John Cherry & Elizabeth Faithful


John Cherry Sr. 1619 -1699 | his parents
& Elizabeth Faithful 1625 – | her parents
of Bray, England &
of Norfolk County, VA

 my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

On the internet, someone has traced this family back into the 1300’s in France to the name De Che Roi.

Children of John Cherry Sr & Elizabeth Faithful
1. John Cherry Jr 1641 Norfolk Co, VA – 1699 VA
married 1662 Rebecca Maund 1647 – aft 1687
a. John Cherry III 1667
married Sarah Spring
i. Spring Cherry
ii. John Cherry
iii. Aaron Cherry
iv. Bethia Cherry
v. Elizabeth Cherry
vi. Affia Hill Cherry
b. Samuel Maund Cherry 1665 -1734 Norfolk Co, VA
married 1684 Frances Ballentine ca 1660 – aft 1734
i. Lemuel Samuel Cherry 1685 Norfolk Co VA – Sept 1754 Beaufort NC
married Mary Courtney
1. Mary Cherry ca 1718 –
married Shirley Wheatly
2. Rebecca Cherry 1721 –
married John Hodges
3. John Cherry 1724 –
married Mary Jordon 1728 –
4. unknown Cherry 1725 –
5. William Cherry 1728 – 1807 Edgecombe Co
married Susannah ?
a. Sarah [Sally] Cherry
married Bruton
ancestor of Larry
b. Nancy Cherry
married Lingo
c. Lezena Cherry
married Marymon
d. Rebacka Cherry
married Moore
married 1730 NC Gatsey Ann Llewellyn ca 1689 – bef 1754
1. Cader Cherry ca 1730 –
2. Charles Cherry 1732 – aft 1850 ?
married Ruth/Winifred Mercer
3. Elizabeth Cherry ca 1734 –
4. Samuel Cherry ca 1735 – 1815 Edgecombe Co, NC
5. Solomon Cherry October 20, 1736 – Nov 1808 Edgecombe Co, NC [ D-297/9]

6. Abigail Cherry ca 1739 –
7. Lemuel Cherry ca 1741 –
8. George Cherry ca 1743 –
9. Willis Cherry ca 1745 –
10. Patience Cherry ca 1747 NC –
ii. Aaron Cherry ca 1687 –
married Mary Pierce
1. Sarah Cherry 1741 Bertie Co –
2. Rebecca Cherry ca 1743 –
3. Theophilus Cherry ca 1745 –
4. Erastus Cherry ca 1747 –
5. Robert Cherry 1749 – 1820 NC
6. George Cherry ca 1751 –
7. Solomon Cherry ca 1753 –
8. Thomas Cherry ca 1755 –
iii. Elizabeth Cherry 1688 –
iv. Patience Cherry 1690 –
v. Frances Cherry 1692 –
vi. Dunson [Duncan] Cherry 1694
c. Sarah [Elizabeth] Cherry 1666 –
d. Solomon Cherry 1663 –
e. Joseph Cherry 1668 –
f. Rebecca Cherry 1672 –
g. Patience Cherry 1678 –
2. Edward Cherry 1643 –
3. Elizabeth Cherry 1648 –
married Joseph Miller
4. Solomon Cherry ca 1652 – 1693
5. Sarah Cherry ca 1654 –
married [Thomas Wilson]
6. Faithful Cherry ca 1662 – 1727
married Patience
a. Faithful Cherry
b. Luke Cherry
c. Job Cherry
d. Titus Cherry
e. Ruth Cherry
f. Patience Cherry
7. William Cherry 1664 – 1737
married Elizabeth
a. Solomon Cherry [1714] -died 1777 Bertie Co, NC
[ married Sarah
i. Mary Cherry ca 1742 Norfolk Co, VA – 1798/1802 Bertie Co
married John Jenkins [2nd wife??]
ii. Cader Cherry ca 1745 – bef 1782 Edgecombe
married Judith Burnett
iii. William Cherry ca 1748 – 1802 Bertie Co
iv. James Cherry ca 1758 – bef Feb 1826
v. Martha Cherry ca 1758 – 1818 Bertie Co
vi. Solomon Cherry ca 1755/60 – ca 1810 Bertie, Co abt. age 50
married 1779 Mary Walton [Eason]
vii. Elizabeth Cherry 10 April 1776 – 31 Oct 1827]
b. Eleazer Cherry
c. Willis Cherry
d. John Cherry
e. Caleb Cherry
f. Rebecca Cherry
married James Grant
8. Thomas Cherry 1670 – 1748
married Sarah Wilson
a. Sarah Cherry ca 1705 -1762
married John Brown
b. Jeremiah Cherry 1706 –
married Mary Ferebee ca 1705 –
c. Mary Cherry ca 1710 –
married Mr. Tart
d. Jonas Cherry ca 1712 –
e. Martha Cherry ca 1715
married Mr. Foreman
f. Faith Cherry ca 1718 –
g. William Cherry ca 1720 –

4 thoughts on “John Cherry & Elizabeth Faithful”

  1. HI, according to ancestry I am also a granddaughter to this line of Cherry’s.
    My father is Robert Cherry, his father was Herman Cherry (married to Rebecca Daniel), his father was William Oscar Cherry (married to Emma Cobb), his father was William Robert Cherry (married Alice Smith), his father was William Norman Cherry (married to Malinda Head). I am 100% sure that all that information is correct. Then it gets iffy. According to ancestry William Norman’s father was Nehemiah Cherry (married to Ann Griffin), his father was William Cherry (married to Lydia Minera Daniel), his father was Jonathan Cherry Jr. (married to Catherine Rooks this is different from what others have listed), his father was Jonathan Cherry Sr. (married to Elizbeth Faithful). It goes on back from there, but I’m just now sure how much is accurate and I was wondering if you could confirm the information.
    Thank you!

  2. I am a descendant of Rebecca Cherry who married John Hodges. There are different times or dates on some of these folks. I think John Hodges was born about 1720 and died about 1778. What do you think?

  3. Interesting information on the Cherry lineage. I come from the Cherry family of John Cherry Sr. and Elizabeth Faithful through their son John Cerry Jr. and Rebecca Maund through their son Lemuel Cherry through his daughter Rebecca Cherry 1721 who married into the Hodges lineage. Email me please.

    1. I am from the same line. How many people do you have in the family tree? I have over 600. Can we compare records?

      Offie Cherry Wortham

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