John Alston & Mary

the emigrant: left his native country to settle in another
the immigrant: settled in a new country having left his native country

Col. John Alston 1677 – 1758 | his parents
& 1701 Mary Baker? 1xxx – aft 1758 | her parents
of Wethersfield ESS &

of Chowan Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Hunter Cole has alerted me that in October 2017 Forrest King and Mary Terback has uncovered links to the English family in Essex Co England.

Their deep research of documents in England, Virginia, and North Carolina refutes erroneous theories about Bedfordshire and Barbados and shows that John Alston, a son of Solomon Alston, was born in Essex, England, and migrated to Surry, Virginia, before settling in Chowan County, North Carolina. King and Terbrak’s work likely will be acknowledged as the definitive statement on the life of John Alston.

John Alston was baptised 16 Apr 1677 Wethersfield, Essex. son of Solomon Alston 1648 – 1721 & first wife Mary Pasfield 1649 – bef Nov 1684.

1693, 10 June – Surry Co VA – John Alston was a tithable 16 yrs or older, living in the home of Nicholas Pasfield in the Lawnes Creek district.
more later.
1711 – He received a grant of 270 acres of land on the NW side of Bennett’s Creek.
1713 – he began to enter lands in the names of his sons.
1713, 28 Nov – Patrick Laler/Laughler of Chowan Prect and Patience Laler to Mr. John Alston for 1000 pounds of Tobacco. 50 A more or less on the SE side of Bennetts Creek and is part of a patent dated 17 Mar 1704/5
1714, 16 April – same for 5000 pounds of Tobacco, the back Swamp Plantation.
1715 – 20 April – He was a juror at a court held at the house of Henry King.
1720, 1 Oct – Gov Charles Eden gives commission as Justices of Peace for the Prect. of Chowan to William Charlton, John Holbrook, John Cotton, Thomas Betterley, Thomas Roundtree, Luke Meazell, John Parker, John Bryant the son of Lewis Bryant, John Alston, William Bridges and William Lattimer, Esquires.
in 1721, 1722, 1724 -He was on the grand jury of the oyer and terminer courts , and again in 1740.
In 1724 – he was a justice of the peace for Chowan and again in 1739.
until 1725 – He was called captain, then major till 1729 and later colonel.
1728 –            In the Albemarle John Alston rose to prominence. The following chronology details his aggressive drive to own large tracts of land, his influence among his fellow property owners in the Albemarle counties of Chowan, Bertie, and Edgecombe, his public service as a juror, a vestryman in St. Paul’s Parish, a sheriff, a military officer (captain, major, and colonel), and, with his wife Mary, a parent of a large family of five noteworthy sons (Solomon, William, Philip, Joseph John, and James) and four well-married daughters (Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Charity), at least one of whom was pointed out as a beauty. In 1728, surveyors relocating the boundary line between Virginia and North Carolina took a meal with John Alston at the Speights home in Perquimans, remarking: “This being Sunday the People flock’t from all parts partly out of Curiosity, there was not much beauty, the most fell to Mary. Alston’s daughter, who is said to be no niggard of it . . . Major Alston & Captain Baker dined with us.”
1738 – On 3 April he was elected a vestryman of St. Paul’s Parish, Chowan Co.
In 1746 he was sheriff of Chowan Co.” from Stephen B Weeks

Will of John Alston 17 Sept 1754 [started] – 20 Feb 1755 [signed] and prob 2 Dec 1758 Chowan Co
“In the Name of God, Amen. September 17th, in the year of our Lord God one thousand Seven hundred and fifty four, I, John Alston of Chowan County and province of North Carolina being in perfect health and of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to almighty God for it.,
Calling to mind the uncertainty of this Transitory Life, and that all flesh must Yield unto Death when it shall please God to call, Doe make Declair ordain, appoint this my last will and testament in Manner & form following and principally I Recommend my Soul to God that gave it to me in full hope I shall receive full pardon for all my Sins Past by the merits and meditation of our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and my body to be buried in Such Christion Like manner as shall pleas my Executor hereafter named and appointed,
and secondly I doe by these presents frustrate and make null and void all other or former wills by me made or Declared Either by word or writing and this to be taken for my Last will and testament and no other.
Thirdly my will is that all My Debts Duly that I owe in the right or conscience to any manner of persons What Ever Be Justly Contested and paid in Sum convenient time after my Death By executor hereafter nam’d
and now as such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bestow upon me I Give & dispose of the saim in manner and from following–
Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son Joseph John Alston my Land at White Oak River and other personal Estate By me all Ready delivered to him and a tract of land containing two hundred and fifty acres being in Chowan County Joining to Mrs. James Willson Line Beginning at a hickory standing on Benit’s Creek Side I also give to my son Joseph John Alston one Gold Ring about fifteen shillings worth I say aforesaid Land and Estate to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Son Solomon Alston a Negro woman named Sarah which he has in his possession and other personal Estate all Ready delivered to him by me I say the aforesaid Negro and Estate to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Son William Alston in his lifetime that part of my Estate I allotted for him and now his heirs has is in their possession.
Item. I give to my Beloved Son Phillip Alston one Negro man named Seser now in his possession and one Negro man named Robin and what Else of my personal Estate he has had of me before now in his possession I say the afor s’d Negro’s & Estate to & his heirs forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Mary Seward one mulato woman named Moll and what Else she has had of me befor to her and her heirs for Ever I also lend the use of my Dwelling House and garden to her During her natural life.
Item. I Give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Williams one Negro woman named Moll and her increase to her and her heirs for Ever and what Else of my personal Estate she has had all Ready.
Item. I Give and bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Sarah Kearny one Negro woman nam’d fanney and her increase now in her possession and what Else she had of my Estate Before the afore said negro and Estate to her and her heirs forever.
Item. I Give to my Beloved Daughter Charity Dawson one Negro woman named janey and a Negro boy named Jupiter and a negro girl named Cate and a negro girl named Nancy I say the aforesaid Negro’s to her and her heirs and assigns for Ever.
Item. I mean my Dear wife Mary Alston to have the use om my Estate as vis Dick fanney peter Robin & Easup and Diner allso–my plantation stock & household Goods During her naturall Life But at her Death to be returned in manner hereafter mentioned.
Item. I Give to John Alston Son of Solomon Alston one Negro boy named Peter to him and his heirs fr Ever.
Item. I Give to Elizabeth Alston Daughter of William Alston Deceased one Negro boy named ned to her and her heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give to Paty Alston Daughter of Joseph John Alston one Negro Girl named Pru to her and her heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give to William Alston Son of Philip Alston one Negro Boy named Hary to him & his heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give to John Alston Son of James Alston one Negro woman named Diner and her increase and one negro boy named Robin to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son James Alston one Negro man named Dick one Negro man named Peter and one mulato man named Easop also my plantation whereon I now live and all the Land adjoining thereunto I also give him the Rest and Residue of my whole Estate Both Raill and personall I say the aforesaid Land and Estate to him and his heirs & assigns forever I allso leave him my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seall the 20 day of Feb’y 1755. JOHN ALSTON
Seasbrook Wilson, Thomas Byrd
Joseph X Parker
Edenton 2d December 1758 – Then personally appeared before me Seasbrook Wilson & Joseph Parker two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Will who make oath that they saw John Alston the Testateor sign seal and deliver and declare the foregoing as & for his last will and Testament and that the said John Alston was at that time to the best of their judgment & belief of sound and disposing Memory & understanding and that they together with Thomas Byrd subscribed their names to the foregoing will as witnessed thereto.
At the same time James Alston Executor before named took the Oath of an Executor.
Let Letters Testamentary issue thereon. ARTHUR DOBBS.”

Children of John Alston and wife Mary:
1. Joseph John Alston 1701 – 1780 Halifax Co NC
married first Elizabeth [Betsey] Chancy 1701 –
married second Euphan Wilson 1725 –

2. Solomon Alston ca 1703 Chowan Co – 1785 Warren Co NC
     (scroll down page)
married ca 1729 Ann Hinton 1713 – aft 1785
dau of Col John Hinton

3. William M Alston ca 1704 – 1743 Halifax Co
married Ann Kimbrough
a. Elizabeth Alston

4. Philip Alston ca 1706? – 1784 Warren Co NC
married 1745 Winifred Whitmel 25 Dec 1729 Bertie Co – 1795

5. Mary Alston ca 1708 – no issue
married 1st Henry Guston of Edgecombe Co NC
married bef 1754 2nd William Seward of Isle of Wight Co VA

6. James Alston ca 1710 – 1761 Orange Co NC
married Christian Lillington

7. Elizabeth Alston ca 1711 – aft 1792
married 1725/28 Samuel Williams d. 1753/54 Edgecombe Co NC
son of William Williams and wife Mary
married 2nd 1765 Richard Burt

8. Sarah Alston ca 1713 – 1764
married 1730/32 Thomas Kearney 1705 – aft 1764
a. Edmund [Edward] Kearny
b. Philip Kearney ca 1735 – 1794 Halifax Co
married 1763 Elizabeth Kinchen
i. Elizabeth Kinchen Kearney 1769 – 1863
married 1790 William Williams of Warren Co as his 2nd wife

9. Martha Alston ca 1715 –
married Lemuel Wilson

10. Charity Alston ca 1717 – 1764 Northampton Co NC
married John Dawson d 1761 Northampton Co NC
a. Charity Alston Dawson
b. John Dawson

Sources: Stephen B Weeks
Hathaway’s NCHGR vol 1 p 163, 308,
Groves, Joseph A. The Alstons and Allstons of North and South Carolina compiled from English, colonial and family records Atlanta, Ga.: Franklin Printing and Publishing Co., 1901, 599 pgs.
GenForum: Alston Family in Granville Co [NC] postings by Mark Gillespie

Notes from Hunter Cole:          


John Alston. “(part of a deed) Patrick Laler of Chowan Prect. And Patience Laler to Mr. John Alston (residence not given) 28 Nov. 1718 for 1000 pounds of Tobacco 50 acres more or less on the south east side of Bennetts Creek and is part of a patent dated 17 Mar. 1704-05  Wit.: ____ Laler his mark, Treddle Keefe, William Vann V his mark Reg. 8 Feb. 1714-15 (Chowan Deed Book W #1, p. 202).


John Alston. “Wednesday ye 20 Apr. 1715 Court met as per adjournment . . . Sarah Smith Comes to Prosecute her suit against William Wade in Assault and Battery and ye defend, pleads Not Guilty and there came John Hardy, John Alston, James Bates, William Crawford, Cary Godbee, Thomas Rogers, John Rasberry, Edward Taylor, John Council, James Boon, Edward Howcott, Thomas Hicks being first Qualified Put the matter to Tryall and returned their Verdict and found for ye Plaintiff damages with Costs of Suit” (Chowan Deed Book B #1, pp.5, 6, 7).


John Alston. Jno. Alston, 200 acres, 2 persons taxed (1717 Tax List, Chowan, N. C. State Archives, File C.R.2.002, Albemarle Co., Papers. Vol. 2, 1715-1739).


John Alston. “William Murphy of Chowan Prect. and Martha my wife to Barnaby McKinney of Albemarle Co. this — July 1720  £5 current money of England 640 acres more or less at the mouth of a Great Branch called Cypress Gutt which cometh out of the river (Moratock), joining the plantation of Arthur Davis did live on being a parcel of land in Calledony wood formerly granted to William Browne by Patent 1 Apr. 1713 being the tract whereon the sd. Browne did live and is the land given by the will of William Browne to his wife Martha and I, William Murphy, married the Relict of William Browne. Wit.: William Lattimer, John Alston. Reg. Chowan Ct. the 3rd Tuesday in July 1720. Test: Thomas Henman, Clerk” (Chowan Deed Book F #1, p. 38).


John Alston. “Arthur Davis of Chowan Prect. and Mary my wife to Barnaby McKinney of Chowan Prect. This — July 1720, £45 current money of England, 640 acres in Colledony woods on the south side of Morotock River and running the courses of the patent and is land conveyed to the sd. Davis and was a grant to William Browne, 1 Apr. 1713. Wit.: William Lattimer, John Alston. Reg. Chowan 3rd Tuesday in July 1720. Test: Thomas Henman, Clerk” (Chowan Deed Book F #1, p. 42).


John Alston. “Charles Eden Esquire Governor of the Province to William Charlton, John Holbrook, John Cotton, Thomas Betterley, Thomas Roundtree, Luke Meazell, John Parker, John Bryant the son of Lewis Bryant, John Alston, William Bridges and William Lattimer, Esquires a commission as Justices of the Peace for the Prect. Of Chowan  William Charlton, John Holbrook, John Cotton, Thomas Betterley and Thomas Roundtree to hold court four times yearly. Given under the Seal of the Colony. Oct. 1720  /s/ Charles Eden Governor” (Chowan Deed Book F #1, p. 80).


John Alston. 265 acres, northwest side of Bennetts Creek, 1721. (Chowan Land Grants, Book III, p. 82).


“Minutes of the General Court,” March 30 – April 4, 1721. “Genl Courthouse at Queen Anne’s Creek in Chowan . . . The Grand Jury are Impannelld & Sworn. . . Nico Hunter . . . Thos Rountree . . . John Alston . . .” (Colonial and State Records of North Carolina [hereafter cited at CSR], II, p. 433).


John Alston. “Patrick Lawley of Bennetts Creek in the upper part of Chowan to Thomas Martin of Nansemond Co. (Va.), 25 Mar. 1721 for 4 Barrels of Tarr and other valuable considerations, 50 acres on the west side of Bennetts Creek and is land formerly sold to Tredle Keef before ye taking out of my Pattent bearing date 10 Dec. 1712 and by the sd. Keef sold to the sd. Martin 5 May 1719. Wit.: Henry Baker, John Alston, Jonathan Rowse. Ack. 10 June 1721 by Robert Hicks by Vertue of a Power of Attorney to him Directed by Patrick and Patience Lawler [sic] before me. F. Jones, Ch. Just. Reg. 6 July 1721” (Chowan Deed Book C #1, p. 105).


John Alston. “Thomas Burkett of Chowan Prect. and Mary his wife to Thomas Roundtree (date not given) power of attorney to acknowledge a deed of sale to Edward Wingate bearing date 15 July 1721. Wit.: John Alstone. Reg. Chowan Ct. July 1721. Test: Thomas Henman, Clerk (Chowan Deed Book F #1, p. 180).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court of North Carolina” – “At a Genl Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery held at the Court House in Edenton on Tuesda the 27th day of March and continued by several adjournments till Saturday the 7th day of April 1722. . . The following persons were impannelld and sworne upon the Grand Jurey vigt Capt Nicholas Crispe fforman, Capt John Alston [and fifteen others] (CSR, II, p. 463).


John Alston. “No. 122. Joseph Jessop, of Perq. for £10 paid by Capt. Allston of Chowan, sold Capt. John Alston 200 acres in Perquimans on N. E. side of the River, adj. land of John Gooding, ‘Part of 400 acres Grant. To me April 4, 1720.’ Seal July 9, 1722.” History of Perquimans County, 1931, p. 80).


John Alston. “Robert Hicks to Adam Cockburn. Assignment of a deed for 6 lots at Queen Anne’s Town, south of N. Chevin, April 4, 1722. Test, John Alston, Joseph Young. “Abstract of Conveyances for Property in Town of Edenton, N. C.,” Chowan Book C, No. 1 (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, II, p. 121).


John Alston. “Robert Hicks to Adam Cockburne, Esquire, 4 Apr. 1722, £100 Current money, assignment of 6 Lotts at Queen Ann’s Town purchased of Nathaniel Chevin Esquire, 28 8ber 1719. Wit.: John Allston, Joseph Young. Ack. 4 Apr. 1722 before C. Gale, Ch. Just. Reg. 13 July 1722” (Chowan Deed Book C #1, p. 232).


John Alston. On 26 March 1723 a patent for 292 acres on the north side of Bennett’s Creek is granted to John Alston, adjoining land of Col. Thomas Harvey and Capt. John Alston (Chowan Patent Book Three, p. 127).


John Alston. “Christopher Gale, Edward Moseley, John Loyick, Commissioners of Edenton to Wm. Charlton, John Alston, Wm. Badham, Henry Bonner, John Crisp, Joseph Frasier, John Long, and Jacob Blount, Justices of the Peace for the Precinct of Chowan and their successors, and in behalf of the Precinct, for their said use for erecting and building a court House. Lots Nos. 58 and 59; 3d May 1723. Test, John Palin, Wm. Badham” (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. I, p. 163).


John Alston. “Lazarus Thomas to Thomas Snowden of Perquimens Precinct, February 9, 1724. £50 for 515 a. on flat Swamp, adj. Isaac Lewis. On Horse Swamp. Wit.: John Alston. February Court, 1724. John Sutton, d. C/C” (Bertie County, N. C., Deed Book A, p. 394)


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court of North Carolina . . . At a General Court of Oyer and Terminer & Gaol Delivery held at the Courthouse in Edenton begun on Tuesday the thirty first day of March Anno Dmi one thousand seven hundred and twenty four and continued by severall adjournments to the fourth day of April following . . . The following persons were impannelled nd sworn on the Grand Jury Vizt . . . Capt John Alston . . . . (CSR, II, p. 543).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court of North Carolina” – “Read the petition of Joseph John Alston Shewing that his father John Alston obtained a patent for 200 & odd acres of Land lying on Bennet Creek on the north side of the Bridge which is not saved as Law directs, praying for a Lapse patent for same &c. . . . At a Council held at Edenton April the 9th Anno Dom 1724” (CSR, II, p. 524).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court of North Carolina . . . At a Generl Court of Oyer & Terminer & Gaol delivery held at the courthouse at Edenton begun Tuesday the twenty seventh day of October one thousand seven hundred and twenty four and continued by severall adjournments to the third day of November following. A commission from the Honoble George Burrington Esq. governor and the rest of the members of the Council directed to Thomas Pollock Esq. appoint him Cheif [sic] Justice; and to to [sic] Cullen Pollock, William Downing, Isaac Hill, John Alston, and Robert Lloyd Esqs appointing them assistants to the said Cheif [sic] Justice was read and the said Cheif [sic] Justice administered the Oaths & Declaration by Law appointed for the Qualification also the Oath of a Justice of the Peace and the oath by Law enjoyne for choosing different Jurymen to William Downing, Isaac Hill, John Alston & Robert Lloyd who afterwards administered the aforesd Oaths & Declaracon [sic] to the said Cheif [sic] Justice and then they took their places accordingly. Present Thomas Pollock Esq Cheif [sic] Justice, Wm Downing Esq Assistant, Isaac Hull Esq Assistant, John Alston Esq Assistant, Robert Lloyd Esq Assistant” (CSR, II, pp. 555-556).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court,” “At a council held at the council Chamber in Edenton the 3d day of April Anno Dom 1725.” “Read the Petition of John Alston Shewing that William Daniel sometime agoe took up and patented a Tract of Land of 450 Acres lying in Chowan which is not Cultivated as the Law directs therefore prays a Lapse patent may be granted for him for the same [p. 563]. Ordered That a Patent issue as prayed for” (CSR, II, p. 564).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court,” “Pursuant thereto met at Edenton the 17th day of July Anno Dom 1725. . . July 30 met again present as before . . . Major John Alston is appointed as one of the assistants to the Chief [sic] Justice in the room [i. e., in the place of] Cullen Pollock Esqr who has resigned the said Office” (CSR, II, p. 569).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court  . . . At a council held at the Council Chamber in Edenton the 5th day of October Anno Dom 1725 . . . Ordered that a Commission Issue for the General Court directed by Edmond Gale William Downing Barnaby Mackinne Robert Lloyd John White  Thomas Lovick  Richard Graves and John Alston Esqrs  Mr Receiver General Goffe laid before this Board his accot of their Lordspps Revenue for the year 1723 to 1724  Ordered that the said Accots lay till the next Council for the perusal of any of the members of the Board” (CSR, II, p. 572).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court ,” Court met at the courthouse in Edenton, begun Tuesday, July 27, 1725, and adjourned Aug. 2, following.  “Present Christopher Gale Esq. Chief Justice” and “John Alston Esq Assistant” (CSR, II, p. 591).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court . . . Present the Honoble Christopher Gale Esq. Chief [sic] Justice Edmond Gale Esq Justice of the Peace for this Governmt  William Downing Justice of the Peace for this Governmt  Robert Lloyd Justice of the Peace for this Governmt  John Alston Esq Justice of the Peace for this Governmt  Thomas Lovick Justice of the Peace for this Governmt” (CSR, II, p. 596).


John Alston. “Jno. Alston, grantor, Wm. Sumners, grantee, 1725 (Chowan Deed Book C2, p. 545, from Chowan County, N. C., Cross Index to Deeds – Grantees, 1696-1828,



John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court” – The justices met at the courthouse in Edenton from Tuesday, March 29 to April 2, 1726. John Alston was present among nine other justices of the peace (CSR, II p. 646).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court” – the court met at the courthouse in Edenton, Tuesday, July 26 to August 3, 1726: “John Alston Esq Assistant” present with three other justices of the peace and the chief justice (CSR, II, p. 655). John Alston. “July 26, 1726, at Court held at the Court House in Edenton, Present Christopher Gale, Chief Justice, Barnaby McKinne, John Alston, Robert Loyd and John Lovick assistants. Suit William Whitfield vs. Wm. Daniels. John Cheshire appears in Court as surety (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, I, p. 457).



John Alston. “George Powel to John Alston, August 11, 1726, £25 ‘within mentioned patent. . .’ Wit.: John Nairn, John Power. August Court 1726. R. Hicks” (Bertie County Deed Book B, p. 174).


John Alston. “Jno. Allston, grantor, Francis Pugh, grantee, 1727, Chowan Deed Book C, p. 556, from Chowan County, N. C., Cross Index to Deeds – Grantees, 1696-1828,


John Alston. “No. 269. John Alston, of Chowan, for £10 pd. By Thos Norfleet, of ‘Upper Pr’ct of  Nansemond Co in Virginia,’ 200 acres on NEast side of the  head of Perquimans River, adj. John Gooding, now in possession of Thomas Rountree, 400 acres ‘to be divided by joint contract’ by said Thos Norfleet & Thos Rountree, according to a sale July 9, 1722.  Seal Jan 9, 1727-28. Test, Gabriel Newby, R. Everard” (History of Perquimans County, 1931, p. 92).


John Alston. “At a Gen’l Court of Oyer & Terminer & Gen’l Gaol delivery held for the sayd province at the Court-house in Edenton begun on Tuesday the twenty eighty day of March 1727, & continued by Severall adjournments to the fifth day of Aprill following. Present, Christopher Gale, Esqr. Chief Justice, Barnaby Mackinney, John Alston, Thos. Lovick and Henry Bonner, Esqr. Assistants. It being Represented to this Court, that it is highly Necessary that a Ferry should be settled over Cape Fear River and that part of the province not being laid out into precincts. . . .” (North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. One, April 1900, p. 290).


John Alston. “John Nairns to Jonathan Davis (Davice), March 26, 1727-28. £10 for 200 a. on SS Morattock River at Cypress, adj. John Woods. Wit.: John Speir, John Alston. August Court 1728. Edw. Mashborne D. C/C” (Bertie County Deed Book C, p. 29).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court” – the court met at the courthouse in Edenton, Tuesday, March 28 through April 5, 1727: “John Alston Esq Assistant” present with three other justices of the peace and the chief justice” (CSR, II, p. 686).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court” – the court met at the courthouse in Edenton, Tuesday July 28 through August 2, 1727: “John Alston Esq Assistant” present with four other justices of the peace and the chief justice” (CSR, II, p. 704).


John Alston. “Jno. Alston, grantee, Thomas Pollard, grantor, 1728 (Chowan Co., N. C.: Cross Index to Deeds – Grantees, 1696-1828,


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court” – the court met at the courthouse in Edenton, March 26 through March 27, 1728: “Major John Alston Justice of the Peace and Assistant to the Ch. Justice,” and two other justices of the peace present (CSR, II, p. 819).


John Alston. “Jonathan Davice (Davise) (Davis) to Richard Murick, August 13, 1728, £20 for 200 acres on NS Morattock. Wit.: John Nairns, John Alston. August Court, 1728. Edw. Mashborne D. C/C” (Bertie County Deed Book C, p. 28).


John Alston. “Minutes of the General Court” – the court met at the courthouse in Edenton, October 29 through November 5, 1728: Present “Major Jno Alston Esq Assistant” and four other justices of the peace and the chief justice (CSR, II, p. 830).


John Alston. John Nairnr to Jonathan Davis (Davice), March 20, 1727-28. £10 for 200 acres on the south side of Morattuck River at Cypress, adjacent to John Woods. Witnesses: James Speir, John Alston. August County 1728 (Bertie Deed Book C, p. 29).


John Alston. “At a Genl Court of Oyer & Terminer and Genl Sessions held for the Sayd province at the Courthouse in Edenton begun on Tuesday the twenty fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred & twenty nine and continued by Adjournmt until third of April following. Present Christopher Gale Esqr Chief Justice, Thomas Luton, John Alston, Thos Lovick, Henry Bonner, Esqrs Assistants (“Records of the General Court,”  The State Records of North Carolina  III, p. 53).


John Alston. “At a Vestrey held for the parrish of Chowan at the Indian Town Chappell ye 22nd of July 173-, present John Alston, Isaac Huntor, Robt. Huntor, Thos. Luton, Richd. Parker, Edwd. Hair, Charles King – John Blunt, C[hurch] Wd [warden], John Sumner, C. wd” (Vestry Minutes, p. 60).


John Alston. “Jno. Allston, grantor, Edward Vann, grantee, 1730 (Chowan Deed Book C, p. 667, from Chowan County Cross Index to Deeds – Grantees, 1696-1828,


John Alston. “. . . in 1732, Governor Burrington appointed Henry Gaston, Major James Millican, Dr. James Thompson, Captain John Pratt, John Alston, Dr. John Bryant, John Hardy, James Spier, Francis Elleby, William Kane, John Pope, and Edward Young as Justices of the Peace. . . . Several of these justices had been members of the Legislature and the court from Bertie Precinct, but were inhabitants of Edgecombe before and after the division in 1732 (History of Edgecombe County, N. C by Joseph Kelly Turner and Jno L. Bridgers Jr. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., 1920, p. 22).

1732 (approx..)

John Alston. “A new era dawned upon the history of Edgecombe after the confirmation by the Governor and his Council. New progress both in industry and commerce was introduced. . . . John Alston brought nineteen slaves, John Pope brought six white servants, Thomas Kerney owned sixteen slaves, and others possessed a large retinue of servants and slaves with which to cultivate the fertile fields. . . . John Alston was sheriff during the first election” (History of Edgecombe County, N. C. by Joseph Kelley Turner and Jno. L. Bridgers Jr. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., 1920, pp. 22, 26, 70).


John Alston. “[Thomas Hiter, chief of Chowan Indians and other Indians] to James Hinton, 500 acres adjoining Jacob Hill, Jan. 9, 1733. Test, John Alston, Thomas Garrett, Thomas Carman, John Thomas” (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. II, p. 113).


John Alston. “Thomas Martin of Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Va., to John Alston. 50 acres land at Bennetts Creek Bridge, December 9, 1734. Test, Richard Nusam [or John Singleton?], Philip Alston” (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, II, p. 114).


John Alston. “Account of North Carolina Income and Expenses, including Quit Rents,” Chowan, payment of “Arrears of Quit Rents,” delinquent quit rents for land formerly in Nansemond Co., Va., but in Chowan and Bertie Precincts, N. C. after 1728: Alston, John, Chowan, 688 acres, Currency at Seven for One: £12, 0 shillings, 11 pence.  John Alston, Bertie, 1421 acres, Currency at seven for one: £24, 17 shillings, 0 pence (CSR, XXII, pp. 240, 255).


John Alston. “John Alston of Chowan Precinct to Thomas Piland, February 18, 1736, £40 for 124 acres on SES Ahoskey Swamp by patent dated April 1, 1723, to George Powell, conveyed by deed to Alston on August 11, 1726. Wit.: Henry Baker, Joseph Vann, Mary Morris. May court, 1737. John Wynns D. C/C” (Bertie County Deed Book E, p. 121).


John Alston. “The following persons appointed to a Jury to lay out a road from Bennett’s Creek Bridge to Meherrin Ferry, viz John Alston, Henry Guston, James Wilson, William Daniel, Thos. Speight, John Vann, Andrew Rose, Edward Bann, Geo. Williams, Tho. Norris, Geo. Hughes, Michael Coulding (1737)” Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, I, p. 448).


John Alston. “John Alston to Thos Piland Ackd. 40 pounds asd P. Major Alston pd £40 at a court held for Bertie Precinct on Tuesday the 10th Day of May 1737” (Source?)


John Alston. “Easter Monday April 3d 1738 – The freemen of the parish of chowan Mett at the courthouse in Edenton & There Did Elect for Vestrey men Vizt. Richd. Parker, Isaac Hunter, Robert Hunter, John Alston, Thos. Luten, John Sumner, Willm. Arkill, Edwd. Hare, Charles King, Jacob Butler, John Blunt, Will Speight And on the 17th Day of Aprall 1738 Mett at the Court House in Edenton the said Mr. Richd. Parker, Mr. Robet. Henter [sic], Colol. John Aulsbone [sic], Capt. John Sumner, Mr. Edwd. Hare, Mr. William Spight, Mr. Isaac Hunter, Mr. John Blount, Mr. Thos Luten, Mr. Willm. Arkill, Mr. Jacob Butler. They being Qualified by Taking the Public Oaths do appoint and Chuse Mr. John Blunt and Capt. John Sumner to be Ch wardens of this year. . . .” (Vestry Minutes of St. Paul’s Parish, Chowan County, North Carolina, 1701-1776, transcribed by Raymond Parker Fouts, pp. 57-58).


John Alston. “At a Vestry held for the prsh. Of Chowan at the Indian Town Chappell on the first Day of July 1738, PrSent Colo. John Alstone, Mr. Isaac Huntor, Mr. Robt. Huntor, Mr. Thos. Luton, Mr. Jacob Butler, Mr. Wllm. Arkill, Mr. Willm. Speight, Mr. Edwd. Hair, Mr. Richd. Parker, Mr. John Blunt, John Sumner CW [churchwardens]” (Vestry Minutes, p. 59).


John Alston. “Crown to John Alston, 28 June 1738, 150 acres in Edgecombe on the East side of Bever ponds, joining Col. Moseley’s corner on the pond (Edgecombe Patent Book 8, p. 57).


John Alston. “Jno. Alston, grantee, Geo. Rappett, grantor, 1739 (Chowan Deed Book A1, p. 45, from Chowan County, N. C., Cross Index to Deeds – Grantees, 1696-1828,


John Alston. “Minutes of the North Carolina Governor’s Council, the first of March 1739 . . . Ordered that a New Commission of the Peace issue from each County within the Government and that the following Persons be therein appointed Justices for each County respectively Vizt . . . For Chowan—Jno Montgomery Esqr., Jas Anderson, Jno Blount, John Hodson, Thos Garret, Wm Luten, Thos Luten, Jno Alston, Thos Blount, Henry Baker, Joseph Bottler” CSR, IV, pp. 345-346).


John Alston. “At a Vestrey Held on Easter Munday Aprill the 23: 1739 at Mary Freemans Hows – Present. John Alstone, Jacob Butler, Isaac Huntor, William Arkeele, William Speight, Robert Huntor – John Blunt, Cwd., Jno. Sumner Cwd. . . . Ordered that Coll. John Alston take Joyce Daughter of Mary Braddy and keep her until the next Vestrey to be held for this Parrish and to Return her to the sd. Vestrey their to be Dealt with according to Law” (Vestry Minutes, p. 61).


John Alston. “Crown to John Alston, 20 November 1739, 500 acres in Edgecombe Co. on S.W. side of Coneyway Creek, joining the sd. Creek” (Edgecombe Patent Book 8, p. 57).


John Alston. “At a Council held at Edenton 17th day of March Anno Com 1740 [noted as 1741] . . . Read Sundry Petitions for Land Vizt . . . Jno Alston 200 Edgecombe . . . .” (CSR, IV, p. 590).


John Alston. “. . . prayed in behalf of his daughter Mary Guston, letters of administration on the estate of her husband Henry Guston, deceased. Bond £3,000 (1741) (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, I, p. 452).


John Alston. “Crown to John Alston, 31 July 1741, 200 acres in Edgecombe County on N side of Fishing Creek, joining a branch of the creek (Edgecombe Patent Book 5, p. 58).


John Alston. “Jno. Alston, grantee, William Seaward, grantor, 1743 (Chowan Deed Book A1, p. 299, from Chowan County, N. C., Cross Index to Deeds – Grantor, 1696-1828,


John Alston. “Jno. Allston, grantee, Mary Guston, grantor, 1743, (Chowan Deed Book Book A, p. 299, from Chowan County N. C., Cross Index to Deeds – Grantor, 196-1828,


John Alston. “Miscellaneous Items of Chowan Precinct . . . Members of the Court in 1743, April 21st: John Montgomery, John Hodgson, Joseph Anderson, Abraham Brackall, John Alston, John Hull, Jacob Butler, Peter Payne, James Craven, and John Halsey” (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, I, p. 447).


John Alston. “Joseph John Alston to John Alston, 7 May 1745, 300 acres on north side of Bennetts Creek, being an island called Troy. Test, Joseph Blount.” Cited from “Miscellaneous items in Books W, B. No. 1 and C No. 1 and from “Items taken from loose leaves in the Register of Deeds Office at Edenton, N. C.” (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, II, p. 118).


John Alston. “Miles Gale and Martha Vail. Augt. 6. James Craven, John Alston, Francis Howard, and Mrs. Anne Gear. June 11. Thos. Davis, Nich. Cullington” (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. One, April 1900, p. 236).


John Alston. “John Alston presented at July Court 1745 his commission as sheriff of Chowan County for the ensuing year and qualified by taking the oaths of office (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, I, p. 453).


John Alston. “Miles Gale and Martha Vail, Aug. 6, 1745. James Craven, John Alston [sureties”] (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, I, p. 236).


John Alston. “John Alstone, grantor, James Craven, grantee, 1745 (Chowan Deed Book E1, p. 145, from Chowan County, N. C., Cross Index to Deeds – Grantees, 1696-1828,


John Alston. “No. 39. Oct. 8, 1745. Lemuel Powell of Perq. for 3 pounds by George Easton, of afsd – sold 25 a ‘part of an Elsapsed patent to Luke Hollowell dec’d, which became Elapsed by Joseph Jessop, dec’d, for want to seating, by sd Hollowell sold to sd Jessop, & by sd Jessop to John Alston, & by him to Thomas Norfleet, who sold the land to me. Test, John Powel, Jesse Eason” (Perquimans Deed Book E, p. 269).


John Alston. It was customary for sheriffs to present certain expenses to the vestry for reimbursement. The minutes of a meeting held at Edenton on March 21, 1746, cite John Alston’s billing for £40 as recorded (Vestry Minutes, p. 89).


John Alston. “Writs for the Election for the North Carolina General Assembly, Including County Sheriff Election Returns . . . George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. To [John Alston] the Sheriff of our County of Chowan, Greeting, Wee Command you that you summon or cause to be summoned the Freeholders of our County of Chowan aforesaid to meet at the Court House within our said County on the third day of February next then and there to choose two Representatives duly Qualified to sit in General Assembly which Representatives so chosen you are required to summon to meet in General Assembly to be holden at New Bern for our said Province on the twenty fifty day of the said month of February then and there to consult on the weighty and arduous affairs of Government Herein you are not to fail, and have you then & there this writ with your Doings therein Witness our Trusty and well beloved Gabriel Johnston Esqre our Governor in Chief in and over our said Province at Wilmington under his hand and seal to our said Province the 5th day of December, Anno Dom: 1746, & in the XXth year of our Reign. Gab. Johnston By His Excellency’s Command” (CSR, IV, pp. 1180-1181).


John Alston. “In obedience to the within Writ I summoned the Freeholders of the said County to meet at the time and the place within mentioned to choose Two Representatives duly Qualified to sit in General Assembly, who at the time and Place aforesaid met and proceeded in the election until the Poll was closed and examining the tickets found that every Voter in that Election instead of Electing two Representatives had unanimously on equal Votes Elected five to wit John Hodson, James Craven, John Benbury, Thomas Walton and Richard Bond. Jno. Alston, Sher.” (CSR, IV, p. 181).  Controversy flared within the province because some counties had sent four delegates to New Berne and some, as the King had commanded, sent two. This sectional dispute was the subject of an inquiry by the Privy Council Committee. Edmund Smithwick, former sheriff of Terrell County, in giving his deposition, “saith that about the month of April one thousand seven hundred and forty eight he was at Mr. Alston’s who was Sheriff at the time of that Election and having conversation about the returns of that Election he heard the said Alston say that he had security given from the persons of the County of Chowan to indemnify him for any Damage that might happen to him on account of returning five members and that if it was to do again he believed he should not do it. This Deponent further saith that he did not know that the Sheriffs of Currituck Pasquotank and Perquimons or Bertie had such security But that it was generally said that they had” (CSRI, IV, p. 1195).


John Alston. The minutes of April 20, 1747, order “that John Alston Esqr. Sheriff of Chowan County have Notice to Lay his Accounts before ye next Vestry” (Vestry Minutes, p. 90). At the meeting on Ma6 23, 1747, “John Alston Esqr. Late Sheriff of Chowan County Exhibited his Account for ye Parish Money by him Recd. in Virtue of his office for ye year 1745, which he proved upon Oath, as on ye Next page followeth, Viz. . .  Errors Excepted pr. John Alston . . . May ye 23d. 1747 Then ye above named John Alston personally appeared before Me, and made oath on ye Holy evangelists of Almighty god, That ye above Accot. Is Just and True and that he hath Given Credit fo all ye Tythables That he hath Received for ye year 1745. Sworn before me. J. Halsey. . . Recd of Coll. Alston 11 pounds. . . Recd of Coll. Alston for fines of John James & James Youre for Swearing £5, 12 shillings, six pence. . . Then Coll. John Alston late Sherf. of Chowan County Exhibited his Accot. For ye Parish Money By him Recd. in Virtue of his office for ye year 1746 in ye Manner following, viz. The Parish of St. Pauls in Chowan County their accot. With John Alston Esqr. Sheriff . . . 1747 May 23d. To Bill money for 1217 Tythables ye year 1746 amounting in ye whole to £1140, 18 shillings, 9 pence Cr. Contra By Bills Recd. 107 pounds, 10 shillings By Commissions at  pr. Cr. On £1140, 18 shillings, 90 [sic] pence  £68, 8 shillings, 9 pence May ye 23 d 1747  £1140, 18 shillings, 90 pence .”  For his expenses in the building of the new chapel at Knotty Pine John Alston submitted a claim of £100. He submitted additional claims: “of Mr. John Alston Sheriff £179, 16 shillings” and “of Mr. Alston £16, five shillings” (Vestry Minutes, pp. 91-92, 95.)


John Alston. At the vestry meeting on June 13, 1748, John Alston reported his collection of Chowan County’s tithes: “By Half of the 18 s 9 [pence] Parish-tax recd. of John Alston Esqr. Ye late Sheriff for 1217 Tithables amounting to £536 . . . By Bills received of Colo. John Alston, Sheriff, for the Use of ye Parish of Saint Paul’s £536” (Vestry Minutes, pp. 98-99).


John Alston. “November 22, 1748. John Alston of Chowan Co., N. C., to Henry Leadbetter, Granville Co., N. C., for £50 already paid by Ledbetter, 200 acres granted to sd. Alston by patent dated 1741, granted by the said Alston  to sd. Ledbetter by Deed bearing date 1744 in Edgecombe court which Deed appears not to be affectual. I the said Henry Ledbetter applies to the said John Alston for another new deed for the aforesaid land lying now in the County of Granville [the tract formerly had been sectioned within Edgecombe] and on the N side of Fishing Creek beginning at a Red Oak, NE to a Red Oak, SE to a Red Oak on the branch then down the branch SW to a White Oak on the Creek then along the Creek to the first station. John Alston. Wit.: Jos. John Alston, John Ledbetter. Recorded May Court 1749 (“Granville County Deeds 1746-51, part 1”:


John Alston. “North Carolina, Chowan County. Ss at Court, begun, opened, and held for the said county at the Courthouse in Edenton, on the third Thursday in October, 1749, being the 19th Day of the Month, and continued by several Adjournments, until the 20th. Day of the same month: Present. The Worshipful Joseph Anderson, John Alston, John Blount, John Benbury, Esquires Justices” (Chowan Court Minutes, 1745-1754, Book 3, p. 17).


John Alston. “April 6, 1750 – George Rolleson, Granville Co., to William Blake, Granville Co., for £20 current Virginia money, 250 acres of land and plantation where Rolleson now lives in Granville Co, granted by patent to John Alston [in 1739, Edgecombe County] on the SW side of Coneway Creek beginning on the said branch, up the said branch to the head from thence along a line of marked trees to the back line. George Rolloson. Wit.” Edmund Daniell, Jos. Brantley, Sugar Jones. Proved in Granville Court held Tabbs Creek,k Sept. 4, 1750” (“Granville County Deeds 1746-51, pat 1”:


John Alston. “North Carolina, Chowan County. Ss: New actions enter’d to July Court 1750 . . . Read the Petn. of Sarah Hunter widow Relick and one of the Exrs. of ye Last Will & Testamt. Of Willm. Hunter decd. Praying that Persons might be appointed to divide ye Estate of sd. Decedent, which is granted. Ordered that Messrs John Norfleet, Elisha Hunter, Abrm. Hill & Saml. Horrol, or any Three of ‘em, divide the same, upon Oath & make their Report thereof at ye next ensuing Court. Returned and filed the Dividers being first sworn before John Alston Esqr. One of the Magestrates of this Court. Fees paid” (Chowan Court Minutes, 1745-54, Book 3, p. 106).


John Alston. “North Carolina Chowan County Ss. At a Court begun opened and held for the said county at the Court house in Edenton on the third Thursday in April anno Dom 1752 being the 16th Day of the Month and continued by several adjournments until the 20th Day of the Same, Present the Worshipful John Alston, Richard Bond, Thomas Walton, Peter Payne, John Halsey Esqrs. Justices” (Chowan County Court Minutes, 1745-1754, Book 3, p. 120.


John Alston. April Court, 1753. “A Dedimus and Commission of the Peace Directed to James Hasell, John Swan, John Rieusset [sic], Thomas Luten, Joseph Blount, Demsey Sumner, Henry Baker and Francis Corbin, Thomas Walton, James Innes, John Dawson,  John Blount, John Benbury, Thomas Baker, John Lewis, Peter Payne, John Lewis, John Rutherford, James Craven, Peter Payne [rep.], Richard Bond, Joseph Harron, John Halsey, James Murrey, Francis Corbin [rep.], Lewis Derosset and John Alston, John Halsey [rep.], Thomas Walton [rep.], Henry Bonner, Richard Bond [rep.] was Duly Qualified by taking the Several Oaths by law appointed & also Subscribed to the Test” (Chowan County Court Minutes, 1745-1754, Book 3, p. 185).


John Alston. The Chowan County Tax List of 1753, Henry Baker’s district, includes John Alston Esq. with 7 taxables and his son James Alston with 9 (Journal of North Carolina Genealogy, Spring 1967, p. 1816).


John Alston. [Chowan, N. C.] February 20, 1755; December 2, 1758. Sons Solomon, William, and Phillip, daughter Mary Seward, daughter Elizabeth Williams, daughter Sarah Kearney, daughter charity Dawson, wife Mary, grandson John Alston son of Solomon, Elizabeth daughter of W. M. Alston, granddaughter Pattie daughter of Joseph John Alston, grandson William son of Phillip Alston, John Alston son of James, son James. Test, Seabrook Wilson, Thomas Byrd, Joseph Parker.” This footnote is added: “NOTE.—“John Alston first appears in Chowan Precinct in 1714. He probably came with his wife from Surry County, Va. His son Solomon was of age in 1727; he is found conveying real estate at that time. John Alston settled at or near [what is present-day] Gatesville in Gates County, it being at the time a part of Chowan. Son Phillip married Winnifred Whitmell daughter of Thomas Whitmell and wife Elizabeth Hunter Bryan, daughter of Lewis Bryan and Elizabeth Hunter of Bertie County, N. C. Daughter Mary married first Henry Guston of Edgecombe; second, William Seward of Isle of Wight County, Va. Daughter Elizabeth married William Williams, who lived in Martin County. Daughter Sarah married Phillip Kearney. Charity Alston married John Dawson. Wife Mary was Mary Clark before her marriage. Solomon married Ann Hinton, dau. of Col. John Hinton. James married — Chancy, related to Ruth Chancy, who married — Baker. . . (Hathaway’s North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, I, p. 163).


Solomon Alston ca 1703 – 1785 | his parents
& Ann [Nancy] Hinton 1713 – aft 1785 | her parents
of Chowan & Warren Counties NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

11 Nov 1729 – Bertie Deed Bk C p 155 John Council [Councel] of Isle of Wight Co VA to Solomon Alston 10 pounds for 100 A on Wicken [Wiccacon?] Creek adj. Isaac Lewis, John Earley. Wit: Christian Hudleboys?, Jos. John Alston, Nov Ct 1729 Thomas Crew D C/C

15 Dec 1736 – Bertie Deed Bk E p79 Solomon Alsten to John Perry of Chowan Precinct – 20 pounds for 260 A at mouth of Bryant Branch on Barbeque Swamp at Chinkapin. adj. Francis Maclendon. Wit: Richard Bond, William Perry. Feb Ct 1736 John Wynns D C/C

6 June 1739 Crown Pat – Bk 8 p 23 – Sol. Alston 400 A in Edgecombe Co on the S side of Tar River, joining the Beaverdam Branch.

Children of Solomon Alston & Nancy Hinton:
1. Mary Alston 4 June 1730 –
married Nathaniel Kimbrough
2. Solomon Alston 24 Oct 1733 – bef Aug Ct 1771 Granville Co NC
lived in an area of Shocco Creek which was Granville Co., then Bute Co., and finally Warren Co NC
married Sarah

a. Lemuel James Alston 1760 –
b. Henry Alston d 1784
married Sarah Hill dau of Thomas
i. Willis Alston
ii. Fanny Foster Alston
prob married John Kimbrough son of Nathaniel
iii. Thomas Alston
3. John Alston 18 April 1735 – 1802
family moved ca 1770 to the Natchez District of West Florida
married ca 1761 Elizabeth Hynes d 1781
a. William Alston 1762 NC – 12 April 1812
married Mildred Wells
i. Elizabeth Alston
married 1818 John Davis
ii. William Alston
iii. John Alston
b. Phillip Lewis Alston 1764 NC – 1819
married Mary Ann Gray
married 2nd Rebecca Kimball
i. Isaac Alston dsp
ii. Lewis Alston
married Lydia Adams one son
iii. Elizabeth Alston
married Arthur Adams issue
iv. Ann Alston
married Samuel Wimbish
c. Ann Alston 1767 NC – 2 July 1802
married 1782/3 Alexander Stirling of Scotland
d. Solomon Alston 1768 NC – 1809 dsp
e. Lucretia [Lucy] Alston 1772 La Grange Plantation – 13 May 1833
married 1st Ruffin Gray
married 2nd James Perrie of Scotland
4. William Alston 25 Dec 1736 –
married Charity Alston
5. Ann Alston 29 March 1738 –
married Granville Co 1758 Jesse Hunter ca 1717 – 1786
c. Elisha Hunter
d. Alsey Hunter
6. Phillip Alston 18 Feb 1741 –
were in the Natchez District by 1776
a. John McCoy Alston
7. Charity Alston 19 Jan 1743 –
married Capt. James Jones dec bef
8. Martha Alston 25 May 1745 –
married Granville Co 18 April 1760 Isaac Hunter 1719 – 1811
a. Solomon Hunter
b. James Alston Hunter
c. Jacob Hunter
d. Ann Hunter
e. Patsy Hunter
f. Sacky Hunter
g. Sarah Hunter
9. Rachel Alston 27 Sept 1747 –
married Edmund Jones
a. Alston Jones
10. Sarah Alston 27 June 1752 –
married Morgan
11. James Alston 1 Feb 1754 – 27 Feb 1805
married 1st Sarah Kearney 26 Mar 1758 –
married 2nd Sarah Macon [Hawkins] -d 11 Apr 1808
a. John Alston
12. ?Priscilla Alston
married James Jones dec 1784
a. Priscilla Jones

Will of Solomon Alston, Warren Co NC 4 Sept 1780, codicil 18 April 1784 – prob Jan 1785
In the name of God, Amen. I, Solomon Alston, of the County of Warren in the State of North Carolina, being in health and sound memory, thanks be to Almighty God for the same, do make this my last Will and Testament. Principally and first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me, trusting in and through the merits of my Savior Jesus Christ to receive full pardon and forgiveness of all my sins; as for what worldly goods it has pleased God to bestow on me, I give and bequeath of it in the following manner.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Alston the tract of land and plantation whereon I now live, the same being purchased by me from William Hurst by deed bearing date the twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-four, for six hundred and forty four acres more or less out of which tract I have formerly given to my son, Solomon Alston, now deceased, two hundred acres more or less at the upper end thereof according to the bounds already made by me which said piece or tract of land and plantation, I do give to my said son James Alston and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Alston one piece or parcel of land, being sixty seven acres more or less, lying and adjoining the land before bequeathed to him on the south side thereof, the same being purchased by me from William Hurst by deed bearing date the eighteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and fifty six, and bounded for the same as follows, and according to the courses mentioned in the said deed which said sixty seven acres of land more or less I do give unto my said son James Alston and his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I do give and bequeath to my son James Alston one piece or parcel of land containing two hundred and thirteen acres be the same more or less lying north east of the land I now live on, the same being purchased by me from my son Solomon Alston now deceased by deed bearing date the thirteenth day of July one thousand seven hundred and sixty five and bounded for the same according to the courses mentioned in the said deed, which said two hundred and thirteen acres of land more or less I do give to my said son James Alston and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my said son James Alston one piece or parcel of land out of the tract of twelve hundred acres purchased by me of Joseph Montford Esqr. (beginning for the same at a white oak my old corner and running by my line south fifty degrees east to a branch called Pitchers to a poplar, Isaac Hunter’s corner, thence on Isaac Hunter’s line to a red oak Corner thence north 70 degrees east 118 poles to the corner of three black oaks thence north 88 degrees east 224 poles to a poplar standing on the cabin branch, No. 51 East 280 poles to the road, thence up the road to the Lower Richneck next to where Robinson’s path turned out of said road, thence down the said branch to McCulloch line, thence on McCulloch’s line to the head of the Great Branch, thence down the said Great Branch to my corner, and from thence along my line to the beginning which piece or parcel of land I give to my said son James Alston and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Grand-son Solomon Hunter, son of Isaac Hunter a piece or parcel of land out of the tract of twelve hundred acres purchased by me of Joseph Montford, Esq., beginning for the same to wit at the head of lower richneck, where my son James Alston’s line leaves the road, thence keeping down the road to where my line crosses the same, thence by my line fifty one degrees east to a black oak corner, thence north 140 poles to a white oak, thence north 42 degrees west 58 poles to a spanish oak in poor creek, thence up the creek south 60 degrees west 46 poles to the mouth of Zacharies branch, thence up the said branch north 70 degrees west to the head of said branch, thence the same course continued to McCulloch’s line to a post oak 132 poles thence by his line to James Alston’s line, then up his line to the place of beginning to him my grand son Solomon Hunter and his heirs forever.
Item. It is my will and desire that if my son James Alston should die without heir lawfully begotten out of his body that all and every part of the land hereby given to him descend and go to my son William Alston and to his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Hunter, wife of Isaac Hunter, my negro woman Esther with her future increase to her and her heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my grand son James Alston Hunter one negro boy named Tom–born of the body of the said Esther to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my grand son Jacob Hunter one negro boy named Essex born of the body of the said Esther to him and his heirs forever.
Item. it is my will and desire that what estate that I have already put into the possession of my daughter Mary Kimbrough together with five pounds, I now leave her to be paid by my Executors hereinafter named be all the estate I intend for my said daughter Mary out of my estate.
Item. I give to my son John Alston one negro fellow named Little Dick to be delivered to him after my decease by my executors, to him and his heirs forever besides what I have already put into his possession out of my estate.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son William Alston what I have already given him in his possession, also one negro man Ned the younger and one negro boy named Daniel now in his possession to him and his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Hunter wife of Jesse Hunter one negro woman named Dinah and her increase now in her possession to her and her heirs and assigns forever and that my full interest and meaning is that she nor her heirs claiming under her have any part of my estate except five pounds current money, which I also desire my Executors to pay to her at my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved son Philip Alston what of my estate that I have already put in his possession, also forty pounds current money to be paid him when demanded from my executors, which is all I intend for my said son out of my estate.
Item. I give and bequeath to my grand son John McCoy Alston son of my son Philip Alston one negro boy named Arch to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Charity what estate I have already put into her possession, also five pounds current money to be paid to her by my executors which is all I intend for my said daughter out of my estate.
I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Priscilla Jones, daughter of James Jones, deceased one negro girl named Violet with all her increase to her and her heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Hunter wife of Isaac Hunter the increase of a negro woman named Aggie, now deed. the said increase being now in her possession to her and her heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my grand son, Alston Jones son of my daughter Rachel Jones one negro named Minga, born of the body of negro Rose to him my said grand son and his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I bequeath to my daughter Rachel Jones, wife of Edmond Jones one negro woman named Cate with her increase now in her possession together with five pounds current money which I desire to be paid out of my estate by my executors.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Morgan two negro girls Jane and Pretty with their increase to her and her heirs and assigns forever which is all I intend for my said daughter Sarah out of my estate.
Item. I give and bequeath to my grand son Lemuel James Alston son of my deceased son Solomon Alston five pounds current money to be paid by my executors when he attains to lawful age.
Item. It is my will and desire that my two sons in law Isaac Hunter and Jesse Hunter have the use of my still in distilling the brandy made by them on their plantation.
Item. It is my desire that if my son James Alston die without issue lawfully begotten of his body, that what negroes he has of my estate at the time of his death with their increase shall be equally divided between William Alston, Isaac Hunter, Jesse Hunter & Edmond Jones to them and their heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath all my estate of the personal property of what nature or kind soever not before in this my will and testament bequeathed, to James Alston and his heirs forever.
Lastly, I constitute my loving sons James Alston William Alston & and my son in law Jesse Hunter executors to this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of September A. D. 1780.
A Codicil to the Afore Written Will.
It is my will and desire that a certain piece or parcel of land given in my last will and testament to my grand son Solomon Hunter son of Isaac Hunter and Martha his wife, since the making of my said will, I have given to the said Solomon Hunter the said land by deed dated on the 18th. day of April 1781. Therefore it is my desire that the said legacy given in my said will be null and void as if never made.
Item. It is my will and desire that if my son James Alston should die before his son John Alston attain to the age of eighteen years, that then and in such case it is my will and desire that none of my land shall be cleared until my said grandson attain to his said eighteen years of age or till the same shall be claimed by my heirs according to my said will.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th. day of April A. D. 1784.
Probated January Court 1785.

GenForum: Alston Family in Granville Co [NC] postings by Mark Gillespie


Joseph John Alston 1701 – aft 1780 | his parents
& Elizabeth [Betsey] Chauncey 1701 – | her parents
& Euphan Wilson | her parents
of Chowan Co & Halifax Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Patent Book 3 – p234 – Joseph John Alston 11 June 1728 300 A of high land and Pocoson in Chowan precinct on the N side of Bennets Creek – part thereof being an Island called Troy, joining the mouth of Troy Swamp, the West end of the sd. Island, and the sd. Creek. Wit: R Everard

p236 – Joseph John Alston 17 April 1728 300 A Southernly of Morattock River and on the Westernly side of Elk Swamp joining the side and mouth of Beaverdam Swamp and the sd. Elk Swamp. Wit: E. Everard

Children of Joseph John Alston & Elizabeth Chauncey:
1. Capt John Alston d 1784
married Ann Hunt Macon
daughter of Gideon Macon & wife Priscilla Jones
a. Col. Joseph John Alston Rev. War Vet
married Esther Wright
i. John Alston
married Bettie Wilcox
1. William Alston
married Delia Green
2. Joseph Alston
married Jennie Davis
3. Esther Alston
married Joseph Anderson no issue
4. Susan Alston
married Jenkins
ii. Joseph Alston
married Louisa Thomas
1. Sarah Joseph Alston
married John Herbert Claiborne of Petersburg VA
iii. Nancy Alston
married Hill
1. Ann Hill
married Skinner
married 2nd Dr. Goodloe 2 ch.
iv. Fannie Alston
married Freeman and went to Texas
b. Gideon Alston 17 Sept 1765 – 1831
married Frances Atherton 6 Nov1770 – 1830
daughter of Col. Jephtha Atherton, of Northampton, N. C., and Elisabeth his wife
i. Elisabeth Chauncey Alston 12 July 1790 – 21 Feb 1833 dsp
ii. John Alston 26 Feb 1792 – Oct 1843
married Dorothy Miriam Crowell of Halifax
1. Benjamin Alston killed young man
2. Anna Maria Alston
married Wm Arrington
a. Nannie Arrington
married Henderson – one dau Jane
b. Dolly Arrington 1841 –
married 14 Feb 1856 James Leonidas Dunn – issue
c. Maria Arrington
married Hon. W. H. Kitchin – issue
d. John Arrington dsp
e. Samuel Arrington dsp
iii. Dorothy Atherton 10 Jan 1794 – 25 Sept 1797 dy
iv. Gideon Alston 9 Aug 1795 – 21 Mar 1828
“He died at an early age, having been thrown from the stage by the running away of the stage horses upon his return from Raleigh, where he had been attending the session of the General Assembly, of which he was a member, and badly injured in the hip and spine, and from which he finally died. In 1824 and 1825 he represented his (Warren) county in the Legislature, and would have been returned again had he not been disabled.”
married 24 Sept 1822 Elizabeth Ann Branch
sister of Gov. John Branch
1. Havana Lenoir Alston 21 Aug 1824 – 6 Dec 1878 Warrenton NC
married 23 Sept 1847 Rev. Charles Marshall Cook
a. Charles Alston Cook 7 Oct 1848 –
b. Alfred Lenoir Cook 28June 1850 – 25 Feb 1854
2. Gideon Branch Alston dsp Feb 1894
v. Temperance Dawson Alston 14 Oct 1797 – 1829
married 1st Willis Harris
married 2nd Jack Bobbitt issue
vi. Mary Ann Atherton Alston 2 Aug 1799
married Charles Bobbit issue
vii. Frances Atherton Alston 1 June 1801 – 1875 dsp
viii. Arabella Atherton Alston 13 August 1803 – 1864
married Dr. Henry J Macon issue
ix. Amaryllis Atherton Alston 5 May 1805 – 23 Dec 1884 dsp
x. Jesse Atherton Alston 8 May 1807 – d. s. p. in Mexico
married the widow Newell
xi. Erasmus Gallatin Alston 11 Feb 1809 – 29 Aug 1834 dsp
xii. Matilda Alston 10 Aug 1810 – 7 Aug 1837
married Wm. Harris – no issue
xiii. Dolly Exum Alston 7 Dec 1812 – 1876
married 16 Feb 1832 W W Daniel issue
c. Willis (Congress) Alston d. 13 Apr 1837
married 1st Pattie Moore – no issue.
married 2nd Wilmington NC 29 May 1817 Sallie Madaline Potts
daughter of Joshua Potts, of Smithfield NC Custom House officer of Revenue Collector for the post
d. Robert West Alston
married 1781Henrietta Green
daughter of Wm. Green, his step father
e. Priscilla Jones Alston dy unm
f. Ann Hunt Alston dy unm
2. Col Phillip Alston est 1745 – 1786 GA
lived in Moore and Chatham Counties – built “the house in the horse Shoe.”
Col. of the local militia – had a lively experience during the war with David Fanning, the Tory

married ca 1767 Temperance Smith est 1751 –
dau of Drew Smith will 1762 Halifax
“Drew Smith lived on land he devised to his daughter Temperance on the Roanoke river which was bordered on the west by the home plantation of his brother Arthur Smith.”

a. James Alston ca 1768 –
“In 1789 James Alston of Moore County “eldest son of Philip Alston and his wife Temperance,” joined to break the entail when the land “left to Temperance Alston by the will of her father Drew Smith” was sold.
married Mary Jane [Polly] Wilcox of Fayettesville and moved to Telfair Co GA
i. Philip Henry Alston 27 Oct 1801 Chatham Co NC – 13 May 1879 Weldon TX
married 1828 Telfair GA [his cousin] Elizabeth [Eliza M] Alston
3 Apr 1808 Telfair GA – 1877 Weldon, Houston Co TX
b. John Alston settled in Fairfield Co SC left desc.

married Mary Jane [Polly] Wilcox of Fayettesville and moved to Telfair Co GA
i. Philip Henry Alston 27 Oct 1801 Chatham Co NC – 13 May 1879 Weldon TX
married 1828 Telfair GA [his cousin] Elizabeth [Eliza M] Alston
3 Apr 1808 Telfair GA – 1877 Weldon, Houston Co TX
b. John Alston settled in Fairfield Co SC left desc.

b. John Alston settled in Fairfield Co SC left desc.
mentioned in his grandfather’s 1778 will
c. Philip Alston moved to Jackson TN
d. Drew Alston no record
e. Mary [Nancy] Drew Alston 12 Jan 1784 – 21 Sept 1841
married 1799 William Carroll no issue
married 2nd William Harris
i. William Nancy Harris
ii. Sarah Smith Harris
married 1832 Albert Pickett, the historian of Alabama
3. Martha [Pattie] Alston est 1747 –
married Mahoney
4. William Alston est 1749 –
married Sarah Yeargan
a. John Joseph Alston
b. William Alston
Children of John Alston & Euphan Wilson:
5. Col. Willis Alston 1750 –
married Elisabeth Wright
a. Joseph John Alston
6. Henry [Harry] Alston 1753 – Bute Co
married Sarah Hill
7. Mary Alston 1756 –
married William Palmer
a. Robert Palmer
married Nancy Ann Alston
8. Uphan Wilson Alston 1761 –
married 1779 John Cooper
9. Joseph John [Chatham Jack] Alston 15 March 1767 – 29 April 1841Chatham Co
married 1 June 1791 Martha Kearney

The Last Will and Testament of Joseph John Alston, Halifax Co NC 5 Jan 1780 -prob 1781
In the Name of God, Amen. I, Joseph John Alston, of Halifax, in the State of North Carolina, being weak of body, but of perfect sound sense, mind and memory, thanks be to Almighty God, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following, that is to say:
Imprimis. I recommend my soul into the hands and protection of Almighty God that gave it, hoping for a remission of all my sins, and my body I leave to be decently interred at the discretion of my executors hereafter named, and as for my worldly estate which it hath pleased the Almighty God to bestow on me, I give, devise and bequeath as follows:
Item. I give and bequeath to my son, John Alston, his heirs and assigns forever, all my lands that lie on Reedy Creek, Fishing Creek, Benn Creek and Long Branch on the South side, Butterwood or the waters thereof, consisting of sundry different tracts, and whereas my said son, John Alston, has now a dispute depending in law for a tract or a parcel of land called the Poison Fields in Chatham county, with Matthew Jones, of said county, in case my said son, John Alston, should lose the said land called the Poison Fields, then and in that case I give and bequeath to my said son John Alston, his heirs or assigns, two tracts of land which I bought of John Coupland in said County of Chatham. But in case my said son John Alston should recover the said land now in dispute from the said Mathew Jones then, and in that case only, I give my said son, John Alston, part of the said two tracts of land of said John Coupland, bounded as follows, to-wit: lying above the Spring Branch, known by the name of Couplands Spring Branch supposing to be two hundred acres more or less including the old plantation whereon Richard Coupland formerly lived.
Item. I give and devise to my said son, John Alston, his heirs or assigns all the negro slaves which I have heretofore possessed him with as also one other negro man named Levey, and one other negro man named Joseph which is now in my possession.
I give and devise unto my son Phillip Alston, his heirs or assigns, all the negro slaves which I allotted for him being now in his possession.
Item. I have already given to my daughter, Patty Merony, the several negro slaves which I allotted for her portion, the same she has been possessed with many years past.
Item. I give and devise unto my son, William Alston, his heirs or assigns all the negro slaves which are now in his possession, excepting the following negroes, to wit: Hannah, Hagar, Silva, Nancy, Press, Boatswain, Nursery Rose, Rachael and Sam, which said ten negroes herein mentioned I lend unto my said son William Alston the use of until his children, male and female, shall arrive to lawful age or marriage. then I give and bequeath the said ten negroes and their increase to be equally divided between the said children and their heirs or assigns, share and share alike, each child to have his or her part or portion of the said negroes and their increase as he or she shall arrive to lawful age or marriage as aforesaid, and the remainder of the negroes to remain as undivided until the next child shall arrive to age as aforesaid, and so on till the youngest shall be of age aforesaid, and to take his or her part of the said negroes. Which division it is my will and desire shall be made among my said grandchildren by their father, my son William, if living; if not, by my executors hereinafter mentioned.
Item. I give and bequeath to my said son William Alston, his heirs and assigns two negroes, to-wit: For Ben and his wife Priss.
Item. I give and devise to my son, Willis Alston, his heirs or assigns, all that part of the land which I bought of Mr. Mead’s estate that lies on the lower side of the Governor’s Branch and joining Irving’s Creek on the southeast side.
Item. I give and devise to my two grand sons, John Joseph and William Alston, sons of my son William Alston, a parcel of land which I bought of the estate of Mr. David Meade, deceased, that lies on Irwin’s Creek, alias Bears Swamp above the mouth of the Governor’s Branch to be equally divided between them and their heirs or assigns, share and share alike, but in case the said John Joseph and William Alston should either of them depart this life before they arrive to the age of twenty one years or leaving lawful issue of their body then and in that case I give and devise the part of the said land of him who shall or may decease to the other that survives, and in case both the said John Joseph and William Alston should depart this life before they arrive to the age of twenty-one years then and in that case I give and devise the said land to my grand son Joseph John Alston, son of my son Willis, his heir and assigns forever.
Item. I give and devise to my grand son John Joseph Alston, son of my son William, all that part of the lands I bought of Joseph Moore in the county of Chatham that lies in the fork between two streams where the said Joseph Moore built and formerly lived as high up each stream as my land extends to him, his heirs and assigns forever. But in case my said grand son, John Joseph should depart this life without lawful issue, then in that case I give and devise the said land to my grand son, his brother, William Alston, his heirs or assigns forever.
Item. I give and devise to my son Willis Alston, his heirs or assigns all my land that lies in the fork on the North-west side the Beaver Ponds, between Butterwood and the Mill Swamp as high up each stream as my land extends, as also my other lands between the mill run and the North East branch of Irwin’s Creek, alias Alston’s Swamp, including my dwelling house and my Manor plantation, likewise including the plantation and tract of land where John Mills formerly lived, lying at the head of Bear Swamp as also all my other lands on the North-East side of the Beaver Ponds and Bear Swamp that lies above and joins the land that was formerly Meade’s.
Item. I give and devise to my son, Willis Alston, his heirs and assigns all the negro slaves which I have already possessed him with as also three other negro men called Simon and Pocosin Ben as also Frank which are yet in my possession.
Item. I give and bequeath to my grand son, Joseph John Alston, son of my son Willis, all these two tracts of land, lying on the waters of Great Creek that I bought of Archibald Hamilton and Anthony Winston, to him his heirs and assigns forever. But in case of his death before he arrives to years of twenty-one or leaving lawful issue of his body, lawfully begotten, then and in this case I give and devise the aforesaid two tracts of land to my son Willis, his heirs and assigns. I also give my said grand son, Joseph John Alston, one negro boy named Jem, son of Mulatto Pegg, and one negro girl named Jud, daughter of Penny, to him, his heirs and assigns for ever.
Item. I give and devise to my son, Henry Alston, his heirs and assigns forever, four thousand acres of land whereon he now lives which I purchased of Solomon Alston, Jr.
Item. All the slaves which I allotted for my son Henry I have already possessed him with, and the same I do give to him and his heirs and assigns forever, as also I do give and bequeath to my said son Henry, eight other negroes, to wit: Hester Peters’ daughter, Jacob, mulatto, boy, Young Boccosa, Dyner and increase Sabina and Davy to him, his heirs and assigns.
Item. I have already given my daughter, Mary Palmer, the negro slaves which I allotted for her portion, the same she has been possessed with some time past.
Item. I give and bequeath to John Cooper, his heirs and assigns forever, all that tract of land and plantation in the county of Chatham, which I bought of Thomas Coupland, known by name of the Hickory Mountain, bounded by a branch between the lands I bought of said Copeland and the lands I bought of Thomas Stone, and from the head of said branch and by a line of marked trees, westerly to the back, then round by different lines several courses to the said branch.
Item. I lend unto my daughter, Uphan Wilson Cooper, the use of the following negroes during her natural life, to wit: Toby, Sall, Will, Roger, and Sall’s children, Creas, Buck, Nan, Adam, Creasee’s children, Nan and Will, Cate’s children, Charles and Edie, Pegg’s children, Jupiter and Abraham, old Joe’s son, and after her decease I give and devise the said negro and their increase to be equally divided between the lawful issue of her body, male and female, share and share alike, to them and their heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give the devise to my son, Joseph John Alston, all my lands and plantation lying in the county of Chatham that is not herein before mentioned or given in legacies to him and his heirs or assigns forever upon the expressed condition and proviso, that in case my said son, Joseph John Alston, should live to the age of twenty-one years or leave lawful issue of his body. But if neither of these cases happen, I then give and devise the aforesaid land to my grand sons hereafter named to be divided in the following manner, to-wit: To my grand son Joseph John Alston, son of my son Willis two tracts, to-wit: One tract on the east end of the Hickory Mountain containing one hundred and fifty acres, the other track containing three hundred and fifty acres, more or less, which I bought of Simon Tyrril, to him and his heirs or assigns forever the residue of the aforesaid lands I give, devise and bequeath as follows, to-wit: To my grand son Joseph John Alston, son of my son, John, to my grand son John, son of my son Philip. To my grand son John Joseph, son of my son William, and to my grand son Joseph John, son of my son Willis to be equally divided between them and their heirs or assigns forever, share and share alike, but in case either of my said grand sons should depart this life before they arrive to the age of twenty-one years or leaving of lawful issue of their body, then I give and devise the part or parts of him or them so dying to the next brother of him or them so dying which shall then be living to them or each of them and their heirs or assigns forever.
Item. It is my will and desire that my negro woman Lucy, the cook wench, shall enjoy her liberty after my decease in the same manner as a free born person for and during the space of thirty-five years to commence immediately after my decease, she the said Lucy yielding and paying to my executors hereafter named the annual sum of one shilling proc money if the same is by them demanded, and at the expiration of the aforesaid term of thirty-five years, it is my will and desire that my executors, or either of them shall and they or either of them are hereby empowered to sell the said Lucy, and the money arising from such sale to be given to my son Joseph John, and during aforesaid term of years it is my desire that the aforesaid Lucy be under the protection of my executors hereinafter mentioned.
Item. And for preventing disputes which may arise amongst my sons about any former rights or titles of heirship in any slaves given by me amongst any of my said sons and now in their possession, it is my will and I do hereby desire and direct that if any one of my said sons John, Philip, William, Willis, Henry, or Joseph John shall at any time hereinafter sue for and recover or otherways dispossess any other of my said sons of any slave or slaves given them me in said case, I do hereby revoke so much of this my last will as bequeath any lands to such son who shall dispossess any of his brothers, and I do hereby will and devise all the lands such son might have inherited in virtue of such will unto such of my other sons who shall be so dispossessed of their slaves by him to be held for them, their heirs or assigns for ever in fee simple.
Item. I give and devise to my son, Joseph John Alston, all and singular of the remainder of my negro slaves and all other of my estate, both real and personal, of what nature, kind or quality soever which is not heretofore by me bequeathed which I shall be possessed with at the time of my decease, to him and his heirs and assigns forever, and in case he should depart this life, without leaving lawful issue of his body, then I give and devise the aforesaid negro slaves with their increase and all other of the personal estate above bequeathed to be equally divided to and amongst all the rest of my sons and daughters. My sons, John, Phillip, William, Willis, Henry and my daughters Patty, Mary and Uphan Wilson and my grand son Joseph John, son of my son Willis, and to their, and each of their heirs and assigns for ever and the survivors of them.
Item. And lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my trusty and well beloved friends Willie Jones, Solomon Williams, William Alston, the son of Philip. James Alston and John Jones, and my son Joseph John Alston, executors to my last will and testament hereby revoking, disannulling and making void all other will or wills or testaments by me heretofore made or published. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty.
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the Testator Joseph John Alston as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request subscribe our names as witness to the due execution of the same.

“Smith of Scotland Neck” by Claiborne Thweatt Smith, Jr M.D.

3 thoughts on “John Alston & Mary”

  1. Hello, my 5th great grandfather was Anderson Morgan, born before 1783 in Chatham co North Carolina. Died 1825 in Wilson co. He had a son named Alston Morgan 1803-1859. Also from Chatham. It has long been my hypothesis that Anderson was married to an Alston from Chatham as well. I stumbled upon information about the Alston family, and when I type the names of Kearney and Chancey into my Ancestry account I have several distant cousins who match those names as well as Alston. Do you possibly know if any of the Alston daughters married a Morgan? I would appreciate anything you can possibly share. This line of my family has been a complete brick wall for some time.
    Sincerely, Kimberly

  2. I am so happy I found this.

    I have been searching for the ancestor of my 5th great-grandfather, John Austin. He died in New Feliciana in 1833.

    His son was named Lewis Stirling Austin. I believed that he probably named his son after someone he knew, because he had done this with a few of his other sons, John Quincy Adams Austin; William Adam Austin; to name a couple.

    Upon further research into who Lewis Stirling was, I learned that his mother was Ann (Alston) Stirling. Now, John Austin fought in the War of 1812, and was a General’s Aide. Therefore, there are pieces of paper where he signed his name a few times. A couple of these show “John Austin” but a few also show “John Alston.”

    Furthermore, John Austin died by drowning in Thompson Creek, which is where the Alston family settled in Louisiana.

    Since discovering this, I decided if I was going to go this route, I needed something more definitive to back it up.

    — DNA —

    We already knew that my family had very close ties to the Palmer family, which is backed up by DNA. I also see that there was a Mary Palmer here.

    I decided to take a closer look at the name Hines/Hynes and have found proof of DNA on this line as well.

    My brother, who is a direct male descendant, has taken a Y-DNA test. We have no close matches as of yet. I also found that no Alstons have taken the test yet, so there is plenty of room for this to ring true via Y-DNA.

    I am stating all of this to say, if there is a direct male descendant Alston from this line that is willing to take a Y-DNA test, please contact me.

    I am willing to pay for this test to see whether or not my line is directly descended from this line.

    Thank you for this wonderful site.

    Courtney D Austin

  3. I am moving Elizabeth to the comment section. Seems that researchers Forrest King and Mary Terbrak have discovered the actual connection to the English Alstons published in October 2017.

    e-mails from Elizabeth Tissot
    “Dear Sally, I am descended from five of the original John Alston‚Äôs children.
    I have researched the family for over 50 years and I find that there is no proof whatsoever that the John who came to Chowan Co. NC was the John born in Femersham England.
    Groves in his Alston book surmised that he was the same.
    He is more likely to be the John who was captured in the Monmouth Rebellion and sent to Barbadoes.
    He was pardoned in along with a number of ‘good and honest men’ and most likely came to America.”
    Sally, The reference to John Alston that I mentioned is:
    Coldham, Peter Wilson. The Complete book of Emigrants 1661-1699, pp. 548, 615-616, 619
    p. 548 ’23 September 1685 Rebels convicted after Monmouth’ rebellion to be transported from Dorchester Gaol by James Kendall to Barbados .’ 9 men listed and the next paragraph reads,
    ‘And the following transported from Weymouth by the ‘Happy Return’ of Poole . Capt. Roger Wadham, to Barbados and sold there in January 1686: ‘ 91 men listed including John Alston and William Williams (Alstons married Williams) and other names appearing in the Carolinas and Virginia.
    p. 615- 616 ‚Äú3 May 1689 Petition by John Clap etc. ‘that the following persons, men of industrious and sober lives, who were sentenced to be sold as slaves to America, be allowed to return home to their families. All were taken into custody after the defeat of the Duke of Monmouth, some having take up arms against the King, others having supplied provisions to the rebels but many not having assisted at all: Judge Jefferies required all of them to plead guilty or face immediate execution and they were therefore terrified into making false confessions and accepting banishment for ten years. ’41 men listed including John Alston.
    p. 619 ‘9 January 1690 By order of the King the provision of 1686 whereby those convicted of complicity in Monmouth’ rebellion were to serve ten years in the plantations is now revoked. Pardons may be given to those who desire them. ‘ In the following pages are listed ships which brought people to Virginia and the Carolinas .
    Groves does mention this John Alston, but says it wasn’t the same John as the one who came to Carolina.
    I firmly believe that it was.
    The rebel John could have been just a young boy at the time.
    He probably would not have wanted to go back to England for political reasons and this was the same time frame as he showed up in Carolina.
    Being accused of being a rebel and sold as a slave may account for the fact that little is known about John Alston before his coming to Carolina.
    Groves gave him a family background with which I disagree and of which there is no proof.

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