Henry Jones

(possibly) ancestors

Henry Jones ca 1680 – 1739 I his parents
& Catherine Judkins – 1733/39 I her parents
& bef 1739 Martha ? I her parents
of Surry Co, VA & Northampton Co, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Henry Jones son of William Jones (will Surry Co 1714) and his wife Elizabeth (will 1723) was born ca 1680.
Henry Jones married Caterine _____ in Surry County, VA.
Catherine apparently died 1757.

Children of Henry Jones:
1. Henry Jones 1701 – 1751/52
married 4 May 1723 Sarah _____
[she prob remarried 1754]
a. Pryer Jones
b. Gray Jones
c. Sarah Jones
d. Henry Restore Jones
e. Mary Jones
f. Caterine Jones
2. daughter Jones ca 1704
married ——- Roberson
3. Francis Jones ca 1707 (in Cumberland Co, NC 1757)
4. John Jones ca 1712 (in Norfolk Co, VA 1753)
a. John Jones Jr bef 1732 –
5. James Jones ca 1715
married p Nov 1748 Frances____
6. William Jones ca 1718 maybe in Brunswick Co Va awhile
7. Phillip Jones ca 1721 maybe in Isle of Wight awhile
8. Elizabeth Jones ca 1724

C 55 Henry Jones Sen yeoman to Henry Jones Jun Nov 9 1728
200 A for “love & affection I do bear unto my son.” Part of 640 A patent 26 Feb 1711 Nov Ct 1728.

C 61 Henry Jones to Francis Jones Nov 9 1728
200 A love & affection I bear my son. land adjoining his brother Henry. Wit: Robert Jones, C Evans Nov Ct 1728.

Wills 1756 -1794 Northampton Co, NC
204 Henry (x) Jones Sr 14 Nov 1733 – Nov Ct 1757 (before J Edwards)
– son William- negro man Ben.
– son John – negro woman Beck.
– daughter Elezebeth Jones – feather bed & bolster, rugg.
– son Philip – my overseas dealings.
– son James – 240 acres where I now live.
– son John – 230 acres on north side of Roneoake River joining Beny Melton & John Burton, reserving the timber for my sons Henry, Francis, & James.
– cousin William Dens (?) – cow & calf.
– granddaughter Mary Roberson – cow & calf.
– wife Caterine – the use of certain above named legacies; rest of my personal estate during her widowhood.
– my 4 eldest sons to be trustees.
– son Henry to oversee my son Phelip until he is age 21. Other provisions.
Ex. son Henry Jones
Wit: Needham Bryan, George (x) Smith, John (x) Eless

F 106 Henry Jones to Phillip Jones Aug 20 1739
Gift 230 A Between Henry Jones son of Henry Jones Late Decd and Phillip Jones (well beloved brother.)

F 114 Henry Jones to James Jones Aug 20 1739
Gift 240 A Henry Jones son of Henry Jones late decd to my well beloved brother James Jones . . . the Manor Plantation whereon his father Last lived . . . Part of Patent to Henry Jones decd for 640 A bearing date 26th day Feb 1711/12.
Wit: Henry Horne, Evan Ragland, Phillip Jones, Feb Ct 1739/40.

Records of Estates, Bertie County, NC 1734-1788
(383) Henry Jones
Inventory Jan 28, 1740 by Henry Jones.
Inventory May 8, 1740. Account of sale Nov 11 1740.
Buyers:Francis Jones John Pope John Green Phillip Jones John Lide Robert Foster John Cotten, Sr Edward Robertson John Jones Henry Horne Augustin Moore Henry Jones Noel Giles John Evins John Gill William Pace William Jones Evin Ragland Capt William Kinchen William Moore William Denis Mrs. Martha Jones
Account current Feb 11, 1742 with Henry Jones, admr.
Money was paid to:William Smith Robert Cado Thomas Eldridge on account of Moses Bradley Francis Jones Theophilus Pugh John Pheasant Augustine Moore Eliza Marcey William Short Joseph Holmes James Kirby Jacob Porson William Dunnes John Cotten Edgecomb Claydon Phillip Jones John Fitts Samuel Buxton Jacob Ellis Andrew Moore Thomas Pickett Robert Crosson William Pace John Edwards Beribee Melton
Memorandum (undated) of items Mrs Martha Jones kept out of the estate of Henry Jones and mentioning money paid to Col Benjamin Hill on her account.

Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton Co, NC 1741-1759 –Margaret M Hofmann Deed Book I
p 8 Samuel Dalling of Portsmouth, New Hampshire in New England, marriner to Mr Henry Jones of Northampton Co 23 Feb 1741 power of attorney Wit: Phillip Jones, James Jones, John Wade Reg Northampton Co Feb Ct 1741 J Edwards C Ct

p 22 Phillip Jones of the province of NC to John Wade of Northampton Co 22 Feb 1741 21 pounds 10 shillings Va money 230 acres on the north side of Morratoke river joining Deep bottom land that was formerely William Rievers, a slash, Barrabe Melton and the river, being the land that Henry Jones, elder brother of the sd Phillip Jones gave him by deed 20 Aug 1739 all houses, orchards, gardens, clear ground etc Wit: Samuel Dalling, Henry Jones, James Jones Reg. Northampton Co May Ct 1742 J Edwards C Ct

p 133 John Woode of Northampton Co to Knowles Giles of Northampton Co 22 June 1744 10 pounds 230 acres more or less on the north side of Moratuck river, joining the north side of a deep bottom, William Reeve’s former corner, a slash, Beribby Melton and the river Wit: Phillip Jones, James Jones Reg Northampton Co Aug Ct 1744 Robert Forster C Ct

p156 John Wade of Northampton Co to John Melton of Edgecombe Co 27 Nov 1744 22 , good an lawful money of Va. 230 acres more or less on the north side of Marratock river, joining the mouth of a Deep bottom, William Reeves’ former land, Beryby Melton and the river; being land that John Leonard bought of Phillip Jones of Surrey Co Va 21 Oct 1718 all houses, or-chards, gardens etc. Wit: James Loftin, John L Loftin x his mark, Bereby Melton x his mark Reg Northampton Co Nov Ct 1744 Robert Forster C Ct

p 359 James Jones and Frances Jones of Northampton Co to Samuel Jordan of Prince George Co Va 19 Nov 1748 240 , current money of Va 240 acres more or less on the north side of the Marratoke river, joining Henry Jones and the river, part of a patent to Henry Jones decd for 640 acres 26 Feb 1711/2 and conveyed from the sd Henry to James Jones his brother 20 Aug 1739 and known as the manor plantation whereon his father last lived , all houses, orchards etc.
Wit: William Baker, Henry Jones, John Carlew
Reg Northampton Co Nov Ct 1748 J Edwards C Ct

Deed Book II
p 147 Sarah Jones widow and relict of Henry Jones decd of Northampton Co to my well beloved Henry Jones and my 5 daughters Pryer, Gray, Sarah, Caterine, and Mary Jones for love, good will and affection slaves household goods money etc to be delivered to the sd Henry at 21 years of age or day of marriage and to the sd daughters at age 18 or day of marriage Wit: R Williams, James Wallace, Phillip Corlew Reg Northampton Co Feb Ct 1754 J Edwards C Ct

p 147 John Jones Sr and John Jones Jr of Norfolk Co Va are held and firmly bound to Sarah Jones widow and relict of Henry Jones decd of Northampton Co 8 Dec 1753 in the sum of 400, good and lawful money of Va Wit: James Wallace, R Williams Reg Northampton Co Feb Ct 1754 J Edwards C Ct

p 441 Francis Jones of Cumberland Co to Robert Jones Jr of Northampton Co attorney-at-law 9 Nov 1757 250 pounds current Va money 200 acres more or less in Oconechee Neck, joining Roanoak river, the sd Robert Jones Jr, Henry Jones decd, and John Cotton the tract goven to Francis Jones by his father Henry Jones decd Wit: John Jones Jr, Davie Jones, William Davis, Reg Northampton Co Feb Ct 1758 J Edwards C Ct

p 444 John Myrick of Craven Co SC to Francis Jones of Northampton Co 10 June 1757
60 , current money of Va one negro man named Hero a tract of land on Stonehouse Creek , acres (not given) 4 cows and 3 calves one small bay horse etc.
Wit: Matt. Myrick, Owen Myrick, Reg Northampton Co Feb Ct 1758 J Edwards C Ct

Abstracts of North Carolina Wills by Bradley 1750-1755
?270 Francis Jones 14 Jan 1750 O Aug Ct 1755 (before Jos Montfort) of Edgcombe Co. “weak of body”
– Sons Nathaniel & Tingnall – land on Crabtree Creek in Johnston Co.
– Son-in-law John Cutler to run a line through my land on Crabtree Creek in Johnston Co. for land & 1 part to him & 1 part to my son John.
– Son Matthew – land on Swift Creek in Johnston Co & 5, Va.
– Son Francis – land on Jackit Swmp in Edgecombe Co at age 18.
– Wife Mary – use of where I live during her lifetime & then to my son Francis.
– Son Albridgton – 25, Va.
– Daughter Judith Wilson – negro girl Judith already given her.
– Daughter Marry Cutler – negro boy Rodger already given her.
– Daughter Lucy Jones – negro girl Homer already given her.
– Wife Mary – negro women Nan & Phillis.
– Rest of my estate to my wife & my children Nathanial, Tingnall, John, Matthew, Albridgton, Betteday, Lydia, Ridley, Jemima, & Francis Jones.
Ex: wife Mary Jones, son Nathanial Jones
Wit: Thos Wiggins, Francis Drake.

271 Henry Jones 26 Nov 1751 O Feb Ct (before J. Edwards) of North West Parish, Northampton, Co.
“Very sick and weak in Body”
– Eldest daughter Prior Jones – 70, Va at her marriage. 1 feather bed & furniture.
– Daughter Gray Jones – 20, Va at her marriage, 1 feather bed & furniture.
– Daughter Sarah Jones – 20, Va at her marriage, 1 feather bed & furniture.
– Son Henry Restore Jones – plantation where I now live & my still, only my wife to have their use during her lifetime.
– Daughter Mary Jones – 150 acres on Blew Marsh in Edgecombe Co, cattle, hogs.
– Daughter Katey Jones – remaining part of the survey called Rich Neck, hogs, cattle, at her marriage.
– Wife Sarah -remainder of my estate.
Ex. wife Sarah Jones
Wit: John Mander, John Corlew Jr, Joel Moseley

?272 Henry (x) Jones planter 11 Feb 1754 O Apr Ct 1754
(before Will Halsey) of Chowan Co.
– Daughter Mary Lovel – cow & calf.
– Daughter Jane Champion – 1 s sterling.
– Son William – 1s sterling.
– Daughter Sarah Parker – cow & calf.
– Wife Elizabeth Jones – rest of my estate.
Ex. wife Elizabeth Jones, Benjamin Parker
Wit: Henry Bonner, John Luten, Samuel Luten.

Deeds of Surry Co Va Patents
Wm Jones June 16 1714-
— 280 A on the NE side of Nottoway River, beginning at the Mouth of Jones’ Hole Swamp & being part of 600 acres granted said Jones on Oct 24, 1701.

John Jones 13 Nov, 1713 —
– 330 acres on the S side of Jones’ Hole Swamp at the going over of the gum log.

Henry Jones 13 Nov, 1713 –
– 250 acres on the S side of Nottoway River beginning on the SE side of the Flat Swamp.

Patents from the Province of North Carolina 1663-1729, Hofmann.

476 pg 170 William Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 640 acres on Morattock river in Chowan precinct joining the mouth of a spring branch and Moratuck river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

477 pg 171 Henry Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 640 acres on Morattuck river in Chowan precinct, joining the river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

478 pg 171 Phillip Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 510 acres on Morattuck river in Chowan precinct, joining Henry Jones and ye river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

Wills & Admin. Surry County, VA, Davis.
In 1713 Thomas Crews gives his son John Crews a tract of land called Gray’s (which I bought of Henry & Catherine Jones & Wm Dennis & Samuel Jenkins) – 100 acres.

Surry County, Va Court Records Book VII, Hauns. Oct 21 1713.? Henry & Katherine Jones appeared in court to acknowledge a Deed of Sale of a parcel of land to Arthur Jones.

Robert Jones Executor of the Last Will & Testament of William Jones decd. return an Invty. of the Estate of the said deced. the same in ordered to be recorded.

13 thoughts on “Henry Jones”

  1. Hello…Elaine White here, we had no idea where this lineage went back to until about 2 months ago. I think I have it right. We are located in in a small mountain in North Central Alabama. 7 generations on my moms side here.
    Elaine White
    Ruby Sneed Glass
    Clara Elizabeth Keel Sneed
    Mary Eliza Jones King Keel
    James Russell Jones, who is buried in Elmwood Cemetery Memphis, Shelby County, Tn with his father,
    Oliver Cleveland Jones, and his brother Lt. Daniel Curd Jones. They all came from James Jones, Jackson County Ga.
    James L Jones 1824-1892
    Russel(spelling on will) Taylor Jones 1745-1828
    Phillip Jones 1708-1760
    Henry Jones 1708-1760
    William Jones 1675-1739
    William Jones 1647-1712

    1. Elaine, I am a Jones descended from Eastern Carolina (Duplin), but also trace from Phillip Jones thru daughter Rebecca. Do these William Joneses of Jones Hole/Surry connect to Robert Jones of Northumberland, “Fleet’s Bay”? Where do you live? I am in Madison (Harvest) AL.

      Jackie Jones Sheldon

    2. I have 7 generations behind me along the Paint Rock River that defines the east border of Madison and Jackson Counties.
      I live in the North Bluff of Keel Mountain which is south of the town of Gurley.

      To answer you question. I think so, but can’t yet prove it.

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