Edward Cobb & Dorothy Bond

Edward Cobb ca 1664 – 1731 | his parents
and Dorothy Bond | her parents
of Isle of Wight Co, VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

This Edward Cobb was the son of Nicholas Cobb who died ca 1686 and his older brother Nicholas Jr died later in the same year leaving Edward heir to the family lands. Edward Cobb wrote his will 26 Nov 1729 and it was proved 22 March 1731.

Edward’s wife name was Dorothy. She must have been the former Mrs. Dorothy Blunt, because an inventory of William Blunt’s estate was presented by Edward Cobb, the now husband of the widow on the 9th of July 1687. Joe H Cobb

William Blunt appearances in the Isle of Wight Co records:
1683 – Joseph Bridger excepted the land which he had previously sold to Francis Hobbs, Mrs. Dorothy Bond and William Blunt from the 850 acre tract he left his son William.
1684 – William Blunt and Nicholas Cobb Sr witness the will of Dorothy Bond.
1686 – William Blunt, about 60 years of age, helped to prove Nicholas Cobb’s will.

Children of Edward Cobb
1. Edward Cobb 1689-1742
a. James Cobb ca 1712 I of W – to Pitt Co, NC
b. Edward Cobb ca 1714 – to Edgecombe Co
c. Ann Cobb 1715 –
married Thomas Summerell
to Pitt Co, NC
d. Elinor Cobb 1719 –
married McGloghan
2. *Nicholas Cobb 1690 – 1756
married Dorothy
a. Nicholas Cobb
married *Sarah Hardy
i. Nicholas Cobb III ca 1746 – ca 1800 SH Co VA
married 1788 Martha Cooper
1. Leonard Cobb ca 1781 – ca 1861 SH Co VA
married Martha Owens ca 1790 –
a. Robert Battin Cobb
b. Henry Cobb
married Anne Pope
c. Deborah Cobb
d. William Cobb
e. Samuel Cobb
married Mary Griswitt
f. Lazarus Cobb
3. Elizabeth Cobb ca 1697 –
married Robert Lawrence d 1739
4. William Cobb ca 1695 – 1768+ went to Edgecombe County
5. Susanna Cobb 1697-
married ca 1718 William Redditt d. 1739 went to Bertie Co
Will of William [X] Redditt 24 Aug 1739 – Oct Ct 1739
“being very sick and weak…” son John Redditt – plantation where he now lives, containing 200 acres in the Bertie County on the south side of Bucklesberry Swamp, “he having already received the rest of his portion.” Daughter Ann Redditt – cow and calf. Daughter Martha Redditt – cow and calf etc. Daughter Margaret Redditt – cow and calf etc. Son William Redditt – plantation where I now live, also cow, calf, etc. Son Joseph Redditt – 105 acres on both sides of Bucklesberry Swamp, heifer, also 170 acres on Buckelsberry Swamp adj Lawrence Sarrisen, etc. Daughter Mary Redditt – cow and calf to be marked with her mark. Son Joel Redditt – 150 acres on the Gum Swamp, cow and calf. Son Isaac Redditt – 150 acres adj. my son Joel, cow and calf. To Thomas Yeates – 150 acres adj. Joseph Redditt, provided the said Thomas pays a valuable consideration for the said land. Wife Susanna Redditt – all houses, stock etc. My wife may sell my 170 acres on Bare Swamp Marsh if she sees fit, and she is to pay a debt to Nathaniel Hill. EX: son John, wife Wit: George Lawrence, Robert Lawrence, Mary [x] Lawrence

a. John Redditt 1719 – 1772
[ for now we are following the chart proposed by Joe H Cobb ]
married ?Ann
i. Peter Redditt 1740 – went to Beaufort Co, NC
married Elizabeth
1. Elizabeth Redditt
married Langley Respess
2. William Redditt
ii. Josiah Redditt 1742 –
married 14 May 1767 Sarah Williams dau of Arthur
1. Theophilus Redditt
2. William Redditt went to Sumner Co, TN
3. Josiah Redditt Jr went to Sumner Co, TN
4. Sarah Redditt
married Hardy Fleetwood
5. Asa Redditt
6. Aquilla Redditt to Shelby Co, TN
7. David Redditt to Miss.
8. Cynthia M Redditt
married James V Flatt
iii. ?Constantine Redditt 1743 –
iv. ?Job Redditt 1750 –
v. Alexander Redditt 1758 – 1816 went to Beaufort Co, NC
vi. Lodowick Redditt 1760 –
vii. Lewis Redditt 1761 –
married ca 1790 Peggy Meredith dau of William Meredith d 1780
b. Ann Redditt 1721 –
?married William Bonner d 1775
c. Martha Redditt 1723 –
married Herbert Pritchard d 1797
d. Margaret Redditt 1725 –
e. William Redditt 1727 – was in Duplin Co, NC in 1752
f. Joseph Redditt 1729 – was in Duplin Co, NC in 1754
g. Mary Redditt 1731 –
?married William Sparkman
this appears to me to be an error – if Mary married a William Sparkman it was one other that Capt Wm Sparkman who married first Anna Gardner and 2nd Mary Ward daughter of Thomas Ward and wife Pheraby
h. Joel Redditt 1733 –
i. Isaac Redditt 1737 –
j. Rachel Redditt 1739 – 1807
? married 2nd Jonathan Miller
6. *Thomas Cobb ca 1698 – to Bertie Co
a. John Cobb est 1720 – 1769 Bertie Co
i. Nathan Cobb 1753 – bef 1813
married 9 Aug 1779 Winifred [Winny] Mitchell – 1830
ii. Lewis Cobb
married and had family bef 1784
b. Thomas Cobb
7. Henry Cobb ca 1700 – 1763 Bertie Co
1757 tax list Henry Cobb 4 polls total
married Mary *Hardy ca 1710 –

*Joe Cobb notes there is no direct proof of the connection; but the records indicates it

“Nicholas Cobb Descendants, Neighbors and Relatives 1613-1983” by Joe H Cobb 1983
[his widow still has his books available]
“The Cobbs of the Tidewater” by Bruce Montgomery Edwards 1976


One thought on “Edward Cobb & Dorothy Bond”

    10 Jul 1684

    [p.] 239 […]

    In the Name of God Amen I Dorothy BOND beinge Sicke and weake but in perfect
    Memory praysed [sic] be to God for it doe make this my last Will and
    Testament in forme as followeth
    I doe bequeath my Soule Unto God my Saviour in whome I doe hope for
    redemption through the Merrits of Jesus Christ whome layd downe his life
    for my Sins and Rose agane for my Justification
    And I doe bequeath my Boddy to the Earth from whence it Came to be decently
    Intered and for my Worldly goods as followeth
    Imp.r I doe give and bequeath unto my Sonne John BOND my Bed that I ly one
    with all the furniture belonginge to it and my greate Chest with drawers in
    it: and my greate brasse Ketle and two of my best pewter dishes and two
    Cowes on Called Nutte, the other Called white face and one Red heyfer of
    three yeares ould
    Second I doe give [“un” inserted] to my grand Sonn William WATSON one Mare
    filly which Came of my blacke Mare and to be recorded for him with all her
    increase both Male and female
    [page break]

    [p.] 240

    And it is my desire that after this is taken out which I have given my Son
    John BOND and my grand Sonn William WATSON that the remainder of my Estate
    be Equally divided betweene my Sonn William BOND and John BOND which is
    with in doors and with out
    and it is my desire that my grand Sonn William WATSON after my decease
    Should goe to Richard SHARP’s [“Sharps”] and to live with him Untill he be
    at age
    and if in Case the sayd SHARPE Shall dye before that tyme then to be at his
    two uncles disposeinge:
    and that the Sayd SHARPE Shall give him two yeares scholling as I hope he
    wilbe willinge,
    and I doe appoynt and ordaine my loveing Freinds Richard SHARPE and George
    BELL to See this my last Will and Testament performed to my true and honest
    intent and meaninge with out any favor or affection; to pay my Sonn John
    his legacie in the [“next” struck through; “first” inserted] place : and my
    grand Sonn his legacie in the next place : and then divide the remainder
    betwene my Two Sonns this is all I doe desire of you:
    this beinge my last Will and Testament and revokeinge all other Wills by me
    as Wittnesse my hand and Seale this tenth day of July 1684
    Witnesse the marke of Dorathy DB BOND Seale
    William W BLUNT Dorat
    Nicholas NC COBB her marke [sic]
    his marke Proved in Court held for the Isle of wight County
    octob.r the 9.th 1684
    by W.m BLUNT and Nicholas COBB to be the Will of
    M.rs Dorothy BOND and ordered to be recorded
    Test John PITT Cl Cur:

    Isle of Wight Co., VA, Record of Wills, Deeds, Etc., Vol. 2 (1661-1719),
    pp. 239-40
    The Library of Virginia, Isle of Wight Co. Microfilm Reel 23
    abstracted by Matt HARRIS [surname capitalization, line breaks & brackets mine]
    16 Jan 1669

    [p.] 63

    In the Name of God Amen, Gratious & Mercifull, I John BOND of the Isle of
    wight County in Virginia, Gent.e beinge Sick & weake in body, but of sound &
    p/fectt memorie, praise & glory be to God, doe this Sixteenth day of January
    1668 make & ordaine this my last Will, & Testament as followeth,
    First I bequeath my Soule to God, that gave it me, Stedfastly beleevinge that
    throwgh the merritts of Jesus Christ my Savio:r I shall have remission of my
    Sinns, And that I Shall rise againe att the last day, amongest the Ellectt &
    chosen of God,
    And as for my Body I bequeath, to the earth from Whence it came, wth Christian
    And what worldly Estate it hath pleased god, to bestowe upon me, my just debts
    beinge paid I give & bequeath as followeth;
    First I Give & bequeath unto my Sonne William BOND the Plantation Whereon I
    live, And all the land thereunto belonginge, includeinge all the Neckes, &
    pointes Extendinge to Edward HUICKSON’s [“huickSons”] Springe,
    Alsoe I give to my Sonne John BOND all the plantation, whereon Edward HUICKSON
    now liveth And all the land to that, or thereto belonginge, includeinge all
    the woodland Grounds on the other Side of the Swamp, Accordinge to the bill of
    Sale, the bounds expresst,
    I Give Unto my two Sonnes William & John BOND, one breedinge Mare, & her
    increase, To go equally betwixt them, And if either of my Sonnes Should dye,
    Then for the Mare & her increase to goe to the survivo:r
    And I give Unto my two Sonnes, each of them two Cowes;
    Alsoe I Give & bequeath to my Frances BOND Six: Cowes, wth their increase,
    Alsoe I give unto her the best bedd & furniture that is in my house, To be
    delivered her, att her day of Marriage,
    And halfe my howsehold Furniture besides
    Alsoe my desire is, That my Male Cattel be Sould to Satisfie my debts
    Alsoe my will & pleasure is, that my Wife, have the benefitt, of all my lands,
    dureinge her Naturall life,
    And as for the rest, of my Estate, as Catell horse, hoggs & all else, that doe
    belong Unto me, I give Unto my loveing Wife, Dorothy BOND, whome I make, &
    appoint, my whole & sole Executrix of, this my last Will & Testam:t
    And doe hereby revoake, all wills & deedes by me don,
    And doe Ratifie & establish & Confirme, this to be my last Will & Testam:t
    Whereunto I the Said John BOND the Testato:r hath hereunto Sett my hand &
    Seale, the day & yeere above Written,
    And alsoe I doe request, ordaine & apoint these my loveinge freinds as
    followeth, Cap:t Francis ENGLAND Left: Arthur SMITH & M:r Richard SHARP to be
    overseeres of this my last Will his
    John J BOND / Siggill
    [mark ‘J’ written over erased, redundant “John”]
    Signed & Sealed in y.e p’sence of us /
    John BENNETT
    Thomas IO OFFE his m’ke This Will is p/ved by the oath of W:m COOKE Jun:r
    Will’m C COOKE his m’ke/ y.t he die See & was p’sent when Majo.r BOND,
    writt what was Sett to y.e will to writeinge his
    hand writeinge, And did owne it to be his Acct &
    deed. this delilv’ed by him this 3.d day of maÿ
    And then Recorded
    P/ me Jn:o JENINGS Clr
    Thereby[?] further p/ved June 9.th 69; by the oath of Tho: OFFE in open Cort,
    that he was p’sent, when Majo.r BOND [illegible]
    And did acknowledge it to be his will
    Teste Jn:o JEN’ Clr
    [page end]

    [The clerk used a cursive letter “ý” (thorn) for “th”, in about half of the
    occurences, which here has been rendered “th” for easier readings;
    i.e., “wth” (with), not “wý”]

    Isle of Wight Co., VA, Record of Wills, Deeds, Etc., Vol. 2 (1661-1719),
    p. 63
    The Library of Virginia, Isle of Wight Co. Microfilm Reel 23
    abstracted by Matt HARRIS [surname capitalization, line breaks & brackets mine]

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