The Forster Family

Foster/Forster family
of England

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

About the surname:

“Foster is an Anglo-Saxon surname of ancient origin and noble lineage.
It is derived from the occupational source – in this case from “the forester.”
In the English Middle Ages, the forests and woods were almost always owned or controlled by the lord of the manor — but people had no reservations about sneaking in and taking firewood, game, or whatever else they might require. To keep the poaching to a minimum, the lord retained a man to watch the forest — often called a Forester, and sometimes called a Foster. The name stuck as an English Occupation surname when they became adopted.
The name was also taken from the place of residence of the family in a forest, or wild wooded country.
Foster, the spelling of this branch of the family, is a contraction of the original spelling of Forester.”

Anacher, Great Forrester of France ca 775 – 837 | his parents
Governor of Flanders [ca 800 – 837]
of Denmark and of Flanders

Anacher’s son became Count of Flanders and the Great Forrester, he was also given the title name of Baldwin. This Baldwin first took the name of Forrester, but Anacher’s other children took the name of Anacher.

About 800 A.D. the King of Denmark became oppressive, exacting high taxes from the nobles and their subjects. The Roman Empire about this time was crumbling and could not defend its provinces. The coast of Northern Europe including England and Scotland fell an easy prey to these Danish nobles.
Much of Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy were conquered by these Norsemen. One of these Danish nobles, Anacher, organized the conquered territory into a state, and called it Flanders.
‘He was the ancestor of all the Fosters that ever lived.’
Says Pierce, the noted Chicago genealogist.
Anacher procured large estates near Bruges, (Now capital of Flanders) and also near Sluys, now in Holland. He made Arras, now in France, his capital of Flanders. Charlemagne, with the assistance of Anacher and his army, became the successful defender of Christianity and the Roman Empire from the attacks of the new swarms of Norsemen, elevated Anacher to a cabinet position which Charlemagne called the Great Forester; because Anacher was to have charge of all the wild animals and government lands of France.
This was the origin of the Forrester name, which was changed later to Forester, and then to Foster.
Anacher died A.C. 837 and his son took his place. Charlemagne died in 814.
the account of the early origins of the family by W. T. Foster “The Foster Family”

another account

…”the ancient family name of the Forresters, Foresters, Forsters, etc. does indeed go back in history to the first known of all the Forresters. The earliest ever mention that I have been able to unearth of that name dates far back to the seventh century AD! A nobleman named Lyderici, the first man to bear the name ‘Buc’ was appointed as the first Royal Forester of the country of Flanders by Dagobert of Merovingia, King of Frankish Germany and Flanders, in the year 621. With this appointment went the Governorship of all Flanders with his own castle.
Lyderic was the only son of Saluart, Prince of Dijon and of Madame Engarde, daughter of Girard (or Gerald), Lord of Rouessilon. Along with his new appointment as Royal Forester of Flanders, Lyderic was granted what was probably one of the first three coats of arms ever granted. These Buc arms were blazoned as follows: Gyronny or et azure (gold and blue) of ten pieces, in the middle of an escutcheon gules. By Richilda, his wife, he had 15 children and he was the first of a dynasty of Counts who governed Flanders.
Antoine, his second son, was First Grand Forester.
Bouchard his third son was named Forester, Lord of Harlebeck. Estorede, son of the last was named Forester, Prince of Lorraine and Harlebeck. He died 792 AD.
Lyderici II, son of last was named Forester, and titled Count of Flanders and Harlebeck. He died 836 AD.
Enguerrand, son of Lyderic II, named Forester and titled Count of Flanders and Harlebeck. He built many towns and castles, and died in 852 AD. In Harlebeck.
The last of this particular dynasty was Odoacer, son of the last named. He too was named Forester, and titled Count of Flanders and Harlebec, and built the Castle of Andenaerde, the walls of Ghent and rebuilt many towns. He died in 864 AD at Harlebec.

On his death, the title of Forester and Count of Flanders then passed to Baldwin I, Bras de Fer (Arms of Iron), and his descendants who then held it for several centuries. . . .
by Gerald Foster

Baldwin I, Great Forrester, “Iron Arm” died 877 | his parents
Governor of Flanders [837 – 877]
& Princess Judith, dau of Charles, the Bald
of Flanders

Baldwin I of Flanders, the forester, called “Iron Arm” on account of his great strength, some say on account of his being constantly in armor. He married the Princess Judith, daughter of Charles, the Bald, King of Aguitania and Neustrie, or in other words the greater part of modern France. He built castles at Bruges and Ghent to defend the country against the Normans. Baldwin I died at Arras, capital of Flanders in 877 and was succeeded by his eldest son who became Baldwin II, the great Forrester.
(Note: Charles II, the Bald, King of France was son of Louis I, the Pious, King of France, who was son of Charlamagne, Emperor of the West, who was son of Pepin le Bref, King of France, who was son of Charles I, King of France.
Baldwin the first married Princess Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald, King of France, who was son of Louis the Pious, King of France, who was son of the great Charlemagne, King of France and Emperor of Rome.
In his younger days, Charlemagne was king of Franks and his father was Pepin the Short, King of Franks, and his father was Charles Martel, Duke of the Austrians, a great general who conquered Neustria and formed the French Kingdom. He was the founder of the Charlemagne line of French Kings.

Baldwin II, Great Forrester died 919 | his parents
Governor of Flanders [877 – 919]
& Princess Alfrith, dau of Alfred the Great
of Flanders

Baldwin II, of Flanders, the Forester married Princess Alfrith, the daughter of Alfred the Great [849 – 899], King of England [871-899]: she was claimed to the most perfect character in history.
Her father was the Saxon King of England who defeated the Danes, after they had overrun England. He made wars against Endes, Count of Paris, who usurped the French crown and defeated him.
Baldwin II died in 919 and was succeeded by his son Arnulf of Flanders, the Forester, who was succeeded in 988 by his son.

Arnulf died 988 | his parents
Governor of Flanders [919 -988]
of Flanders

Arnulf was Governor of Flanders, did not hold titles of Great Forrester and Baldwin. He was named for the Bishop of Metz.
Arnulf was succeeded by his son Baldwin III.

Baldwin III, Great Forrester died 1034 | his parents
Governor of Flanders [988 – 1034]
of Flanders

Baldwin III of Flanders, the Forester, called ‘of the handsome beard,’ married the daughter of Count of Luxemborg.
He was a great warrior and defended his country [1006] against the united forces of the Emperor Henry II, King Robert II of France and the Duke of Normandy.
He died in 1034 and was succeeded by his son, Baldwin IV.

Baldwin IV, called ‘LeDebonaire” | his parents
Great Forrester and Governor of Flanders [1034 – 1066]
& Princess Adela
of Flanders and England

Baldwin IV’s daughter, Matilda, married William the Conquer.

Baldwin IV, the Forester, called ‘LeDebonaire,’ married the Princess Adela, daughter of Robert, King of France, by whom he had issue.

1. Baldwin V, the Forester.
2. Robert Forester, surnamed
the frislander’, from his having conquered the principality of Frisland.
3. Matilda {Maud] married William I, surnamed the Conqueror of England, William, Duke of Normandy, was born in 1024. He was surnamed the conqueror from his triumph over Harold at Hastings, on the 14th of October 1066, and was crowned King of England by Aldred, Archbishop of York, at Westminster Abbey on the 29th day of December in the same year.
(He had ten children, including William II, King of England a daughter Gundred who married William de Warren, Earl of Surrey. d. 1085.)

Dear Sally,
I’ve read your website and its genealogy of the Forster family with great interest. I don’t doubt the validity of your hypothesis, but most sources that I’ve consulted give Richard’s father as Baldwin V (not IV), and his sister as Queen Matilda, wife of William I (the Conqueror) of Normandy and England.
He had another son, Orme le Guildon (of Darleston), some of whose sons took the name of Biddulph after the eponymous town (village) in Staffordshire, near which they lived in the 12th century.
My maternal grandmother, Dora Biddulph, was descended from him.
Jeremy Wall

Hi Sally,
I hate to disturb such a great family connection as our line has established to Baldwin V, but I have been in touch with Stewart Baldwin, a historian descended through Baldwin’s lineage.
As much as we’d all like to believe it, Baldwin V had no son named Richard.
He only had three children, two daughters and one son who succeeded him as Baldwin VI.
Research into disputed children who actually belong to another Baldwin related line do not have a Richard.

I know this leaves us somewhat in the lurch as to our Foster/Forster/Forrester beginnings, but as a family historian,
I am still trying to track down our origins.
While it is possible that a Richard Forster was knighted by William the Conqueror at age 16, he was definitely not a son of Baldwin V,
nor was he a brother to Baldwin’s daughter Matilda who married William.

Please share this information on your website if possible as we need to dispell myths. My personal thought is that perhaps Richard did come to England as a yeoman soldier or possibly a squire to one of William’s knights and was knighted for bravery after the battle of Hastings.
However, his origins are obscure.
I suspect without any evidence one way or the other that Richard might have been from one of the Germanic provinces with Forster (with an umlaut over the ‘o’) as his place of origin==e.g., probably a well-known forest.
Not many had true surnames in this time period and were known by occupational or place names.
He may even have been the son of a forester.
I even investigated the possibility that he was a bastard son of Baldwin V and no record of such a son is known.
LaRue Foster 17 Jan 2009

Sir Richard Forester /alias Forestiarius ca 1050 – | his parents
of Flanders and Scotland

Sir Richard Forester, called then by his Latinized name Forestarius with William the Conqueror, and received the honor of knighthood after the decisive battle of Hastings [14 Oct 1066], being then in his sixteenth year. He was given large land holdings in Scotland.
Sir Richard Forester was succeeded by his son Hugo.

Sir Richard Forester descendants include the Forester of Etherston and Bamborough Castles in Northumberland, and the Blake Forester of Ashfield and Knockmoy Abbey, County of Galway and Inchorey Castle, County of Clare.
The Forester of Bamborough Castle were Lords of Blanchland in Northumberland, and for several generations they were Knight Bannerets, Lords Warden of Middle Marches, High Sheriffs of Northumberland and hereditary Governors of Bamborough Castle from the reign of James 1, to that of George I.
The Forester of Etherstone – the head of this house- from whom those of Bamborough descended, won their honors on the field of battle; and their descendants, of Hunsdon, by their profound skill in legal knowledge.
(Note by H.F.S. – Sir Thomas and Sir Robert Foster of Egham were descendants of the Undsdon Foster, both chief Justices.)

Sir Hugo Foresturious died 1121 | his parents
Governor of Etherstone Castle

Was General of the English army which marched against Magnus, King of Norway, when he invaded England A.D. 1103. In the battle that ensued King Magnus was slain and his troops routed. Sir Hugo died in 1121, leaving issue.
He was succeeded by his son Regianld.

Sir Reginald Forster died 1156 | his parents
Governor of Etherstone Castle

He was knighted by King Stephen [1135 – 1154] for his valiant conduct at the battle of the “Standard, fought August 22, 1138 He died in 1156, leaving a son and successor Sir Hughe.

Sir Hughe Forster | his parents
Governor of Etherstone
and Chief of the Royal Forests of England

His coat of arms was a shield and three bugles.
He witnessed a deed in 1152 at Northumberland.
He was succeeded by his son Sir William.

Sir William Forster died 1176 | his parents
Governor of Etherstone

General who took an active part in suppressing two formidable insurrections that broke out in Wales A.D. 1163 and again in 1165.
In 1166 he took his departure for France, the people of Brittany having rebelled against their Duke Conan, but the insurrection was quelled by Henry II, with his usual propitude and afforded him a pretext for taking the government into his own hands.
Sir William was then about to return to England, but Henry became involved in hostilities with Louis VII, William remained and took part in all the engagements; but the war terminating by the peace concluded at Montmirall, Jan 6, 1169, he returned to England and died in 1176.
He was succeeded by his son Sir John.

John Thomas Foster 1577 – 1658 | his parents
& ca 1596 Margaret Servington ca 1580 – ca 1660 | her parents
of Ewell, Surrey, England

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
including info and pictures from England by Leroy Foster


John Thomas Foster was born in 1577 Hunsden, Hertfordshire, England and died ca 1658 in Egham, Surrey Co, England. Buried Egham Co Surrey, England. son of Sir Thomas Foster, Knight and Susanna Forster.

Child of John Foster and Margret Servington:
1. Margaret Foster
married Thomas Harding

Burkes General Armory
Foster, Iden, Co Sussex Fun Ent. 1639; Margaret dau. of John Foster Esq. and wife of Thomas Harding.
Arms: or on a bend engr. sable three bucks heads cabossed or.
connection based on name = Margaret

Elmont [New York] first was named Foster’s Meadow by ? brothers Christopher and Thomas Foster, who in 1647 were granted a tract of land that stretched from what is now Elmont to the South Shore.
The Fosters, who raised sheep and cattle, eventually sold off most of the land to farmers.

– – – – – – – – – – –

I’m do not think this is the link SMK

I think that John Foster and Margret Servington are probably Christopher Foster’s parents.
John Thomas Foster’s parents were Sir Thomas Foster, Knight and Susanna Forster and this was proven by the church records at Hunsdon Parish, Hertfordshire, England which I was shown this information by the Vicar of the Church of Hunsdon and his wife on April 26, 2003 with my daughter and a friend who accompanied me. e-mail from LeRoy – –

From Christopher back I have Christopher b. 1603 married to Frances Stevens. John Thomas Forster b. abt. 1578 married to Margaret Servington. Thomas Forster b. 1549 married to Isabel Brewster.
This last one would be where there is a descrepancy between what I have and what Leroy has.
So if Leroy has proof that Thomas b. 1549 married. Susan or Sussana, then I am wrong for a few generations.
I get back on track with him with Thomas b. 1417 married to Elizabeth Feathrstone. Claire

FORSTER, Cristofer Christening
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 13 Dec 1607 Recorded in: Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
Collection: All Saints
Father: William FORSTER
Source: FHL Film 1068937 Dates: 1600 – 1623

Sir Thomas Foster 1548 – 1612 | his parents
& ca 1571 Susanna Forster 1551 – ca 1637 | her parents
of Hunsdon Parish, Hertfordshire, England

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!


The Visitation of Hertfordshire 1572 and 1634 page 143

Thomas Foster married ca 1571 Susanna Forster daughter of Thomas Forster of Iden, Sussex.
Thomas Foster was born 10 August 1548 Hunsdon Parish, Hertfordshire, England. He was the son of Thomas Foster and Margaret Browning. He died 18 May 1612 in London.
Sir Thomas Foster was a Knight and was one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster in the reign of James 1st.
Sir Thomas Foster was Chief Justice of Court of Common Pleas 1604.
Granted his crest in 1604.

Susanna Forster was born in 1551 in Iden, Sussex and died ca 1637 in Whitechurch, London.
She was the heir of Thomas Forster of St. John Street, nere London, 2 son of Thomas Forster of Iden, Co Susex

Children of Thomas Foster and Susanna Forster:
1. Thomas Foster of Hunsdon
married Mary dau of William Baskervile of Warnborough Co Wilts
a. Susan Foster
b. Mary
c. Catherine
d. Thomas
e. John
f. Edward
g. Francis
h. Charles
i. Philip
j. Lucy
k. Bridget
2. Susan Foster est 1575 – 1612
married 1590 Thomas Brooke 1567 White Church Co Southampton
a. Robert Brooke – the progenitor of MD
3. Mary Foster
married William Peacock of Finchley
4. Catherine Foster est 1580 of Iden, Sussex –
married est 1596 Francis Townley 1575 – 10 Aug 1616
of Littleton Place and London
3rd son of Nicholas Townley, left heir of his great uncle Francis Vaughan, Esq.
a. Ann Townley ca 1598 –
b. Honor Townley ca 1600 –
c. Thomas Townley ca 1602 –
d. Edmund Townley ca 1604 –
e. Richard Townley ca 1606 –
f. William Townley ca 1608 –
g. Susan Townley ca 1610 –
h. Catherine Townley ca 1612 –
married 11 April 1634 John Downes his 2nd wife

18 July 2010 Hello Sally, I hope this gets to you!
Catherine Townley married John Downes,
later MP for Arundel, Sussex and
regicide, on11 April 1634.
She was his second wife.
All their children were born in Billingshurst, Sussex.
John 21 December 1638
Richard 3 October 1640
Elizabeth 12 July 1642
Rebecca 29 October 1647 *
Johanna 15 August 1649 *
* There’s some peripheral evidence that JD married for the 3rd time in
1642 to Hannah Marsh, but I’ve been unable to confirm that this is the
right John Downes.
Sussex records suggest that all the children were of
Catherine and John
So far I’ve been unsuccessful in tracking down those children – I’m
trying to establish/disprove the firm family belief that JD’s family was
the English foundation for my Irish Downes family.
Feel free to contact me any time.
Best regards
Madeleine Dickson
Les Landes
87380 Ch√¢teau-Chervix, France

i. Nicholas Townley of Littleton 1612 – 3 Jun 1687
[? has son b 1628.]
j. Francis Townley 1613 – 1683
k. Frances Townley ca 1614 –
l. Mary Townley ca 1616 –
5. George Foster d infant
6. Margaret Foster d infant
7. Martha Foster d infant
8. Sir Robert Foster 1589 – 4 Oct 1663 [Lord Chief Justice]
married Elizabeth dau of Sir Edward Burton of Bourne Co Sussex?

John Thomas Foster est 1577 –

Sir Thomas Foster, Knight’s tomb

I was also told this by the town historian who is an expert English historian in relation to the life and times of Sir Thomas Foster, Knight.
I was told he was a trusted and close friend of the Royal Family of England in the late 1500’s and early 1600’s.
They had the parish records which identified the children of Sir Thomas Foster and his wife Susan.

These pictures are of St Mary’s Parish which was the original name of the Hunsdon Parish, Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, England which is where Sir Thomas Forster, Knight is entombed inside the church.

My daughter Alicia Foster in front of the church in Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, England. The portal she is standing in front of is date before 1500 AD. This is the entry which the coffins where brought into the church. The also had a special exit door by the alter which the coffins were taken out through after the funeral service. Many people are buried under the church in sealed tombs, in the floors of the church, in the walls of the church, and even additions put on for wealthy members and their family of the church in which they were!
enterred (entombed).
They carry ancestry to a much higher level than we do in America.
I must say that the records of England have enabled Ancestry to be taken to a much deeper level..
DNA may be the only recourse of true ancestry research.

These pictures are of the tomb of Sir Thomas which Peter Carrell has been so diligently trying to find the identity of Christopher Foster’s parents by the family crests on the back of the tomb of Sir Thomas.
by LeRoy Foster

We understand that the crest on the left is that of Sir Thomas Foster
and the one at his feet on the right is that of his wife Suzanna Forster’s family

tomb of Susanna wife of Sir Thomas

f2St-Marys-Parish-Hundson-H fOriginally-St-Marys-Cathol

I was told by the Vicar at the church in Hunsden (Hunsdon) spelled many ways, that Sir Thomas moved often! around Surrey, Sussex and Hertfordshire.
This is why we will have much difficulty in determining the identity of Christopher Foster’s parents because of the many entries of different parish records for Sir Thomas and one of his son’s also name Thomas which could end up really being the parent of Christopher Foster.
As we all know, spelling of names was in the hand of the penman at the moment of entry into the journals. The Court of Common Pleas are valid records to search to at least identify who was in the area at a particular year and month.
hope you enjoy them. England is truly beautiful in the Spring (March, April and May) very very beautiful. The color of the country side with a very deep blue sky leaves a mark inside you. The road leading to Hunsden is very curvy as it was a carriage trail and it is also lined with daffodils.

Another opinion expressed:
“This connection to Sir Thomas Foster, d. 1612, buried at Hunsdon is quite
questionable considering the differences in the coats of arms attributed to the persons and the lack of evidence other than proximity.
A genealogy in COLONIAL FAMILIES, Mackenzie, George p. 239 states that that Foster family claimed descent from Christopher and also from Sir Thomas and the “Great Anacher” of Belgium.
However no sources to record are listed in either of these sources.”

e-mail by Leroy Foster to Mary:
One interest fact which I have not been able to figure out is the Foster family crest from Southampton, Suffolk, Long Island is indicative of the Irish Foster Family Crest on the Web.
I was unable to clearly find any evidence of Christopher Foster’s parents.
I visited Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, England where Judge Sir Thomas Foster, Knight is buried inside The Hunsdon Parish (formerly St Mary’s Catholic Church)
before Henry the VIII split from that church and the establishment of the Church of England.
I spoke with the Vicar there and researched the archives of the church and nowhere does it give reference to Christopher Foster.
There was a son named Thomas Foster who moved to Christchurch, Surrey, England whom may be the father but I have been leaning on the theory of the Irish connection because of the family crest in Suffolk Long Island being of Irish origin.

I know that John ffoster and Margaret Servington lived in Ewell, Surrey, England at that time. John was born in 1577 and died also in 1612 as did Sir Thomas but Sir Thomas was born in mid 1500’s.
I am leaning toward the premise that John is the father of Christopher and Sir Thomas is the grandfather of Christopher.

Francis TOWNLEY of Littleton and London (Edmund TOWNLEY, Nicholas TOWNLEY, Richard TOWNLEY, Nicholas TOWNELEY, John de TOWNELEY, Richard de TOWNELEY, John de TOWNELEY, Richard de TOWNELEY, Gilbert de la LEGH-TOWNELEY, John de la, Gilbert de la, Michael de la) was born about 1575. He died on 10 Aug 1616.

from Register of Maryland’s Heraldic Families:
“Maryland Ancestry –is traced through the Brooke family and Foster by the intermarriage of the English Ancestor, Thomas Brooke, of White Church, Eng., to Susan Foster, by whom she had Robert Brooke, the progenitor of Md.
She was a sister of Sir Thomas Foster, Chief Justice of Eng.
Her father was Sir Thomas Foster.
He came through the lineage of Wm. de Foustier who came with Wm. the Conqueror, 1066.
Sir Thomas Foster was from Normandy, but soon became Judge of Court of Common Pleas of London, 1608-12.
He m– his cousin and throught his wife, Susan Foster, combined the Arms:
as Foster of Iden. It was their dau. who m– Thomas Brooke, father of Robert.
He came to Md., 1650 as Commander of Charles Co, Md.
He arrived in great pomp.”

Thomas Foster, Gentleman 1526 – 1570 | his parents
& 1545 Margaret Browning 1528 – | her parents
of Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, England

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Thomas Foster married Margaret Browning 20 July 1545 in Hunsdon, Hertfordshire.
Margaret was daughter of Browning of Chelmsford, Essex.
Thomas Forster, Gentleman was the son of Roger Forster, 2nd son of the Thomas Forster of Etherston in the County of Northumberland, Esq.

He was yeoman of the Queen, Her Majestry’s chamber.
His will was proved at Chelmsford in Essex.

Children of Thomas Foster, Gentleman and Margaret Browning:
1. Thomas Foster of St. John’s 1548 – 1612
living 1596
married Susannah Forster – a daughter of J. Forster of St. John’s
who was 2nd son to J. Forster of Sussex, Gentleman
2. Richard Foster
3. William Foster
4. James Foster
5. Michael Foster
6. Humphrey Foster
7. Anne Foster
8. Elizabeth Foster
? 9. Mary Foster
?10. Robert Forster Foster

Hunsdon, Hertfordshire
1570 Will of Thomas Foster, yeoman of the Queen Her Majesty’s Chamber
– wife Margaret
– sons Thomas, Richard, William, James, Michael, Humfry
– daughters Anne and Elizabeth


Roger Foster 1500 – | his parents
& Joan Hursey/Hussey 1502 – | her parents
of Bamburg, Northumberland and Hunsdon, Hertfordshire

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!


Roger Foster was born in 1500 in Bamburg, Northumberland, England son of Thomas Foster and Elizabeth Fitzhugh.
Joan Hussey was born in 1502 daughter of Hussey of Sussex, of the family of Lord Sussex, who was beheaded for the Insurrection of 1537 against Henry VIII.
The Hussey family was descended from Hubert Hussey, a Norman nobleman who married Helen, daughter of Richard V, Duke of Normandy.

Roger Forster married a daughter of Hussey of Sussex and had issue:
1. John Forster
a. Roger Forster who had two daughters
2. Emilie Forster
married Dawborne, a London merchant
3. Richard Forster, Gentleman-Usher to Queen Mary
a. Edmund Forster [base]
b. William Forster [base]
4. Thomas Forster, Gentleman 1526 Hunsdon, Hertfordshire – 1571
married 20 July 1545 Margaret Browning

according to “Burke’s Landed Gentry” Vol II, Roger Forster is the ancestor of the family of Forster of Jamaica, Egham, and Kempstone, and from these the families of Foster-Barham and Foster of Brickhill House are descended.

Would you be interested in joining the project?


6 thoughts on “The Forster Family”

  1. Thanks heaps Sally. Great work. Do you want to know something funny. I have Foster on both sides (mum’s mum was a Foster at birth, different lineage though and Dad’s side) and my great Grandmother was a Forrester before she married G G-Pa. Glad I haven’t got a Habsburg jaw or ended up like Tut hahaha.

  2. Hello, Thank you for your efforts. Has anyone looked at the parish records for any
    Hursey family? I don’t think
    Joan Hussey is his wife.
    She would have been John Husseys eldest daughter,
    And she is not named in His will or at the restoration of title to his family by Queen Elizabeth I. I don’t believe
    John Hussey had a daughter named Joan.

  3. Thanks for writing this. I really feel as though I know so much more about this than I did before. Your blog really brought some things to light that I never would have thought about before reading it. You should continue this, Im sure most people would agree youve got a gift.

    1. I’m descendent of the Forsters of ( Bambourgh Castle ) family l HOPE ? In Northumberland and lived here all my live, My connection is to SIR Thomas Forster who lived in Adderstone Hall and I found his gravestone in the Graveyard at Lucker church 2 yrs ago This is 1/4 of a mile away from the Hall. There seems to be lots of Thomas’s so whitch one is this ? Any expert out there to inform me with the correct life story of this man .

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