds thereof Which said Two hundred acres of Land Lyeth in the County and Province aforesaid near to and adjoining the aforesaid Two Parcels of Land And being Part of a Deed or Grant made by Earle Granville’s Agents to Jesse Wood and by him Conveyed by Deed to William Sissons: and by the said William Sisson Conveyed by Deed to the said Joseph Perry Reference being had to the said Several Deeds may more fully and at Large appear; and also all Lands trees Woods underwoods Tithes Commons, Common of Pasture ways waters water Courses etc
Joseph Perry (seal)
Wit: Benj. Wynns & Thomas Smith Bertie January Court 1758

North Carolina Militia
— Bertie County, 1754-1759 Foot:
Robert West, Colonel; Thomas Whitmell, Lt. Col; Robert West Jr, Maj
Captains: John Pricket, Robert Howell, Jos. Perry, Thomas West, James Jones, John Hill, Thomas Pugh, John Brown, Benjamin Wynn, John Howell.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hertford County Regiment, undated
Colonel, Lt Colonel & Major (blank)
Captain Lieutenant Ensign
1. John Baker James Boon John Harrell
2. Henry King Henry King Jr Jesse Hare
3. Jeremiah Brown Eli Eley Abram Jones
4. Moses Sumner Willis Nichols Gilstrap Williams
5. Kinchin Taylor George Little Wm Battle
6. Daniel Vanpelt Isaac Hill Michael Ward
7. Seasborn Wilson John Benton Demsey Parker
8. James Jones Joseph Wynn John Smith
9. Henry Baker Jr Jethro Harrell James Riddick
10. Wm Murfree James Murfree Sam:l Cryir

Hertford, no date given Commissions issued Dec 2, 1761
John Brown, Colonel; Benjamin Wynns, Lt Col; Henry Hill, Major

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Field Return of the Regiment of Militia for Hertford County, North Carolina, at a General Muster, October 12, 1769

Officers recommended to Vacancies
John Brown – Colonel John Brown – Col marked through [Benjn Wynns – Col]
Benjn Wynns – Lt Col Henry Hill – Lt Col
Henry Hill – Major John Baker – Major

John Baker – Capt James Boon – Capt
James Boon – Lt. John Harrell – Lt
John Harrell – Ensign Benj:n Wynn Jr – Ensign
Company: 2 Serjeants, 3 Corporals, 1 Drummer, 42 privates [37 present – 5 absent]

Jeremiah Brown – Capt
Eli Eley – Lt
Abram Jones – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants, 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 61 privates [49 pr – 12 ab]

James Riddick – Capt
John Benton – Lt
Demsey Parker – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 57 privates [42 pr- 15 ab]

James Jones – Capt
Joseph Wynns – Lt
John Smith – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 62 privates [34 pr – 21 ab]

Moses Sumner – Capt
Willis Nichols – Lt
Gilstrap Williams – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 55 privates [38 pr – 17 ab]

Daniel Vanpelt – Capt Michael Ward – Capt
Michael Ward – Lt. Benjamin Brown – Lt
Benj:n Brown – Ensign George Wynns – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants, 3 Coropals, 1 drummer 53 privates [45 pr – 8 ab]

Henry Baker – Capt Lawrence Baker – Capt
Jethro Harrell – Lt Jethro Harrell – Lt
Jesse Harrell – Ensign Jesse Harrell – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants, 3 Coropals, 1 drummer 69 privates [63 pr – 6 ab]

Henry King – Capt
Henry King Jr – Lt
Edward Hare – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants, 3 Coropals, 1 drummer 63 privates [33 pr – 30 ab]

Samuel Cryer – Capt
Jesse Williams – Lt
Hardy Murfree – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 drummer 66 privates 58 pr – 8 ab]

Note: Colonel John Brown being sick did not attend the muster.
At Test: Benj:n Wynn, Lieut Colonel.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Field Return of Hertford County Militia commanded by Colonel Benjamin Wynns, General Muster, May 28, 1772.
Benjamin Wynns – Colonel
Henry Hill – Lt. Col dead John Baker — Lt Col
John Baker – Major Matthias Brickell – Major

James Boon – Capt
John Harrell – Lt
Benj:n Wynns Jr – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 59 privates [56 pr – 3 ab]

Edward Hare – Capt
Henry King – Lt
Isaac Pipkin – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 57 privates [[42 pr – 15 ab]

Robert Sumner – Capt
John Speight – Lt
James Hooker – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 48 privates [37 pr – 11 ab]

Moses Sumner – Capt
Willis Nichols – Lt
Gilstrap Williams – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 48 privates [36 pr – 12 ab]

Michael Ward – Capt dead Benjamin Brown – Capt
Benj:n Brown – lieutenant George Wynns – Lieutenant
George Wynns – ensign Benj:n Brown the younger – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 58 privates [37 pr – 21 ab]

Jeremiah Brown – Capt
Ely Eley – Lt
Abram Jones – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 60 privates [50 pr – 10 ab]

James Riddick – Capt
John Benton – Lt
Demsey Parker – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 70 privates [60 pr – 10 ab]

Laurence Baker – Capt
Jethro Harrell – Lt
Jesse Harrell – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 86 privates [76 pr – 10 ab]

Sam:l Cryer – Capt removed Jesse Williams – Capt
Jesse Williams – Lieutenant Hardy Murfree – Lt
Hardy Murfree – Ensign James Moore – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 64 privates [35 pr – 29 ab]

Emelius Denning – Capt dead Robert Carr – Capt
Robert Carr – Lieutenant William Stevens – Lieutn
William Stevens – Ensign William Battle – Ensign
Company: 3 Serjeants 3 Coropals 1 Drummer 71 privates [40 pr – 31 ab]

Attest: Benj:n Wynns, Colonel

In the NC Archives in Raleigh John Daniel located a certificate issued by the General Assembly November & December 1777 “These may Certify that Mr. James Jones was allowed the sum of Twelve Pounds for Twenty four Days Service as Adjutant of the Hertford Regiment of Militia’s by Report of the Committee of Claims Concurred with”

From John W Moore’s History of North Carolina Vol I page 77
1759 Early Life and Amusements
Life at the period referred to had become a pleasant thing to the people inhabiting the eastern portion of the province. A few friendly Tuscaroras lingered upon the banks of the Roanoke. The Meherrins had left their hunting grounds in Manney’s Neck and passed from all subsequent scrutiny in their journeyings toward the west. The Bertie peninsula grew rapidly in wealth and population. The rude cabins of the first settlers had given place to comfortable if not elegant framed houses. Unbounded hospitality was seen on every side. Marriages among the wealthier people were celebrated by a general gathering of the friends of the parties, and ofter for a week or more the festivities were continued. Apple brandy and West Indies rum, with the added inspiration of the negro fiddlers gave wings to the flying hours of the midnight revel. Thus, mid dancing and tables which groaned with the weight of the feasts, those ancient belles and beaux celebrated the union of their young friends in the holy estate of matrimony.
Fox-hunting and racing had their devotees at an early day. Some men had the wealth to indulge in the luxury of blooded horses and made their houses the headquarters of the sporting men of their day. A few had well kept private race courses, and many were the victories and defeats sustained thereon. Strict New England notions were not countenanced by the curled and powdered gentlemen of that period. As a general rule there was an abundance of hard drinking and swearing among the men, while the stately matrons in their long stomachers and big hoops were never so well pleased as when walking a minuet, or betting at a rubber of whist. The preachers doubtless sighed over some of these transactions, but they saw in them no such impropriety as did the Quakers and Puritans. In the province of God thus lived those men and women of a former day.
While such was the condition of society in the new county of Hertford and its neighbors in Albemarle, a far different state of affairs attained in Granville, Orange, Anson and Rowan counties. The people in those western settlements had neither the wealth nor inclination to indulge in mere amusements. They were of such stuff as were the iron men who followed Cromwell. They were not lacking in intelligence, but they sprung from a stock that looked upon the habits of the Cavaliers as the Devil’s service.

#476 April Ct 1759 – Watkin William Wynns Orphan of John Wynns Deced. about the age of Sixteen years of age and Sarah Amelia Wynns Orphan of the said Deced. about the age of fourteen years came into court and Pray’d Leave to Choose Burrill Bell for their Guardian, which was Condidered off and Granted. Order that he be and John Baker, Esquire, James Boon Wynns and Ralph Outlaw appeared in Ct and offered themselves as Security. John Baker atty at Law then Prayed that Burrill Bell be appointed Guardian to John Augustus Wynns and Winnefred Caroline Wynns orphans of John Wynns Deced. This said petition was rejected.

#491 June Ct 1759 – Burrill Bell who was appointed Guardian to Watkin William Wynns, John Augustus Wynns, Sarah Amelia Wynns & Winnefred Caroline Wynns orphans of John Wynns deded. by this court at its last sitting Acquainted the Court that John Baker Esquire one of his then Securities desired to decline his suretyship and thereupon refused to execute the bonds that were prepared for that purpose. And at the same time the said Burrill Bell moved for leave to present to the Court one other Security in the Room of the said John Baker which was granted and also at the same time Capt. James Jones appeared in Court and offered himself as Secuty in the room of the said John Baker who was approved by the court. Thereupon it was ordered that the said John Baker should be erased out of the said Bonds and James Jones should be inserted.

10 Dec 1759
K-18 Perry to Jones North Carolina To All to whom these Presents shall come John Perry of the County of Bertie and Province as aforesaid send greeting Know ye that I the said John Perry for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Pounds Proc. Money to me in hand Paid at and upon the insealing and Delivery here of by James Jones of the same County and Province as aforesaid the Receipt where of I do hereby Acknowledge; have given granted and bargained Sold Aleined Confessed Released Conveyed and Confirmed unto the said James his heirs and Assigns forever a Certain Mantague Parcel of Land Containing Three hundred and fifty Acres be the same more or less lying and being in Bertie County beginning at the Mouth of Gumb Branch, Robert Draughtons Line, east along the said line to John Perry’s Line so along the said line to the first station, John to have that part that Bindeth on Draughton Land To have and to hold the said land and Plantation with all and Singular the appurtenances and Privileges unto the same belonging or in any way appertaining unto him the said James Jones his Heirs and Assigns and to his and their own proper use benefit and behalf for ever and I the said John Perry do Avouch my self at the Ensealing and Delivery hereof to be the true sole and lawful owner of the said Tract or Parcel of Land and premisses and have in my self full power good right and Lawful Authority to sell and dispose of the same and that the same is free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted Separated and Discharged of and from all manner of former and other gifts Grants Sales Leases Releases Wills Entails Titles Troubles and Jneum = tranees whatsoever and I the said John Perry Do further promise grant and agree for myself my Heirs Exors Admon. to Warrant and defend the said tract or Parcel of Land and Premisses with the appurtenances unto the said James his heirs Exors. Admin. against the lawful Claim and demands of all manner of Persons whatsoever. In Witness whereof I the said John Perry have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Tenth Day of December One thousand Seven hundred and fifty-nine. John (P his mark) Perry Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Nicholas Perry, John Hunter, James Perry, Bertie County for January Court 1761, The above Deed of Sale was in open Court duly proved by the Oath of James Perry in Evidence these to and on motion was ordered to be Registered, Test Benj. Wynns Clerk Court

10 Feb 1761
Lord Granville to: Misc Papers, Hofmann: 471 James Jones plat dated 10 February 1761 100 acres in Bertie County on the S side of Cashy River in Cashy Pocosan, joining the River above the sd Jones’s House. James Ryans Suppos’d line, the Pocosan and the Mouth of a Small Creek SCC: (names not given) Wm Williams Survr. The Original Patent dated 20 June 1761 is signed by James Jones Wits: John Baker, Thomas Ward examined by : John Baker and Benj Wynns

Col James Jones (of Governor Dobbs’ Council according to John W Moore) but I have yet to find real evidence . In Saunders Colonial Records of NC Vol VI 1759-65 page 154 Jas. Jones and Mr Harris convey a message from the House to the Council. (This last bit was pointed out to me by John H Daniel of Rocky Mount, NC who is also conducting a search for our ancestors.)

13 March, 1765
L -50 Wood to Jones & Wynns This Indenture made this thirteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and sixty five between James Wood of Hertford County in the Province of North Carolina Labourer of the one part and James Jones & Benjamin Wynns of the same County & Province of the other part, Witnesseth that the said James Wood for & in consideration of the sum of Twenty five pounds Proclamation Money to him in hand paid by the said James Jones & Benjamin Wynns the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. He the said James Wood Hath granted, gained & sold aliened & Confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain Sell alein Release Convey Enseass & Confirm unto the said James Jones & Benjamin Wynns their heirs & assigns forever one Certain Plantaion Mesauage or Tenement Tract or Parcel of Land Situate Lying & being in Bertie County in the Province of North Carolina aforesaid containing by Estimation Three hundred acres be the same more or less and in Bounds according to the antient Known & Reputed bounds there of Referance being had to a Deed of bargain and Sale from Jesse Wood to Moses Thompson bearing date the — day of November 1754 may more fully & at Large appear and also all Lands Woods under Woods Tithes Commons Common of Pasture ways waters water Courses Commoditizes Horeditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Plantation Tract or Parcell of Land belonging or in any wise appertaining unto them the said James Jones and Benjamin Wynns their heirs & assigns forever and the etc etc. . .James (his mark) Wood & a seal Signed Seales & Delivered in Presence of William (his mark) Moore, James Ward, John Sessems, Bertie County for June Court 1767 — This Deed was proved per due form of Law in open Court by the oath of John Sessems one of the subscribing Witnesses & on motion ordered to be Registered in Bertie John Johnston C/C

William Murfree Tax Receipt Book page 72 (Hertford County)
James Jones
1768 To 7 Taxes @ 9/10/d/ . 3 8 10
1769 To 9 Do @ 10/6 . . . 4 14 6
1770 To 8 Do @ 7/4 . . . . 2 18 8

Bertie County Deeds L-345 James Jones planter of Hertford Co to James Holley planter of same 14 June 1771, 15  proclamation 100 acres Messuage on Quiokison Swamp join. Levi Outlaw Wit: Michel Payne, George Swope Sept Ct 1772 John Johnston C/C

M-216 Capt James Jones of Hertford Co to Samuel Rayner of Bertie Co 31 Dec 1771 15 proclamation 175 acres which had belonged to John Perry joining Quiocuson Swamp, Peeneck Branch, John Outlaw, Great Pocosin, James Holley, Jr. Wit: Josiah Perry, John Wooderson, Nov Ct 1777 John Johnston c/c Note: Sam Rayner’s wife was a Winnifred Perry.

M-154 James Jones of Hertford County to James Goodwin of same 7 Aug 1773 33 , proclamation 230 acres (messuage) (part in Bertie, part in Hertford Co) called Boddoms, joining Barbyque Swamp, Joseph Green, James Jones, John Ramsey Wit: James Wiggins, Lewis (x) Williams, Benjamin Brown Feb Ct 1775 John Johnston CC

M-196 James Jones of Hertford Co to John Ramsey of Bertie Co 6 May 1775 25 , proclamation 100 acres joining Barbeque Swamp, Pigpen Branch, Reedy Branch Wit: Henry Lightfoot, Timothy Walton, James Wiggons May Ct 1775 John Johnston CC

1779 TAX LIST HERTFORD CO NC (District 5)
James Jones
950 acres land 3440
4 slaves . . . . . . . . 2800
1 ” 5-10 . . . . . . 400
2 ” under 5 . . . . .300
1 horse . . . . . . . . .125
29 cattle . . . . . . . . 290
Bonds . . . . 49
. . . . .7404

Bertie County Apprentice Indentures
29 December 1783. Hertford County. Whereas Sarah Garnes and Benjamin Garnes, Children of Lucey Garnes a free Mullatto Woman, was by the County Court of Hertford Bound unto the Subscriber, and as the said Lucy Garnes has since moved in the County of Bertie and being desirous that the said Children should be Bound to Mr. James Fleetwood, I therefore do fully, freely, and Absolutely Assign my Right and pretentions of the said Sarah Garnes and Benjn. Garnes to the said James Fleetwood, and am willing and do give the County Court of Bertie free & full Liberty to Bind the said Sarah Garnes & Benjn. Garnes to the said Jas. Fleetwood in as full and ample Manner as if the sd. Children had never been Bound. Signer: James Jones. Witness: Sam Harrell. NCGSJ – Aug 88 – p159.

[I wonder if this date isn’t really 1782]

James Jones is listed in 1782 for taxes;
but in 1784 his property is listed in the name of Amilesant Jones

Bertie Deed Book M-650 James Hayes & his wife Winefred of Bertie Co to Joshua Freeman of same. 3 Oct 1783. 320£ 640 acres on east side of Barbacue Swamp, joining Great Branch, Pig Pen Branch, John Ramsey, Benjamin Brown, James Wynns, Stephen McDael, William Brown, James Holley. Wit: Saml. Harrell, Timy. Walton. Nov. Ct 1783. Stevens Gray CC

Edenton District Loose Estate Papers:
#186 Thomas Simons
Mar Ct 1796. Chowan Co. Winifred Hayes widow vs Thomas Simons & Jos Wilkins planters for taking away 2 negro children
Jun Ct 1796. Death of Thomas Simons suggested
Mar Ct 1797 Death of Jos Wilkins suggested
14 Mar 1798 Chowan Co Winifred Hayes with James Jones & Josiah Collins Sr. securities gives appearance bond for Edenton Dist Ct to Rachel Simons admrx of Thomas Simons dec’d in sd Hayes vs Thomas Simons & Joseph Wilkins
Undated Witnesses in Hayes vs Simons & others: Elisha Perry, John Clemons, Issechar Branch, Thos. Holland, Wm Haughton. [note: Wm Lister & James Jones also named but context is unclear]

Winnifred Jones ca 1759 – ca 1796 | parents
and James Hayes | parents

Children of Winnifred and James Hayes
1. Jones Hayes
married Sept 1812 at Wicacon Sally Daughty
mentioned in Daniel Wynns’s will (Sept 23, 1813) along with Timothy Walton
2. ? daughter
married Rickman Harris

Sarah Jones ca 1762 – aft 1830 | parents
and James Wiggins | parents
and 2nd Mr. Raby | parents

Children of Sarah and James Wiggins:
1. Thomas Wiggins
married Sarah —

Sarah Jones
and Mr Raby

The blacks over in Mooretown tell us that Raby Woods is haunted by old Mr. Raby and his son. It seems that the old man had hid his gold in the woods and when his wife’s son happened upon him one day counting it, they fell into fighting so fiercely they each killed the other. (You will find the two widows listed in the 1830 Hertford Co census next to each other. I believe these to be James Jones II’s sister Sarah, who married first Wiggins and then Raby, and her son’s widow. smk

Jones Puzzles —

Perhaps there are two generations and this man below is the father of the one above. I have been told we descend from the John Jones that died in Bertie County in 1735. There is another James Jones of Pitch Landing who I have also been told we descend from that died about 1784 who was married when he died to Sarah Bridgers widow of James Cotten and mother to Mary Jones the wife of Robert Montgomery. This man may be father by his first wife to the James that was married to Amilescent when he died. Perhaps that man is an Uncle to this man

Howell Jones ca 1781 – 1831
married 1st Nancy Duer ca 1789 – Jan 1808 in her nineteenth year
married 2nd ca 1809 Elizabeth (Betsy) Jones 16 Oct 1791– 1 Oct 1876]
family tradition says Elizabeth married her first cousin ?


3 thoughts on “Capt. James Sidney Jones & Milesant Bond”

  1. Fascinating! Thanks for your research. I think I’m going to have to visit Hertford Co. NC.
    – Jeremy Jones, Haywood Co., TN

  2. I did not leave you my father’s name, I apologize. His name was James Berton Jones.

    Carolyn Jones-Wilson

  3. I really appreciate everything you have placed on the internet about the Jones family. My father was the son of James Warren Jones. Your site makes my ancestry search much easier.
    Thank you so very much,
    Carolyn Jones- Wilson

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