Maj. John Baker, Elizabeth Wilson, & Mary Anne Wynns

Maj. John Baker 1724 – 1773 | his parents
& 1754 Elizabeth Wilson d 1761 | her parents
& 1765 Mary Anne Wynns ca 1746 – aft 1773 | her parents
of “Littletown” Hertford Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John Baker married Elizabeth Wilson 5 Sept 1754.
She was the daughter of James Wilson of Chowan.

Will of Henry Baker 9 Jan 1737/8 – prob. 1 May 1738 Chowan Co NC
– son John – all the land at Little Town and land adj. Banks – Wynns and Garrett in Bertie, stock, slaves, etc. – if he should die young then to son Blake

7 May 1739 E 446 John Wynns, yeoman to John Baker 60¬£ for 320 A. on ES Flatt Swamp “below Bakers now settlement” adj Alexander Vollantine, Penelope Maul. Wit: Joseph Anderson, Benjamin Baker May Ct 1739

2 July 1748 G 152 John Baker, yeoman to William Hooker jun 15¬£ for 10 A. adj. William Hooker, —- Norvill, Wit: Benjamin Norvill, Solomon Norvill, James Norvill. Aug Ct 1748.

29 Dec 1747 G 235 Anthony Williams of New Hanover Co to John Wynns Power of Atty. 1170 A. Power to “sign deed to John Baker son & Legatie of Henry Baker dec’d. . . land granted to my Grandfather Lewis Williams. . .” on Ahotskey Swamp. Wit: John Baker, Absolom Weston, William Boone Nov CT 1749 John Lovick CC
Anthony Williams of New Hanover Co to John Baker, joyner 10¬£ for 100 A. “… Anthony Williams heir at law to Lewis Williams the Elder late of that part of Chowan now called Bertie County Dec’d…” Land between Catherine Creek and Deep Creek adj. Capt. Benjamin Wynns, Edward Hare “the heir or Legatee of William Garrat dec’d…” Land to include a place called Hickry Neck patented to Lewis Williams 1 April 1713. Signed: John Williams atty. for Anthony Williams. Wit: Peggy Wynns, Benjamin Wynns Nov Ct 1749 John Lovick CC

4 July 1748 G 242 John Baker, yeoman to Benjamin Wynns, carpenter 34¬£ for 100 A. between Deep Creek & Catron Creek “commonly known as Hickory Neck…” adj Benjamin Wynns, Edward Hare to Wolfpit branch Wit: William Brown, W. Smith, John Askew. Nov Ct 1749 John Lovick CC

20 July 1749 G 245 William Wynns, merchant to John Barton 50£ for 300 A. on SWS of Chowan River adj Samuel Williams, William Wynns at Deep Branch. Wit: John Baker, Culm. Sessions, Jas. Hooker, Geo. Wynns, jun. Nov Ct 1749 John Lovick CC

John Baker was on the list of Justices of Peace appointed for the new County of Hertford.
John Baker was the first High Sheriff of Hertford Co 1760-62.
John Baker is reported as a Major on the 1772 Hertford Co Militia list.

DBG reports that this John Baker died intestate in Hertford Co in 1773.
His estate settlement papers are filed in Chowan Co – one paper clearly identifies his as Major John Baker of Hertford County. His executors were Lawrence Baker and Mary Anne Baker.

This would be the Major’s son John.
John Baker represented Hertford in the house in 1780 and as a Senator in1781-83 and 1784.

On Bertie 1757 Tax List – Henry Hunter’s dist
John Baker – 9

William Murfree Tax Receipt Book – Hertford Co 1768-1770
John Baker Esqur.
1768 23 taxes
1769 22 taxes 1 chair with two wheels
1770 23 taxes

Children of John Baker and Elizabeth Wilson: from Dr. Baker’s memoir
1. Capt. John Baker 1755 – 1829 Montgomery Co TN
represented Hertford in the house in 1780 and as a Senator in1781-83 and 1784.
served in the Continental Army as a First Lt – promoted to Major in June 1778

married Elizabeth Ann [Nancy] Norfleet 1751 – 1831
a. John Baker dsp
b. Lucinda Baker 1786 – 1806
married Gov. William Blount of TN 18 April 1768 – 10 Sept 1835
son of Jacob Blount and Hannah Salter of Bertie Co
i. Eliza Ann Blount
ii. Lucinda Blount
William Blount married 2nd 19 Feb 1812 Mrs. Mary White
c. Ann Baker dsp
2. Henry Baker ca 1758 – dsp

Children of John Baker and Mary Anne Wynns:
3. Mary Baker 1766 – no issue
married Mr. Leary
4. Sarah Baker ca 1767 –
married Capt. Willis Sawyer d April 1808 Bertie Co NC
owned land in Currituck Co – Ex: wife, Daniel VanPelt, Josiah Holly
a. Mary Campbell Sawyer
married Orange Co NC 2 Nov 1820 Thomas Hicks
b. Elizabeth Ford Sawyer ca 1798 – 10 Nov 1820 age 22 Harmony Hall, Orange Co NC sp
c. Sally Ann Baker Sawyer
married Chowan Co 19 Jan 1826 Josiah Thomas Granberry of Perq Co 1806
5. Ruth Baker 1768 – 1802
married Thomas Brownrigg of Chowan Co 1765 – 1 Aug 1826 age 58
Will of Thomas Brownrigg, Chowan Co, 26 June 1826. Son Richard T Brownrigg, daughter Mary Ann Brownrigg, daughter Sarah Sparkman, daughter Priscilla E Bailey, son Thomas T Brownrigg, son John H Brownrigg, daughter Elizabeth Ashe Brownrigg. sister Sarah Brown, nieces Jane and Mary Brown, Joseph Underhill, Ann Underhill, and Harriet Underhill, children of my wife Mary, John L Bailey, son Richard T Brownrigg, William Sparkman, and John L Bailey executors. Test: Jacob Cullens, Miles Wright, Job Parker Jr.
a. Gen. Richard Thomas Brownrigg d 1846 Columbus MS
married 1827 Mary Winifred Hoskins 1804 – 1861
b. Mary Ann Brownrigg
married Col. Hardy Cross
c. Sarah Brownrigg died at age of 91 no issue
married 6 Jan 1820 Capt. William Sparkman
d. Priscilla Elizabeth Brownrigg
married John L Bailey
Thomas Brownrigg married 2nd Susan Martin
info from WH Bailey’s Genealogy
e. Thomas T Brownrigg
f. John Henry Brownrigg
g. Elizabeth Ashe Brownrigg
6. Priscilla Baker 1768 –
married 1788 Ebenezer Graham d 1809
7. Simon Baker ca 1770 – of “Littletown?” Hertford Co NC
married ca 1789 Mary ?

“Baker-Billups-Allen” by David B Gamon included in Eastern NC Families
[ref: Winborne “Family Sketches” and Ray’s Web Site]

– from “The Baker Family as Remembered” written 4 Feb 1847 by Simmons Jones Baker
“John, the second son of my great grandfather, by the last marriage, lived at Littletown, which was afterwards purchased by my father and given to me and it is now owned by Hon. K Rayner.
This John had two sons, John and Henry, John was a captain in the continental service in the Revolutionary War and was wounded in the Battle of Brandywine. He must have taken it very coolly for I understood that being very hungry and having a moment’s respite, he had thrown himself on his back with one foot thrown up and was eating a biscuit. In that attitude he was struck by a ball in the knee and had to leave the service, after recovering from his wound he married Ann Norfleet. They had three children. John, Lucinda, and Ann. John died a bachelor; Ann never married; Lucinda, the Major having moved to Tennessee married Gov. William Blount of that state, leaving several children.”

Simon Baker ca 1770 – bef 1820 | his parents
& ca 1789 Mary ca 1776 – aft 1820 | her parents
of “Littletown” Hertford Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Simon Baker ca 1770 – married ca 1789 Mary

1800 Fed Census Hertford Co
Simon Baker 1 – 1 1 – 2 1 1 – – – 2

1820 Fed Census Hertford Co
Mary Baker 2 males under 16 1 female over 25

1830 Fed Census Hertford Co NC
Mary Baker 2f 20-30 and 1 f 40-50 ??

Children of Simon Baker and wife Mary:
1. girl ca 1790 –
2. John Baker 29 Dec 1792 – 1820 Hertford Co NC
married 16 July 1816 Rachel Sowell ca 1793 – 1839
3. Sally Baker ca 1795 –
married Dec 1812 James Holland
clipped from the Hornets Nest, Murfreesborough, NC Dec 31 1812:
At Pitch Landing on Thursday evening last Mr. James Holland to Miss Sally Baker . . .
at the same time and place Mr. Lemuel Ely to Miss Betsy Boutwell

4. girl ca 1798 –
5. Henry David Baker 1806 –
boy ca 1805 –
married Jane Newsome 1812 –
6. Thomas Baker ca 1808 – ca 1840
boy ca 1808 –
married Ada ?
a. Tucie Baker dy
b. Tommie Baker
married Walter Futrell
c. Fannie Baker
married Miles Sumner
Ada married 2nd Hunter Joyner [ Mary Hill Britton’s great Uncle]
a. Willy Joyner
b. Ima Joyner
c. Robert Joyner
[these children were cousins of Mary Hill Britton’s mother]
Ada married 3rd Seth Joyner [cousin of Hunter]
a. Wilmer Joyner

Nathan Thomas married Sarah Elizabeth Baker. (Henry David Baker’s daughter) at the Baker home(Which is still in good shape–owned by a person who let my daughter go in and look around. She was very impressed. There is a cemetary behind the house but it is so grown over that the only grave we could find was Thomas Baker’s. He died at the age of 32 and left a wife and 3 daughters. A daughter, Tucie died young. Tommie married Walter Futrell. Daughter, Fannie married Miles Sumner and Ada married my great Uncle Hunter Joyner. She was 23 and he was 56. They had 3 children, Willy, Ima and Robert. (my mother’s cousins) When Uncle Hunter died Ada married his cousin, Seth Joyner and they had one child, Wilmer. Now I’ll get to the real reason for this letter. (Henry D.Baker’s Family)

John Baker 1792 – bef 1820 | his parents
& 1816 Rachel Sowell ca 1793 – 1839 | her parents
& 1822 James Rawles | his parents
& 1835 William Dunning | his parents
of “Littletown” Hertford Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John Baker 29 Dec 1792 – 1820 Hertford Co, NC
served in the War of 1812
married 16 July 1816 Rachel Sowell ca 1793 – 1839
dau of George Sowell and wife Kesia
Rachel married 2nd 1822 James Rawles
and 3rd 1835 William Dunning

Children of John Baker and Rachel Sowell:
1. George Baker 25 Apr 1817 – 17 Sept 1891
greatly respected and admired by those who knew him, genuine hospitality
lived at Long Branch, the old Baker homestead in Hertford Co”
married 21 Feb 1839 Winnifred Williford
married 30 Dec 1845 Mary Ann Outlaw 7 Feb 1826 – 17 June 1893
dau of Wilie Outlaw ca 1782 – 1823 and Penelope Scull 29 Aug 1797 –
2. John Baker 6 Dec 1820 – 14 April 1880 CSA no children
married 1860/1870 Bettie Tayloe of Hertford Co ca 1830 –
sister of Capt. Langley Tayloe of Hertford Co.
Children of Rachell Sowell and James Rawles:
1. James Monroe Rawles 29 March 1823-
2. Abner Perry Rawles 25 June 1832 –
Children of Rachell Sowell and William Dunning:
1. Martha J Dunning 8 Oct 1836 –
married William Thomas Browne of Murfreesboro NC
son of Joshua Browne and grandson of Walter Browne [d 1736] and wife Mary
a. William D Browne of Hertford Co
b. Grace Browne
married J P Hollomon of Rich Square NC

George Baker 1817 – 1891 | his parents
& 1839 Winnifred Wiliford d ca 1844 | her parents
& 1845 Mary Ann Outlaw 1821 – 1893 | her parents
of “Long Branch” Hertford Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Baker Home built ca 1839
located one mile from Harrellsville

George Baker 25 Apr 1817 – 17 Sept 1891
greatly respected and admired by those who knew him, genuine hospitality
lived at Long Branch, the old Baker homestead in Hertford Co”
married 21 Feb 1839 Winnifred Williford
married 30 Dec 1845 Mary Ann Outlaw 7 Feb 1826 – 17 June 1893
dau of Wilie Outlaw ca 1782 – 1823 and Penelope Scull 29 Aug 1797 –

Children of George Baker and Winnifred Williford:
1. Martha Ann Baker 19 Apr 1840 – 26 Aug 1841 dy
2. Mary Lucretia Baker 17 Feb 1842 – 23 Dec 1870 left issue
married Joe Winborne
3. Sarah E Baker 3 Mar 1844 –

Children of George Baker and Mary Ann Outlaw:
4. Elisha Baker 27 Dec 1846 – 30 Mar 1847 dy
5. Amanda Baker 10 April 1848 –
married 7 Nov 1867 Joseph Browne of Bertie
6. William Edward Baker 26 Nov 1850 –
married Amanda Perry ca 1851 Bertie Co –
married Jennie Savage of Gates Co
married Maggie Beasley
7. John Outlaw Baker 22 Mar 1852 – 25 Aug 1907 buried Burleson Co TX
married Mollie F Cullens
8. George W Baker 1 May 1854 -May 1854 dy
9. George Washington Baker II 4 Nov 1856 – 16 May 1910 merchant Greenville
married Lena Shepard of Greenville NC
10. Raleigh James Baker 7 Oct 1859 Harrellsville NC – 11 Apr 1921 Ahoskie NC
married 15 Jan 1884 Sallie John Harrell d. 1 June 1910
married 26 Dec 1911 Lily Walton ca 1861 Greensboro AL – 6 April 1918 Ahoskie
widow of W. Drake Scull
married 12 May 1920 Margaret Hardy ca 1871 – 16 Apr 1940
11. Bobbie L Baker 21 Sept 1862 – 18 Oct 1865 dy

Raleigh James Baker 1859 – 1921 | his parents
& 1884 Sallie John Harrell – 1910 | her parents
& 1911 Lily Walton [Scull] 1861 – 1918 | her parents
of 1920 Margaret Hardy 1871 – 1940 | her parents
of Harrellsville and Ahoskie NC

Raleigh James Baker 7 Oct 1859 Harrellsville NC – 11 Apr 1921 Ahoskie NC
married 15 Jan 1884 Sallie John Harrell d. 1 June 1910
married 26 Dec 1911 Lily Walton ca 1861 Greensboro AL – 6 April 1918 Ahoskie
widow of W. Drake Scull
married 12 May 1920 Margaret Hardy ca 1871 – 16 Apr 1940

Children of Raleigh James Baker and Sallie John Harrell:
1. Pembroke Baker 20 May 1885 – 26 July 1961 Raleigh NC
married 21 Apr 1920 Vivian Gray Betts no issue
2. Ruth Baker 18 Nov 1887 – 24 Jan 1964
married 12 April 1910 Carl Herman Mitchell 25 Mar 1889 – 21 Nov 1948
a. Jesse Harrell Mitchell 17 Mar 1911 –
b. Ruth James Mitchell 31 Oct 1913 –
c. Carl Herman Mitchell Jr. 28 Aug 1916 – 12 Oct 1932
3. Raleigh J Baker Jr. 2 May 1890 – 21 Oct 1895 dy
4. Sallie Rebecca Baker 24 May 1892 – 24 July 1914 at St Vincent’s Hospital Norfolk VA
married 31 Dec 1912 Sidney P Watson of Wilson
5. Talmage Baker 20 July 1894 – 22 Mar 1953
married 20 Jan 1933 Annie Sue 8 Sept 1901 Goldsboro NC – 20 Nov 1973
a. Raleigh James Baker 1935 –
6. Rodney Jasper Baker 31 May 1896 – 21 Aug 1896 dy
7. Janie Belle Baker 20 Mar 1898 –
married 31 Mar 1915 James Henry Robertson 13 Nov 1884 Williamston NC –
a. Haywood Lawrence Robertson 1 Oct 1916 –
b. Sallie Baker Robertson 3 Sept 1925 –
c. Richard Blake Robertson 28 July 1929 –

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